Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Alepased S.S.NESTOR DUr Roc WlllefTabie OTote. Consommmé Potau-Feu Bream, Amiral Chicken and Ham Cutlets, Petits Pois Haunch of Mutton, Soubise Rissole Potatoes Camots, Julienne lackcock, Ecossaise Salad, Francillon Pouding d'Oreans Alumettes d'Anchois Codes Dessert 26th January, 1915
3/6 1. Battalion Sano 137b (M. S.001.) Lieut-Col. G. J. Bumage, V.D. PROGRAMME The Favourte (Carter) March - A Salors Life Deschiptive Fantasia (Cope) Including Storm and Battle effects) Siver Birds Piccolo Solo (Lethiere) a.. (Soloist--P. E. Copp) "Austral Echoes (Caroll—Ar. Copp, March aSong of Australa (Linger) 8 Austraha will be There (Skipper) In commempration of Anniversary Day, N.S.VV. Responsible Govermment Founded in 1788. granted in 1855.) GOD SAVE THE KINGI P. E. COPP, Bandmaster.
265 To HVB Sha HNVK 8380 Adlens Er Ly (all Slatian) 25 T0rt Pppeer Lomeste urtt regseh Thet Tho Mrfosmateon geven dieeg be Corseged bo all shif m wwveless touch Sa that o bovk out Tnang bre Kapt for boata ov ureckage Trom Pesim saster of Burtch. chrif Blionn reprouts Hris dag Raveng ha n hodee ohge cbaped lfe Bnosgs 5o mlante Ihr eatevard of Cdev
- OFTICERS SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION, PRANSPORT "A 38. (Vide Brigade Order No. 46) Chief Instructor - Lieut.-Col. G. J. Burnage, V.D., C.0. i3th Battalion. ---- Assistant Instructors Major. J. Adams, 14th Battalion. Major W. W. Ellis, 13th Battalion. SYLLABUS OF TRAININ. DATE Time Time 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. IUESDAY Machine Gun Tactios. Lecture - Ammunition 26-1-15. Capt. Jess. Supply in the Field. (Lieut-Col. J.P. MoGlinn) "Supplies in WEDNESDAY Lecture - FREE 27-1-15. - Major the Field" Young. rspal FREE FREE 28-1-15. TE FRIDAY Machine Gun Tactios Lecture - Usoful hints en 29-1-15. Capt. Jess. "Activo Service" - Lieut. Opl. J.P. MoGlinn. SATURDAY 30-1-15 Particulars to be supplied. - --- Lieut-Col. J. P. Moßlinn will delivor a lecture on NOTE. "Ammunition Supply in the Field" to N.C.O's of the 13th and 14th Battalions - Not under tho rank af Sorgoants. Date, Wednosday 27-1-15, Time, 3 p.m., Placc. Boat Deok.
AUS 7..D. DEATHS. (AT SEA.) TTACHNTFT. gornjorulk. (DEATH "A32") AUSTRALIAN TMPERIAL FORCE. -------------------------------------------------- ECOND AUSTRALIAN CONV OY. ------.--------------.--------- Gorvol OrP 10.12. TPANSPORT "A.38". by AT SEA, 26:1:1915. COLOTIL J.MONASH, V.D. EIOR MILITARY OFPICTR OF Hrm CorVOY. 1. - The Senior Military Officer regrete to announce the following deaths which occurred at sea, on the dates shewn !- Fransport A347. (a) No. 418, Pte. A.J. Yates, 5th Lieht Horse Regiment, enlisted ist Military District (Measles and Pneumonia). Date of death 16:1:15. Transport "A.40". 1b) No. 1211, Pte. H.G. Fobinson, 1oth Battalien, Fourth Infantry Erigade, enlisted 4th Eilitary District (measles and paeumonia). Date of Death 20:1:1915. No. 421, Pte. P.E.Carlton, 15th Battalion, (c) Fourth Infantry Brigade, enlisted lst Military District (Pneumonia), Date of death 24-1-15. 2. (a) Colonel G. de L. Fyrie,(Commanding 2nd Light ("Suevic "A25 Horse Brigade, A.I.F.) on Transport assumed command, as Senior Military Officer of the COnvoy "A34" ("Persio "A26 Detichment consisting of Transports and "A40" ("Ceramic") which left the Main Convoy at Ga.m. proceeded direct to Aden, arriving on 12th instant and I there os the afternoon of the 20th iden (b) The Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy, appointed Major T.J.Lynch, Brigade Major, 2nd Light Horse Brigade, to act as Staff Officer. (c) The Detachment rejoined the Main Convoy on arrival of the latter at Aden, on 23rd instant. Vide Convoy Order No. 10, para.1, for "MoHarry” 3. read Meharry".
