Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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PATLY ROUELY OF-OTL IEL PATRIETOY 210/1 Tho To lowing daily routino of york is promulgatod In oidor to make tho Tor tho information of all conc rnod. Tullost use of top dook Spaco, O's. C. Companios using Troop dooks ill arrango to utilizo the space allotted to Companios supplying All Instructional Storos availablo aro to bo taken Ships dutios. While ith tho oxoption roferrod to above tho place into uso. O's. C. Companios may and time of Parado aro to Do as orderod. vary the subjocts if found nocossary, boaring in mind the nocossity of Kooping tho troops profitably omployod and tho instruction All locturos should bo carofully impartod boing progressivo. proparod boforchand in ordor that intorost will bo maintained in tho subjoct. INTC Locturos Will 6o givon to all N.G.O's of LTOTURES TO N.C.OS. tho 13th Battalion on Tuosay and Friday nights. Placo, Sorgoants Loss - Timo 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. MC ESDAK NIELLD. On such subjocts as Firo Tactics, Outposts, Protoction on tho Larch, Protaction whilo halted, Firo Disciplino and Control, Intorcommunication and Passing of Ordors, Company in Attack, Company in Dofonco, March Disciplino and Sanitary Procautions and oacures in tho Fiold (including Elomontary Ohis. C. Hygiono), Dutios in Camp, Bivouacs, and Billots. Companios will bo the locturers commoning with Ar Company and Tolloing in alphabotical rotation. At loast 10 minutes should bo sot asido to answoring quostions which should be encouraged. O'S. C. Companies will submit to C. O. for approval at loast 24 hours in advance tho subject of the locturo to bo Givon. (until otherviso ordered) On PRIDAY NIGHTS. First Aid by CAPT. C. SHELLSTLLAR. PISCD. Sub100t. Time 60T Boat Dock. Somaphoro A. and B. 8.30 to 9.30 Main Dook. d0 d0. C. and D. E. T. G. and Hatchos and Gang- Muskotry 20. H. WayS. Troop docks and Muskotry 10.45 to 11.45 A. and B. hatchos. d0. do. Muskotry do. C. and D. Boat Bock and Physical Training d0. E. F. G. and Main Dock. Troep docks and 2 p.m. to 3p.m. Muskotry A. and Bo hatchos. 200 Muskotry 20. C. and D. Boat Deck and Somaphoro Signalling 20. E. F. G. and Main Dook. H. Main Dock. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Physical Training A. and Bo Boat Dock. do. 200 C. and D. Trooo Book and Muskotry d0. E. F. G. and Hatchos. H. 10 A. M. MUSTER PARADE XI MACHINE GUN SECTION AND SIGNALLERS TO USE BREAKER POOP DECK. a
Ammuertia Supply - 999777 gt my 50 m 111 182 55 11 .- 659 + i 1900 17 24.34 See n M. G. Amm. 41 11 11/1/15 £i
that at
OFFICERS SCROOL OF INSTRYCTION TRANSPORT A 38. (Vido Brisads Order No. 48) Chief Instructor - Lieut. Col. G. J. Burnage, V.D., C.O., 15th Battalion. Assistant Instructors - Major J. Adams, 14th Battalion, Major. W. V. Ellis, 13th Battalion. SELLABUS OF TRAININE. Time Date. Time Gime 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. 8.30 pam. to 9.30 D.D. TUESDAY Lecture on Reconnabssance FREE 12-1-15. (Col. Monash, Brigadior) WEDNLSDAT 13-1-15 FREE TREE Night Operations KCapt. J.MicA. Durrant). THURSDAY Instruction on New Engineering FREE. 14-1-15. Company Organization (Capt. Joss) FRIDAY FREE FNU Criticism on Syllabus of Train- 15-1-15 ing submitted by Platoon Cornan ders. Instruction on Now SATURDAY Engineering FREE. 18-1-15 Company Organization (Capt. Jess.) MONDAY FREE FREE Discussion on 18-1-15. Protective Duties. Officers to be appointed to give short locturettes. AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE BAM Pts C 11.30 am
Ba crodges blones 2/2/15 Confidential Allotment of Yourth Infantry Brigade Units to troopships: S Riding Hone 2 Vchicles on Ulyssis Drigade Head Quarters: - A officer 17 others C Fother 12 Reding Hosses, 2 Draught on A.41 tose Secard Signal Co (1 Section):- offices 24 other, Choses, 1 Vehicle You Borda Ebicycles 13th Battalion: -31 officer, 979other, Eviding horses on Uleses B3ochisle, Gbicysles on A.41 office, 12 other, 53 herses 14th Battalion: 32 officer, 779 other, Ending horse on Ulysses Bvchicles, 9 bicysles A.41 12others, 53 hosses on 31 officer, 979 other, 10rding horses 15th Hattalion: 13ochicles, Obicysles or Crannie offices, conposal 11 other A.41 and 49 hooses on 16th Battalion: 32 officers, 779 others, Bniding hores "Crannie 13 vchicles, I bicycles a A.41 corporal, 11 men, 49 hoses a 4th F Ambulance offices, &Cother, Eviding hose A.cB. pecs a A.41 62 draught hores 1 office, 2 other (rrm Berrina) on A.43 on Berrima 2 officer 128 others 16 vchicles 1 office 12 other on Temistreles I office 4 other on A.37 on Port Macquarie I officer to others Chrmn Meorman Dr. d. Esec. I officers, 7other, 30 horses, Jochicles on Ajana I braple Frist Reunforcements ft - Inf. Byle tofficer 396 others on Bestima
121 12) 215 2/15 Anams Lro Franchen. ira heur - rust be stated in Orders - 1t ts the hour at which the Atillery Barrage lifts from the knomy Pire Trench and at which the first accoulting line should be within 30 yards of 1t and ready to charge in - as Artillery 11fts w1ll be in accordance with a preserranged timeotable it is essential that vatenes of oi officers and nenecomnissioned officers should be synehrentsed so that all units in the freat line vill kney the erast menent at waich the 14ft takes place. Menaanl of Eacks - Greatssests ent spare Hits are packed in Pack and stered. Small articies mst not be 1eft in the greatecent, packets as they might trep out if the ceats had to be issued. cerried by mer Wfle and Squipment less pack- (or a Bandeliers, S.A.A., in addition to equipment annunition. 220 rounes in all - (e) Keversack on back centaining 2 tine of neat, 8 hard Discuits, canteen with grecery ratien and full water bolll0- (a) Waterpreef sheet with Jervey relled Anaide fixed on back of waistebelt by supporting strape of pack 3 sendhage under flap of haveraeck - (7) 2 er 4 Miis arenades in the lever Jacket peekets. 1s) 2 moke belnets and gessies - (a) all carriere earry the anse Mt with the exseption of the 2 S.A.A. Bandoliers - (1) Runners enly earry Haversack with sene foed, vater bettle, revelver and annunition, 2 gas helmets and sesales 2 per Fiateen to be teld off and 8 per Battalien attached to Brigade Head quarters. They must be organised in Foleys under Battalion arrangements. Prained as runners and not taken from the trained aisnallere. The time and place must be entered in the reports they earry. (0) Leners edide e8e. eneee. Eense. 50 rounds. 6.00 50 rounds. B. 2 Bayenet Nen 12. 50 rounds. C. 2 Leading Bembers 24. se pounds. D. 2 Reserve 26. so rounds. R. 2 Spare men 11 Bembers except the 4 Leading Bembers per Beation vill carry rifies. (8) Bombs are for use in the trenches and against machine guns, and are not to be threwn in the open - Per clearing duggents phesphereus bombs should be nsed. One Bayenet Man has usually been found sufficient in recent fighting. Tue or three Kifle Grenadiers are frequently added and are Invaluable. Roles Granade is generally used and has preved Invaluable in village fights. (s) Battaliens vill draw benbs for Besbing Bections and for each man from a sump (the pesition of which vill be put in erders) under Battalien arrangements during the period between the first day of the bembardment and the day previous to the assembly mareh. bnce the Bombs are drawn they became Regimental steres. (7) a sketch may should be issued showing the lecation of steres and their centents.
