Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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rpunpyove sajjt 10. At 2p.m. on lst instent, Traneport "Ajl (Ajana") sone corwr. from Fremmatle jeined Che Coavoy. pyern on 11. (a) Early on the morning of the lst instant, a sigal vorr e.3p". message was reecived from Transport "Ajoe (berda") to the effeet thet No. 481, Private Beajamin Villies Aercxn, of the 2nd Ligcht Narse Field Ambulanee, had died at 5 e'elock that morning from typheid fever. At lla.m. the transporte of the Convoy stopped egines and all troope stood at ettention while the bedy was committed te the deep¬ (x) The late Private Aereman's addrece was reeorded as "Nowmurket Road, Vallston, Brisbane' and intimation of hie death was conveyed by the Prineipal Transport Offieer in e radieetelegraph sessage to the Navy Offiee, Melbeurne, on 3rd instent. EZALLROY COFTACTE. 12. A.19. 30p.m. em let instnd,.radietl received from Fremantle stating that three of the erec on Transpert 'Ato' cere to be regarded as centaets in conaco¬ tien with a smallpox eutbreck thet had eccurred on the 2 "Runie". In consequence ef this newe, errangements were nade to væocinate the chele of the treops and erew. tetalling 2900, on Transport 'Ado"; this work was ordered te be specially expedited and completion cee reported on the 5th instant. DAREDEED ETIFS. On and efter Zad instant the Convoy meved after 13. derk with all mmin-dech, troop-deck and eebis lights either estinguished er musked, and this procedure still obteine. 14. On the afternoon of the 3rd instant, a signal was U received from Traneport 'Ajle ('Ajana") to the effect that Ma jor Stewart of the Fourth Field Ambulence was suffering frea typheid fever and was serieusly ill, and on the
ILUFEES OY LIEU ENAFTS FEARCE AND VeJUsON, TaAEs- POFT £429" fellewing day the eignal was repeated with a recuest for the servicee of a female nurse. As there are not any nursee evailable in the Convoy, I signalled Lieut.-Celonel Beeeten, the tenier Medical Offieer of the Convey, who was on beard the "Berrima", and asked for his epinien. Colonel Beesten replied that he had siven eertain instruetions and weuld eigral agsin met moraing. Barly on che 3ch Celenel Beeeton sutmitted that he should ge aboard the "Ajana", and on y approving of this course, the Principal Transport Officer arranged fer the tranefer of Celonel Beeston, which vae safely effeeted at scon. On the follewing day Colonel Beeston eisnalled that Major Stewart's condition remsined unchanged, and that he would require to be invalided at Celombe; errangesents hav beea mede cccerdingly. 13. (a) On the afternooa of the 7th instant a sgnel Freindfrom "229. (Auevie) reperting Lieutenaat Pearee of the 6th Light Norse Rogiment extremely ill, and asking that a Medical Offieer be sent aboard for consultetive parpocee. Owing to the latenese of the hour, O.C.Troope e429" vas instrueted to confer with the ship's Surgeon and t rsport Mater. Oa the fellowing day Lient. Poro.'s cendition had elightly impreved, but late os the afternoon of the 9th he was reported to be extresely ill wich scute Ihrumeties, chile s Lieut. Fergusen, whon I cannot trace in offieere' liet, wee reperted te be euffering fres pleurisy with effusion. (b) During the forenoen of the llth a signal was received from "429" stating it was imperative that Lisut. Peeree, Liest. Forguson and Treeper Aitken (the latte euffering from delusional insanity) should be landed at Celembe. Having in vies paragraph 21 of the Military Boaz.'. Orders of 17-12-14 (a copy of chich is in poss- eweion ef the O.C.Treope '429") I eacaired on whet greunds
ater MEDIC. ECUIPCET. UNLIVERY OY ORDTRS ETC. MID-OCPAM. Sa. the applicetion wes mede te land these petiente et Colembe, and I drreeted thet particulare should be furnished in cuch ouce. Ne reply was received from 0.C. Troops '429" up te the time thet she left the mmin Convoy en the l2th instant. 16. (a) At 12-30p.m. cs the Cth instent a signal was received from Traneport "A3y" ("Fort Macquarie") that a silver cathetex was required fer use in a "cece of life and death". I caused amessage to be transmitted te the O.C. Troope "A39' asking whether he had ezsmined hie medical panniere, ani if net, to brosk the scals of cans and report. At 5p.m. on the same date (8th) I reoeived a reply as fellows !- "Wo we have not any on boare; we have no nedioal panniers er equipments on board." while still later es the same date on enquixy es to the eenditien of the ratieaterreiha i had temperarily improved, that the urine had been drawn eff eith a rubber catheter and that they vould try and senage to Colembo. (b) Icould direct spocial ettention to the repoxt of 0.C. Troope "439" ia connection with thie incident to the offect that no medical penniere er equipment were on boari this ship. 1. On Ohe efterneos of the 8t inctene, isviof the then prejeoted detachment of transporte '429", eAjee end 'Atoe, of the main Convoy, arrangemente were made to deliver erders, meile, ete., from the Flagehip to these transporte and vice versa, and for this purpose boats vere lowered from 'Alg" and 'Ato" at ep.m.; the coa wee exccptionally cals and the beats were returned to their respeetive davits 45 minutes frea the time of launching.
