Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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THE TOLLOWING ARRANGEETS WIIG BE HADS I. THE DISEMEARKATION OF SICK AT ALEANDRLA. Disombarkation M.O. Liout. Colonel T.B.Boach,R.A.ILC. To be found at disembarkation offico on tho Quay. S.M. O's will proparo neminal rolls in triplicate of all sick. (a) to romain in hespital at Aloxandria (b) Fit to travel by ambulance train to Cairo. All sick fit t travol with Rogiments vill do so, and will not bo includod in tho lists. The sick will be roady to land immodiatoly the ship is alongside tho Quay. Documants to bo handed to tho Disombarkation M.O. Modical History Shoot. 62 Caso Shoot Nominal rolls of sick. (3) Pay Beeks to be in possessien of patients. Equipmont and riflos to be handod in to steros. Groatceats to bo worn; Kit bags with Patients. Rations for 24 hours handed over with oach patient. Infectieus Cases will bo admitted to Quarantino Port Health Officer Alexandria will Hespital. remove same, and oarry out disinfection of bodding etc., if ne disinfoctor en board ship. Surplus drugs and dressings to bo packed and marked with Rod Cross and list of same to be handed over to Medical Officer i/o Disembarkation for storago at Alexandria. (sgd) H. N. BAGSHAWE Major, R.A.M.C. D.A.D.M.S. Cairo 23-1-15.
23 11.. LA MARSEILLAISE. Come children of the native land, Allons enfanti de la Patrie, The day of glory has arrived! Le jour de gloire et arrivé! Against us is tyranny, Contre nous de la tyrannie, The blood stained banner is lifted. L'etandard sanglant est levé. (443 Hear you in these countries Entendex-vous dans ces campagnes Roar those savage soldiers. Mugir ces feroces soldats. hey come right into our arms, Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras, And slay our sons and companions. Egorger nos fils et nos compagnes. To arms, patriots! Aux armes, citoyens! Form your battalions, Frâmex vos bataillons, March, march, Marchons, marchons With this impure blood Qu'un sang impur Muench the thirst of our furrows. Abreuve nos sillons. Notre pere xx qui êtes aux cieux, que Votre nom soit sanctifiè que Votre¬ règne, arrive, que Võtre volonte soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel, donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien, pardonnez-nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons a-ceux qui nous onnt offensés, ne nous induisez pas dans la tentation et delivrez-nous du mal, ainsi soit-il. (The Lord's Prayer.) ---------
S.S."Ulysses? 2 ........ 23 115 SOUs Eum WHE CHAIRMAN and COMMITTEE request the pleasure ne o Cologef. Torask.x) 69 Company at a CO CER s TobeHeld in the DRAVVING- ROOM On SATURDAY, 23rd January, at 8.30 p.m. sharp. 88 ROGRAMME o) BTH AND IITH BATTALLIONS ('Unity is Stength Chairman-Col. J. Monash, V. D. Cummittee— Lieut. Saler, Lieut. Smith, Lieut. Fuhrmann and Lieut. Crabbe Accompanists-Lieuts. Richardson and Salier. Leader of the Orchestra-" Herr Maxie Barton
ASketchin Sharpsand Flats. Mr. Hanlin Capt. Hutton Song. ... Song " Marsellaise" Capt. Brache Capt. Gillison ) Recitation (Selected) Shakesperian" Recitation Capt. Loughran Song "Come, Sing to Me' Lt. Fuhrmann "Father OFlynn' Song Mr. Hanlin Lt. Salier Musical Monologue Cornet Solo „Because' Song Lt. Smith Capt. Durrant 'My Old Shako Song Lt. Crabbe Recitation- "Little German Band". C. P. Smith Recitation Kipling" Capt. Jess "The Lost Chord" Lt Thompson Song GOD SAVE THE KINGI Lie Boats at 1030 pm. [P.T.O.
8 --- Australia will be There!