Distingvishin Audt EArO A AOET HOHARUSSRIRT MATL. socka 1 men - A square patch of celeured Bul Kark - Brigabe Clannel senn on to the flap of the Raverseck, tep odge level with sean marking turn ever of flay - This allews the patch to kong leese ever the Revereaek - Betten level with its better odge when filled. The distinguishing celeurs of neighbeuring Divisiens and Brigades must be put in orders. Brigade and Battalion distinguishing marks should be vern. -2c band on right forearn (unite 7). Lirsentier arrieng - Sc patch on right shoulder strep (red 7). m- A grenase 2l/8c in length on AD thearenet paesa ht aleeve just beley shoulder (white 7). (8) Runnans - Badge Rc square on each forearn (yellew 7). Runnang verk in pairs - Abeut 5 per Battalien vill be attached to 101 Brizade Nead Quarters. (10) Kater - During the march to Assenbly frenches the vater in the vater bettles vill not be drunk under any circunstances, Naiting places vill be seleated for Battalions marching to Assembly Trenenee at which water vill be stered and mugs previded so that any man in need of a drink can gct one. (11) He vater showld be touched in the Nestile Lines until it has been ained by a Kedieal officer and declared free frea patson. Lie - The rentes to be used in the Trenches by verions 1s) IrmnenIra muet be put in erders and marked up and down (1s) officers Commanding Asseuiting Battalions will detall special parties to control the traffie up and down their trenches - The parties vill be pested at the ends of the Cemunication Frenches and will remin there until they are ralieved or the Brigade is 10 must be impressed on these contrel men that they oithdrawn. are to enferce the erders as to traffie rentes nest risereusly. Infantry Brigats Attacks - way be divided into phaces, the can 1101 pletion of each phase being marked by the capture and conselidation of a defintte object. auliar- 115) preiiminary and centinuous benbardment vill be earried On .0.0c. daye. Restile vire vill be ent on...... days. (o) sentor officers from the battalions detailed for the esse in conjunetion with a senter officer from the Batteries doing the cutting, vill make a daily examination of the many wire from a vire eutting observation otation, at Kixed hour - They vill report presrese at a fixed hour dail to Brigade Nead Quarters stating at what points the vire requires further attention. These officers must be supplied with mays sheving the areas of vire to be eut. This report vill be ferwarded to Mvistenal Nead Quarters. During....c. nights of the prelininary benbardment the infantry occupying the trenches vill assist in preventing the oneny from repairing his wire by epening burats of f. from Levis suns, machine guns, and cgnstant rifle fire. During the advance of the Infantry & Barrage of Artillery 101 fire vill be formed in frent of the Infentry according the timings shown on the Fracings issued. The lines on the Fracings indicate the nearest points on which the gune vill fire up to the hour indicated - at the tines shown the Neavy sune vill 11ft their fire direct to the next Barrage Lince. (8) the Divisional Artillery vill neve their fire presressively t the rate of 56 yards a maute. 10)
(ol should the Infantry arrive at any peint before the time fixed for the barrage to 117t they vill vait under the best eover evallable, or lte down in the epen and be prepared to asseutt the nement the Barrage Lifts. Reooavormon 10) it any peint or part of the enemyts lines helds up or Infantry advance to such an extent that 1t is necessary to Dombard again that pertion of the mony's defence, applies- tien for recbembardsent must be made to Brigade Keadquarters and the sanction of the General officer Commanding the Divisien ebtained. This application will enly be entertained in mest urgent necessity, eving to the general discarrangement coused thereby. ix the here hour at which the The Mvisienal Commander vill bembardsent will comnence. The nermal Fecbemberdsent vill last 30 miantes, of which the last 5 vill be intence. The Dembardnent will 11ft ot 8, at which hour the Infantry oill assauit. Thialata ba thereushll andersteed pr Panks, that the enly orders resarding recbemearement vil. be a message nening the hour for Lere (1.c. the hour otu which Fecbembardsent vill commence). in the wrent of 14 being found inpessible by the artillbry to besin resbembardment at the hour fixed as sere, oither the recbembardsent vill begin as early as peesible after the Lere hour and gease 30 mnutes after, the last 5 minutes being intense, or & frean here hour vill be fixed. Hearn and Madina Lxench Mertarg receive their orders from 141 the artillery with which they wark. 265 to ouos (1) our own vire vill be cleared on the night before the assenbly March as fellews, and the whele work must be completed that night - (2) Intemadiatalins - Under Divisional arrangements. By parties from the Reserve Battalien of the (0) Reserra Irenen EAEs ting Feree aCON By partice from the Asssuiting Battaliens - (o) LrentlinaMrs- 1 wire in frent of its oun Bottalien being answerable for aree. (8) officers Commanding Battalione are respensible that this has been done in the arese ever which their Battalions vill pass and that all ebstseles to free novement hove been reneved - They vill ack for werking partice if nccessary and vill report to Brisade Readquarters when the werk is cempleted - orold unnecessary marching the werking parties from the 101 Aesculting Battelione can be attached to the Battalion Melding the trenshes, in which case they must be fully equipped and to and vill ceaplete in all respects before leaving their Bll rejein their Battallen on the Assembly March. (r) The hours during which work vill be earried on must be put is erdere and the artillery and machine gune vill arrange to barrage the heattle trenches if our werk is interfered with (0) R.R. or Fiencers can be detailed to censtrust any bridges that may be neccssary ever cress trenches. Botbor bores. (1) The treeps in occupation of the trenches vill not nsually be enployed in the attack - 12