11. The veather generally has been fine threughout LATREn cOxnITIoss. 18. the verage altheugh rether hot within the tropioal sone. Light rain, the first experienced, fell at 9p.m. es the eth instant but lasted only for an hour or two; steedy rain fell carly en the morning of Saturdey the 9th item and continued at intervals throughout the forenoon. Late on Seturday efterneen, 10th instet,asighel mArn r 19. TALAND TFAKSFORT. was reecived from Colenel Bowler, Senier Militery Offieer of the New Zealand Convey, to the offeet that Treoper Canpbell had died an the "Verdala" from pneu¬ monis during the afternoon. The burial tock plece at 6 e'clock et night, the fleet stopping for e foe minutes for this purpose. With a viev te isproving the offieieney of the eCHOOL OF INGTRUC- 20. TION - OFFICERE. offieers on beeri Trensperte '438d and 'Atoe, preperly erganieed Schoele of Instructios heve been establiched under the Fresideney of Lieut.-Colonel Lurnege and liest.-Celonel Fope respectively. Se far ae the Fiege chip ie concerned the instruction has been preductive of very ceod resulte; es part of the Syllabus of Instructien, evening leetures and discuseione heve been held, and I as pleaced to report that the keenest intereet hes beea menifested which eannet but heve s very benefieial result. se far as the space evailable would permit, the TEALNIN ov rnoors. 21. training of the troepe has been systomstically carried out with good resulte. I have endeavoured as far ac peceible to obtein NORDTE LOTT. 22. from the verious Transporte returns shewing the number ef horses lest since date of leaving cirst rort of ombarkation, and I append the figures in respeet of 1005
AU SOR! DICAL 23. OvZICER. DFrACuEET or 24. couvox. cunporuury. 23. sstre 26. rroors. infermation received under thie heading !- Transpofi Haraas toni. "A27 ("Zuevio" "Borde' Ajana Lmastodlos (Ne horees shipped). "Ayrahir." erereie (Peturn not reeeived). ee VPerrlag (No hersee shipped). -252 a te .Ulyszoe.) "25 Pt.Macctarie" eAto" (ersmie" (No horses shipped). al (Wet at present with Convoy). eaa: 'Ad (Net at present with Convey). "At4" ("Vestalia") Total As I have feund nyeelf frequently confronted with questions submitted frem a number of the Transporte involving the need for professional advice of a responcible Medionl Officer, I heve erranged that, on arrivel at Colombo, Lieut.-Colonel Beeeton, Feurth Field Ambulance, will transfer from the "Ajana" te the Magship for the remminder of the voyage. Wpon the detachment of Transporte "429, eA3te and 144o', referred to in para. 1 (b) heroef, I promul- satei orders to Colonel Ryrie, Senior Militery Officer with the detechaen, to essume responeible duty es such, as regarde the exccution of the orderseof the Militery Deard end ry ceveral Convoy Orders. Ihe ordere regarding Censorehip are embodied in wy Convoy Order No. 1. Captein Jese, staff Captain, Feurth Infentry Brigade, was appeinted Censor, and other Offieere were sppeinted to aot as Aseistant Consere under hie orders. Up to date, upwerde of 100,000 lettere have been dealt with. Conerally spoaking the health of the Troope has bee excellent. On errival et port of final dieembarkation
-1) fuller pertioulers under this heading vill be furniched. 27 Z0bntnoneste Celonel Senier Militery offieer Secend Australian Coavey. sstuppunsz!. à copy of Convey Orders Noe. 1 to 7 inelueive. i copy of Memerandum of 29-12-14 to Commandent, th Military Dietziet. 2 cheete Flagehip Leg Recerde. 1 copy cablegram sent ashore at Colombo for transmission prior to posting report.
ipzrxnxx Transport "438" King George's Found, 12 neon, 29-12-14. Courandori 5th Militery Distriet. Reguested Umt yeu vill be se kind ae ie represent te Kilitalx Headquarters by telegrapb en ny behalf a preeis ef fellewing !- 1. In view of Transpoxt "el" heing detainei at Alaey, owing to Lunker Fire, this Bzigade and atteched Units will eve from thie rert with the fellowing deficiensies, viz: 4 Officers 68 etheze 288 rieing asi draught horese. Abeve defieiencies sill render the Erigede entirely immobile on landisg et destinetien. Aeguccted thet allpessible stepe be taken to 3. either (a) expedite transport of eoe pils Albary by 'Adl" fire estinguishe other awane, er (b) errange fer above defisienciee to be stde çeed et port of destination - so far as .oeerne the hetees, and for peraonnol to fellod at flret opperronity. I recosheni that the persennel be left at Albeny tize teing in cherge ef the horees. (Signed) Joln Wonsch, Colonel Comnanding Fourth Isfantzy Brignde,A.I.7.
AU" Bripnling dennd Opalovlen Hvens die Rebert Chalneto. A.Bc Cpt Nagert
7 13/1.5 LIST oF- BOKs. CFFICERS MESS 13th BATTALICN. A. I. F. 1. Aiming and Firing, The Art of Instruction in (2 Copies) 2. DRILL MADE EASY (Battalion, Company, Ceremonial, Savage Warfare) Cards 2 Sets. 1 Copy. 3. DONT The Young Officers 4 Copies. 4. DUFFERS DRIFT The Defence of do. 5. ExIENDED ORDER DRILL AND THE COMPANY IN BATTE 6. FRANCO PRUSSIAN WAR , Story of (Brunker Part i copy Part 1 Copy. do. do. £ Copy. FRE ERICKSBURG, The Campaign of 2 Copies. GREEN CURVE The 2 Copies. GUARD AND SEMTRY DUTIES 10. 2 Copies. NINS TO YOUNG OFFICERS 1i. Hrme Atskrray GtUkor Mäbs EäSI 2 Copies. 19. LANDSCAPE SXErCHINe, Hints On 1 Copyd 13. EACNETIC COKPASS AND HOv TO USE IT 2 Copies. 14. a Copy. NICHT OPEMATIONS FOR INFANTRY 15. NIGHT OPERATIONS MADE EASY RAPID ol jopy. 16. I Copy. NAPOLEONS WAR MAKIMS 17. 2 Copies. PROTECTION AND OUTPOSTS 10. 1 Copy. SCIENCE OF WAR (Henderson) 19. I Copy. TRAINING OF TEERITORIAL INFANTRY 20. i Copy. TACTICS- NOTES OF EVOLUTION OF INFANTRY 221. do. INTRODUCTION TO HISTCRY OF a Copy. 22. 2 Copies. 23. TACTICAL PROBLEMS, SOLUTION OF 1 Copy. TACTICS, ENGINEEHI NG AND FIELD SKETCHING 24. e otetadalarns svavsrene. 2- FOR LOAN OF BOOKS APPLY TO LIEUT. BINNIE OR LIEUT. BARTON (Cabin 57) Hours, 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. and C.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m.
TRANSFORT eA38" "ULrssrs" ---L00 RECCRDs. srsro Noon obeervatione. Distanee Piehirsg Date run Remarks. Letitude Longitude Course (Miles). Albany itbeurn ------------- 914. Deer. 22nd ... ... ... 1349 Left Melbourne Town Pier, Fort Melbourr) 7-24p.m.; ancheron off Gellibrand Li 8-l0p.m. 3rd 38-553. 143-383. Various 191 1248 101 Weighed enchor 3-54.m Passed Heade 6-20a.m. eth 38-75. 137-212. Nölw. 300 948 4ol 15tn 37-138. 131-422. N794. 274 674 675 16th 36-128. 126-132. N777. 271 ao3 946 7th 33-295. 120-472. Nö1w. 267 136 1213 8th ... ... 142 . 1333 Arrived King George's Sound 4-454.m. Total 1355 milee. Steaming time 5 daye 3 hre. 14 mts. Average speed i1 miles per hour. 9th ... . ... ... ... ... ... King Ceorge's Sound. oth ... ... ... ... ... Kins George's Sound. e

