Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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toduse. Transport "A38", ADEM 23rd January, 1915. Secretary for Defence Defence Headquartere MELBOURNF. KERORI OY SMIIOR MILIDNI OTTICEA, SECOxD AUSTRALLAN COWvOY. cyunns in Avm. . In continuation of my despatch dated Colembo, 13th instant, I have to report further regarding the stay of the Convoy at Colombo and the voyage thence to Aden!- (a) The Convey arrived at Colombe en the 13th instant, the ceveral transporte entering the harbeur at the times set egainst them as follows :- 430e 7-30 a.m. p.m. 7-304.m. With Submarine 'Ak2" in tow. .e.m. 7-32 4.m. (b) At 10-15 a.m. the Ceneral Officer Commanding, Ceylen, Brigadier-General Malsolm, and Staff paid me an efficiel call on the Flagship. I discussed with him the arrangements for landing certain cases of illnese. (c) At lla.m., sccompanied by the Prineipal Transport Officer and my staff Captain, I procceded ashore, returned the call of the G.O.C. and called en Hie Excellency the Governer, Sir George Chalmers. His Exeellency returned dar anl..1..ndv. Tevtres th. Ttrene . .
Oorome (Castd.! the customary Cuerå of Honor. Ne made a minute inspection of the Flagship after which he proceeded on board the Flag- chip of the New Zealand or xxx Convos ("Villechr."). (d) SLLOR XEICAL OFTICER OF TE CONY. Lieut.-Colonel Beesten, V.D., Commanding Feurth Field Ambulance, was transferred from the 'Ajana" to the "Ulysses" in accordanes with the errangements previously made by me and referred to in paragraph 23 of my despatch of 13th instant. While at Colombe I was able to utilise Colonel Beeston's services to very great Advantage, both in regard to the arrangements for the reception of the sick at Colombe and also in determining the necessity er otherwise for landing cases for treatment at Colombo. (d) PFCEIPT Ov MAILS. The P. 4 0. Company's steamer "Mor.a" errived from Australis during the efternoon of the 13th with mails for the Convoy. These mails were sorted en boerd the Flagehip and have eince been distributed to the various transporte. (f) EECYIPf OY CABLES. Copies of offieial cables from Defenee Headquartere, Melbeurne, were reecived threugh the Deputy Chief Censer, Colembe, and were duly attended to (vide appendioee A",p",c and "De). (d) prsPArcH OY OFYICIAL CAELY. An effieialcables handed by me to the Naval Intelligenee Officer, Colombe, on the leth instant for transmission to the Sceretary for Defenee, Melbourne, replying to the cables above referred te, also reporting the cccurrence of deathe, and giving
AUS cotoxso (Contd.) other partieulare of the voyage Albany to Colombe; a copy of this cable vas attached to my despatch of the 13th instant, and a second copy is now attached (vide appen¬ diz 'r). () LLES OY MAIR STNART. Major J.N.7.Stewart, ecd seetion, Fourth Field Ambulance, (whose serieus ill- ness was referred to in paragraph 14 of my last despatch) was landed at Colombe en the 13th instant from Transport eAjle ('Ajana"), and, in accordance with arrangements made by the S eniez Medical Officer of the Convoy, was admitted to the Ceneral Hospital. The G.O.C. Colombo was duly advised, and, in reply to a question asked by him as to how Major Stewart was to be disposed of on recovery, I replied that I would be glad if en recovery errangements for his returning to Australie could be facilitated. Complete copy of all pepers in connection with Major Stewart's illness has been ferwarded to the Adjutant General, Melbourne, the O.i.C. Base Recorde, and Comman- dant of the 5th Militery Distriet. I am ploased to report thet Majer Stewart's condition on being admitted to the Ceneral Mospital, Colombe, indicated satisfactory progrese. (i) Lieut. Byce of 7th Light Horse, reported to be cuffering from appendieitis, Ne.1201, Private C.A.Nowes, and No.1160, Private O.F.MoCarthy, (both of 'De Co., lat Reinforcemente, Fourth Battelion, lst Infantry Brigade) reported as probably requiring eperations for hernis, were transferred to '438" priox to leaving Colombo, the former from "A33' on 15th instant, and the twe latter from "432" on leth instent (vide Convoy Order No. 8, In view of Military Board para. 2b, copy ettached). that Orders of 17-12-14 diresting cases for operation are to