8 CORRIGENDA. (CTD.) Discharges and Transfers. TRANSFERS TO ILITARY DISTPIC ALBANY. TRANSFER PERSONNIL. ECIAL TRANSFER. DISCHARGES. TAANSTTR OF SOmYEL. ADEN. ALBANY pyoore LZuuun AT - Convoy Order No. 12 (Sheet 2). 3. (b) With reference to the lists of "Discharges and Transfers" issued with Convoy Order No. 6 in connection with personnel landed from the Convoy at Albany, lists are amended as follows :- ich item:- [(c) Discharge List Sheet 1, (Dvr. P.A. MacIntosh, No. 7 Coy. A.A.S.C.) in last column, for "A.35" read "A.39". (d) Transfer List Sheet 1, items X to x inclusive. (L.cpl. Hoy, Dvrs. Walker, Pike and Stringer, No. Coy.A.A.S.C.) in last column, for "A.35" read "A.39". 4. (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 6, para 2 and accompanying Transfer List, No. 1222 L.Cpl. F.G. Hoy, No. 7 Coy. A.A.S.C. (enlisted 2nd Military District) was landed at Albany, transferred to 5th Military District on 30th ultimo, but on same date rejoined the Convoy aboard Transport "A.38". (b) L.Cpl. Hoy was transferred from "A.38" to Transport "A.39" on 13th instant. - Vide Convoy Order No. 8, para 2 (b), Privates G.A. Howes and O.F. McCarthy returned to "A.32' (Themistocles, at Aden on 23rd inst. The undermentioned discharges were approved by the 6. Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G. de L. Ryrie) at Aden on the 21st instant . No. Pte. C. Whittock, 6th L.H. Regt) Enlisted .. 326 fJ.W. Weekley, 2nd M.D. 455 M.C. Ridley, Medically . Unfit. 540 E.J. Jones, k. 559 (SyONS) G.R. Weekley, - The following transfers to the Military Hospital, Aden, for special hospital treatment, were confirmed by the Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G. de L. Ryrie) on the 21st instant :- No. 283 Pte. C.E. Cox, 5th L.H. Regt. (enlisted ist M.D.) Pneumonia. 125 . A.A. Mitchell, (enlisted 1st M.D.) Emphyema fol- lowing on measlee, 8. - (a) With regard to the landing of troops at Albany the following personnel was put ashore there without the preacribed approval of the Senior Military Officer P9sk325. 1b) FROM TPAl No. 1165, Sgt. C.H. Pugh, ist Reinforcements, 1ith Battalion. (enlisted 5th Military District.) Appendicitis. Landed 30:12:14. -0
8i ALBANY. TROOPS LANDID AT. (CTD.) COURT MARTIAL. 9. Convoy Order No. 12.(Sheet 3.) 8. (Ctd.) (c) FROM TEANSPOPT A"A. 36. ist Reinforcements 3rd L.H. Regt. Landed at Albany 28:12:14. No. 604 Pte. W.N. Laurence, refusing to be inoculated. 609 W.H. Wade, -do David Johnston, -do 612 613 H.C. Goldsworthy, -do- -do- F. Hortimer, 652 616 James Datson, refusing to be vaccinated. -do- 619 James Westbury, Frederic Patterson, 628 -do 631 R. O'Neill, -do- W.F. White, 634 -do (d) FROM TRANSPORT "A. 3 ist Reinforcemente, Field Artillery Brigade, landed at Albany, 29:12:14. Refueing to be inoculated. No.3156 Ptr. J.W. Hoad, ist Bde. 3107 L.C. Bird, . 311 A.G. Ford, W.C. Collier, 322 George Black, 312) H.G. Oliver, 3131 D.F. Regan, 3226 J. Grace 2nd Bde. 350 Percy Hunt, 3rd Bde. 337 D.W. Egan, (e) FFOM TPAFSPORT "A.39. Landed Albany 30:12:14. No.1112 Dvr. D.C. Woodward, No. 6 Coy.A.A.S.C. Not likely to become an efficient soldier. 1077 W.C. Morris, No. 6 Coy. A.A.S.C. Not likely to become an efficient soldier; also required medical treatment for venereal. 1124 J.C. Evans, Medically unfit.46(5446. 1269 M.J. Ryan, No. 7 Coy. A.S.C. Medically unfit.(Primary Syphilis). (f) FROM TPANSPORT "A.44. Landed at Albany.3):12.:4. Pte. 5. Christie, ist Mobile Section, No.3 Army Veterinary Corps, Medically Unfit. - Vide Convoy Order No.9, the Distriot Court Martial Gonvened therein is hereby dissolved. (SGD.) J.P. MC.GLLNV, Lt.-Col. Staff Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy.
Pakny o lomersalle oboe 2.0s. Onfry Ke dord Sy frut 3.por gmmfa Tennv. Lonab. den- Sand jollonnng talegran (o Cartar Somenille an. Lartig neve on arrval heginning o ighh an. art el mesnage ande. Carban m Charge. dypdnang. 3/10
Se e e i
A.S. 1320b. NAVAL SIGNAL. To Dine- 35/7.5 Bereral 8 Aag Tneg 10. 352 Jhns afndon Regnad to onm Rinafe ers ir De tnode. Becond Bevskön Korlt dacraage 15xx B.at0 and Skord and ourtl Baians to eialtod Hanon asteron of Terat Beudes Beiesedio? dodens eweil bring Thsin Berist Aucßooge dif Becy on eetten Bide o Stenat beiio ObBol behonite. Oaow oliphone fo kapdedd claad ap and as Sa Keadinn drijelo eals, käa ddomnd ors to neige ond oted em lode oeentane foepedate - Eo Barbaten od Glot 220 Wock lionofort in Reogänachla far geananLis Tegegdostoona Being atriclg obacked 800 oc 570 A /B.4 Y.-200m. 10714

