Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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We have been given some breathing time here by Lord Kütchener for one object, and one object only - to do our best to ft ourselves to join in the struggle to the best advantage of our country. Ihonestly do not think of our men realize that this is the case. Cairo is full of temptations, and a few of the men seem to think they have come here for a huge picnic-they have money and wish to get rid of it The worst of it is that Cairo is full of some, probably, of the most unscrupulous people in the world, who ave only too anxious to do al they can to entice our boys into the worst of places, and possibly drug them there - only to turn them out again in a short Hme to bring disgrace on the rest of us. Strely the good ieeling of the men as a whole must be suficient to stop this when they realize it. The breathing Hime we have left us is but a short one and we want every single minute of it to try and make ourselves efüicient. We have to remember too that our Govern¬ ments of the Commonwealth and Dominion have sent us here at a great sacrince to themselves, and they fully rely on us upholding their good name -and indeed doing much more than that for I know they Jook to us to prove that these two contingents contain the Hnest troops in the British Empire, (whose deeds are going down in history), whom they look forward to welcome with as honours when we have done our share, and I hope even more than our share, in ensuring victory over a people who would take al we hold dear trom us s we do not crush them now. But there is no possibility whatever of our doing ourselves ful justce unless we are every one of us absolutely physically Ht, and this no man can possibly be it he alows his body to become sodden wih drink of rotten toom women - and undess he is doing his best to keep himself efficient he is swindling the Govermment which has sent him to represent it and feht for it. From perhaps a selfsh point of view, too, but in the interests of our children and children's children it is as necessary to keep a eclean Australa: as a -White Australae. A very few men can 'ake away our good name. Will you appeal to al to realize what Is before us, and from now onwards to keep before them one thought, and only one thought, unti! this war is Hnished with honour - that is - a Hxed determination to think of nothing and to work for nothing but their individual effciency to meet the enemy. the men themselves will let any who do not stick to this know what curs they think them in shirking the work for which it has been their privilege to be selected, then I know well, any backslidings will stop at once - not from thoughts of punishments - but from good feeling, which is what we want. I have just been writing to Lord Kitchener telling him how intensely proud and well- nigh overwhelmed I feel at Hnding myself in command of such a magnincent body of men as we have here - no man could feel otherwise. He will, I know follow every movement of oufs with unfailing interest, and surely we will never risk disappointing him by allowing a few of out men to give us a bad name. This applies equally to every one of us, from General down to the last joined Drummer. Wil you and your men see to i? Yours Very Sincerely, W. R. BIRDWOOD
3 ADMINISTPAT NTS PFQUIRIRF (URGINT). PRONOTIONS. STNIOFITY. Og ZduR AUSTPILIAN LPRIAL FORCT. SECOND AUSTPALIEN CONVOY. Transport "438" King George's Sound, ber. CONVOY ORD-R NO. 5 COLONIL J. MONACH. V.D.. SEIOB MILITAEY OYIICEB OF TI CONYOY. 1 (a) The following copy of Urgent Telegram received by the Senior Military Officer on arrival at King George's Sound is ass published in order that necessary action may be taken by all concerned (b) Telegram. From Adjutant General Melbourne. "W8682 Commandant, Second Military District, reports following records not received from Units prior embarkation.- EBIGADE. List Universal SICOUD LITI LORSE Trainees. . EISLLIH HORST. List Universal Trainees. SIX-E LIGET FOPSE. Nominal Roll "A" Squadron (Stop) Attestations incomplete. NTLILT LORSE. No documents of any description. EIPST LITH IOEE REIVOECENTS. No List of Trainees. : EEIIIORCEMIS. Onlv attes¬ LIHT HO s tation received (stop). No documents received from FIRST MOBIIF V'TTF IT HORSE FINLD AMBULANCF, INARY SFCTION STCOND LIS 5" details LGAI HOF YPZTF L"PEPI A'and "A4z trer. "BORDA" FIR PFINFOPCFMFITS HINF OF COMAUNI ICATION TTTT TF ARMY UNITS REINFORCFNP NT VICI Sil AN" SEVTTT CORPS and FOURTH FI LD AMBULANCF documents required duplicate attestations Nominal Roll complete files Please Orders issued and List Universal Trainees. obtain and transmit without delay." The Senior Military Officer directs that O's.C. Troops on respective Transports take immediate action to ensure that inform tion and documents required are furnished forth- All documents to reach with by O's.C. Units concerned. Convoy Staff Officer on "A38" not later than 6p.m. tomorrow, 29th instant. 3. (a) Telegraphic Advice has been received from Headquarters, Melbourne, that the following promotions have been approved: SF EPICADE. (78619) Cartains Charley, () II Windeyer, Oatley, Lieutenants J.F.White, Rutledge and Second Lieutenant Suttor to be M jors. Lieutenants H.A.D.White, Hyman, Richardson, Second Lieutenants Merexner and Bussell to be Captains. LIGET EOPS-. (W8686) Captains Johnston, Righetti (c)! and Miigley to be Majors. Lieutenant Donavon to be Captain. (4) Promotions dated 16th December, 1914. Telegraphie advice has been received from Headquarters Melbourne, that the following Seniority in respect of Lieutenants in Divisional Ammunition Park has been approved viz.- Lieutenants Parry Okeden, Wynyard Joss, James, Fordyce Harvey.