7 coLoxso (Contd.) - be sent en board "Ulysses", arrangements were made while et Colombo to transfer one Sergeant and twe Privetes from Transport "433" to Transport "438" as trained Hospital Orderlies. (3) Arrangements were also made to transfer two Hospitel Orderlies from "A3l" to "Aj6e (vide Convoy Order Ne. 6, para. 2e, cery ettsched). (4) DrATHS OV TRANSPORT :432". The fellewing deathe cccurred en Transport "432" ('Themistecles") on the 1eth instest chile at Colombe :- (1) Ne.1149, Privete C.D. Jachne, Reinforeemente, 10th Battalion, (Pneumonis) - Enlisted Fourth Military District. (vide Appendix "F"). (ii) Ne.1201, Private John Meintyre, Reinforeomente, llth Battelion, (Pneumonis and Tubereulosis) Enlisted Fifth Military Distriet.(vide Appendix (1) The burials tock place at sca on the same date and the deathe were duly reported by cable to Headquarters, Melbeurne. () IRaNFyER or elck ocotoo At 9-30e.m. on 14ch instast the follewing details were landed et Colombe for hospitel trestment :- (1) Ne.1213, Privete H.C. Holmstrom, lst Rein- forcemente, 12th Bettalion, Transport "432 (Enlieted Sixth Military Distriet/ Tuberculosis. (i1) Ne. 1216, Driver F.Gittine, 7th A.S.C., Transport (Enlieted Second Military Distriet) Syphilie. (iii!Ne. 1004, Driver F. Cowle, 6th A.S.C., Transport (Enlieted Sceond Military Distriet) 439 syphiiie. (n) I went ashore with the abeve detaile, and the arrange- ments for their reception were most complete, in addition to which cach men was provided with the neeessary decuments, )
AUS egummsen, (Gestel! -3- and my approval cevering his transfer to Colombe for hospital trestment and subsequent disposal by C.O.C. A copy of the Convoy Order covering the transfer hee beea posted to the Adjutant Ceneral and O.i.C. Base Reeorde, Nelbourae, and also to the Commandant of the Distriet in which these men were enlisted. (e) DYPARTUEY FROM COLCMBO HALBOUR. The transporte of the Convey left Colombe Harbour for the euter anchorage on the leth instant in the follewing order !- 11-154.m. 12 noon. 12-10p.m. 1-30p.m. 1-357.m. 1-40p.m. 3 P.m. 3-10p.m. 6 p.m. 6-30p.m. Tlagenip) 7-20p.m. (Three transporte comprising the Nes Zealand Convoy 12-25 p.m.). Submarine "Ak2" left the herbeur at daybreak on the 15th instant for the outer anchorage. (x) rroors Asnore ppyr rost instant native rewing boats came out from the shere in lerge numbers and surrounded the transports.- Befere proper weasures coulå be concerted to obtein patrol beete, men to the number of about 200 sueceeded in leaving come of the transports by ropes and through portholes and preceeding to shore without leave. Preventive measures were speedily concerted and an officer's Cuard was sent ashore te assist the military poliee in cellecting these mea. This was suecess¬ fully cccemplished with the exception of approximetely 20 men cho succeeded in seattering threugheut the native quarters and eluding arrest up to the time the Cente, seiled.
AUS cotoxso (Contd.) Unxykom 4. 2. (c) The C.O.C. Colombe having meanwhile signalled a request that the town be cleared of troepe as soon as pessible, I went ashore with my Staff Officer (Lieut.- Colonel Moclina) at 1 p.m. on the leth and personally zave directions in the matter. Arrangements were made with che Prineipal Transport Offieer fer tug-boate to bring the men cellected under guard at the pier to the Flagahip ef the Convey, then the last ship remeining at the inner anchorage where thay were held in eustedy on the night 14/13 January, ani carly en the morning of the 15th the veather being favourable they were dis- tributed to their several ships, to be dealt with by their Unit Commanders. Altheugh the ineident is much regretted I am pleased to state that the tetal number of men who vent ashore in this unautherised manner represented only ltf of the tetal nuaber ef troope in the Coavoy (inclusive ef Nes Z-land quotas) ani consisted in groster part of Reinforeements. (x) I have dealt with ether aspect of this matter in a ceparate report to the Sceretary for Defenee, a oepy of which is attached herete (vide appendix "H"). (a) The Convoy sailed from the outer enchorase, Colombe, at 9-254.m. on the 15th instant and moved in three divisione, the formation being - "Villochra" ulysses" rnemistsols-" eVerdela" eVestelia" "Borda 'Ajene 'Kt. of Garter" A42e 2 sNyrshirs" "Fort Meequari.". the "Berrima" moving independently with Submarine "AE2" in tew. (x) Cape Comorin Light, South Coast of Iadie, was bicked us at Sw.-. (.sen!