RemnamReres (cent.) The day before the atteck one company from each asssuiting 12) Battalion vill neve up to that pertion of trenehes alletted to the Bettalion and relieve pertions of the existing treneh helders - (8) 4 place vill be appointed to which such relieved pertions vill and sveit the arrivel of the renainder of their Units - Thie vill cecur at night when they are relieved by the Asssuiting Battaliens meving up to their olletted Departure Frenshes - The reliof of the Lovis suns must also be arranged for March Table must be issued for these units - (W) Anenlz kegsh- The assenly March will probsbly take piace on the night of the asseult - Rentes must be reconneitred by day- Accendly Morsh Table mst be issued and the place where each Unit haits and where water is precurable must be nctified. (o) maemnentienof the Aasemtina Relums mst be sives. (o) Larmina in Pasiliens - The trenches alletted to the respective Aessuiting Battalions must be put in orders (7) here howr miet be put is erders. Remed asecet (1) the asssuit vill be carrted out steadily behind the artillery Barregef- 1t is of extrene impertance that the Infantry keep quite close behind the Barrage - 50 yards is not too elese - im artillery lo0 are caused by Fer one essualty caused by our the enany meehine runs Mf they have time to get on the parapet (2) at the hour naned for the Barrage to 11ft, vis. Here hour, mne leading line, which sould be within 50 yords of the enery fire trench, vill ruan it the mement the berrage 1ifts and then meve otcedily forvard keeping touch and enly halt and lie dewn when next compelled to by avsiting the 11ft of the next artillery Barrage - The usual extension appears to be asent 3 pacce - (3) succeeding linee vill folley at distances varying from to to 140 yerds - They vill neve direct on the finel objective, vill hal when the line in frent of then halts, and vill enly reinferce it when 4t reguiree reinfercenent to earry out its teak, or to its langth inereases. eever the whele frentage alletted to 1t (4) Except for the rushes ss they close on the various enemy tranches, the Infantry must advance slevly as if on parade, and the lines must not be allowed to becese promaturely merged into one another - Ne men except these belensing to the mapping in partice are to be allowed to enter or remein in the heathl trenehee pessed ever - (s) officers must advence with the Line and not in frent of their nen - (o) The pesttion of the Leading Line of Assauiting Treeps vill be denoted by meke candice— should some part of the asssuiting Lines be held up the resainder rill beat help them by meving atreight on to their final obsective - The flanks se expesed must, hewever, be specially quorded until the perts that have been hald up come into line and (7) Battalione will neve in inmediate touch with each other - (0) Mviding lines between Bottalions and Brigades must be put 4 erders and traeings be issuet.
Mathedeanant (sent.) (o) Defintte onjectives must be olletted to every bedy of Infantry- mks'sre in the thenever & pecition has been geined and the air, the Infantry must bent outwards to assist the treeps on the risht and laft 110) am Ne deciments, letters, officisl or private, are to be carried on the person when going into sctien - The enly mape alleved are ence shewing the Germon trenches or mays showing the country is which operations are taking place, but sentaining nothing alluding to our trenehes or objective:- The ward cretire dece not exist and vill not be understeed or ebeyed by anyene - The use of this vers by the eneay has frequently caused disaator or 1od to great less and confusion - (o) should the enemy put up the white fles, ne notice vill be taken of it, unless they retually sose out unarned and with their hands up, when they may be passed through our lines as priseners- 411 men must remember that the enly water they are likel, 1a1 gct for 24 houre io that centained in their water bettice (of he unvounded mon is to be allowed on any account to bring beck wounded men. Inwounded men bringing back wounded will be treated as 181 otragelers and straggiers will be geverely punished - pounded men oble to valk will make their own way to the 181 Regimental Aid reaty men unable to walk must avait the stretcher bearers, whe cannot come up until the advancing lines have passed on - (n) Captured sune should at ence be rendered useloss by punching or sheeting & hole in the buffer ease, which is underneath, or burring the breech serev with a stene or bullet - The collection of trephies and seuvenirs is to be sternly 111 Pepresses during an action or when conselidating in must be collected from all essualties and dimped 13 at convenient points- (I1) The Asssuiting Battalions on arrivel at the final ebjective vill 17 nore once conselidate it. - Censelidating parties will in rear of the last asscuiting line (12) Artillery forwations have been found goed for getting up on as sall columns lese and reserves through the enemy barrage, heavily under machine sun fire - (1s) menever on atteck to started in the tark white tapes showd D out in frent of our trenches on which the attacking treeps fall in - 14 as impertant not to meve forward till the treeps are properly aligaet, or direction vill be lest. (ac) sleaxins Manshas - specisl parties vill be astatled by ench Battalien to elear the hestile trenches passed ever - Thece parties in each case to censist of a Bembing section vith Infantry section attached. (a) There appear to be differences in the Dvisions as to the pesitions of these mopping up parties in the esseutt - 1 some Divisiens they form the 5th and 6th Lines, in ethers a party accempanies each Line - in any case each party must be siven a definite objective and sot to werk as quiemy as pessible - The mepping up partics will werk inwards until touch ie 10 geined with the next parties, se as to ensure that ne part of the trench to 10ft unsearched - J kach Battalien ie respensible for the capture and clearing of all trenence within its boundartee and leeding forward from its objective tewards the eneny trenches 10)

