Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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oR Ea0l ) RAKDom 6 DWAT RD A o0 ok W. 3 N3 a1
113 Stegegeee
I W Plagfand Gode- 6 C Colonto! 311
trunspert -430 Colombo, 13th Jany. 1915. Lceretary for Defenee Prenge FKPORT OF SFNIOR MILITAFY OYFICER SECOND AUSTHALIAN CONVOY. MNLPOUREE ro cotoxso. -. 000-- FrarL IS 1. (a) I have to report that the fellewing Transporte cououpo. forming pertion of the Second Australies Convoy arrived et Colembe today: Zubmarine 'Ak2". (x) For Neval reacons, Transporte "42y", "43.e and 'Atoe vere detsched from the mmin Convoy et 8a.m. on the 12th instant, under erdere from the Prineipel Transport offieer to procced direet to Aden. 1e) Transporte 'A4l" and 'A4je were left et Albany ewiag te the former having hed a fire in the bunkers ani the latter reperting defestive engines. (4) Accompanying the Transporte mentioned in pare- graph 1 (a) hereef inte Colembo, were the Nes Zoeland Transporte Nos. 13, 14 end 15 ("Verdela", -Villochra and "Knight of Garter" respeetively). 2. Transport "430e (Flagship of the Convoy) left rros knson the Town Pier, Port Melbeurne, st 7-24p.m. on the 22nd uitime, and anchored off Gellibrand Light at 8-10p.m., seiling et 3-5s.m., and paseing through the heade at 6-20a.m. on the fellowing day.
uøgg IFRIVAL INO CRORON's SOUND, ALBAFY. MILITARY BOARD's pres. 3. (c) Ihe pessage fros Melbeurne to King Geerge's Seund, Albany, was negetisted is fine veather with e comparatively esooth sca. (xx) Stemming time for the Flagship from Melbeurne te King Geerge'e Sound wee 5 days 3 houre 14 minutes; everage speed 11 knete per hour. The Flagship arrived at King George'e Sound at 4-454.m. on the 28th ultime; Transport "432" and 'hel" hed already errived on the 2óth and 27th respeetively. The zemeining chire of the Convoy arrived appreximately es followe- sbeut 7.. ga 28-12-14. "(eith submarine in tow s ose 9-30..m. 11-30w.m. Noon 29-12-14. Deybreck eA31" at Fremantle. (The three Now Zealand Transporte arrived at abeut 7p.m. on the 25th ultine). 3.(a) Ihe Militery Board's Ordere of 17-12-14, chich were handed to me at Melbourne fer delivery st Albany to the whele of the Transporte (432" excepted), vere plao is the hande of the Prineipal Trassport Officer at 9-30p.m. on the 27ch ultime for delivery to the varieue Transporte as soon es poesible after srrival at King George's Sound. Accompanging thece ordere vere Convoy Orders Nee. 1, 2. p end e, copiee of chich are attached herete. (x) As three of the Transporte did not arrive until the 29th, delivery of these erders vae not completed until
abulslyrwerlos VEILE AT ALBAKY. 5 late thet dete, while thoee fer Transport "Ajl" were sont by rail with an Offieer proceeding to Fromantle to jein thet ship. (a) The Commandant ef the 5th Militery Distriet, cccompanied by O.C. Treope Albeny, and Concor Officer, oane abeard the Flagship at lla.a. om Os 28tA ultime, and I diseussed with the Commandant the procedure to be adepted with recari to pereonnel for discharge at Albeny, and other matters. The Commandant handed me cepiee of ceveral telegrame received from Headzuarters netifying prometions and eeeking other infermetion. All of thece mattere rcecived atteation and, chere neecesary, were promulgated in Convoy Order Ne. 3. tegether with detailed instruetions regarding the diecheroe et, or tramefer to, Albeny of pereonnel. (xx) Arrangemente were also made for a represon¬ tative of the Fay Department to visit the chele of the chips on the 29th ultime fer the purpoce of deelins eith cuestione of pay, ellotmont, cupply ef Pay Docke, ete., and the respeetive o's C. Troope were instructed te be is readineee to disoues with his all outstanding questions on these mattere. (c) Wich a viee te replacing dischargei mes at Albeny and te fill tbe ranke of the First Reinforeements drawn eron, the Dietriet Commandant endesveured te errange for about 50 Iafentry coldiers to be brought from the Ferth camy; it was subsequently found, however, thet the short stay of the Convey at Albany prevented thie proeedure being comploted. (4) During the forenoon of 29th December rough weather eet is at King George's Seund, so thet the greatest diffieulty was experienced in boerding the
- tuge from Transporte, and vioe verse! in some instancee an heur to an heur ani a half was occupied in bringing unge slongeide. The Pay Offieer, whe carlier in the day vieited the Flegship and then vont abeard Transpert eAto', was compelled to spend the night aboard the latter ship as it was considered that any ettempt to run a tug alongside the '44o" vouli be ettended with censiderable risk. The reuch weather continued to auch en eztent, Pat 10-135.m. (n the 29th signalled the Commandant et Albany that, owing to the breakdown of best communioatiene, I appreheaded being unable to fully fernich numbere er comply with all fermalities ineidentel to the landing of troepe medieally unfs Jer for discharge ca the follewing day. (c) on the 30th the Seund wee agais reugh and dangereue; ene tug tock 2) houre te ccme elengeide end eventually the Mesters ef tee tug bests struck verk and weuld net resume ustil the Mayor of Albeny was edvieed by eisnel, and intervened.- During the day 74 erplications for discharge, er transfer to the Fifth Militezy Dietziet, were approved end confirmed by me, but the gremtest difficulty wac experienced in getting the papere to the shipe concerned; in faet everything was disergenised owing to the rough weather, the inadequate and uasatisfactery tug-best serviee, and consequent almost total suspension of communicstion beton transports. Netwithetending that the erders iszued by the Military Beard and the instruetions con- tained in my Convey Order No. 3 of the 28th ultime direeted that treepe geing ashore for discharge er transfer te Fifth Military Distriet should be furnished eith papers complete, the Commandant of the Fifth Military Dietriet signalled to me at 9p.m. os the pth thet these instruetions were not being cerried out.