Cot e s for the Ceneral Offieer tooaadings Coaferoace en sturdsy, 23re .anuary, 1913. Venereal questios. Ihese rno hrond oud of.:.g lnl-.10 sahi tact t. mmi. er er er Frieen Preseuce of young efficere is Streete frequented by men where there are brotuels. Do all (f'icere taxe a perconel istereet is the welfare of their sen, especially as regerde their ratioas and the zanner in chich it is cocked; their dress, and their kite? kxaople to other ranke. 3rd para of preíace te 2né lot of eotee fros the Front. All Uffieers' tosinese to ceck faulte tod zbweos. a icers n i itios of te Divieion. Are Mit Inspectione hele srequeatly? Are shortages sade geoc? Lenf to te warned that at any mowent they may be called ce to precced to tiaat, and theretore speclel care to be taken to preveat loseee, botu in clothing, necessaries ane cqwipoest. are the men ettending to their feet, their wocke, and breating is their nee boote? Are the mew waseing well and keeping cleas; fram a receat report froa tee -ctention Farrsoke, such would not eppear to be the caee. Mee esch nan got on hin doe, a ldentity lise und a Jiret siels Dreesieg? that stepe are leing taden to provide an "Asergeney' or "Iron' Sation? Are vater bottles kent clean? tern the mes eaminet bad water, esnecially enen out es the Canal. Are the Dattaliene and Legieeate practieing ihe eupply of Ammuni. tion in the lield They should be suprlied wita Lsnanition bage er preferatly Annki crill mancition enndoliere. Iney cnoule be mase by lecal teiiere. Arebyenete r nowetetlon 6. sern zll ranse sreinet atescisting eith civiliane aud setivee.
2. Thie ie geing ca to a great extest. Spiee abeund. 17. All ranke to sesist in precerving the cable and telephese linee inteet. 15. Officers on the costisest se net room siele bervice negulatiose It il cufficiently. Heuce they are are of the cerrect way obtaining full value from the syotom of mmistenonce which is the test is the corld. If the coa ge bungry es are is cant of equip ment er steree is most caces it wiil be the feal o the senies officere in sot heving read theis Jiold Serviee Negeletione it i1, which tells you how to ettsis everything, and scel with any ednin¬ istretive difficulty. 19. Are your let Line Jrassport and Train in vorkiag orcest 20. Jield tockere and especially the uteneile belongieg thereto net to be need till ercered. 21. Le the ne every hear Ordere reud: It weuld oftes sppear that erdere never filter does to the Rank and lile. 22. le every Officer ia poccescion of a revolver ane 3ó rounes of sorrect cervice amsunition; so flat nocee bullets kks II1, IV. or Vare allowed. Mae every officer and senier à. C. Officer had a chence of resciag 23- the various Setes and lamohlete from the Frost? (s. ihe question of digging is of suprome importenos, and an aceitional supply of large entrenching tools per regisent is nooeesery, beyond chet the Leck of Regulatione allec. lest Meginente tnose that dig best when tired. 25. hoe chould the Oflicere be ereseed and equippec in war? 26. You will only be allowed to take the exset ameent of begkase and tranoport allowed in Aeauletione; do not begia te collect too such in this Ccmp, at it sill nave to be loft behisd. 27. Second Leinforcemente errive in a fee daye time. Arrival of Australian Brigade" and pitching of their Campe and horselise., aleo hespitality of regimeat to regiscat. leetiag of traine. provision of meale, ae., cc. Same apulies to our oca reisforcemeats. kande at Station.
de Tesensd Mard)5 Attachet are thr oujinads of Ihr tre Aimnal seounges, bent and meaniet Tordag eleen se aud (ol. Bouler o the Hart Senlank devann g Ihrr Bonsbing, ufon tr Jranono Ihr zeganft og Hr neue, by inttt. Ehfüct wwrelevo, g thr pastieipatin g Ir baltkeshif. bers laaland m thrr vietzrons den frlet ostrat brakk polasai the vortr ar - Skose neonges wolt Ka geuterdang: am indeiine suttreat, tnich he wortt Kiefuing Thag urllgd egfast, dutg målle Shert apfenranar m thrr bogns asteche.
AS. 13206. NAVAL SIGNAL. Faog- hs Cormad Tnns- 2 13/ Jlag Willochra ore Hree deven (Stop) The oldas rstrohan bonvoy Cngratulot 9 hen genland upon Ce partripchon Ato gegt battlestip i 7 Zesterdasd Jurclasoful engagamest en Norch bacs monnt att 45 at h 8 59 eresnrst
Le As sad NAVAL SIGNAL. FROM- To - O.C. Austalian Tran- 8 15 Bmn. 7. 2. Bir Brsohé ch 18 7 Søøses onveip llantes 25 0.0 Australan ofd for kio Kartp Lolaatakone17 o nt oet Tiy Gleat Horveo endered bif he Aastaliaos Kagep ans io Boutdern - Oragat