The following daily routine of work is promulgated 
for the information of all concerned.   In order to make the 
fullest use of top deck space, O's. C. Companies using Troop decks 
will arrange to utilize the space allotted to Companies supplying 
Ships duties.  All Instructional Stores available are to be taken 
into use.  While with the exception referred to above the place 
and time of Parade are to be as ordered.   O's. C. Companies may 
vary the subjects if found necessary, bearing in mind the necessity 
of keeping the troops profitability  employed and the instruction 
imparted being progressive. All lectures should be carefully prepared beforehand in order that interest will be maintained in 
the subject. 
LECTURES TO N.C.O'S.  Lectures will be given to all N.C.O's of 
the 13th Battalion on Tuesday and Friday nights. 
Place, Sergeants Mess - Time 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. 
TUESDAY NIGHTS.  On such subjects as Fire tactics, 
Outposts, Protection on the March, Protection while halted, Fire 
Discipline and Control, Intercommunication and Passing of Orders, 
Company in Attack, Company in Defence, March Discipline and 
Sanitary Precautions and Measures in the Field (including Elementary 
Hygiene), Duties in Camp, Bivouacs, and Billets.  OMs. C. 
Companies will be the lecturers commencing with "A" Company and 
following in alphabetical rotation. At least 10 minutes should be 
set aside to answering questions which should be encouraged. 
O's. C. Companies will submit to C. O. for approval 
at least 24 hours in advance the subject of the lecture to be 
FRIDAY NIGHTS.  (until otherwise ordered)   On 