10.    At 2p.m. on 1st instant, Transport "A31" ("Ajana")  
from Fremantle joined the Convoy. 
11.(a)    Early on the morning of the 1st instant, a signal  
message was received from Transport "A30" ("BOTda") to the  
effect that No. 481, Private Benjamin William Acreman,  
of the 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance, had died at 5  
o'clock that morning from typhoid fever.   At 11a.m. the  
transports of the Convoy stopped engines and all troops 
stood at attention while the body was committed to the deep.  
(b)    The late Private Acreman's address was recorded  
as  "Newmarket Road, Wallston, Brisbane" and intimation of  
his death was conveyed by the Principal Transport Officer  
in a radio-telegraph message to the Navy Office, Melbourne, 
on 3rd instant. 
12.    At 10-30p.m. on 1st instant, a radio-telegram was  
received from Fremantle stating that three of the crew on  
Transport "A40" were to be regarded as contacts in connection  
with a smallpox outbreak that had occurred on the 
"Runic".  In consequence of this news, arrangements were  
made to vaccinate the whole of the troops and crew,  
totalling 2900, on Transport "A40";  this work was ordered 
to be specially expedited and completion was reported on  
the 5th instant. 
13.    On and after 2nd instant the Convoy moved after  
dark with all main-deck, troop-deck and cabin lights either 
extinguished or masked, and this procedure still obtains. 
14.    On the afternoon of the 3rd instant, a signal was  
received from Transport "A31" ("Ajana") to the effect that  
Major Stewart of the Fourth Field Ambulance was suffering  
from typhoid fever and was seriously ill, and   on the


