Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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Segenuoderrtand med Pleede, ofest Ttne soomferlng-vons Rifålag -och vans peart. Kan met dard thad eood Comdaes. selda e Ou dies-vons setetå arken ded geen hen oheddeedd. addnehe. Hane gen chang fo 2o franes. eveg vone ke soovmeie dede t Shad is vkad Smeen. Ciddgegut ge venn din, 3 kane ooom de m ai pleus d'ergent Shane onlg stonnng poekel enaigere een naut dane mpeehe, aud gon alet velt last nigtt: ben- ovens hren sett sult! stoni che veatke tks! Guel nentefantoo ur meten, Sosheanteful pnegnefege Gens ngll, gon ar wrorg g'ar nenon, vensontg tor So gan Rnenng eanten. Løvnerdege vorad ooro lenåre Skenen hein, Sao not tyen ge le omans, fe oa la conensfes aogen der phrat monstans) Voggvons retke montagpe Have gan mener heente Bis Nang-von pameis ildå bud Ghøne menev hernthert Gevolg ar famens ett. Mndlane Rerkmenr. Aneboo herte-dens Ane 33 tente-trar are Sege 4o Overende Onede Raaedd so Gorsrrasde bore ges- Herdd to Sen Lenenda ent 2o Va Seht Sanente-der nd Vnsd-k kenanske- va henf Vodst. ders 22 77 Beraant: dordoe 23 Vongt: hrors so Gnetre-vot Ooo z 10 Vungt: paetor Anete-vnft. der Doog 3o trenke Aveher Vong. vo Hruge tssde-h vn Anete.vugd. dang 1wo ed Ordinenn twod vrulll rene ononønnd ennephein bengerøn 2 Berv kea dsssdaddvae vnees a bees. esoeoni Ouehe v y Vrghrøvne s shaalagosd Vorst-dl un Seno Gurtevnånae getteeme Ainnovgene Sersjrant nensdalo y
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---OENKRAL STATr.- 51. ---veysallis covor.- Transport On Boari Ne. and Name. offieefe Other Total Norses Remarks. Ranke. 429 seuerls 26 a7 e90 see letNe.1. spordel 430 490 45 21 2. etjans 431 291 301 257 "Themistocle 432 1224 43 eAyrchire" 33 434 eFereie' 484 50. dr 433 "Berrime 125 436 458 43 88 438 -Ulyeses" 20dt. 207 439 'Pt. Macquarrie Ceramie Ato 2429 i Al 13. ad 166 114 14. A 102 444 "Vestalis" 11 120 a06 16. Totel 10030 3ie 10348 aAl? rr r NOTX. The above figures furnished by respective O's C. Troope representing personnel actually on board, with exception of ships' Officers and crew. -- NEV ZEALAND COEvOY.-- N.M.N.Z.T. 13 "Verdala" 18 486 527 Taken from Embarkation Orders No.1, New Zealand 1. .Villochra" 34 1189 1223 Expeditionary Force, Second Reinforcemente. 13 "Knighe of the 1 26. 278 503 Garter' Total 66 ] 1962 ; 2028 989 rr Total of Ehols Convar 1 3à4 1922 ! 12224 g Mrltetnovt. Dolonel. (Brigade M/jor, Feufth Infantry Brigade. A.I.3/. 438 (eUlyeses) Stegt/Offieer, /Second Australian C'nvoy. At Sea, 3-1-15.
A e me for Chief Instrueter, Scheel ef Instruction for Officers, Transport No. 438.and A40. It is suggested that, as part of the course of Instruction fer Offieere, the fellewing exercise should be eet, which ehould be carried ent by ell Officers below the rank of Company Commander, i.e. by all future Platoon Cormanders !- "Prepare in writing a daily programme of work to cover four weeke training of a platoon. "The fellowing assumptione may be mede!- 1. thet the net treining time eveileble ie six hours per diem, inolusive of a propertion of night houre on some daye. 2. that complete range facilities exist. 3. thet the platoon is at full war strength. "The programme is to cover both Individual and Colleotive Treining, but need not include Reeruit Training. Offieers chould be instructed to work eut the exercise independently, i.e. not in consultation with other Officere. The programmeeshould be handed in at a date and time to be fized, allowing say four days for their preparation. The work should be individually critisized for complete- nese, variety, practicability, and proper sequence of training. and a lecture should then be siven to all the Officere dealing wichthe obberved mistakes. I chould like to heve the best three solutions submitted to m for inspection. Colo Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade. .438e At see, 5-1-15.
