Personal Files Book 1, 6 January - 31 January 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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FIS CS Of Dommmon Tho following oxoroiso is to bo barries out by vij Officers below tho rank of Company Commandor, 1.c. by all future Platoon Commandors:- Proparo in writing a daily programe of york to cover four wooks training of a platoon. Tho following assumptions may bo made:- 2 That the net training time available is six houre ror dion, inclusive of a proportion of night hours on some days. 2 That complete range faoilitios oxist. 13 That tho platoon is at Tull war strongth. The programne is to cover both Individual and Colloctivo -Training, but nood not include Recruit Training. Officers will work out the exeralse indepondently, Donot Lr Consultatien with other Officers. The programmos aro to be handed in on Monday noxt at 9.30 a. m. Tho Work will bo individually oritiodzod for com- plotenoss, varioty, practicability, and proper soquence of training, and a lecture will then bo given to all the Officers, dealing with the obsorved mistakes. The bost threo solutions will bo submitted to the Brigadior for Inepection, (sgd) G. J. BURNAGE, V. D. Liont-Col., Chiof Instructor. 2 38! At 502. 6th Jenuary, 1915. 1
AUSTRALLAN LMPEBLAL FORCT. SECOND AUSTPALLAN CONVOY. Transport A.387. -am AT SEA, 6th Jan. 1915. COTIOLOTO2 PY COLONTL T. MOYASH. D OFOOTO SF TOEMTTTATY OTTOTT 1..-The Senior Military Officer regrets to announce Death. the death of No. 461, Pte. Eenjamin William Acreman A.30 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance, which occurred on Transport A.30 (at sea) on ist instant. 2. - The following extract from letter of the Principal Jepeoial anty. Transport Officer, dated 30:12:14, is published for information, and the officers named therein are commended performance of a difficult and for the satisfactor responsible duty :- I desire to place on record my appreciation of 7y F manner in which Capteins eatisfactor, the ver Russell, Trache and hellick have this day carries out the duties assigned to them as Officers in thout charge of Steam Launches, in a heavy sea, accidents, under difficult and most unusual circumstances. The services performed by Captain Forsyth are also much appreciated. He carried out the duty assigned to him in a highly satisfactory manner -O's. C. Troops will ensure that all Convoy Orders Conyoy Orders. are made known to O's. C. Units on respective Trensports. This instruction is to apply to all orders issued to date as well as future Convoy Orders. 4. - It has been noted, with regret, that the Orders of Honors and the Wilitary Board of 17:12:14, para. 16, pase 8, Salutes. relating to action of ship's lles on ransports of (aukys? were almost passing bther t universally disregarded while in Albany Harbour. The Officers Commandin; Troops will, in future, be held Personally responsible for failure to strictly comply with these orders. -Particular attention is directed to the urgent Signals Curtailment of anecessity of reducing to the fewest possible number of words all messages to be transmitted from transport to transport by flag or lamp signal. - This is essential in order to prevent the signal service becoming blocked. 6. -Vide Convoy Order No. 4, para. 1, O's. C. Troops Sentries on on respective Transports to note that the order Transports. referred to is also to apply at all other Ports of Call while thenr ships are at anchor, with the exception that sentries are not to be armed with ball amunition when on duty in the innex anchorages at Colambo or at Aden.
(Convoy Order No. 7.) -(a) Lieut.-Col. J.L. Beeston, V.D., Commanding Transport personnel. 4th Field Ambulance was transferred from A. Special transfer. (Berrima) to A.31? (Ajana) at 12 noon on 5th instant for special duty. (D) Lieut.-Col. Beeston will remain aboard A.35r until arrival at next port of call where he will be transferred to A.58 and act as Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy for the remainder of the voyage. will arrange O.C. Troops, Transport A.3. (0) for the Senior Medical Officer on his ship to assume Medical charge vice Lieut.-Colonel Beeston. (d) The existing arrangements on Transport A. 3S will remain undisturbed, i.e. Captain Loughran will continue to act as Senior Medical Officer to troops on board 8. - (a) The Senior Military Officer approves Confirmation of of confirmation in the appointments held by the LAppointments. Tallowing, subject to such appointments being within the authanised Establishments. 10) Da. 7 Cox. A.S.C. (Pranenert A. 3971. No. 1153 Arnold J. to be Reg.S.S.Major. 115 Coy. Set. Major. Jordon, B. "Coy.A.M. Sst. 1154 Mankey, W.H. Regn. St.Set. Fitzpatrick, P. 1159 Farrier St. Set. Nicholson, C. 1156 " " Tier, B.V. Regn. St. Set. 1238 " ? Sadlr. St. Set. 1310 Crowley,R. "Whir. St. Sst. 1314 Brown, F. A.45r as to -Enquity is made by O.C. Troops Foroonnal 1f located, mexeabouts of No. 3453 Cunner Hunt. Missing. O.C. A. 43? to be comminicated with direct. J.P. MCGLLNN. (SCD.) Lieut.-Colonel. (Bde.—Major 4th Inf.Bde.) Staff Officer, Secand Australian Convoy.