following day the signal was repeated with a request for  
the services of a female nurse. As there are not any  
nurses available in the Convoy, I signalled Lieut.-Colonel  
Beeston, the Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy, who was  
on board the "Berrima", and asked for his opinion.  Colonel 
Beeston replied that he had given certain instructions and  
would signal again next morning.  Early on the 5th Colonel  
Beeston submitted that he should go aboard the "Ajana", and  
on my approving of this course, the Principal Transport  
Officer arranged for the transfer of Colonel Beeston, which  
was safely effected at noon.  On the following day Colonel 
Beeston signalled that Major Stewart's condition remained 
unchanged, and that he would require to be invalided at  
Colombo;  arrangements have been made accordingly. 
15. (a)    On the afternoon of the 7th instant a signal was  
received from "A29 ("Suevic") reporting Lieutenant Pearce  
of the 6th Light Horse Regiment extremely ill, and asking 
that a Medical Officer be sent aboard for consultative  
purposes. Owing to the lateness of the hour, O.C.Troops  
"A29" was instructed to confer with the ship's Surgeon and  
to report later. On the following day Lieut. Pearce's  
condition had slightly improved, but late on the afternoon  
of the 9th he was reported to be extremely ill with acute  
rheumatism, while a Lieut. Ferguson, whom I cannot trace 
in Officers' list, was reported to be suffering from 
pleurisy with effusion. 
(b)    During the forenoon of the 11th a signal was 
received from "A29" stating it was imperative that Lieut.  
Pearce, Lieut. Ferguson and Trooper Aitken (the latter  
suffering from delusional insanity) should be landed at  
Colombo. Having in view paragraph 21 of the Military  
Board's Orders of 17-12-14 (a copy of which is in  
possession of the O.C.Troops "A29") I enquired on what grounds