Disembarkation M.O.  Lieut. Colonel T.B. Boach, R.A.M.C. 
To be found at disembarkation office on the Quay. 
S.M.O's will prepare nominal rolls in triplicate of 
all sick. 
(a) to remain in hospital at Alexandria 
(b) Fit to travel by ambulance train to Cairo. 
All sick fit to travel with Regiments will do 
so and will not be included in the lists. 
The sick will be ready to land immediately the ship 
is alongside the Quay. 
Documents to be handed to the Disembarkation M.O. 
(1) Medical History Sheet. 
(2) Case Sheet 
(3) Nominal rolls of sick. 
Pay Books to be in possession of patients. 
Equipment and rifles to be handed in to stores. 
Greatcoats to be worn; Kit bags with Patients. 
Rations for 24 hours handed over with each patient. 
Infectious Cases will be admitted to Quarantine 
Hospital.    Port Health Officer Alexandria will 
remove same, and carry out disinfection of bedding 
etc., if no disinfecter on board ship. 
Surplus drugs and dressings to be packed and marked 
with Red Cross and list of same to be handed over to 
Medical Officer i/c Disembarkation for storage at 
(sgd) H. N. BAGSHAWE 
Major, R.A.M.C. 



Allons enfants de la Patrie,                      
Le jour de gloire et arrivé!                         
Contre nous de la tyrannie,                      
L'étandard sanglant est levé. (Bis)         
Entendez-vous dans ces campagnes  
Mugir ces feroces soldats.                         
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras,          
Egorger nos fils et nos compagnes.   

Aux armes, citoyens!                                    
Formex vos bataillons,                            
Marchons, marchons,                     
Qu'un sang impur xxxxxxx                      
Abreuve nos sillons. 
Come children of the native land,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us is tyranny,
The blood stained banner is lifted.
Hear you in these countries             
Roar those savage soldiers.
They come right into our arms, 
And slay our sons and companions.

To arms, patriots!
Form your battalions,
March, march,
With this impure blood
Quench the thirst of our furrows. 

Notre père xx qui êtes aux cieux, que Votre nom soit sanctifié que Votre 
règne, arrive, que Votre volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au-ciel, 
donnez-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien, pardonnez-nous nos  
offenses comme nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés, ne nous 
induisez pas dans la tentation et delivrez-nous du mal, ainsi soit-il. 
(The Lord's Prayer. )


The Blue Funnel Line           
S.S. "Ulysses." 
THE CHAIRMAN and COMMITTEE request the pleasure 
of Colonel. Monash. V.D 
Company at a 
To be Held in the 
On SATURDAY, 23rd January, at 8.30p.m. sharp. 
("Unity is Strength") 
Chairman- Col. J. Monash, V.D. 
Committee- Lieut. Salier, Lieut. Smith, Lieut. Fuhrmann 
and Lieut. Crabbe 
Accompanists- Lieuts. Richardson and Salier. 
Leader of the Orchestra- "Herr Maxie Barton"


A Sketch in Sharps and Flats ... Mr. Hanlin 
Song   "Marsellaise"  Capt. Brache 
Recitation   "Shakesperian"  Capt. Loughran 
Song   "Father O'Flynn"  Mr. Hanlin 
Cornet Solo   "Because"  Capt. Durrant 
Song   "My Old Shako"  Lt. Crabbe 
Recitation   "Kipling"   Capt. Jess
Song  ...   ...   ...  Capt. Hutton 
Recitation     (Selected)     Capt. Gillison 
Song "Come, Sing to Me"  Lt. Fuhrmann 
Musical Monologue  ...   ...   Lt. Salier 
Song   ...        ...              ...        Lt. Smith 
Recitation- "Little German Band" ... C. P. Smith 
Song      "The Lost Chord"   Lt. Thompson 
→Life Boats at 10.30 p.m.←        [P.T.O.


Australia will be There!


Notes for the General Officer Commanding's Conference 
on Saturday, 23rd January, 1915.