Diner - Table  d'hote.
Consommé Pot-au-Feu
Bream,  Amiral
Chicken and Ham Cutlets, Petits Pois
Haunch of Mutton, Soubise
Carrots, Julienne                  Rissole Potatoes
Black-cock, Ecossaise         Salad, Francillon
Pouding d'Orleans
Allumettes d'Anchois
Dessert                      Coffee 
26th January 1915


13th (N. S.W.)    Battalion Band
Lieut.-Col. G. J. Burnage, V.D. 
March                   "The Favourite" (Carter)
Descriptive Fantasia- "A Sailor's Life" (Cope)
[Including Storm and Battle effects]
Piccolo Solo        "Silver Birds"       (Lethiere) 
(Soloist - P. E. Copp)
March -   "Austral Echoes" (Carroll—Arr. Copp)
                   a "Song of Australia    (Linger)
                   b "Australia will be There"  (Skipper)
In commemoration of Anniversary Day, N.S.W.
[Founded in 1788.     "Responsible Government"
granted in 1855.]


To AVB from HNK
8.30 a.m.
Aden to Cq (all Stations) 25th
Port officer communicates with regret that the
information given may be conveyed to all ships
in wireless touch so that a look out may be
kept for boats or wreckage. -
From Perim master of Dutch
ship Riouw reports this day having
passed 35 horse shoe shaped life
buoys 50 miles to the eastward of