S7./.3 Tvert Lanfan, Orlangation NEW ORGANISATION OF INFANTPY BATTALION. -----000---- Staff- Drummers Rank Warrant Sergeants and and Appointment. Officers. Officers Buglers. File. Total. and Sergeants -------- --------- Frr HrAD-QUAR IRS. Lieutenant-Colonel .. Major Adjutant Quarter-Master Sergeat-Major Quartermaster Sergt. Orderly-room Sergt. Sergeant-Drummer Sergeant Cook Pioneer Sergeant Pioneers io Transport-Sergeant Signallingsergeant Signalling-Corporal Signallers Sergeant-Shoemaker Drivers (lst Line. Drivers (Spare) Batmen Stretcher-bearers 185 16 Orderlies Med.Officer --.------------- --- ---. Total 61 ---.. .-----------.--------------- --- u NU1 A subaltern to act. Transport Officer .----------------- ..............----------------------------- vIT MACh IE GUN STCTION Subaltern ix Sergeant" Corporal Privates Drivers (lst Line) Batmen ----- ------- Total 16 18 --- -------------------------- ----------------
NEW ORGANISATION OF INFANTRY BATTALION. -----000-. --- FT ---Sr 2. trrr Staff- Sergeants Drummers Rank Total. and and Officere, and Appointment. File. Sergeants. Buglers. ------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------ --- orghuisanius he Soypanl. .. Company Commander (Major) Coy.Second in Command (Saptain) Platoon Commander (Liutenant) Company Sergeant Major .. Coy. Quartermaster-Sergeant Sergeants Corporals Drummers 188 188 Privates Drivers Batmen --------------- .............-------------- ----- ------- 227 207 10 Total ............-----------.-.-----------.-----.------ ------------- VEEICLES. Remarks. No. Detail --------------- ----------------------------- ------------ Headquarters' Bicycles Carts, Maltese Medical Carts Water Instead of limbered wagons. Carts, S.A.A. Wagons, limbered (tools) * 1 issued if no travelling Wagon, Cook's kitchens on issue. (Wagon limbered for -(gun and ammunition. M.G. (Cart S.A.A. Company pack, ammunition, avelling kitchens .------------------------- --------- ---------. 33 Total ------------------------.--.---------------------------- ----- XOTE No provision cheen for Company tools.
---onnnsil STATE-- -- Aenallab covor. rr Transport. On Boagi No. 4 Name Officers. Other Total Norses! Remarks. ranks. ------------ --------- 429 "Suevie 26 473 499 490 see listNo.1 sjo sbordal 490 499 218 2 . 431 'Ajana" 10 291 301 257 432 "Themistocles 1197 23 1220 . 433 'Ayrshire 16 309 290 pe. 434 "Persio" 484 461 23 507 . . . 7 433 "Berrime 20 1237 1257 . . a 436 94 458 99 437 10 1od 463 . . 438 "Ulysses" 74 2079 18 10 . .11 A39 't. MocQuarri 324 425 13 337 440 "Ceramic' 2629 2704 21 12 75 441 75 77 169 13 442 108 114 387 1 15 443 102 348 444 "Vestalia 114 120 408 --- ------ -------- -- Grotal o 10348 318 4417 NOTE. Above figures furnished by respective O's C. Troops as representing personnel actually onboard, with exception of ships' Officers and crew. --NNW ZEALAND CONVOY-- --------- ---- H.M.N.Z.T. 13 "Verdala 18 Taken from Embarkation 486 509 527 Orders No.1, New 14 "Villochra" 34 1189 1223 Zealand Expeditionary Force, Second Rein- 15 "Knight of the 14 264 278 503 forcements. Garter ---- ----- 7 --- - ----------------------------- Total ------ 2028! 66 1962 989 err rrerere? Total of whole Convoy 24. 111292 1 122376 naoh. A -Colonel (Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Bde.ALE -438" ("Ulysses"), Staff Offigér, 2nd Australian Convry) At Sea, 5-1-15