the application was made to land those patients at  
Colombo, and I directed that particulars should be  
furnished in each case.  No reply was received from  
O.C. Troops "A29" up to the time that she left the main  
Convoy on the 12th instant. 
16. (a)    At 12-50p.m. on the 8th instant a signal was  
received from Transport "A39" ("Port Macquarie") that  
a silver catheter was required for use in a "case of  
life and death". I caused a message to be transmitted  
to the O.C. Troops "A39" asking whether he had examined 
his medical panniers, and if not, to break the seals of  
same and report.  At 5p.m. on the same date (8th) I  
received a reply as follows :-

"No we have not any on board; we have no

medical panniers or equipments on board." 
while still later on the same date on enquiry as to the  
condition of the patient a reply was received that it  
had temporarily improved, that the urine had been drawn  
off with a rubber catheter and that they would try and  
manage to Colombo. 
(b)    I would direct special attention to the report of  
O.C. Troops "A39" in connection with the incident to the  
effect that no medical panniers or equipment were on  
board this ship. 
17.    On the afternoon of the 8th instant, in view of  
the then projected detachment of transports "A29", "A34"  
and "A40", of the main Convoy, arrangements were made to  
deliver orders, mails, etc., from the Flagship to these 
transports and vice versa, and for this purpose boats  
were lowered from "A29 " and "A40" at 4p.m.; the sea was 
exceptionally calm and the boats were returned to their  
respective davits 45 minutes from the time of launching.


18.    The weather generally has been fine throughout  
the voyage although rather hot within the tropical zone. 
Light rain, the first experienced, fell at 9p.m. on the  
6th instant but lasted only for an hour or two; steady  
rain fell early on the morning of Saturday the 9th idem, 
and continued at intervals throughout the forenoon. 
19.    Late on Saturday afternoon, 10th instant, a signal  
was received from Colonel Bowler, Senior Military  
Officer of the New Zealand Convoy, to the effect that  
Trooper Campbell had died on the "Verdala" from pneumonia  
during the afternoon. The burial took place  
at 8 o'clock at night, the fleet stopping for a few  
minutes for this purpose.  
20.    With a view to improving the efficiency of the  
Officers on board Transports "A38" and "A40", properly  
organised Schools of Instruction have been established  
under the Presidency of Lieut.-Colonel Burnage and  
Lieut.-Colonel Pope respectively.  So far as the Flagship  
is concerned the instruction has been productive 
of very good results; as part of the Syllabus of 
Instruction, evening lectures and discussions have  
been held, and I am pleased to report that the keenest  
interest has been manifested which cannot but have a  
very beneficial result. 
21.    So far as the space available would permit, the  
training of the troops have been systematically carried  
out with good results. 
22.  I have endeavoured as far as possible to obtain  
from the various Transports returns showing the number  
of horses lost since date of leaving first port of  
embarkation, and I append the figures in respect of


information received under this heading :- 
     Transport                          Horses Lost
     "A29" ("Susvic")                                8 
     "A30" ("Borda")                                 8 
     "A31"  ("Ajana")                                  2 
     "A32" ("Tremistocles")        (No horses shipped). 
     "A33" ("Ayrshire")                              2 
     "A34" ("Persic")                   (Return not received). 
     "A35" ("Berrima")                (No horses shipped). 
     "A36"                                                    7 
     "A37"                                                    7 
     "A38" "Ulysses")                                0 
     "A39" ("Pt.Macquarie")                    5 
     "A40" ("Ceramic")               (No horses shipped). 
     "A41"                                     (Not at present with Convoy). 
     "A42"                                                    5 
     "A43"                                    (Not at present with Convoy). 
     "A44" ("Vestalia")                             14 
                            Total                            58 
23.    As I have found myself frequently confronted with  
questions submitted from a number of the  Transports  
involving the need for professional advice of a responsible 
Medical Officer, I have arranged that, on arrival at  
Colombo, Lieut.-Colonel Beeston, Fourth Field Ambulance,  
will transfer from the "Ajana" to the Flagship for the  
remainder of the voyage. 
24.    Upon the detachment of Transports "A29", "A34"  
and "A40", referred to in para. 1 (b) hereof, I promulgated  
orders to Colonel Ryrie, Senior Military Officer  
with the detachment, to assume responsible duty as such,  
as regards the execution of the orders of the Military  
Board and my several Convoy Orders. 
25.    The orders regarding Censorship are embodied in  
my Convoy Order No. 1.  Captain Jess, Staff Captain,  
Fourth Infantry Brigade, was appointed Censor, and other  
Officers were appointed to act as Assistant Censors under 
his orders.  Up to date, upwards of 100,000 letters have  
been dealt with. 
26.    Generally speaking the health of the Troops has been 
excellent.  On arrival at port of final disembarkation 


fuller particulars under this heading will be 
             (*Signed John Monash*) 
     Senior Military Officer, 
     Second Australian Convoy. 
    1 copy of Convoy Orders Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive. 
    1 copy of Memorandum of 29-12-14 to Commandant, 
           Fifth Military District. 
    2 sheets Flagship Log Records. 
    1 copy cablegram sent ashore at Colombo for 
            transmission prior to posting report.