CONDY ORDIR NO 5. x2 MTDICALLY UNFIT 5. (a) The disembarkation of Medically Unfit and other DrTAILS, details for discharge from Transports will start at FTC. lla.m. on Wednesday next, 30th instant, when arrange- ments have been made for a boat or boats to call at each Transport and collect details. Medically Unfit will be landed at Quarantine Station, others at Albany Town Pier. (b) Cases of Conorrhea are to be disembarked only if the Senior Medical Officer on the Transport concerned considers such a course absolutely necessary, but not otherwise. (c) O's C. Troops and O's C. Units concerned will ensure that all preliminary steps are immediately taken re securing approval for discharge eto. as details will not be allowed ashore unless all papers are complete. d) O's C. Troops must immediately advise Convoy Staff Officer of the approximate number of (a) Medically Unfit (b) Other causes, to be discharged from their respective Transports so as to permit of arrangements being made for accommodation at Albany. FINANCE. A representative of the Pay Department will leave Albany Jetty at 9a.m. tomorrow, 29th instant, and visit each Transport for the purpose of dealing with questions of pay, allotment, pay booke, ete. etc. O's C.Troops to be in readiness to discuss with him all outstanding questions on these matters. Efforts are being made to replace discharged men at this Port by enlisted men drawn from 5th Military Dstrict. It is anticipated that about fifty (50) Infantry Soldiers will be available for the purpose. O's C. Troops will immediately submit requisitions for men required to make up deficiencies in the various unite. ppapoy Personnel irregularly embarked on Tramsports is PFRSONNFL. be transferred to proper Transports at first opportunity hile in this Port. O's C. Transports will forward so as to reach Convoy gIORS. Staff Officer not later than 2p.m. on Tuesday, 29th instant, lists in duplicate shewing by units the Rank, Name and Initials of all Officers on board respective transporte. This information is most urgently required. (Signed) J.P.MoGlinn, Lieut.-Colonel, Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy. altb 27. 9 20
1 32 a1 43 4 40 89 35 A 30 9 35 Mnrits preus ottas 1 1103 1!9 5 96 A 78 265 13 1036 345 S 7 1978 198 1442 198 764 0 A Zuf. Tyde i Ring 125 Veng (2 . 3 Tylar 2- Mot. Vat. Lectan 125 Gait Sen. Horpelat 3 ot leat .. d JEt Cea 127 Keig. 62 L.4 t de Bas. dum. Lhe Ams Fartl Ba Kpttly O0 Betule Bid. Hvai 157 2. 4 Wyle tori otPyd Do At Synet Toosf 12 " Argonst lvovtis 1 Bepst Morrt furfflyg 27 Reng 11 2, 3 F. toord Hi Lac f Resert Trelk Balleong Treld Brutsheng
Masch g Be.I7 (aat) dengft gg ldlemens om Barchr Tigtg Koad Spare sgo Battalesm conflate 6o a-cal d. e. Gafaang 12 5 Tieek Honts- Bolk. Seti 2så H. a. Tg. Tyle 15 ipne C N Kond Span: Ganflete 4 65 Siond 1S 125 47 72 32oo aso Fielt Brnt. 3i4 Srstanes aang 1o 38oo Hitkant Tramstast He 15 Sipnd de 4 2300 Hrill Arut e Fti 110 i5 3o 's so 125 - 2+ t roll 8oo 175 3o 3o 2so 65 125
Contedestiet DETAILS OF TRANSPORTS -------------------------- Tonnage. Speed. Na me Fleet Transport Distinguish- No. No. ing Signal: First Division. " ULYSSES " 14. 14,499. A.38 A V B " AJANA " 12. 7.758 A.31 A VC "AYRSHIRE 114. 7,763. A.33 4 V D "THIRTYSIX" 124 5,926 A.36. AV E "TH HIMISEVEN" 12. 5.923. .5 AV F A.37 " VESTALIA " 114 5.528 A.44 A V G ---------------------- Second Division. "THEMISTOCLES' 13½ 10,925. A Y B A.32 "PORT MACQUARIE" 7,255 13 A.39 A X C "FORTYTHREE" 12- 7,484 A.43 A X D "FOR VO 12½ 6,580 10 A.42 A X E "FOFTYONE" 5,900 124. A.41 A X F --------------------- -- Thiri Division. " CERAMIC " 15 18,481 12 A.40 A W B " SUEVIC " 124 12.531 13 A.29 A WC " PERSIC " 13 11,973 A.34 14 A WD " BERRIMA" 11,120 13 15 A.35 A W E " BORDA " 13. 11.120. A.30 A WF ------------------ ------ Fourth Division. " WILLOCHRA 14 7,784. N.Z.14 17 " VERDALA " 11 5.880 18 N.Z.13 . KICT OF THE 6,655. 104. 19 N.Z.15 GAFTER ---------------------- 7105 P.. Du aaia/Ih.
N.X... vL Ysszs. Ar Aa 29th December, 1914. Senier Military Officer, Second Australian Coavey. With reference to Major Midgley's Tater 3 remarke, the following directione have been sent/ : (1) Direet your Chief Engincer to provide a full pressure of water, (2) and (3) Not approved (4) Seil pipe to be made tight by Engineers er Carpenter. 15) Special care must be exercised to prevent vaste et fresh veter Cit7. Blawed IMPERIAL FORCE Prineipal Transpert offieer. DEC29 1944 4th Infantry Brigade. 10.e0b Gong aitte Trrer magtg
Date TUESDAY 29-15-14. spal po-14. NNSDAY 314.2-14. ANIDAY 1-1-16 SATURDAY 8418-2-1-15. Nol 6-1-15. OFFICERS SCHOOL OF IUSTRUCTION - TRANSPORT A 38 (Vids Erigado Ordor 3o. 48.) Chief Instructor - Liout. Col. G.J. Burnago, V. D., C.O., 15th Dattalion. Aosistant Instructors - Major J. Adams, 14th Battalion. Major W. W. Ellis, i3th Battalion. SYLLADUS OF TRAININ. Tino Tine Timo 10.45 a.m. to 11.45 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 5.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. a.m. Map Roading Map Roading Hap Roading. Officors to attond mith Papor, Poncils, Protractors, Dividors. Physioal Froo Locturo – Battalion Training in Attack (Major J. Adams). Somaphoro Map Roading Froo. Signalling Physical Locturo - Outposts Froo Training (0.C. Troops). Somaphoro Map Roading Froo. Signalling Physical Training Froo Discussion on Firo Disciplino (Officors vill be nominatod to sprak without provious notice
ipPzrx.. Transport "436" King Ceorge's Sound 12 noon, 29-12-14. Comrandart 5th Military Distriet. Requested that ycu will be so kini as to sepresent t. Militery Neadquarters by telegraph en y behalf s preeis ef fellewing :- 1. In view of Transport "Ael" being deteined et Albany, owing to Bunker Fire, this Brigade and ettsehed Units will move from this port with the fellowing defieieneies, viz:- 4 offioers 66 other- 288 riding ani draught horeee. 2. Abeve defieiencies will render the Brigade entirely immobile en landing at destination. Requested thet allpessible steps bo taken t t (a) expedite transport of above details from Albany by 'Ael', when fire extinguished, er by other seane, er (b) errange for abeve deficienciee to be made good at port of destination e so fax as coneerne the horses, and for personnel to follos at first opportunity. I recommend that the personnel be left st Albany for the time being in charge of the horses. (Signed) John Monach, Colonel, Commanding Fourth Infantry Erigade,A.I.F.
Fle No. MIINUTE PAPER. (This side only to be written on. x.x. A.2. ULYssns., A: ALBAzY. Jotn ...... co. Troops. x..A.2. ULrssEse. I desire to placc on record my spprecistion of the very setisfactery manner in which Cepteins Russell Brache and Kellick heve this day carried out the duties essigned to them as Officers in charge of Steam Leunches in e heavy see, without sccidents, under difficult and most unusuel eircumstances. The serviees performed by Captain Forsyth ere alse much sppreeiated. Ne carried eut the outy assigned te him in a highly setisfactory manner. 2 -2. Bopand. Prineipal Transport offieer. 2b pro a? umen ded fo fren nfornett J anling S Bo aa 4 tanmnnne min. Hae BRGADE MAJOR, 4M MF. BRGAPE e s Srte a AUSTRALLAN MMPERIAL FORCE. 2 31 DECIOI4 Trop ade tkonehas haer nålåd foo promilgaüe u w laoy de, Plense hae to he fo Ophriers nemåd, b nele Skkur + sme fr lig Bråtghin botol S.o. så-dellanåd