(Vide Brigade Order No. 46)
Chief Instructor - Lieut.-Col. G. J. Burnage, V.D., C.0.
13th Battalion.
Assistant Instructors - Major. J. Adams, 14th Battalion.
                                        - Major W. W. Ellis, 13th Battalion.
DATE                                    Time                                 Time  
                                       3p.m. to 4p.m.           8.30p.m. to 9.30p.m.  
TUESDAY           Machine Gun Tactics       Lecture - Ammunition
26-1-15.               Capt. Jess .                          Supply in the Field
                                                                           (Lieut-Col. J.P. McGlinn) 
WEDNESDAY                    FREE                     Lecture - "Supplies in
27-1-15.                                                                the Field" - Major
 THURSDAY                         FREE                              FREE 
 FRIDAY                Machine Gun Tactics       Lecture -Useful hints in
29-1-15.                   Capt. Jess.                           "Active Service" - Lieut.
                                                                               Col. J.P. McGlinn.  
SATURDAY           Particulars to be Supplied
Lieut-Col J.P. McGlinn will deliver a lecture on
"Ammunition Supply in the Field" to N.C.O's of the
13th and 14th Battalions - Not under the rank of
Sergeants.  Date. Wednesday 27-1-15, Time, 3 p.m.,
Place. Boat Deck.              


AT SEA, 26:1:1915. 
(AT SEA.) 
1. - The Senior Military Officer regrets to announce the
following deaths which occurred at sea, on the dates
Transport "A 34".
(a)  No. 418, Pte. A.J. Yates, 5th Light Horse Regiment,
enlisted 1st Military District (Measles and
Pneumonia).  Date of death 16:1:15.
Transport "A.40".
(b)  No. 1211, Pte. H.G. Robinson, 16th Battalion,
Fourth Infantry Brigade, enlisted 4th Military
District (measles and pneumonia).  Date of
Death 20:1:1915.
(c) No. 421, Pte. P.E. Carlton, 15th Battalion,
Fourth Infantry Brigade, enlisted 1st Military
District (Pneumonia).  Date of death 24-1-15.
2. (a) Colonel G. de L. Pyrie, (Commanding 2nd Light
Horse Brigade, A.I.F.) on Transport "A 29" ("Suevic")
assumed command, as Senior Military Officer of the Convoy
Detachment consisting of Transports "A29", "A34" ("Persic")
and "A40" ("Ceramic") which left the Main Convoy at 8a.m.
on 12th instant and proceeded direct to Aden, arriving
there on the afternoon of the 20th idem
(b) The Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy,
appointed Major T.J. Lynch, Brigade Major, 2nd Light Horse
Brigade, to act as Staff Officer.
(c) The Detachment rejoined the Main Convoy on arrival
of the latter at Aden, on 23rd instant.
(DEATH "A32")
3.  - (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 10, para. 1, for "McHarry”
read Meharry".


Convoy Order No. 12 (Sheet 2).
Discharges and
3. (b)  With reference to the lists of "Discharges and
Transfers" issued with Convoy Orders No. 6 in connection
with personnel landed from Convoy at Albany, lists
are amended as follows:-
(c)  Discharge List Sheet 1,  54th item :-
(Dvr. R.A. MacIntosh, No. 7 Coy. A.A.S.C.)
in last column, for "A.35" read "A.39".
(d)  Transfer List Sheet 1, items 2 3 to 5 6 inclusive.
(L. cpl Hoy, Dvrs. Walker, Pike and Stringer, No. 7
Coy. A.A.S.C.) in last column, for  "A35" read "A.39". 
4. (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 6 para 2 and accompanying
Transfer List, No. 1222 L.Cpl. E.G. Hoy, No. 7 Coy.
A.A.S.C. (enlisted 2nd Military District) was landed at
Albany, transferred to 5th Military District on 30th
ultimo, but on same date rejoined the Convoy  aboard
Transport "A.38".
(b) Lt-Cpl. Hoy was transferred from "A.38" to
Transport "A.39". on 13th instant.
5. -  Vide Convoy Order No. 8, para 2 (b), Privates
G.A. Howes and O.F. McCarthy returned to "A.32."
(Themistocles) at Aden on 23rd inst.
6. - The undermentioned discharges were approved by the
Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G.
de L. Ryrie) at Aden on the 21st instant :-
*No.   51   Pte.  C.   Whitlock,   6th   L.H.   Regt.).  Enlisted 
*  "   326     "       J. W.  Weekley,              "              )   2nd M.D. 
   "  455      "      M.C    Ridley,                  "               )   Medically 
*  "  540      "      E.J.     Jones,                   "             )   Unfit.
*  "  559      "     G.R.    Weekley,               "              )  * (Syphilis).
7. - The following transfers to the Military Hospital,
Aden, for special hospital treatment, were confirmed
by Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel
G. de L. Ryrie) on the 21st instant:-  
No. 283   Pte.  C.E.  Cox,  5th L.H. Regt.  (enlisted 1st
"    125       "      A.A.  Mitchell      "               ( enlisted 1st
                                                                         Emphyema following on
AT -
8. - (a) with regard to the landing of troops at Albany,
the following personnel was put ashore there without the
prescribed approval of the Senior Military Officer:-
No.  1165, Sgt. C.H. Pugh, 1st Reinforcements, 11th
Battalion. (enlisted 5th Military District.)
Appendicitis.  Landed 30:12:14
(c)  FROM 