Coy. Time Subject Place
A. and B. 8.30 to 9.30 Semaphore Boat Dock.
C. and D. do. do Main Dock
E. F. G. and H. do. Musketry Hatches and Gangways
A. and B. 10.45 to 11.45 Musketry Troop decks and hatches
C. and D. do. Musketry do. do.
E. F. G. and H. do. Physical Training Boat Deck and Main Deck
A. and B. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Musketry Troop decks and hatches
C. and D. do. Musketry do.
E. F. G. and H. do. Semaphore Signalling Boat Deck and Main Deck
A. and B. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Physical Training Main Deck
C. and D. do. do. Boat Deck
E. F. G. and H. do. Musketry Troop Deck and Hatches



Ammunition Supply 11/1/15 


With [[special?]] in M ? attention 
is called to Transport Regulation 
Appendix 36


(Vide Brigade Order No. 46)
Chief Instructor - Lieut. Col. G.J. Burnage, V.D., C.O., 
                                          13th Battalion. 
Assistant Instructors - Major J. Adams,  14th Battalion 
                                          Major. W. W. Ellis, 13th Battalion. 




2 p.m. to 3 p.m.


3 p.m. to 4 p.m.


8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

   Lecture on Reconnaissance 
        (Col. Monash,      Brigadier)
FREE FREE Night Operations 
(K Capt. J.H.A. 
Instruction on New 
Company Organization
(Capt. Jess)
FREE FREE Criticism on 
Syllabus of Training 
submitted by 
Platoon Commanders.
Instruction on New 
Company Organization
(Capt. Jess)
FREE FREE Discussion on 
Protective Duties. 
Officers to be 
appointed to give 
short lecturettes.

JAN 11 1915 
4th Infantry Brigade. 


Two Envelopes 6 Copies   12/1/15 
Allotment of Fourth Infantry Brigade Units to Troopships:- 
Second Signal 
Brigade Head Quarters :- 4 officers 17 others 6 horses Riding horses, 2 Vehicles on "Ulysses" 
4 others 12 Riding Horses, 2 Draught Horses on "A41" 
Second Signal Co. (1 Section) :- 1 officer 24 others, 6 horses,1 Vehicle 8 bicycles }  on "Borda" 
13th Battalion :- 31 officers, 979 others, 6 riding horses 
13 vehicles, 9 bicycles }on "Ulysses" 
1 officer, 12 others, 53 horses on "A41" 
14th Battalion :- 32 officers, 979 others, 6 riding horses 
13 vehicles, 9 bicycles } on "Ulysses" 
12 others, 53 horses on "A41" 
15th Battalion :- 31 officers, 979 others, 10 riding horses  
13 vehicles, 9 bicycles on "Ceramic" 
1 officer, 1 Corporal, 11 others and 
49 horses on "A41" 
16th Battalion :- 32 Officers, 979 others, 10 riding horses 
13 vehicles, 9 bicycles on "Ceramic" 
1 Corporal, 11 men, 49 horses on "A41" 
4th 7d Ambulance A & B Sec.) 1 officer, 16 others, 70 8 riding horses, 62 draught horses on "A41" 
1 officer, 2 others (from "Berrima") on "A43" 
2 officers 128 others 16 vehicles on "Berrima" 
1 officer 12 others on "Themistocles" 
1 officer 4 others on "A37" 
1 officer 4 others (from "Berrima" on "Port Macquarie" 
Do. do. C Sec.  3 officers, 78 others, 30 horses, 7 vehicles 
1 bicycle on Ajana 
First Reinforcements 
of 4th Inf. Bgde   4 officers 396 others on "Berrima"