We have been given some breathing time here by Lord Kitchener for one object, and  
one object only - to do our best to fit ourselves to join in the struggle to the best advantage of our country. I honestly do not think all of our men realize that this is the case. Cairo is full of temptations, and a few of the men seem to think they have come here for a huge picnic-they have money and wish to get rid of it. The worst of it is that Cairo is full of some, probably, of the most unscrupulous people in the world, who are only too anxious to do all they can to entice our boys into the worst of places, and possibly drug them there - only to turn them out again in a short time to bring disgrace on the rest of us.  
Surely the good feeling of the men as a whole must be sufficient to stop this when  
they realise it. The breathing time we have left us is but a short one and we want every single  
minute of it to try and make ourselves efficient. We have to remember too that our Govern- 
ments of the Commonwealth and Dominion have sent us here at a great sacrifice to themselves,  
and they fully rely on us upholding their good name-and indeed doing much more than that- 
for I know they look to us to prove that these two contingents contain the finest troops in the  
British Empire, (whose deeds are going down in history), whom they look forward to welcome  
with all honours when we have done our share, and I hope even more than our share, in  
ensuring victory over a people who would take all we hold dear from us if we do not crush  
them now.  
But there is no possibility whatever of our doing ourselves full justice unless we are 
every one of us absolutely physically fit, and this no man can possibly be if he allows his  
body to become sodden with drink or rotten from women-and unless he is doing his best  
to keep himself efficient he is swindling the Government which has sent him to represent it  
and fight for it. From perhaps a selfish point of view, too, but in the interests of our children  
and children's children it is necessary to keep a clean Australia as a White Australia.  
A very few men can take away our good name. Will you appeal to all to realize what  
is before us, and from now onwards to keep before them one thought, and only one thought,  
until this war is finished with honour-that is-a fixed determination to think of nothing and  
to work for nothing but their individual efficiency to meet the enemy.  
If the men themselves will let any who do not stick to this know what curs they think  
them in  shirking the work for which it has been their privilege to be selected, then I know  
well, any backslidings will stop at once-not from thoughts of punishments-but from good  
feeling, which is what we want.  
I have just been writing to Lord Kitchener telling him how intensely proud and well- 
nigh overwhelmed I feel at finding myself in command of such a magnificent body of men as  
we have here-no man could feel otherwise. He will, I know follow every moment of ours  
with unfailing interest, and surely we will never risk disappointing him by allowing a few of  
our men to give us a bad name. This applies equally to every one of us, from General down  
to the last joined Drummer.  
Will you and your men see to it?  
Yours Very Sincerely,  