pimmi. pnnryy anirs. TAIEI OY e pour tus axx osguusinjus. 3. - I regret te report the fellewing deeths which occurred et soa on Transport "A32" ("Themistocles") on dates sheon !- (a) No. 1159, Pte. Charles Hawthorn Scott MoHerry lst Refte., 11th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade, on 1öth instant (Pneumonia) - Enliete fifth (Vide Appendix Military Dietriet. No.1121, Private J.P.Byrt, let Refte., 10th ) Bettalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade, on 20th instant (Meaeles and Broncho Fneumonia) - Enligted Fourth (Vide Appendix Military District. (c) Ne.1ld, Fte. Devid Henry Kevin, Refte., 3rd Battalion, on 22nd instant (Measles and Fneumonis) Enlieted Sccond Militery Distriet. (vide Appendix "J!") The abeve deceased were buried with Militery Honers at 6-24 s.m., 3p.m. and 11 a.m. on the 18th, 20th and 22nd instant respectively, the fleet stepping in cach case for a few minutes while the burial procceded. . The Convoy still continues to move after dark with all .. mein-deck, troop-deck and oabin lichts either extinguished or masked as referred to in paragraph 13 of my desratch of the 13th instant. $. . The eperations of the Schoel of Instruetion referred te in paragraph 20 of my despetch of l3th instant, and the training of the troope continues to be carried out on Trans- port '438" with good resulte. . Astion has been takon te re-organise the Fourth Infentry 6. Brigade on the basis of Four-Company Battalion Orgenisation in scoerdance with the Infantry Training 1914, end inasmuch as the Australien Establishments in force up to tho time of ccbarkation do not previde for this (Four-Company) erganis- etion, I have based same upon the Imperial War Establish- mente 1914, a copy of which was obtained from the G.O.C. Ceylon at Colombo.
3 pruus nysgnakyn as alsakl. nnnrs zgujz- pühr usss -8 7. (a) In my despatch of the 13th instant reference was made (vide paragraph 6) to the diffieulties experieneed chilst at Albany in securing compliance with Militery Board Ordere ee regarde procedure to be adopted en the occasion of men discherged, or landing at Albany for hospital treatsent. (x) As numerous instances ocourred of men being discharged er transferred te Albeny without referenee beving been made to me, o's C. Troope on the various Transports of the Convoy were instrueted te furnish liste giving the names of every Officer and man put ashere at Albany. The infermation has been furnished in several cases and copies of the papers in connection therewith ere being posted from thie port to the Adjutant Ceneral, O.i.C. Base Recorde, and (where the Dietriet of enlistment is ascertsinable) to the Comman- dant of the Distriet concerned. Copies of these pepers are also being posted te the Commandant of the 3th Military Distriet for his infermetion. Although in several cases O.C. Troope on Transporte have advieed that all documents and discharge forms were sent ashore at Albany with the men, I considered it desirable to prosccute further enquiries in view ef the impertance of knowing exaetly what became of the men, fer pay and record purpeses. - On arrival at Colombe the Master of Transport "A36¬ reported thet the Officer Commanding the Troope chowed lack of experience and strength of cheracter, and requested the services of a morc cualified Officer. This request was supported by the Friscipal Transport Officer.- Time did not permit of any enquiry inte
- the merite of this requisition, and I wae cempelled to act upon it without further enquiry. I therefore transferred Cartain Lew from "Ajé' te Consor duty on "438"; end transferred Captain N. Nerton-Ruscell from 438" to take ovex the duties ef O.C. Troope on 436". Copies of the papere herein are annexed (appendix "x"). ta) Cenerally speaking the heelth of the troope is excell- 9. yuun ox xndrs. ent. (x) There are, howeves, two rather serious eases of cuppesed appendieitis en board "A37" and errangemente have been made te transfer them to the Flegship at the carliest Poesible morent for operation should such a ..... ccurse be decmed necessary by the Sonior Medical Officer Transfer effee- ted 22-1-15, and of the Convoy. men operated on came date. (c) Arrangemats have also been made to transfer Lieut.- Colonel Zeen (A.M.G.) from the "Borda" to the "Themistocle for the purpose of assieting the Medioel Officer on board Frantlex eifssted 22-1-13. the latter transporte, the O.C.Troops "Themistecles" having asked for ascietenee in viev of the number of oces ef illnese on his ship. As"tentative measure pending the transfer of Lieut.- Colonel Bean I have erranged for the Thip's Surgeon on the "Themistocles" to assist the Military Medioal Officer. parmn cxs.1Sinoe date of ny last despasch the voether hae fine and not any rain has fallen. (2) Jong dmark Celsnel. enier Military Officer Second Australian Convoy.