Transport "A38"

King George's Sound,

12 noon, 29-12-14.

5th Military District. 
Requested that you will be so kind as to represent  
to Military Headquarters by telegraph on my behalf a precis  
of following :- 
1. In view of Transport "A41" being detained at 
Albany, owing to Bunker Fire, this Brigade and 
attached Units will move from this port with the 
following deficiencies, vis:- 
4 Officers 
68 others 
288 riding and draught horses. 
2. Above deficiencies will render the Brigade 
entirely immobile on landing at destination. 
3.  Requested that all possible steps be taken to  
(a) expedite transport of above details from 
Albany by "A41", when fire extinguished, or by 
other means.  
or (b) arrange for above deficiencies to be 
made good at port of destination - so far as 
concerns the horses, and for personnel to 
follow at first opportunity.  
4. I recommend that the personnel be left at Albany  
for the time being in charge of the horses. 
(Signed) John Monash, Colonel, 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.  


G.O.C. Colombo : - 
Brigadier General Malcolm. 
Governor : - 
Sir Robert Chalmers. 
A.D.C. Capt Nugent.







13th BATTALION.  A. I. F. 
1.  Aiming and Firing, The Art of Instruction in                  (2 Copies) 
2.  DRILL MADE EASY (Battalion, Company, Ceremonial, Savage Warfare)  Cards 2 Sets. 
3. DON'T  The Young Officers                                                   1 Copy. 
4. DUFFERS DRIFT  The Defence of                                      4 Copies. 
5.  EXTENDED ORDER DRILL AND THE COMPANY IN BATTE                                                                                                                              2   do. 
6. FRANCO PRUSSIAN WAR, Story of (Brunker)                                                                                                                                                                   Part 1     1 Copy   
7.                 do.                           do.                                  Part 2    1 Copy. 
8.  FREDERICKSBURG, The Campaign of                                1 Copy. 
9.  GREEN CURVE The                                                                   2 Copies. 
10. GUARD AND SENTRY DUTIES                                               2 Copies. 
11. HINTS TO YOUNG OFFICERS                                                  2 Copies. 
12. HYTHE MUSKETRY COURSE MADE EASY                          2 Copies. 
13. LANDSCAPE SKETCHING, Hints On                                     1 Copy. 
14. MAGNETIC COMPASS AND HOW TO USE IT                     2 Copies. 
15. NIGHT OPERATIONS FOR INFANTRY                                   1 Copy. 
16. NIGHT OPERATIONS MADE EASY    RAPID                        Q1 ½opy. 
17. NAPOLEONS WAR MAXIMS                                                    1 Copy. 
18. PROTECTION AND OUTPOSTS                                              2 Copies. 
19. SCIENCE OF WAR (Henderson)                                             1 Copy. 
20. TRAINING OF TERRITORIAL INFANTRY                              1 Copy. 
22.      do.       INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY OF                        1 Copy. 
23. TACTICAL PROBLEMS, SOLUTION OF                                 2 Copies. 
25. WALLINGFORD AND ENVIRONS 6" SCALE MAP                          1 Copy.  
Hours, 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m.  




Date      Noon observations   Distance 
  Latitude Longitude Course (Miles). To Albany From Melbourne  
22nd ... ... ... ... 1349 ... Left Melbourne (Town Pier, Port Melbourne) 7-24p.m.; anchored off Gellibrand Light  
23rd 38-55S. 143-38E. Various 101 1248 101 Weighed anchor  
Passed Heads 
24th 38-7S. 137-21E. N81W. 300 948 401  
25th 37-13S. 131-42E. N79W. 274 674 675  
26th 36-12S. 126-13E. N77W. 271 403 946  
27th 35-29S. 120-47E N81W. 267 136 1213  
8th ... ... ... 142 ... 1355 Arrived King George's Sound  
Total 1355 miles. 
Steaming time 
5 days 3 hrs. 14mts. 
Average speed 11 miles per hour.
9th ... ... ... ... ... ... King George's Sound.
0th ... ... ... ... ... ... King George's Sound.
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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