Transport "A38"  
King George's Sound,  
28th December, 1914.  
1 (a) The following copy of Urgent Telegram received by the  
Senior Military Officer on arrival at King George's Sound is  
and published in order that necessary action may be taken  
by all concerned :-  
(b) Telegram. From Adjutant General, Melbourne.  
"W8682 Commandant, Second Military District,  
reports following records not received from Units  
prior to embarkation. - 
FIFTH LIGHT HORSE.  List Universal Trainees. 
SIXTH LIGHT HORSE. Nominal Roll "A" Squadron 
(Stop) Attestations incomplete. 
SEVENTH LIGHT HORSE. No documents of any description. 
tation received (stop). 
No documents received from FIRST MOBILE VETER- 
"VESTALIA", "BERRIMA" and "A42" details LIGHT HORSE 
CORPS and FOURTH FIELD AMBULANCE documents required 
duplicated attestations Nominal Roll complete files 
Orders issued and List Universal Trainees. Please 
obtain and transmit without delay." 
2 The Senior Military Officer directs that O's. C. Troops 
on respective Transports take immediate action to ensure 
that information and documents required action furnished forth- 
with by O's.C. Unit concerned. All documents to reach 
Convoy Staff Officer on "A38" not later than 6p.m. tomorrow, 
29th instant. 
3 (a) Telegraphic Advice has been received from Headquarters, 
Melbourne, that the following promotions have been approved:- 
(b) 2ND LIGHT HORSE BRIGADE (W8619) Captains Charley,  
Windeyer, Oatley, Lieutenants J.F. White, Rutledge and 
Second Lieutenant Suttor to be Majors. 
Lieutenants H.A.D. White, Hyman, Richardson, Second 
Lieutenants Merexner and Russell to be Captains. 
(c) 5th LIGHT HORSE (W8686) Captains Johnston, Righetti 
and Midgley to be Majors. 
(d) Promotions dated 16th December, 1914. 
4 Telegraphic advice has been received from Headquarters,  
Melbourne, that the following Seniority in request of 
Lieutenants in Divisional Ammunition Park has been 
approved viz. - Lieutenants Parry Okeden, Wynard Joss, 
James, Fordyce Harvey.