Assault from Trenches
(1) Zero Hour - Must be stated in Orders- It is the hour at which the 
Artillery Barrage lifts from the Enemy Fire Trench and at which 
the first assaulting line should be within 50 yards of it and 
ready to charge in - As Artillery lifts will be in accordance with 
a pre-arranged time-table it is essential that watches of all 
officers and non-commissioned officers should be synchronised so 
that all units in the front line will know the exact moment at 
which the lift takes place. 
(2) Disposal of Packs - Great-coats and spare kits are packed in Pack  
and stored. Small articles must not be left in the great-coat 
pockets as they might drop out if the coats had to be issued. 
(3) Carried by the Men
(a) Rifle and Equipment less pack -  
(b) 2 Bandoliers, S.A.A., in addition to equipment ammunition- 
220 rounds in all - 
(c) Haversack on back containing 2 tins of meat, 8 hard 
biscuits, canteen with grocery ration and full water 
bottle - 
(d) Waterproof sheet with jersey rolled inside fixed on back of 
waist-belt by supporting straps of pack - 
(e) 3 sandbags under flap of haversack 
(f) 2 or 4 Mills' grenades in the lower jacket pockets - 
(g) 2 smoke helmets and goggles -  
(h) All carriers carry the same kit with the exception of the 
2 S.A.A. Bandoliers - 
(i) Runners only carry Haversack with some food, water bottle, 
revolver and ammunition, 2 gas helmets and goggles - 
2 per Platoon to be told off and 8 per Battalion 
attached to Brigade Head Quarters.  They must be 
organized in relays under Battalion arrangements. 
Trained as runners and not taken from the trained 
signallers. The time and place must be entered in 
the reports they carry. 
(4) Bombers-

A. N.C.O. 6. 4. 2. 50 rounds.
B. 2 Bayonet Men 12. - 4. 50 rounds.
C. 2 Leading Bombers 24. - 4. 50 rounds.
D. 2 Reserve " 24. - 4. 50 rounds
E. 2 Spare men  8. 20. - 50 rounds.
F. All Bombers except the 2 Leading Bombers per Section will carry 

(5) Bombs are for use in the trenches and against machine guns, and are 
not to be thrown in the open - For clearing dug-outs phosphorous 
bombs should be used. 
One Bayonet Man has usually been found sufficient in recent fighting. 
Two or three Rifle Grenadiers are frequently added and are 
invaluable. Hales Grenade is generally used and has proved 
invaluable in village fights. 
(6) Battalions will draw bombs for Bombing Sections and for each man 
from a dump (the position of which will be put in orders) under 
Battalion arrangements during the period between the first day of 
the bombardment and the day previous to the assembly march. 
Once the Bombs are drawn they become Regimental Stores. 
(7) A sketch map should be issued showing the location of stores and 
their contents.


(8) Distinguishing Marks- 
Each division Brigade must have a clear distinguishing mark- 
(a) Divisional Brigade Mark - All men - A square patch of coloured 
flannel sewn on to the flap of the Haversack, top edge level 
with seam marking turn over of flap - This allows the patch 
to hang loose over the Haversack - Bottom level with its 
bottom edge when filled.  The distinguishing colours of 
neighbouring Divisions and Brigades must be put in orders. 
(b) Brigade and Battalion distinguishing marks should be worn. 
(c) Wire cutters- 2" band on right forearm (white?). 
(d) Carriers- 2" patch on right shoulder strap (red?). 
(e) Bombers who are not Badge men- A grenade 2 1/8" in length on 
right sleeve just below shoulder (white?). 
(f) Runners- Badge 2" square on each forearm (yellow?). 
(9) Runners work in pairs- About 8 per Battalion will be attached to 
Brigade Head Quarters. 
(10) Water- During the march to Assembly Trenches the water in the water 
bottles will not be drunk under any circumstances.  Halting 
places will be selected for Battalions marching to Assembly 
Trenches at which water will be stored and mugs provided so that 
any men in need of a drink can get one. 
(11) No water should be touched in the Hostile Lines until it has been 
examined by a Medical Officer and declared free from poison. 
(12) Trench Traffic- The routes to be used in the Trenches by various 
units must be put in orders and marked up and down - 
(13) Officers Commanding Assaulting Battalions will detail special  
parties to control the traffic up and down their trenches - The 
parties will be posted at the ends of the Communication Trenches 
and will remain there until they are relieved or the Brigade is 
withdrawn.  It must be impressed on these control men that they 
are to enforce the orders as to traffic routes most rigorously. 
(14) Infantry Brigade Attacks - May be divided into phases, the completion of each phase being marked by the capture and 
consolidation of a definite object. 
(15) Artillery -  
(a) A preliminary and continuous bombardment will be carried 
on ...... days.  Hostile wire will be cut on ..... days. 
(b) Senior officers from the battalions detailed for the assault 
in conjunction with a senior officer from the Batteries 
doing the cutting, will make a daily examination of the 
enemy wire from a wire cutting observation station, at a 
fixed hour - They will report progress at a fixed hour daily 
to Brigade Head Quarters stating at what points the wire 
requires further attention.  These officers must be  
supplied with maps showing the areas of wire to be cut. 
This report will be forwarded to Divisional Head Quarters. 
(c) During ..... nights of the preliminary bombardment the 
Infantry occupying the trenches will assist in preventing 
the enemy from repairing his wire by opening bursts of fire 
from Lewis guns, machine guns, and constant rifle fire. 
(d) During the advance of the Infantry's Barrage of Artillery 
fire will be formed in front of the Infantry according to 
the timings shown on the Tracings issued. 
(e) The lines on the Tracings indicate the nearest points on 
which the guns will fire up to the hour indicated - At the 
times shown the Heavy guns will lift their fire direct to 
the next Barrage Lines. 
(f) The Divisional Artillery will move their fire progressively 
at the rate of 50 yards a minute.(g)


(g) Should the Infantry arrive at any point before the time 
fixed for the barrage to lift they will wait under the best 
cover available, or lie down in the open and be prepared to 
assault the moment the barrage lifts. 
(h) Re-bombardment-  
If any point or part of the enemy's lines holds up our 
Infantry advance to such an extent that it is necessary to 
bombard again that portion of the enemy's defence, application 
for re-bombardment must be made to Brigade Headquarters 
and the sanction of the General Officer Commanding the  
Division obtained.  This application will only be 
entertained in most urgent necessity, owing to the general 
dis-arrangement caused thereby. 
(i) The Divisional Commander will fix the Zero hour at which the 
bombardment will commence.  The normal re-bombardment will 
last 30 minutes, of which the last 5 will be intense.  The 
bombardment will lift at xxx xxx, at which hour the Infantry 
will assault. This is to be thoroughly understood by all 
ranks, that the only orders regarding re-bombardment will 
be a message naming the hour for Zero (i.e. the hour at 
which re-bombardment will commence) {*See para 1 definition Zero*} 
In the event of it being found impossible by the Artillery 
to begin re-bombardment at the hour fixed as Zero, either 
the re-bombardment will begin as early as possible after 
the Zero hour and cease 30 minutes after, the last 5  
minutes being intense, or a fresh Zero hour will be fixed. 
(j) Heavy and Medium Trench Mortars receive their orders from 
the Artillery with which they work. 

Clearing our own wire 
(1) Our own wire will be cleared on the night before the Assembly 
March as follows, and the whole work must be completed that 
night - 
(2) Intermediate Line - Under Divisional arrangements -  
(3) Reserve Trench Wire - By parties from the Reserve Battalion of the 
Assaulting Force - 
(4) Front Line Wire - By parties from the Assaulting Battalions- each  
Battalion being answerable for all wire in front of its own 
area - 
(5) Officers Commanding Battalions are responsible that this has been  
done in the areas over which their Battalions will pass and 
that all obstacles to free movement have been removed- They 
will ask for working parties if necessary and will report to 
Brigade Headquarters when they work is completed - 
(6) To avoid unnecessary marching the working parties from the 
Assaulting Battalions can be attached to the Battalion holding 
the trenches, in which case they must be fully equipped and 
complete in all respects before leaving their billets and will 
rejoin their Battalion on the Assembly March - 
(7) The hours during which work will be carried on must be put in 
orders and artillery and machine guns will arrange to barrage 
the hostile trenches if our work is interfered with - 
(8) R.E. or Pioneers can be detailed to construct any bridges that may 
be necessary over cross trenches.

Preliminary Moves. 
(1) The troops in occupation of the trenches will not usually be 
employed in the attack-(2)