I replied to his thet all possible setion had o taken by me to comply with the isstructione issued by the Militery Board and hisself regarding dischargee, but that ell efferte is this direstion had bom readered nugetery by the complete breakdees of tug-boet and eignal commanioations, and that full liste of all men ragulaxlz discharsad on annlication to ma were at the time of my neesage (9-15p.m., 30th) weiting for several hours for transmission to him. (t) As recaris the failure to supply the proper papere with mes put ashore at Albeny, while this vas to a grest extent attribsteble te the fact that cevaral o's C. Troepe were unable fer the ressone given to deliver spplications for discharge, ete., on the flagship, I am of epinion that in other cases the procedure elsarly laid dome ia the Instructione wae not preperly ebeerved, and in these latter casec an explanstion has been called for from the O's C. concerned. Arrangemente hed been made with the Distriet Commandant to start disesbarking wedieally wafit and other details for diecharge at lle.m. en the 30th ultime, the arrungement being thet a launch voule call et cech transpert in tura to celleet detaile, the medieally uafit te be landed at Cuerantine stetion and the ethers at Albany To-a Pier (vide Coavoy Order No.3. pera 3 s). Nowever, in seeordance with instruetions civen by the Prineipal Transport Officer, a tugeboet weat alengeide Transport "435", and, (as far ss caa be leerned) ether transporte aleo, at daybreak, and men for discharge et Albeny were reused, hurriedly erdered aboerd, and dieembarked at Albany without the proger pepere. (c) Anether cause of this treuble was the non reeeipt by C.o'e Troope (except is che case of four transporte until after arrival at Albany of the Militery Board'. Orders directing precedure to be adopted in conneetion
EHORE LMAVE, Aimery. 7. - with men put ashore st Albeny. Vith a view, however. te streightening mettere out, Comvoy Order Ne. 6 vae iseued ea the lst insteat; and atteched to this Order were liets shewing the shele of the personnel put ashore et Alheny, in eonnestion with which annlication had haon made ta ihe Saniar Militarx Offisar as dirested in the Military Eaarí ani Canvax Ordera. Acepy of Convoy Order Ne. 6 with annezures has been ferwarded to the Adjutent General, to Base Beeorde, end te the Commendante of all Militery Distriete. La addition, O's C. Troope heve siace been further cemmuniceted with and instrueted to furnieh liete siving names of every Officer and man put eshore at Albany, and en receipt of thie infermetios the Adjutent Seneral, and threugh his Base Recorde, and Commandants concerned cill be duly adviced. (x) In conneetion eieh ehe diffieulties experienced at King George's Sound, I have to direct attention to Convoy Order Ne. 7. para. 2, referring to a communication reeeived from the Frincipal Transport Officer in which the serviees ef four offieers of the 13th Battalion ere commended, for the satisfaetery manner in chich they carried out the diffieult and responsible dutiee allotted te them en the 30th ultime. I regret to report thet ceveral instences weze brought te my netiee of offieere geing ashore at Albany witheut first heving obteined leave as previded fer in Military Beard Orders of 17-12-14, para. 6. The Prineipal Transport officer also reperted to e that Colenel Ryrie (sho went ashore et Albany witheut secking my permission) had attempted te interfere with the asthority of the Officer placed with defimite vrittes erders is charge of one of the tug-boate. Fapere in consection with these matters are in
.um om snd syvtvyunx yuun aunaxY. 8. sction and e ferthar report will be submitted es reoipt ef enplanstions chich have been called for from all the Offieere concerned. Having been infermed by the Prineipal Transport officer en errival at King Ceerge's Sound that Transport 'Atl" cae to be detainei et Albery ecing to e bunker fire, sai Cnt such detention would enteil the 4th Iafantry Frigade moving from Albany less 4 Offieere, 68 ethere, and 288 riding and draucht horsee, I ferwerded a speeial memcrandum to the Commendant, Fifth Military Distriet, end requested that a precis of the eircumstenees might be telegrerhed te Militery Hoed:uarters (eee Appendix "A"). .. (a) The convoy, consisting of transporte as fellowe (with che addition ef the chree E-- Zealand Transporte). siled fros King George'. feund, Albany, et Bla.m.o the 3lst ultime :- (wich Nubearine in tow). . a4? aee. Atl" and 'Aej" were detsined at Albeny for the reasene previeusly eteted in paragraph 1 (e) hereef. x) At the time of sailing the Neund was still rough but os resching the epen vater a comparatively smooth oce prevailed. A tugeboat laden with supplies for several of the transports came slongeide the Flegship just prior to sailing but the Priscipal Transport officer did not deem it edvisable to delay the fleet by allowing the cupplies to be At abeerd, concequently the tug returned te Albeny without effecting delivery.