CONVOY ORDER NO.5              SHEET 2.        
DETAILS, ETC.             5. (a) The disembarkation of Medically Unfit and 
                                               details for discharge from Transport will start  
                                               11a.m on Wednesday next, 30th instant , when  
                                               arrangements have been made for a boat or  
                                               boats to call at 
                                               each Transport and collect details. Medically 
                                               Unfit will be landed at Quarantine Station,  
                                               others at Albany 
                                               Town Pier. 
                                               (b) Cases of Gonorrhea are to be disembarked  
                                               only if 
                                               the Senior medical Officer on the Transport concerned 
                                               considers such a course abosolutely necessary, 
                                               but not  
                                               (c) O's C. Troops and O's C. Units concerned will 
                                                ensure that all preliminary steps are 
                                                immediately taken 
                                                to securing approval for discharge  
                                                details will  
                                                not be allowed ashore unless all papers are 
                                                (d) O's C. Troops must immediately advise  
                                                Convoy Staff 
                                                Officer of the approximate number of 
                                                            (a) Medically Unfit 
                                                            (b) Other causes, 
                                                to be discharged from their respective  
                                                Transports so as 
                                                to permit of arrangements being made for  
                                                at Albany. 
FINANCE                       6.      A representative of the Pay Department will 
                                                Albany Jetty at 9a.m. tomorrow, 29th instant, 
                                                and visit 
                                                each Transport for the purpose of dealing 
                                                with questions  
                                                of pay, allotment, pay books, etc. etc. O's C.  
                                                to be in readiness to discuss with him all  
                                                questions on these matters. 
FILLING OF -                7.        Efforts are being made to replace discharged men at 
                                                this Port by enlisted men drawn from 5th  
                                                Military District. 
                                                It is anticipated that about fifty (50) Infantry 
                                                will be available for the purpose. O's C. Troops 
                                                immediately submit requisitions for men 
                                                required to make  
                                                up deficiencies in various units. 
TRANSPORT               8.          Personnel irregularly embarked on        
PERSONNEL.                     Transports is to 
                                                 be transferred to proper Transports at first 
                                                 while in this Port. 
OFFICERS.                  9.           O's C. Transports will forward so as to reach Convoy 
                                               Staff Officer not later than 2p.m. on Tuesday, 2 29th 
                                               instant, lists in duplicate showing by units the  
                                               Name and Initials of all Officers on board 
                                                        This information is most urgently required. 
                                                                (Signed) J.P.McGlinn. Lieut.-Colonel, 
                                                          Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy. 
Checked [???] 