Preliminary Moves (cont.)
(2) The day before the attack one company from each Assaulting 
Battalion will move up to that portion of trenches allotted to 
the Battalion and relieve portions of the existing trench 
holders - 
(3) A place will be appointed to which such relieved portions will go 
and await the arrival of the remainder of their Units - This 
will occur at night when they are relieved by the Assaulting 
Battalions moving up to their allotted Departure Trenches - The 
relief of the Lewis guns must also be arranged for - 
A March Table must be issued for these Units - 
(4) Assembly March- The Assembly March will probably take place on the 
night of the assault- Routes must be reconnoitred by day - An 
Assembly March Table must be issued and the place where each 
Unit halts and where water is procurable must be notified - 
(5) The composition of the Assaulting Columns must be given - 
(6) Forming up Positions - The trenches allotted to the respective 
Assaulting Battalions must be put in orders - 
(7) Zero Hour must be put in orders.
Method of Assault. 
(1) The assault will be carried out steadily behind the Artillery 
Barrage - It is of extreme importance that the Infantry keep 
quite close behind the Barrage - 50 yards is not too close- 
For one casualty caused by our own Artillery 100 are caused by 
the enemy machine guns if they have time to get on the parapet - 
(2) At the hour named for the barrage to lift, viz. Zero hour, the  
leading line, which should be within 50 yards of the enemy fire 
trench, will rush it the moment the barrage lifts and then move 
steadily forward keeping touch and only halt and lie down when 
next compelled to by awaiting the lift of the next artillery 
barrage - The usual extension appears to be about 3 paces- 
(3) Succeeding lines will follow at distances varying from 60 to 150 
yards - They will move direct on the final objective, will halt 
when the line in front of them halts, and will only reinforce it 
when it requires reinforcement to carry out its task, or to 
cover the whole frontage allotted to it as its length increases- 
(4) Except for the rushes as they close on the various enemy trenches, 
the Infantry must advance slowly as if on parade, and the lines 
must not be allowed to become prematurely merged into one 
another- No men except those belonging to the mopping up 
parties are to be allowed to enter or remain in the hostile 
trenches passed over- 
(5) Officers must advance with the Line and not in front of their men - 
(6) The position of the Leading Line of Assaulting Troops will be 
denoted by smoke candles - 
Should some part of the Assaulting Lines be held up the remainder 
will best help them by moving straight on to their final 
objective - The flanks so exposed must, however, be specially 
guarded until the parts that have been held up come into line 
again - 
(7) Battalions will move in immediate touch with each other - 
(8) Dividing lines between Battalions and Brigades must be put in 
orders and tracings be issued -



Method of Assault (cont.)
(9) Definitive objectives must be allotted to every body of Infantry - 
Whenever a position has been gained and the Flanks are in the 
air, the Infantry must bomb outwards to assist the troops on the 
right and left - 
(10) General - 
(a) No documents, letters, official or private, are to be carried 
on the person when going into action- The only maps allowed 
are ones showing the German trenches or maps showing the 
country in which operations are taking place, but containing 
nothing alluding to our trenches or objective - 
(b) The word "retire" does not exist and will not be understood 
or obeyed by anyone- The use of this word by the enemy has 
frequently caused disaster or led to great loss and 
confusion - 
(c) Should the enemy put up the white flag, no notice will be 
taken of it, unless they actually come out unarmed and with 
their hands up, when they may be passed through our lines 
as prisoners - 
(d) All men must remember that the only water they are likely to 
get for 24 hours is that contained in their water bottles- 
(e) No unwounded man is to be allowed on any account to bring 
back wounded men - 
(f) Unwounded men bringing back wounded will be treated as 
stragglers and stragglers will be severely punished - 
(g) Wounded men able to walk will make their own way to the 
Regimental Aid Post; men unable to walk must await the 
stretcher bearers, who cannot come up until the advancing 
lines have passed on - 
(h) Captured guns should at once be rendered useless by punching 
or shooting a hole in the buffer case, which is underneath, 
or burring the breech screw with a stone or bullet - 
(i) The collection of trophies and souvenirs is to be sternly 
repressed during an action or when consolidating - 
(j) Ammunition must be collected from all casualties and dumped 
at convenient points - 
(11) The Assaulting Battalions on arrival at the final objective will at 
once consolidate it- Consolidating parties will usually move 
in rear of the last assaulting line - 
(12) Artillery formations have been found good for getting up supports 
and reserves through the enemy barrage, but small columns lose 
heavily under machine gun fire - 
(13) Whenever an attack is started in the dark white tapes should be laid 
out in front of our trenches on which the attacking troops fall 
in- It is important not to move forward till the troops are 
properly aligned, or direction will be lost - 
(14) Clearing trenches- Special parties will be detailed by each 
Battalion to clear the hostile trenches passed over - these 
parties in each case to consist of a Bombing Section with an 
Infantry Section attached - 
(a) There appear to be differences in the Divisions as to the 
positions of these mopping up parties in the assault - In 
some Divisions they form the 5th and 6th Lines, in others 
a party accompanies each Line - In any case each parry 
must be given a definite objective and set to work as 
quickly as possible - 
(b) The mopping up parties will work inwards until touch is 
gained with the next parties, so as to ensure that no part 
of the trench is left unsearched - 
(c) Each Battalion is responsible for the capture and clearing 
of all trenches within its boundaries and leading forward 
from its objective towards the enemy trenches -

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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