5 - Arnzmnrers.- ea' . Copy cable frem Neadquarters, Melbourne, enquiring re health ef Major Stewart, Fourth Field Ambulanee. en" e Cory cable from Koadquarters, Kelbourne, notifying Transports 'Atl" end "44)" resumed voyage from Albeny on 3rd and eth January respoctively. ec' e Copy cable from Heedzuarters, Melbeurne, re arranging sub- edvance of 2270 to Majer Jehneton, Transport 'A37. ene e Con ceble from Headquarters, Melbourse, re nominal rell and alletment forw, Colonel Zmoriege. ex" e Cepy of cable despetched to Scoretery ef Defenee, Melbourne, 14-1-15. ey* e Copy of reporte received re death of Privete C. D. Jaehne. ec* . Joln MeIntyre. en" e Copy ef special report re troops echore at Celembe without permissicn. ere e Cony of reporte reccived re death of Private C.N.S.Moßarry. eye . J. P. Dyrt. .si* . . . D. N. Kevin. ex" e Cory of papere re tranefer of Captein H.C. de Low from Trans- port 'A36' to Transport "A33”. et* e Copies of Convey Orders Nos. 8 to 11 inolusive. exe . Les Record.

Transport "A38",
ADEN ,23rd January, 1915. 
Secretary for Defence,
Defence Headquarters
M E L B O U R N E . 

1. - In continuation of my despatch dated Colombo, 13th
instant, I have to report further regarding the stay of
the Convoy at Colombo and the voyage thence to Aden:- 
(a) The Convoy arrived at Colombo en the 13th instant, the
several transports entering the harbour at the times set
against them as follows :-
"A30" 7-30 a.m.
"A31" " 
"A32" " 
"A33" 5 p.m. 
"A35" 7-30a.m. With Submarine "AE2" in tow.
"A36" "
"A37" 9 a.m. 
"A38" 7-30 a.m. 
"A39" " 
"A40" " 
"A44" "
(b) At 10-15 a.m. the General Officer Commanding, Ceylon,
Brigadier-General Malcolm,and Staff paid me an official call
on the Flagship. I discussed with him the arrangements
for landing certain cases of illness. 
(c) At 11a.m., accompanied by the Principal Transport
Officer and my Staff Captain, I proceeded ashore, returned
the call of the G.O.C. and called on His Excellency the
Governor, Sir George Chalmers. His Excellency returned
the call at 4p.m. and was received on the Flagship with


COLOMBO (Contd.)
the customary Guard of Honor. He made a minute inspection
of the Flagship after which he proceeded on board the Flag-
ship of the New Zealand of the New Zealand Convoy
Beesten, V.D., Commanding Fourth Field Ambulance, was
transferred from the "Ajana" to the "Ulysses" in accordance
with the arrangements previously made by me and referred to
in paragraph 23 of my despatch of 13th instant.
While at Colombo I was able to utilise Colonel
Beeston's services to very great Advantage, both in regard
to the arrangements for the reception of the sick at Colombo
and also in determining the necessity or otherwise for
landing cases for treatment at Colombo. 