                                     Officers      others 
  A. 32                               19             1203 
  A. 41                                 5                119 
  A. 43                                4                 96 
  A. 40                               78           2665 
  A. 35                                13            1036 
  A. 30                                 5              345 
  A. 38                                74           1978 
                                          198           7442                 Div. Trains 
                                                              198                  1st L.H. [????] Train  
                                                            __________       1st Signal Co. 
                                                             7640                1st Signal Troop 
                                                            ___________      2nd Signal Troop 
   Units: -                                                                      1st Depot Unit Supply 
              4th Inf. Bgde & Reinf                                  2nd  "           "        " 
               1st Reinf  1st, 2 & 3 Bgdes                         1st Reinf  1, 2 ,3 F. Amb 
               2nd Mob. Vet. Section                               L[??] Unit   1,2 & 3 F. CP 
               1st Aust Gen. Hospital                               L. of C. Units 
               2nd "         "          "                                        Imp. Reservists 
               1st    "        [S???]  "                                       Field Battery 
               2nd  "          "         "                                       Field [????????] 
               1st     "        Clearing " 
               1st Reinf.      6th L.H 
                   do              4th L.H 
               Div.   [A???]  Column 
               Div.   [A???]   Park 
               Div.   Supply Col.


                                 March of Dec 17    (contd) 
Length of Columns on March 
                                                                                    Fighting            1st Line               Total                                      
          Road Space:-   Battalion complete             590X                        210x                    800 
                                             do.    H.Q alone                60x                         115x                   175 
                                             do.    M.G. sec                    -                            30x                  30 
                                             Company                        125x                         15x                      130 
                                     Field Amb. A & [?] Section  250x                                               250 
                                     H.Q. Inf. Bgde                           15x                          50x                   65 
                                     Signal Co. No. 1 Sec.                                             125x                 125 
       Road Space :- Complete                      H.Q.                     65 
                                                                                          Signal [????]     125 
                                                                           A Bns               3200  
                                                                                  Field Amb.       250 
                                                                                                     3640   x        
                                      Distances day                                        160   x   
                                                                                                       3800 x        = 2 ¼ [?.??] 
                    Without Transport   H.Q.            15 
                                                 Signal Sec          _ 
                                                 4th Bns         2360 
                                                  Field Amb         _ 


                                 DETAILS OF TRANSPORTS 
 Distinguish-       Transport       Fleet      Name.           Tonnage.       Speed. 
    ing Signal.            No.               No.              
                                                   First Division. 
     A V B                   A.38              1           " ULYSSES"           14,499.           14. 
     A V C                   A.31               2          " AJANA "                7, 758           12. 
     A V D                   A.33              3          " AYRSHIRE"           7, 763.          11¾.          
      A V E                   A.36.             4          " THIRTYSIX"         5, 926             12½. 
     A V F                   A.37.              5          " THIRTYSEVEN"    5, 923          12. 
     A V G                  A. 44             6          " VESTALIA "            5, 528          11¾. 
                                                 Second Division. 
      A X B                  A.32               7        "THEMISTOCLES"     10, 925.         13½ 
      A X C                  A.39               8        "PORT MACQUARIE" 7, 255         13 
      A X D                  A.43               9        "FORTYTHREE"           7, 484        12½ 
      A X E                   A.42             10        "FORTYTWO"               6, 580        12½ 
      A X F                   A.41              11         "FORTYONE"                5, 900        12½ 
                                                 Third Division. 
      A W B                 A. 40           12         "CERAMIC"                  18, 481        15 
      A W C                 A. 29            13         "SUEVIC"                      12, 481        12½ 
      A W D                 A. 34            14        "PERSIC"                       11, 973        13 
      A W E                  A. 35            15         "BERRIMA"                  11, 120         13 
      A W F                  A. 30            16         "BORDA"                      11, 120         13                                    ----------------------------------------------- 
                                                 Fourth Division. 
              A                N. Z. 14           17        "WILLOCHRA"                7, 784.     14 
              B                N. Z. 13           18        "VERDALA"                      5, 880     11 
              C                N. Z. 15           19        " KNIGHT OF THE           6, 655     10½ 
                                                                                         C. R. Brewis 