1. Venereal question.
Those who break out of field ambulance will be sent back to unit's 
lines to be dealt with. 
Presence of young officers in streets frequented by men where there 
are brothels. 
2.  Do all officers take a personal interest in the welfare of their 
men, especially as regards their rations and the manner in which 
it is cooked; their dress, and their kits? 
Example to other ranks. 
3rd para of preface to 2nd lot of notes from the Front. 
All officers' business to check faults and abuses. 
All officers to understand the organization and composition of the 
3.  Are Kit Inspections held frequently? 
4.  Are shortages made good? 
5.  Ment to be warned that any moment they may be called on to 
proceed to fight, and therefore special care to be taken to prevent 
losses, both in clothing, necessaries and equipment. 
6.  Are the men attending to their feet, their socks, and breaking in 
their new boots? 
7.  Are the men washing well and keeping clean; from a recent report 
from the Detention Barracks, such would not appear to be the case. 
8.  Has each man got on him now, an Identity Disc and a First Field Dressing? 
9.  What steps are being taken to provide an "Emergency" or "Iron" 
0.  Are water bottles kept clean? 
1.  Warn the men against bad water, especially when out on the Canal. 
2.  Are the Battalions and Regiments practising the supply of Ammunition  
in the field? 
3.  They should be supplied with Ammunition bags or preferably Khaki 
drill Ammunition bandoliers. They should be made by local tailors. 
4.  Are bayonets sharp? 
5.  Do not waste ammunition. 
6.  Warn all ranks against associating with civilians and natives.


This is going on to a great extent.  Spies abound
17.  All ranks to assist in preserving the cable and telephone lines 
18.  Officers on the Continent do not read Field Service Regulations 
Pt 11 sufficiently. Hence they are unaware of the correct way of 
obtaining full value from the system of maintenance which is the 
best in the world.  If the men go hungry or are in want of equipment  
or stores in most cases it will be the fault of the senior 
officers in not having read their Field Service Regulations Pt 11, 
which tells you how to obtain everything, and deal with any 
administrative difficulty. 
19.  Are your 1st Line Transport and Train in working order? 
20.  Field Cookers and especially the utensils belonging thereto not to 
be used till ordered. 
21.  Do the men every hear Orders read? It would often appear that 
orders never filter down to the Rank and File. 
22.  Is every Officer in possession of a revolver and 36 rounds of 
correct service ammunition; no flat nosed bullets like III, IV, or 
V are allowed. 
23.  Has every Officer and senior N. C. Officer had a chance of reading 
the various Notes and Pamphlets from the Front? 
24.  The question of digging is of supreme importance, and an additional 
supply of large entrenching tools per regiment is necessary, beyond 
what the Book of Regulations allow. 
Best Regiments those that dig best when tired. 
25.  How should the Officers be dressed and equipped in War? 
26.  You will only be allowed to take the exact amount of baggage and 
transport allowed in Regulations; do not begin to collect too 
much in this Camp, as it will have to be left behind. 
27. Second Reinforcements arrive in a few days time. 
Arrival of Australian Brigades and pitching of their Camps and 
horselines, also hospitality of regiment to regiment. Meeting of 
trains, provision of means, &c., &c. 
Same applies to our own reinforcements. 
Bands at station.


received March 2/15
Attached are the originals of the two 
signal messages, sent and received today 
between me and Col. Bowler of the New 
Zealand division of this Convoy, upon the 
occasion of the receipt of the news, by 
intercepted wireless, of the participation of the 
battleship 'New Zealand' in the victorious 
sea fight which took place in the North Sea 
yesterday.-  These messages will have  
an historic interest, & will be worth keeping. 
They will, I expect, duly make their 
appearance in the 'Argus' articles. - 


A.S. 1320b. 
FROM- Flag    TO- NZ Commandant     DATE- 26-1-15  
                                         Willochra               TIME- 2 15pm 
M One three seven. (stop) The Soldiers 
of Australian Convoy congratulate  
New Zealand upon the participation 
of its gift battleship in 
yesterday's successful engagement
in North Sea. Monash. 
[[so]] Convoy 
NZ Convoy 
B. & Y.-200M-10/14.


A.S. 1320b. 
FROM- N.Z. Div.    TO- O.C. Australian     DATE- 26-1-15  
                                          Troops                   TIME- 3.15pm  
                                                                          3 25pm 
N.Z Troops convey thanks to O.C. 
Australian troops for his hearty 
felicitations. NZ does not forget 
the great services rendered by the 
Australian Navy in the Southern 
Brig. Major 
B. & Y.-200M-10/14. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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