(e) RECEIPT OF MAILS. The P. & O. Company's steamer
"Morea" arrived from Australia during the afternoon of the
13th with mails for the Convoy. These mails were sorted
on board the Flagship and have since been distributed to
the various transports. 
(f) RECEIPT OF CABLES. Copies of official cables from
Defence Headquarters, Melbourne, were received through the
Deputy Chief Censor, Colombo, and were duly attended to
(vide appendices "A", "B", "C", and "D"). 
(g) DESPATCH OF OFFICIAL CABLE. An official cable was
handed by me to the Naval Intelligence Officer, Colombo,
on the 14th instant for transmission to the Secretary for
Defence, Melbourne, replying to the cables above referred
to, also reporting the occurrence of deaths, and giving


COLOMBO (Contd.)
other particulars of the voyage Albany to Colombo; a copy
of this cable was attached to my dispatch of the 13th
instant, and a second copy is now attached (vide appendix 

"C" section, Fourth Field Ambulance, (whose serious illness 
was referred to in paragraph 14 of my last despatch)
was landed at Colombo on the 13th instant from Transport
"A31" ('Ajana"), and, in accordance with arrangements made
by the S enior Medical Officer of the Convoy, was admitted
to the General Hospital. The G.O.C. Colombo was duly
advised, and, in reply to a question asked by him as to
how Major Stewart was to be disposed of on recovery, I
replied that I would be glad if on recovery arrangements
for his returning to Australia could be facilitated.
Complete copy of all papers in connection with Major
Stewart's illness has been forwarded to the Adjutant
General, Melbourne, the O.i.C. Base Records, and Commandant 
of the 5th Military District. I am pleased to
report that Major Stewart's condition on being admitted
to the General Hospital, Colombo, indicated satisfactory
(i) Lieut. Byce of 7th Light Horse, reported to be
suffering from appendicitis, No.1201, Private G.A.Howes,
and No.1160, Private O.F.McCarthy, (both of "D" Co., 1st
Reinforcements, Fourth Battalion, 1st Infantry Brigade)
reported as probably requiring operations for hernia,
were transferred to "A38" prior to leaving Colombo, the
former from "A33" on 15th instant, and the two latter
from "A32" on 14th instant (vide Convoy Order No. 8,
para. 2b, copy attached). In view of Military Board
Orders of 17-12-14 directing that cases for operation are to


COLOMBO (Contd.)
be sent en board "Ulysses", arrangements were made while
at Colombo to transfer one Sergeant and two Privates from
Transport "A33" to Transport "A38" as trained Hospital
(j) Arrangemen ts were also made to transfer two Hospital
Orderlies from "A31" to "A36" (vide Convoy Order No. 8,
para. 2c, copy attached). 
(k) DEATHS ON TRANSPORT "A32". The following deaths
occurred on Transport "A32" ('Themistocles") on the 14th
instant while at Colombo :-
(i) No.1149, Private C.D.Jaehne, Reinforcements,
10th Battalion, (Pneumonia) - Enlisted Fourth
Military District. (vide Appendix "F").
(ii) No.1201, Private John McIntyre, Reinforcements,
11th Battalion, (Pneumonia and Tuberculosis) - 
Enlisted Fifth Military District. (vide Appendix "G"). 
(l) The burials took place at sea on the same date and
the deaths were duly reported by cable to Headquarters,
(m) TRANSFER OF SICK TO COLOMBO. At 9-30a.m. on 14th
instant the following details were landed at Colombo for
hospital treatment :-
(i) No.1213, Private H.C. Holmstrom, 1st Reinforcements,
12th Battalion, Transport "A32",
(Enlisted Sixth Military District) Tuberculosis.
(ii) No. 1216, Driver F.Gittins, 7th A.S.C., Transport
"A39", (Enlisted Second Military District)
(iii)No. 1004, Driver F. Cowle, 6th A.S.C., Transport
"A39", (Enlisted Second Military District)
(n) I went ashore with the above details, and the arrangements 
for their reception were most complete, in addition
to which each man was provided with the necessary documents,


COLOMBO, (Contd.)
and my approval covering his transfer to Colombo for
hospital treatment and subsequent disposal by G.O.C.