'Playfair' Code. - Colombo 13/1/15 


Transport "A38",
Colombo, 13th Jany., 1915.
Secretary for Defence,
Defence Headquarters,

COLOMBO.    1. (a)  I have to report that the following Transports
                          forming portion of the Second Australian Convoy arrived
                          at Colombo today:-

Submarine "AK2". 
                             (b)  For Naval reasons, Transports "A29", "A34" and
                              "A40" were detached from the main Convoy at 8a.m. on th
                              12th instant, under orders from the Principal Transport
                              Officer to proceed direct to Aden. 
                              (c)  Transports "A41" and "A43" were left at Albany
                              owing to the former having had a fire in the bunkers
                              and the latter reporting defective engines. 
                              (d) Accompanying the Transports mentioned in paragraph
                              1 (a) hereof into Colombo, were the New Zealand
                              Transports Nos. 13, 14 and 15 ("Verdala", "Willoohra"
                              and "Knight of Garter" respectively). 
DEPARTURE      2.  Transport "A38" (Flagship of the Convoy) left
MELBOURNE.    the Town Pier, Port Melbourne, at 7-24p.m. on the 22nd
                               ultimo, and anchored off Gellibrand Light at 8-10p.m.,
                               sailing at 3-5a.m., and passing through the heads at
                               6-20a.m. on the following day.


MELBOURNE   3.(a)  The passage from Melbourne to King George's
TO ALBANY.         Sound, Albany, was negotiated in fine weather with                                                   accomparatively smooth sea.
                                (b)  Steaming time for the Flagship from Melbourne
                                to King George's Sound was 5 days 3 hours 14 minutes:                                             average speed 11 knots per hour.
ARRIVAL AT       4.  The Flagship arrived at King George's Sound at
KING GEORGE'S    4.45a.m. on the 28th ultimo; Transport "A32" and "A41" SOUND, ALBANY.  had already arrived on the 26th and 27th respectively.
                                   The remaining ships of the Convoy arrives approximately
                                   as follows:-
                                         "A33" about 7a.m. on  28-12-14.
                                         "A35"      "         "        "         " (with submarine in tow)
                                         "A40"     "         "        "         "
                                         "A42"     "         "        "          "
                                         "A43"     "         "        "          "
                                         "A30"     "      8-30a.m.       "
                                         "A44"     9-30a.m.    "         "
                                         "A36"     11-30a.m.    "         "
                                         "A34"    Noon           "         "
                                         "A29"    Daybreak   "     29-12-14.
                                         "A37"       "                 "           "
                                         "A39"        "                "           "