Convoy Order No. 12 (Sheet 3. )
AT. (CTD.)
8. (Ctd.) -
1st Reinforcements, 3rd  L.H. Regt.
Landed at Albany 28:12:14.
No. 604 Pte. W.N. Laurence, refusing to be
"     609    "     W.H.  Wade,                   -do-
"     612     "    David Johnston,            -do-
"     613     "     H.C.   Goldsworthy,       -do-
"     652    "      F. Mortimer,                 -do-
"     616    "       James Datson,           refusing to be
"     619    "      J ames Westbury,         -do-
"     628    "      Fredric Patterson,        -do-
"      631    "      R. O'Neill,                        -do-
"      634   "      W.F White                     -do-
1st Reinforcements, Field Artillery
Brigade, landed at Albany, 29:12:14.
Refusing to be inoculated
No. 3156      Pte. J.W. Hoad,   1st Bde.
"     3107        "      L.C.  Bird,          "
"     3115         "      A.G. Ford,         "
"      659         "      W.C. Collier,      "
"     3139        "      George Black,  "
"     3125        "      H.G.  Oliver,       "
"     3131         "      D.F. Regan,       "
"     3226       "       J. Grace,        2nd Bde.
"     3350       "       Percy Hunt,     "
"     3337       "       D.W. Egan,       "
Landed Albany 30:12:14.
No.  1112    Dvr.  D.C.  Woodward, No. 6 Coy. A.A.S.C.
                                                            Not likely to become an
                                                            efficient soldier.
"       1077     "     W.C.  Morris, No. 6 Coy. A.A.S.C.
                                                            Not likely to become an
                                                            efficient soldier: also
                                                            required medical treatment for
"        1124     "        J.C. Evans,         Medically unfit. No.6 Coy ASC.
"        1269    "       M.J. Ryan,           No. 7 Coy. A.S.C.
                                                            Medically unfit. (Primary
(f)  FROM TRANSPORT "A. 44".  Landed at Albany. 31:12:14
No.3   Pte. W. Christie, 1st Mobile Section,
Army Veterinary Corps,
Medically unfit
9.   Vide Convoy Order No.9,the District Court Martial
Convened therein is hereby dissolved.
(SGD.)  J.P. McGlinn, Lt.-Col.
Staff Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy. 


-Aden-  27/1/15
Pakny           "send following telegram to"
Comeb           Captain
Somerville     Somerville
aBaa                 a.
21051                twenty nine
Onfry               on arrival beginning
Kefg?                  __
Bowat              born
Kyfut                17th January.
Boqsi                 both
Wymfa             well
Fenuv.              message ends.
Conab.             Captain in Charge. Sydney - 


Tool reserve - now 2 waggons


A.S 1320b
TO --
DATE-- 27/1/15
TIME-- 10.35am.
This afternoon signal to form single line will
be made.  Second Division will decrease to ten
knots and Third and Fourth Divisions to eight and
form astern of First Division.
Divisional Leaders will bring their Divisions to
anchorage off the Suez on either side of First Division
as occasion permits.
Rear ships are to keep well closed up and as
the Leading vessels enter the Canal are to weigh
and stand in close to the entrance to expedite
embarkation of pilots etc.
Each transport is responsible for quarantine
regulation being strictly observed. 
Brig - Major

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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