A copy of the Convoy Order covering the transfer has
been posted to the Adjutant General and O.i.C. Base
Records, Melbourne, and also to the Commandant of the
District in which these men were enlisted. 
of the Convoy left Colombo Harbour for the outer anchorage
on the 14th instant in the following order :-
"A32" 11-15a.m.
"A44" 12 noon.
"A30" 12-10p.m.
"A37" 1-30p.m.
"A42" 1-35p.m.
"A33" 1-40p.m.
"A35" 5 p.m.
"A31" 5-10p.m.
"A39" 6 p.m.
"A36" 6-30p.m.
"A38" (Flagship) 7-20p.m.
(Three transports comprising the New Zealand Convoy -
12-25 p.m.).
Submarine "AE2" left the harbour at daybreak on the 15th
instant for the outer anchorage. 
instant native rowing boats came out from the shore in
large numbers and surrounded the transports.- Before
proper measures could be concerted to obtain patrol
boats, men to the number of about 200 succeeded in
leaving some of the transports by ropes and through
portholes and proceeding to shore without leave.
Preventive measures were speedily concerted and an
Officer's Guard was sent ashore to assist the military
police in collecting these men. This was successfully 
accomplished with the exception of approximately
20 men who succeeded in scattering throughout the
native quarters and eluding arrest up to the time the
Convoy sailed.



COLOMBO (Contd.)
(q) The C.O.C. Colombo having meanwhile signalled a
request that the town be cleared of troops as soon as
possible, I went ashore with my Staff Officer (Lieut.-Colonel
McGlinn) at 1 p.m. on the 14th and personally
gave directions in the matter. Arrangements were made
with the Principal Transport Officer for tug-boats to
bring the men collected under guard at the pier to the
Flagship of the Convoy, then the last ship remaining at
the inner anchorage where they were held in custody on
the night 14/15 January, and early on the morning of
the 15th the weather being favourable they were distributed
to their several ships, to be dealt with by
their Unit Commanders.
Although the incident is much regretted I am
pleased to state that the total number of men who went
ashore in this unauthorized manner represented only 1½%
of the total number of troops in the Convoy (inclusive
of New Zealand quotas) and consisted in greater part of
(r) I have dealt with other aspect of this matter in a
separate report to the Secretary for Defence, a copy of
which is attached hereto (vide appendix "H"). 
2. (a) The Convoy sailed from the outer anchorage, Colombo,
at 9-25a.m. on the 15th instant and moved in three
divisions, the formation being -
"Willochra" "Ulysses" "Themistocles" 
"Verdala" "Vestalia" "Borda"
"Kt. of Garter" "A37" "Ajana" 
"A36" "A42" 
"Ayrshire" "Port Macquarie" 
the "Berrima" moving independently with Submarine "AE2"
in tow. 
(b) Cape Comorin Light, South Coast of India, was
picked up at 8p.m. (15th).


DEATHS 3. - I regret to report the following deaths which occurred
at sea on Transport "A32" ("Themistocles") on dates shown :-
(a) No. 1159, Pte. Charles Hawthorn Scott McHarry
1st Refts., 11th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade,
on 18th instant (Pneumonia) - Enlisted Fifth
Military District. (Vide Appendix "I"). 
(b) No.1121, Private J.P.Byrt, 1st Refts., 10th
Battalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade, on 20th instant
(Measles and Broncho Pneumonia) - Enlisted Fourth
Military District. (Vide Appendix "J"). 
(c) No.1141, Pte. David Henry Kevin, Refts., 3rd
Battalion, on 22nd instant (Measles and Pneumonia)
Enlisted Second Military District. (vide Appendix "Ji"). 
The above deceased were buried with Military Honors at
6-24 a.m., 3p.m. and 11 a.m. on the 18th, 20th and 22nd
instant respectively, the fleet stopping in each case for
a few minutes while the burial proceeded. 
DARKENED SHIPS 4. - The Convoy still continues to move after dark with all
main-deck, troop-deck and cabin lights either extinguished
or masked as referred to in paragraph 13 of my despatch of 
the 13th instant. 
TRAINING OF TROOPS 5. - The operations of the School of Instruction referred to
in paragraph 20 of my despatch of 13th instant, and the
training of the troops continues to be carried out on Transport
"A38" with good results. 