                                         "A31"    at Fremantle.
                                   (The three New Zealand Transports arrived at about 7p.m.                                        on the 28th ultimo).                              
MILITARY BOARD'S  5. (a)  The Military Board's Orders of 17-12-14, which ORDERS.                     were handed to me at Melbourne for delivery at Albany to
                                       the whole of the Transports ("A32" excepted), were placed 
                                       in the hands of the Principal Transport Officer at
                                       9-30p.m. on the 27th ultimo for delivery to the various                                                Transports as soon as possible after arrival at King                                                      George's Sound.  Accompanying these orders were                                                    Convoy
                                       Orders Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, copies of which are attached                                                hereto.
                                      (b)  As three of the Transports did not arrive until  
                                      the 29th, delivery of these orders was not completed until


                                       late that date, while those for Transport "A31" were
                                       sent by rail with an Officer proceeding to Fremantle
                                       to join that ship. 
ADMINISTRATION    6. (a)  The Commandant of the 5th Military District,
WHILE AT ALBANY.   accompanied by O.C. Troops Albany, and Censor Officer,                                           came aboard the Flagship at 11a.m. on the 28th ultimo,                                             and I discussed with the Commandant the procedure to                                         be adopted with regard to personnel for discharge at                                                 Albany, and other matters.  The Commandant handed                                             me 
                                        copies of several telegrams received from Headquarters                                           notifying promotions and seeking other information.
                                        All of these matters received attention and, where                                                       necessary, were promulgated in Convoy Order No. 5,                                                 together with detailed instructions regarding the 
                                        discharge at, or transfer to, Albany of personnel. 
                                         (b)  Arrangements were also made for a representative 
                                         of the Pay Department to visit the whole of the 
                                         ships on the 29th ultimo for the purpose of dealing 
                                         with questions of pay, allotment, supply of Pay Books, 
                                         etc., and the respective O's C. Troops were instructed 
                                         to be in readiness to discuss with him all outstanding 
                                         questions on these matters. 
                                         (c)  With a view to replacing discharged men at 
                                         Albany and to fill the ranks of the First Reinforcements  
                                        drawn upon, the District Commandant endeavoured to 
                                        arrange for about 50 Infantry soldiers to be brought 
                                        from the Perth camp; it was subsequently found,                                                         however, 
                                        that the short stay of the Convoy at Albany prevented 
                                        this procedure being completed. 
                                         (d) During the forenoon of 29th December rough  
                                         weather set in at King George's Sound, so that the 
                                         greatest difficulty was experienced in boarding the


tugs from Transports, and vice versa; in some instances
an hour to an hour and a half was occupied in bringing
tugs alongside.  The Pay Officer, who earlier in the
day visited the Flagship and then went aboard Transport
"A40", was compelled to spend the night aboard the
latter ship as it was considered that any attempt to
run a tug alongside the "A40" would be attended with
considerable risk.  The rough weather continued to
such an extent, I ^that at 10-15p.m. (on the 29th) ^I signalled
the Commandant at Albany that, owing to the breakdown
of boat communications, I apprehended being unable to
fully furnish numbers or comply with all formalities
incidental to the landing of troops medically unfit or
for discharge on the following day. 
(e)  On the 30th the Sound was again rough and
dangerous; one tug took 2½ hours to come alongside and
eventually the Masters of two tug boats struck work and
would not resume until the Mayor of Albany was advised
by signal, and intervened.-  During the day 74
applications for discharge, or transfer to the Fifth
Military District, were approved and confirmed by me,
but the greatest difficulty was experienced in getting
the papers to the ships concerned; in fact everything
was disorganised owing to the rough weather, the
inadequate and unsatisfactory tug-boat service, and
consequent almost total suspension of communication
between transports.  Notwithstanding that the orders
issued by the Military Board and the instructions contained
in my Convoy Order No. 5 of the 28th ultimo
directed that troops going ashore for discharge or
transfer to Fifth Military District should be furnished
with papers complete, the Commandant of the Fifth
Military District signalled to me at 9p.m. on the 30th
that these instructions were not being carried out.


I replied to him that all possible action had been
taken by me to comply with the instructions issued
by the Military Board and himself regarding discharges,
but that all efforts in this direction had been rendered
nugatory by the complete breakdown of tug-boat and signal
communications, and that full lists of all men regularly
discharged on application to me were at the time of my
message (9-15p.m., 30th) waiting for several hours for
transmission to him.

(f)  As regards the failure to supply the proper
papers with men put ashore at Albany, while this was
to a great extent attributable to the fact that several
O's C. Troops were unable for the reasons given to deliver
applications for discharge, etc., on the flagship, I am of
opinion that in other cases the procedure clearly laid
down in the instructions was not properly observed, and
in these latter cases an explanation has been called for
from the O's C. concerned.  Arrangements had been made
with the District Commandant to start disembarking
medically unfit and other details for discharge at 11a.m.
on the 30th ultimo, the arrangement being that a launch
would call at each transport in turn to collect details,
the medically unfit to be landed at Quarantine station and
the others at Albany Town Pier (vide Convoy Order No. 5,
para 5 a).  However, in accordance with instructions
given by the Principal Transport Officer, a tug-boat went
alongside Transport "A35", and, (as far as can be learned)
other transports also, at daybreak, and men for discharge
at Albany were roused, hurriedly order aboard, and
disembarked at Albany without the proper papers.

(g)  Another cause of this trouble was the non receipt
by C.O's Troops (except in the case of four transports)
until after arrival at Albany of the Military Board's
Orders directing procedure to be adopted in connection



with men put ashore at Albany.  With a view, however,
to straightening matters out, Convoy Order No. 6 was
issued on the 1st instant; and attached to this Order
were lists showing the whole of the personnel put ashore
at Albany, in connection with which application had been
made to the Senior Military Officer as directed in the
Military Board and Convoy Orders.  A copy of Convoy Order
No. 6 with annexures has been forwarded to the Adjutant
General, to Base Records, and to the Commandants of all
Military Districts.  In addition, O's C. Troops have
since been further communicated with and instructed to
furnish lists giving names of every Officer and man put
ashore at Albany, and on receipt of this information the
Adjutant General, and through him Base records, and
Commandants concerned will be duly advised.

(h)  In connection with the difficulties experienced at
King George's Sound, I have to direct attention to Convoy
Order No. 7, para. 2, referring to a communication received
from the Principal Transport Officer in which the services
of four Officers of the 13th Battalion are commended, for
the satisfactory manner in which they carried out the
difficult and responsible duties allotted to them on the
30th ultimo. 
SHORE LEAVE,    7.  I regret to report that several instances were
ALBANY.                brought to my notice of Officers going ashore at Albany                                            without first having obtained leave as provided for in
                                 Military Board Orders of 17-12-14, para. 8.
                                 The Principal Transport Officer also reported to
                                 me that Colonel Ryrie (who went ashore at Albany without                                      seeking my permission) had attempted to interfere with the                                  authority of the Officer placed with definite written
                                 orders in charge of one of the tug-boats.
                                Papers in connection with these matters are in


                                    action and a further report will be submitted on receipt 
                                    of explanations which have been called for from all the 
                                    Officers concerned. 
FIRE ON "A41"   8.  Having been informed by the Principal Transport 
                                   Officer on arrival at King George's Sound that Transport 
                                   "A41" was to be detained at Albany owing to a bunker fire, 
                                   and that such detention would entail the 4th Infantry 
                                   Brigade moving from Albany less 4 Officers, 68 others,  
                                   and 288 riding and draught horses, I forwarded a special 
                                   memorandum to the Commandant, fifth Military District, 
                                   and requested that a precis of the circumstances might 
                                   be telegraphed to Military Headquarters (see Appendix "A"). 
DEPARTURE FROM 9. (a)  The convoy, consisting of transports as follows 
ALBANY.                     (with the addition of the three New Zealand Transports), 
                                      sailed from King George's Sound, Albany, at 8-2a.m. on 
                                      the 31st ultimo :-





                                                                      "A35"  (with Submarine in tow).







                                     "A41" and "A43" were detained at Albany for the 
                                      reasons previously stated in paragraph 1 (c) hereof. 
                                     (b)   At the time of sailing the Sound was still rough 
                                     but on reaching the open water a comparatively smooth                                          sea 
                                     prevailed.  A tug-boat laden with supplies for several 
                                     of the transports came alongside the Flagship just prior 
                                     to sailing but the Principal Transport Officer did not 
                                    deem it advisable to delay the fleet by allowing the 
                                    supplies to be put aboard,  consequently the tug returned 
                                    to Albany without effecting delivery.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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