29th December, 1914. 
Senior Military Officer, 
Second Australian Convoy. 
With reference to Major Midgley's 
remarks, the following directions have been sent to Martin of A.43 :- 
(1) Direct your Chief Engineer to provide a full
pressure of water. 
(2) and (3) Not approved. 
(4) Soil pipe to be made tight by Engineers or Carpenter. 
(5) Special care must be exercised to prevent waste of fresh water. 

Principal Transport Officer. 
Australian Imperial Force 
Dec 29 1914 
4th Infantry Brigade 
Copy sent to Major Midgley


(Vide Brigade Order No. 46.)

Chief Instructor - Lieut. Col. G.J. Burnago, V.D., C.O.,
                                  13th Battalion.
Assistant Instructors - Major J. Adams, 14th Battalion.
Major W.W. Ellis, 13th Battalion.



10.45 a.m. to 11.45



2 p.m. to 4 p.m.


6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m 

Map Reading 
Officers to attend
Map Reading  
With Paper, Pencils
Map Reading. 
Protractors, Dividers.
Physical Training Free Lecture - Battalion 
in Attack (Major J. 
Map Reading Free.
Physical Training Free Lecture - Outposts 
(O.C. Troops).
2-12 2-1-15.
Map Reading Free.
Physical Training Free Discussion on Fire 
(Officers will be  
nominated to speak without previous notice


Transport "A38",
King George's Sound,
12 noon, 29-12-14. 
5th Military District. 
Requested that you will be so kind as to represent 
to Military Headquarters by telegraph on my behalf a precis 
of following : - 

  1. In view of Transport "A41" being detained at
    Albany, owing to Bunker Fire, this Brigade and
    attached units will move from this port with the 
    following deficiencies, viz:-
    4 Officers
    68 others
    288 riding and draught horses.
  2. Above deficiencies will render the Brigade
    entirely immobile on landing at destination.
  3. Requested that all possible steps be taken to
    (a) expedite transport of above details from 
    Albany by "A41", when fire extinguished, or by
    other means,
    or (b) arrange for above deficiencies to be 
    made good at port of destination - so far as
    concerns the horses, and for personnel to 
    follow at first opportunity.
  4. I recommend that the personnel be left at Albany
    for the time being in charge of the horses.

(Signed) John Monash, Colonel.

Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.


File No.

(This side only to be written on.)


30th December, 1914.

CO. , Troops, 
X" I desire to place on record my appreciation
of the very satisfactory manner in which Captains Russell,
Brache and Kellick have this day carried out the duties
assigned to them as Officers in charge of Steam Launches
in a heavy sea, without accidents, under difficult and most 
unusual circumstances. 
The services performed by Captain Forsyth
are also much appreciated.  He carried out the duty assigned
to him in a highly satisfactory manner." X 

C.R. Brewis
Principal Transport Officer. 
C.O. 4[[?]] 
[[?]] A.38 
[[?]] 9.45am 
31 DEC 1914 
Included in [[?]] Report 
OC Troops 'a38' 
Above has been noted for participation in
next Convey Order.  Please pass to the [[?]]
Officers review, to note [[?]] to me for
J.P.McGlinn Lt Col 
S.O 2nd Aust Convoy 
Convoy Order 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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