6. - Action has been taken to reorganise the Fourth Infantry
Brigade on the basis of Four-Company Battalion Organisation
in accordance with the Infantry Training 1914, and inasmuch
as the Australian Establishments in force up to the time of
embarkation do not provide for this (Four-Company) organisation
I have based same upon the Imperial War Establishments
1914, a copy of which was obtained from the G.O.C.
Ceylon at Colombo.


7. (a) In my despatch of the 13th instant reference
was made (vide paragraph 6) to the difficulties
experienced whilst at Albany in securing compliance
with Military Board Orders as regards procedure to
be adopted en the occasion of men discharged, or
landing at Albany for hospital treatment. 
(b) As numerous instances occurred of men being
discharged or transferred to Albany without reference
having been made to me, O's C. Troops on the various
Transports of the Convoy were instructed to furnish
lists giving the names of every Officer and man put
ashore at Albany. The information has been furnished
in several cases and copies of the papers in connection
therewith are being posted from this port to the
Adjutant General, O.i.C. Base Records, and (where the
District of enlistment is ascertainable) to the Commandant
of the District concerned. Copies of these
papers are also being posted to the Commandant of the
5th Military District for his information. Although
in several cases O.C. Troops on Transports have advised
that all documents and discharge forms were sent ashore
at Albany with the men, I considered it desirable to
prosecute further enquiries in view of the importance
of knowing exactly what became of the men, for pay and
record purposes. 
8. - On arrival at Colombo the Master of Transport "A36"
reported that the Officer Commanding the Troops showed
lack of experience and strength of character, and
requested the services of a more qualified Officer.
This request was supported by the Principal Transport
Officer. - Time did not permit of any enquiry into


the merits of this requisition, and I was compelled to
act upon it without further enquiry. I therefore
transferred Captain Low from "A36" to Censor duty
on "A38"; and transferred Captain H. Norton-Russell from
"A38" to take over the duties of O.C. Troops on "A36".
Copies of the papers herein are annexed (appendix "K"). 
9. (a) Generally speaking the health of the troops is excellent
(b) There are, however, two rather serious cases of
supposed appendicitis on board "A37" and arrangements
have been made to transfer them to the Flagship at the
earliest possible moment for operation should such a
course be deemed necessary by the Senior Medical Officer
of the Convoy. 
Note:- Transfer effected 22-1-15, and men operated on same date. 
(c) Arrangements have also been made to transfer Lieut.-
Colonel Bean (A.M.G.) from the "Borda" to the "Themistocles"
for the purpose of assisting the Medical Officer on board
the latter transport, the O.C.Troops "Themistocles"
having asked for assistance in view of the number of cases
of illness on his ship. 
Transfer effected 22-1-15
As a tentative measure pending the transfer of Lieut.-
Colonel Bean I have arranged for the Ship's Surgeon on the
"Themistocles" to assist the Military Medical Officer. 
10. - Since date of my last despatch the weather has been 
fine and not any rain has fallen.
John Monash Colonel
Senior Military Officer
Second Australian Convoy.


"A" = Copy cable from Headquarters, Melbourne, enquiring re health 
of Major Stewart, Fourth Field Ambulance. 
"B" = Copy cable from Headquarters, Melbourne, notifying Transports
"A41" and "A43" resumed voyage from Albany on 3rd and
4th January respectively 
"C" = Copy cable from Headquarters, Melbourne, re arranging
sub-advance of ₤270 to Major Johnston, Transport "A37".
"D" = Copy cable from Headquarters, Melbourne, re nominal roll and 
allotment form, Colonel Tubridge.
"E" = Copy of cable despatched to Secretary of Defence, Melbourne,
"F" = Copy of reports received re death of Private C. D. Jaehne. 
"G" = " " " " " " " " John McIntyre. 
"H" = Copy of special report re troops ashore at Colombo without 
"I" = Copy of reports received re death of Private C.H.S.McHarry. 
"J" = " " " " " " " " J. P. Byrt. 
"Ji" " " " " " " " " D. H. Kevin. 
"K" = Copy of papers re transfer of Captain H.C. de Low from Transport "A36" to Transport "A38". 
"L" = Copies of Convey Orders Nos. 8 to 11 inclusive. 
"M" = Log Record.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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