Do you understand me? Please repeat. 
Me comprenez-vous? 
Répétez- s'il vous plaît.
How much does that cost Combien celà xxxxxx
Where did you buy that dress? 
Où aviez-vous acheté 
cette robe?
Have you change for 20 francs? 
Avez-vous la monnaie de 20 
That is what I mean. C'est ce que je veux dire.
I have no more money Je n'ai plus d'argent
I have only 3d in my pocket. 
Je n'ai que six sous  
dans ma poche.
Did you sleep well last night? 
Avez-vous bien dormi cette  
How is the weather this morning? Quel temps fait-il ce matin?
It is beautiful Il fait magnifique C’est magnifique
I am right, you are wrong J'ai raison, vous avez tort.
Do you know my cousin? Connaisez-vous mon cousin?
I know him. I do not know 
Je le connais. Je ne le connais pas. 
Do you see that mountain? Voyez-vous cette montagne?
Have you never been to Paris? N'avez-vous jamais été à Paris?
I have never been there. Je n'y ai jamais été.

               Numbers  Cardinaux.

1 Un 14 Quatorze 32 Trente-deux
2 Deux 15 Quinze 33 Trente-trois
3 Trois 16 Seize 40 Quarante
4 Quatre 17 Dix-sept 50 Cinquante
5 Cinq 18 Dix-huit 60 Soixante
6 Six 19 Dix-neuf    
7 Sept 20 Vingt 70 Soixante-dix
8 Huit 21 Vingt-et-un 71 Soixante-onze
9 Neuf 22 Vingt-deux 72 Soixante-douze
10 Dix 23 Vingt-trois 80 Quatre-vingts
11 Onze 24 Vingt-quatre 90 Quatre-vingts-dix
12 Douze 30 Trente 91 Quatre-vingt-onze
13 Treize 31 Trente-et-un 92 Quatre-vingt-douze.
        100 Cent
        1000 Mille


1st Premier 9th neuvième 17th Dix-septième
2nd Deuzième 10th Dixième 18th Dix-huitième
3rd Troisième 11th Onzième 19th Dix-neuvième
4th Quatrieme 12th Douzième 20th Vingtième
5th Cinquième 13th Treizième 21st Vingt-et unième
6th Sixième 14th Quatorzième     
7th Septième 15th Quinzième    
8th Huitième 16th Seizième    

Days of the week

Monday Lundi
Tuesday Mardi
Wednesday         Mercredi
Thursday Jeudi
Friday Vendredi
Saturday Samedi
Sunday Dimanche


January   Janvier
February  Fèvrier
March  Mars
April  Avril
May  Mai
June Juin
July  Juillet
August  Aôut
September Septembre
October  Octobre
November  Novembre
December  Decembre .

---GENERAL STATE--- 5/1/15 

No. and Name.
On  Board Total Horses Remarks
Other Ranks      
A29 "Suevic" 26 473 499 490 See list No. 1.
A30 "Borda" 9 490 499 218    "      "     "   2.
A31 "Ajana" 10 291 301 257    "      "     "   3.
A32 "Themistocles" 23 1197 1220 ---    "      "     "   4.
A33 "Ayrshire" 16 309 325 290    "      "     "   5.
A34 "Persic" 23 484 507 461    "      "     "   6.
A35 "Berrima" 20 1237 1257 ---    "      "     "   7.
A36 5 94 99 458    "      "     "   8.
A37 5 103 108 463    "      "     "   9.
A38 "Ulysses" 74 2005 2079 18    "      "     "  10.
A39 "Pt. Macquarie" 13 324 337 429     "      "     "  11.
A40 "Ceramic" 75 2629 2704 21  "      "     "  12.
A41 2 75 77 169  "      "     "  13.
A42 6 108 114 387  "      "     "  14.
A43 5 97 102 348  "      "     "  15.
A44 "Vestalia" 6 114 120 408  "      "     "  16.
Total 318 10030 10348 4417 -------------

NOTE.   The above figures furnished by respective O's C. Troops as 
representing personnel actually on board, with exception of ships' 
Officers and crew. 


13 "Verdala" 18 509 527 486 Taken from Embarkation 
Orders No. 1, New Zealand
14 "Willochra" 34 1189 1223 --- Expeditionary Force 
Second Reinforcements
15 "Knight of the  
14 264 278 503  
Total 66 1962 2028 989 ------------------------
Total of 
whole convoy
384 11992 12376 5406  

JPMcGlinn Lieut.-Colonel, 
(Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.,) 
Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy 
"A38" ("Ulysses") , 
 At Sea, 5-1-15.


Memo for Chief Instructor, 
School of Instruction for Officers, 
Transport No. A38 and A40. 
It is suggested that, as part of the course of Instruction 
for Officers, the following exercise should be set, which should be 
carried out by all Officers below the rank of Company Commander, 
i.e. by all future Platoon Commanders :- 
"Prepare in writing a daily programme of work to cover 
four weeks training of a platoon. 
"The following assumption may be made :-

  1. that the net training time available  
    is six hours per diem, inclusive of a  
    proportion of night hours on some days.
  2. that complete range facilities exist.
  3. that the platoon is at full war strength.

"The programme is to cover both Individual and Collective 
Training, but need not include Recruit Training." 
Officers should be instructed to work out the exercises 
independently, i.e. not in consultation with other Officers. 
The programme should be handed in at a date and time to 
be fixed, allowing say four days for their preparation. 
The work should be individually criticized for completeness, 
variety, practicability, and proper sequence of of training, 
and a lecture should then be given to all the Officers dealing 
with the observed mistakes. 
I should like to have the best three solutions submitted 
to me for inspection. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade.