6/1/15 Reconnaiance Value to commanted of Importance coops up everywhere - ? two lectures timely information a Observe & Report I have Every officer should capacity Collection of Enformation should a trained sead = Automatic exercise of trained powers of observation (a) Practice necessary- no mnate capacity General E.g. Signalling Sn Qualifications of Scouts rifle shooting 1711910 p 112 167 time necessary – analogy of painting & map to soak in landscape & study of country () Imagination necessary - See with eye of your commander Wellington – other side of hill, also breath of view - not boo local (d) Courage - necessaey; prepare to take ricks. (C) Pactical knowledge-necessary - O9. M.G position, Arty positions synificance of obstacles eq. river locate enemy, & direction of approach - lavaly & Strategie Kinds. ais seece -1 to pogmplry Factical ½ country - usually without fighting areaources dilate on 3. dispositions enemy - often with fighting each amovements Ricomnmonnce in torce. to sraw tire Condition of work- alone as with patrol (to protect) leisure a hurry. I.C. befoe battle, or during battle. peime object – information, not sight s Organize to get information back. Preparation. (a) set nexessary date 1 situation. 2 intention 3. what is required. Illustrate:- Road fos advance. for returntment. For supplies. for water. nive - t covrsing a prevent crossing commantes m reaponsible give clea's instructions (63 take poper equipment - details later (C) trlean all possible from map, & decide vaite don't return by & estimate time, before going out) same mrite. Instrements Field glasses- adputments- care of Egnipment Compass - distubing influences Varation & its sense Les 3½ W. yept. 3w Wive Cutters Begim 13 W. Clinometer Mears of Transport foot Ercle counted horse beiggy - whee did mootor - milometes Sketdhing materials -paper, pencil, protactoriu
Field Hints. Report that: yf h SKetch Hints. 2 s. take time to analyge. hill 2. Set onts Leight tree towes not seeeple tence post. IConcealment - back against wall atip tre truk no movement treed plasses. 4. Oientation - instinctive sense. at night - luminons compass - polss stas - nother pointed. S. Relative distances- Eq. Clump timber & moke C. datual movement - view fom differnt augles. 7. Visibility – line of vision - look back 8. Observation of movements diect vision duct -pnis, wayyous, moten tracks sound. (moten, wayonr, caralry, better.) G. Cullivate antomatic observation- noticing thins haystacks, cittle, railway, telegrph line, vehiales moving (a get Familias with local objects e.q. windmitls Lykles, brick helus 161 poastice writing fom memory what you have seen (c) old game of objects on tray. time considerations (ad Accuacy (6) Rapidity () Brevity (d Kelevancy A. Bief Summary Road 10th, practicable, 2 pod paitions at 3 & 7 15th6t yrle unde keep tack in new - & founs replier on it; or Larty Ms not too kill, all still relevant. WB. Detarts C. Sketch, or Landscafe Mketch. Value of negative information. Note you fist impressions Paper- / of Holseap sheet - Street of field message book No indelible pencil, bu sketch a report. Har H. pencil Ked & blue pancels – our troops, enemy. Rough scale - or accusate scale Arrows to margin - explaining notes apox Letterng facing all same way L.O. not to stand on head N. point - & always o to top of paper or face eneay. Lones of Arty Fire by Arrows Unit Date, Hame, Peace, Time, Landscape sketches an or
3 Landscape Sketches. See Capt Alason in Lndscape Sketching. Often taken no longer than write out verbally heves taken in nexest 2 mile - tor eround detacl confuse. seave out imumportant detail. take Landscape taogets to report on Example on blackboard. Sometimes a nil report Special Recomanances Road to advance - character, witth, length, adjacent country defensive positions, prades, concralment cones subject t Asty fire d. d to retreat delay action positions. foods, bidges, with, depth, River Line position to facilitate a nenst covrsings Ridges, fords, Condition Factical sultoundings Enemy's position F.S. Pocker Book p. 67 Defensive position do Frl Bivonce site Water Positia toccupy outpost line Country fo movement in tile, Fours, man, dose man. suppless- bood, tarage, full, shelter Vorition for Mashine Guns - all officers should know M.G. Fartico XX lovered lines of approach love from Assoplane Recominance woods, orchards, ledges feeling & whic he is not whhe. During battle propess of our troops - of enemy Lepterch whit he duy lines of advance obstacer – ditches, streams, sunker was favorable shelte - Railway Cutting as bank oldthinckes Night operations Read P.S. Regs F p. 179 No apology necessary, to read. l. 3 1 D
1 Dd n postion 4 p bene Mountains for t AuaryI Railway Meeded orchards places slope sorded tX Kight Open paddout Mondet 28. Fambe Frnt sock pe to t - 4 cack 5 Cuary Hill Parwrama Sketch of s position taken from St Mary's Church
X Minvise feeding &wakerng Capacity Countiy for oges torses. Any Existing or partially dismonbled telephone Exter ir a offices I lines or Telyrayh Existy plan & facllites particulars in enemy's Country collect any Felgrans lying at Offres, letus on morse tape Don't Destroy instruments if they can pessibly be broght i. Hoses Arms & mmunil available o collected reconnoitig in valley great care mare good the to be take to ground on farther Side ridger of a Felegrapt or Telephone live run beyond Sphere if reconnononce Dper circunt. or earth it beyond until such time as you are prepare to man the terminal o when communication should be rertored with viw to paking up any of Evemys mes When communicating with your own Joice homene earth the enemy's side of line Sothat he hear you Eversyes. want 000
loy way from man giing leave woa post Jor always Bodz Communication purposes? These posts shel y Within Sight be each persible orher Visual Synallig purposes in ened of aste ic Always include a Telegraphist in reportind recotry as all available grestions 100
X OPPTCPES SCROOL OF ENSTRUCTTON - TRRUSPOFT A 38 (Vido Brizado Ordor No. 40) Chief Instructor - Lieut.-Col. G. J. Burnage, V.D., C.O., 13th Battalion. Assistant Instructors - Major J. Adams, 14th Battalion. La jor W. W. Ellis, 13th Battalion. SELLABUS OF TRALNING. Time Time Date. Time 8 p.m. to 3 p.m. 8.30 p.m. to 9.30p. m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. TUESDAY FREE Field Engineering Map Reading 4-1-15 Mnont LECTURE - Fire 5-1-15 FREE FRLE Effect (Major W.W. Ellis). THURSDAY 6-1-15 FREE. Company in Attack Field Engineering FIUN LECTURE - Reconnals- 7-1-15 FREE FREE sance. (Col. Monash, Brigadier). SATURDAY FREE. 8-1-15 Company in Defence Field Engineering MONDAY General Discussion 10-1-15. FREE FRLL on Musketry.

The following exercise is to be carried out by all 
Officers below the rank of Company Commander, i.e. by all 
future Platoon Commanders:- 
"Prepare in writing a daily programme of work to cover 
"four weeks training of a platoon. 
"The following assumptions may be made:-
"1. That the net training time available is six 
hours per diem, inclusive of a proportion of 
night hours on some days. 
"2. That complete range facilities exist. 
"3. That the platoon is at full war strength. 
"The programme is to cover both Individual and Collective
"Training, but need not include Recruit Training". 
Officers will work out the exercise independently,
i. e. not in consultation with other Officers. 
The programmes are to be handed in on Monday next 
at 9.30 a.m. 
The work will be individually criticized for completeness, 
variety, practicability, and proper sequence of 
training, and a lecture will then be given to all the Officers, 
dealing with the observed mistakes. 
The best three solutions will be submitted to 
the Brigadier for inspection, 
(sgd) G. J. BURNAGE, V.D. 
Lieut-Col., Chief Instructor, 
"A 38" At Sea, 
6th January, 1915.


Transport "A.38" 
AT SEA, 6th Jan. 1915. 
Death.           1. -The Senior Military Officer regrets to announce 
"A.30".            the death of No. 481, Pte. Benjamin William Acreman, 
                        2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance, which occurred on Transport                            
                        "A.30" (at sea) on 1st instant. 
Special duty.  2. - The following extract from letter of the Principal 
                          Transport Officer, dated 30:12:14, is published for 
                          information, and the officers named therein are commended                                                
                          for the satisfactory performance of a difficult and  
                          responsible duty:- 
                         " I desire to place on record my appreciation of  
                         the very satisfactory [[w?k]] manner in which Captain                                         
                         Russell, Brache and Kellick have this day carried                                                   
                         out the duties assigned to them as Officers in  
                         charge of Steam Launches, in a heavy sea, without 
                         accidents, under difficult and most unusual                                                          
                             The services performed by Captain Forsyth are                                               
                            also much appreciated. He carried out the duty                                                   
                            assigned to him in a highly satisfactory manner". 
Convoy Orders.  3. -O's. C. troops will ensure that all Convoy Orders 
                               are made known to O's. C. Units on respective Transports.                                 
                              This instruction is to apply to all orders issued to date  
                              as well as future Convoy Orders. 
Honors and    4. - It has been noted, with regret, that the Orders of 
 Salutes            the Military Board of 17:12:14, para. 16, page 8, 
                           relating to action of ship's companies on 
                           passing other transports or ^approaching quays, were almost  
                           universally disregarded while in Albany Harbour.  The  
                           Officers Commanding Troops will, in future, will be held     
                           personally responsible for failure to strictly comply                                    
                           with these orders. 
Signals                 5.  - Particular attention is directed to the urgent 
Curtailment of   -necessity of reducing to the fewest possible number of 
                              words all messages to be transmitted from transport to                                    
                              transport by flag or lamp signal.  - This is essential 
                              in order to prevent the signal service becoming blocked. 
Sentries on      6. - Vide Convoy Order No. 4, para. 1, O's. C. Troops    
Transports       on respective Transports to note that the order  
                           referred to is also to apply at all other Ports of Call                                              
                           while their ships are at anchor, with the exception                                               
                           that sentries are not to be armed with ball ammunition                                     
                           when on duty in the inner anchorages at Colombo or at                                   


(Convoy Order No. 7.) 
Transport personnel.   7. - (a)   Lieut-Col. J.L.Beeston, V.B., Commanding 
Special Transfer.           4th Field Ambulance was transferred from "A.35"                                                  
                                         (Berrima) to "A.32" (Ajana) at 12 noon on 5th instant 
                                        for special duty. 
                                               (b) Lieut-Col. Beeston will remain aboard  
                                         "A.35" until arrival at next port of call where he  
                                        will be transferred to "A.38" and act as Senior                                                        
                                        Medical Officer of the Convoy for the remainder of                                              
                                        the voyage. 
                                              (c) O.C. Troops, Transport "A.35" will arrange  
                                        for the Senior Medical Officer on his ship to assume                                            
                                        Medical charge vice Lieut.-Colonel Beeston. 
                                             (d) The existing arrangements on Transport  
                                         "A.38' will remain undisturbed, i. e, Captain  
                                          Loughran will continue to act as Senior Medical                                                    
                                          Officer to troops on board 
Confirmation of            8.  - (a) The Senior Military Officer approves              
Appointments              of confirmation in the appointments held by the                                                 
                                          following, subject to such appointments being within                                       
                                          the authorised Establishments. 
                                              (b)   No. 7 Coy. A.S.C. (Transport "A.39") 
                                                No. 1153  Arnold J.     to be Reg. S.S. Major. 
                                                "     1157 Jordon, B.      "  "    Coy. Sgt. Major. 
                                                "     1154 Mankey, W.H " "  Coy. Q.M. Sgt 
                                                "     1169 Fitzpatrick, B   " Reqn. St. Sgt. 
                                                "     1156  Nicholson,  C.  " Farrier St. Sgt. 
                                                "     1288 Tier , B.V.        "   "  Reqn. St, Sgt, 
                                                "     1310  Crowley, R,    "   "  Sadlr, St. Sgt, 
                                                "     1314   Brown, F.      "   "  Whlr, St. Sgt. 
Personnel                            9. - Enquity is made by G.C. Troops "A.43" as to   
 Missing                                whereabouts of No. 3455 Gunner Hunt.   If located,                                                
                                               G.C. "A.43" to be communicated with direct. 
                                                                                         (SGD.)   J.F. McGLINN 
                                                                                  (Bde.- Major 4th Inf. Bde.) 
                                                         Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy. 


   RL&C                                             Reconnaissance                          6/1/15                                                                    
Importance - crops up everywhere - ? two lectures | Value to commander of 
                                                                                                                                                 timely information 
                       = Report Observe & Report - Every officer should have  
                       = Collection of Information                        should = trained scout 
                       = Automatic exercise of trained powers of observation. 
General      (a) Practice necessary - no innate capacity e.g. signalling 
                                                                                                          rifle shooting. 
                                           See Qualification of Scouts    
                                                                         I.T 1914 p.112 
                      (b) Time necessary -  analogy of painting & maps 
                             to soak in                                    landscape & study of country 
                      (c) Imagination necessary  - See with eye of your Commander                                                          
                                                                                                    \  also breadth of                                                                                                               
                                                                                                      view- not too local 
                                                     Wellington - other side of hill. 
                        (d) Courage - necessary; prepare to take risks. 
                        (e) Tactical knowledge - necessary - eg. M.G -  positions; Arty. positions.  
                                                                                                           significance of obstacles e.g. river. 
Kinds.        Strategic - locate enemy; & direction of approach -  Cavalry &                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                       Air Service 
                     Tactical - 1. topography} 
                                        2. resources   } country - usually without fighting 
                 dilate on   {  3. disposition    } 
                 each           { 4. movements } enemy - often with fighting 
                                                                                    Reconnaissance in force                                                                                                           
                                                                                    to draw fire. 
Conditions of work - alone    or with patrol (to protect) 
                                         leisure   or hurry .  i.e. before battle, or during battle 
              prime object - information, not fight  Organize to get information                                                                                                                             
Preparations.   (a) Set necessary data  1. situation. 
                                                                         2. intention. 
                                                                         3. what is required. 
                                                   Illustrate: - Road  - for advance. 
                                                                                      for [[retirement ?]]. 
                                                                                      for supplies 
                                                                                      for water 
                                                                                      river - for crossing or prevent crossing 
                                     Commander must responsible give clear instructions. 
                                 (b) Take proper equipment - details later 
                                 (c) Glean all possible from maps, & decide route  
                                                                                                      don't return by 
                                                                                                      same route. 
                                       & estimate time, before going out. 
Instruments -   Field glasses - adjustments - care of 
  Equipment      Compass - disturbing influence - Variation & its sense 
                                                                                                 hrs 3½o W. 
                                                                                                   Egypt 3o W. 
                                                                                                   Belgium 13o W.                                                   
                               Wire cutters. 
                               Means of Transport - on foot 
                                                                        Cycle - counter 
                                                                         buggy - wheel dia. 
                                                                         motor - milometer 
                                Sketching materials - paper, pencil, protractor


Field Hints.   1.  Take time to analyze. 
                         2. Set onto height - hill 
                                                              fence post. 
                         3. Concealment - back against wall 
                                                                                     tree trunk 
                                                            no movement - field glasses 
                         4. Orientation - instinctive sense. 
                                    at night - luminous compass - polar stars - northern pointers 
                         5. Relative distances - e.g clump timber & smoke 
                         6. Lateral movement - view from different angles. 
                         7. Visibility - line of vision - look back 
                         8. Observation of movement - direct vision 
                                                                                     tracks - guns, waggons, motors 
                                                                                      sound. (motors, waggons, cavalry, bikes) 
                            9. Cultivate automatic observation 'noticing things' 
                                               haystacks, cattle, railway, telegraph line, vehicles moving 
                                                (a) get familiar with local objects e.g. windmills,                                                                                          
                                                                                                                       dykes, brick kilns 
                                                (b) practice writing from memory what you have seen 
                                                 (c) old game of objects on tray. 
Report Hints:-   Time consideration   (a) Accuracy 
                                                                      (b) Rapidity 
                                                                      (c) Brevity 
                                                                      (d) Relevancy 
                               A. Brief Summary  -  Road 10M, practicable, 2 good positions  
                                                                                       at 3 & 7M.l   5th & 6th units under                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                  obs & Arty fire 
                                           keep task in view - & focus replies on it 
Right & left 
facing enemy 
                               B.  Details   -  not too full, all still relevant 
                               C.  Sketch. on Landscape sketch 
                          Value of negative information. - Note your first impression 
Sketch Hints.      Paper - ½ of foolscap sheet - Sheet of field message book 
                                 No indelible pencil, for sketch or report. 
                                 Hard H. pencil 
                                 Red & blue pencils - our troops , enemy 
                                 Rough scale - or accurate scale 
                                  Arrows to margin - explaining notes 
                                  Lettering facing all same way approx - C.O not to stand on head 
                                  N. point - & always N to top of paper l or face enemy 
                                  Zones of Arty. fire by arrows. 
                                     Date, Name,  Unit, Place, Time, 
                                     Landscape sketches    see on 


Landscape Sketches  -   See Capt Alason re Landscape Sketching. 
                                  Often takes no longer than write out verbally 
                                  Never taken in nearest ¼ mile - foreground details confuse.. 
                                                          Leave out unimportant detail. 
                                  Take Landscape targets to report on. 
                                   Example on blackboard. 
Special Reconnaisances  -    Sometimes a nil report 
                              Road for advance - character, width, length, adjacent country 
                                                               defensive positions, grade, concealment 
                                                               zone subject to Arty. fire 
                                           for retreat -  do.      do. 
                                                                    delay action positions 
                                            River Line  -  fords, bridges, width, depth, 
                                                                positions to facilitate or resist crossings 
                                           Bridges, fords,  -   Conditions 
                                                                            Tactical surroundings 
                                            Enemy's positions   F.S Pocket Book p. 67 
                                             Defensive position                  do. 
                                              Bivouac site            Water  Fuel Position to occupy 
                                                                                        Outpost line 
                                               Country for movement in file, fours, mass, close mass. 
                                               Supplies  -  Food, forage, fuel, shelter 
                                               Positions for Machine Guns  -  all officers should know 
                                                                                                                   M.G. Tactics. 
                                          XX Covered lines of approach 
                                                Cover from Aeroplane Reconnaisance - 
                                                                        woods, orchards, hedges 
                                                                               Feeling = where he is not 
                                                                                               Touch = where he is        Keep touch = What he  
                                                 During battle   -  progress of our troops - of enemy 
                                                                                 lines of advance 
                                                                                 obstacles - ditches, streams, sunken roads. 
                                                                                  favourable shelter - Railway cuttings or banks 
                                                                                                                             old trenches 
Night operations.       Read F.S Regs 1 p. 177 
                                         No apology necessary, to read. 
                                                                                 Books. F.S. Pocket Book 
                                                                                           F.S. Regs. 


 Panorama sketch of St Marys Quarry Hill position 
     Taken from St Mary's Church. 


Capacity Country for feeding & watering 
Any Existing or partially dismantled  telephone 
or telegraph lines or offices & Extent or 
particulars of existing plant & facilities 
If in enemies country collect any telegrams 
X  letters or morse tape lying at offices 
Don't destroy instruments if they can possibly be 
brought in. 
Horses, Arms & Ammunition available 
or collected. 
If reconnoitring in valley great care 
to be taken to make for the 
ground on farther side of ridges. 
X   If a telegraph or telephone line runs 
beyond sphere of reconnaisance open circuit 
or earth it beyond until such time 
as you are prepared to man the terminal 
[[Ofc?]] when communication should be returned 
with view to picking up any of enemies messages. 
When communicating with your own force however 
earth the enemy's side of line so that  
he wont hear your messages. 
{* On contained telegraph lines 
linking to the war almost 


If going a long way from main 
Body always leave dual posts for 
communication purposes. These posts shall 
if possible be within sight of each 
other for visual signalling purposes 
in event of disaster etc. 
Always include a Telegraphist in important 
recontng operations if at all available.


(Vide Brigade Order No.  46)
Chief Instructor   -    Lieut.-Col. G. J. Burnage, V,D., C.O., 
13th Battalion. 
Assistant Instructors - Major J.   Adams,   14th Battalion 
                                          Major W. W. Ellis,   13th Battalion.
      Date.                 Time                         Time                        Time 
                              2 p.m. to 3 p.m.       3 p.m. to 4 p.m.     8.30p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 
    TUESDAY        Map Reading        Field Engineering             FREE. 
     5-1-15                      FREE                           FREE                LECTURE-Fire 
                                                                                                     Effect (Major W. W. 
      6-1-15           Company in Attack   Field Engineering          FREE. 
      7-1-15                    FREE                           FREE             LECTURE- Reconnais- 
                                                                                                 sance. (Col. Monash, 
     8-1-15         Company in Defence     Field Engineering        FREE. 
      10-1-15                  FREE                           FREE              General Discussion 
                                                                                                  on Musketry. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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