"A38" At Sea, 


Four Company Organization 








and Sergeants





and File.



Lieutenant-Colonel 1 . . . . . . . . 1
Major 1 . . . . . . . . 1
Adjutant 1 . . . . . . . . 1
Quarter-Master 1 . . . . . . . . 1
Sergeant-Major . . 1 . . . . . . 1
Quartermaster Sergt. . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Orderly-room Sergt. . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Sergeant-Drummer . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Sergeant Cook . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Pioneer Sergeant . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Pioneers . . . . . . . . 10 10
Transport-Sergeant . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Signalling-Sergeant . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Signalling-Corporal . . . . . . . . 1 1
Signallers . . . . . . . . 15 15
Sergeant-Shoemaker . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Drivers (1st Line) . . . . . . . . 9 9
Drivers (Spare) . . . . . . . . 2 2
Batmen . . . . . . . . 6 6
Stretcher-bearers . . . . . . . .  16 16
Orderlies Med. Officer . . . . . . . . 2 2


4 1 8 . . 61 74

Transport Officer - A subaltern to act. 

Subaltern                            1                . .                   . .                           . .                      . .               1        
Sergeant . . . . 1 . . . . 1
Corporal . . . . . . . . 1 1.
Privates . .  . .  . . . . 12 12
Drivers (1st Line) . .  . . . .  . . 2 2
Batmen . . . . . . . . 1 1


1 . . . . 1 . .  16 18

---SHEET 2---






and Sergeants.


and Buglers.





Company Commander (Major) 1 . . . . . . 1
Coy. Second in Command (Captain) 1 . . . . . . 1
Platoon Commander (Lieutenant) 4 . . . . . . 4
Company Sergeant Major . . 1 . . . . 1
Coy. Quartermaster-Sergeant . . 1 . . . . 1
Sergeants . . 8 . . . . 8
Corporals . . . . . . 10 10
Drummers . . . . 4 . . 4
Privates . . . . . . 188 188
Drivers . . . . . . 3 3
Batmen . . . . . . 6 6
Total 6 10 4 207 227


Detail No. Remarks.
Headquarters' Bicycles 9  
Carts, Maltese Medical 1  
Carts Water 2  
Carts, S.A.A. 5 ≠ ≠Instead of limbered wagons
Wagons, limbered (tools) 2  
Wagon, Cook's I I 1 issued if no travelling 
kitchens on issue
(Wagon limbered for 
M.G.-(gun and ammunition. 
(Cart S.A.A.

Company pack, ammunition 8  
Travelling kitchens 4  
Total 33  

No provision shown for Company tools. 



No. and Name.
On  Board Total Horses Remarks
  Officers Other Ranks      
A29 "Suevic" 26 473 499 490 See list No. 1.
A30 "Borda" 9 490 499 218    "      "     "   2.
A31 "Ajana" 10 291 301 257    "      "     "   3.
A32 "Themistocles" 23 1197 1220 ---    "      "     "   4.
A33 "Ayrshire" 16 309 325 290    "      "     "   5.
A34 "Persic" 23 484 507 461    "      "     "   6.
A35 "Berrima" 20 1237 1257 ---    "      "     "   7.
A36 5 94 99 458    "      "     "   8.
A37 5 103 108 463    "      "     "   9.
A38 "Ulysses" 74 2005 2079 18    "      "     "  10.
A39 "Pt. Macquarie" 13 324 337 429     "      "     "  11.
A40 "Ceramic" 75 2629 2704 21  "      "     "  12.
A41 2 75 77 169  "      "     "  13.
A42 6 108 114 387  "      "     "  14.
A43 5 97 102 348  "      "     "  15.
A44 "Vestalia" 6 114 120 408  "      "     "  16.
Total 318 10030 10348 4417 -------------

NOTE.   The above figures furnished by respective O's C. Troops as 
representing personnel actually on board, with exception of ships' 
Officers and crew. 

13 "Verdala" 18 509 527 486 Taken from Embarkation 
Orders No. 1, New Zealand
14 "Willochra" 34 1189 1223 --- Expeditionary Force 
Second Reinforcements
15 "Knight of the  
14 264 278 503  
Total 66 1962 2028 989 ------------------------
Total of 
whole convoy
384. 11992 12376 5406.  

JPMcGlinn Lieut.-Colonel, 
(Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Bde .A.I.F.) 
Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy, 
"A38" ("Ulysses") 
At Sea, 5-1-15. 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: