Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Av URGENT. e (COPY). - TCt COrourste IT OF DFFFNCT, Prn rY Tr 23rd Decr191 TLBO A.G.2. No. W.L.12739. Received 4th Inf.Bde., Cairon 1-2-15. Colonel J.Monash, V.D., Senior Military Officer, 2nd Convoy, A.I.F., A 1bany certified copies of warrants Attached herewith are fficers to convene and conform authorising the undermentioned Courts-Martial; these warrants were completed at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council held today Colonel J.Monash, V.D. - (a) Warrant to convene and confirm General Courts-Martial during voyage. (b) Marrant to convene and confirm District Courts-Martial. Warrant to convene and confirm Colonel G. deL. Pyrie District Courts-Martial. - Warrant to convene and confirm V Lt.-Col. C.F.Cox, C.P.. District Courts-Martial during voyage. do. do. Lt.-Col,H.J.I.Harris V.D. do. do. Capt. E.windeyer do. do. Major G.M.M.Onslow do. do. Major H.R.Carter do. do. Lt.-Col. J.M.Arnott do. do. Major E.K.Baker do. do. Capt. H.C.deLow do. do. Capt.H.H.Johnston do. do. Lt.-Col. R.E.Courtney,V.D. do. Capt. (Hon.Lt.Col) A.McMorland,V.D. do. Lt.-Col. H.Pope do. do Capt. W.T.Charle; do. do. Capt. J.F.White do. do. Capt. S.Midgley, D.S.O.- do. do. Capt. C.D.Fuller Pleisous-these oertified copiee to the officers -sdbeerned. (Sgd.) T.H.Dodds, Lt.-Colonel, Adjutant General.
NETURN SHEVING ALLOTMENT OF UNITS TO TRANSPORTS. Petaile. Transport. Other ranke. Horoee. Offe. Unit. 4th lnf. Ede. A.36. "Ulys. Headzuarters 14 A.4). sgin naiinzias A.38. "Ulyeses". th Bettalion A.41. 53 A.38. "Ulyeees". 14th Rattalion 3 A.4). 4.40. "Ceramic". 15th Battalion 3o A.41. 49 A.40. "Ceramie". 16th Battalien at 49 A.41. A.35. "Berrime". 396 Reinforeesents,eth Inf. Bde. 6) 4.30. "Berda". 24 : 2nd Signal Coy. cection). 20 Afts.-do¬ A.35. "Berrime". ath Field Ambulance. A.31. "Ajane". A.39"Pt. Macquari.". A.41. 70 A.43. A.42. A.35. "Berrisa". 24 Ate. A.39."Pt. Macquarie". 1 No. 7CSV.A.A.S.C. a 16o No. A.40 'Ceramie". 461 D.A.P. 6th A.A.S.C. A.40 s.c. 9th A.A.S.C. A.30 'Borda" A.N.C. Div.Train. A.) A.s.C. Bge.Train. A.35 "Berrima". Rfte.D.A.P. A.34 A.A.K.O. A.33 "Berrim. st A.D. U. of Supply. -4o .. 2nd 2nd L.N. Brieade - "Suevic" 55 24 26 Heedquaxters A.30 "Borda?. 46 2ud Sig. Troop -2 A.34 "Persio". 482 22 5th L.N. Reyt. A.37 A.44 "Vestalis" 24 98 A.44 26 Rft.." A.29 "Suevic". 46' 443 6th L.H. A.44 "Vestalia" A.30 'Borda". 55 A.42 A.4! Rfte. A.33 "Aychire". 290 7th L.H. A.3! 'Ajana" 246 A.38 "Ulysses" A.30 'Borda 10. *Lerri", Aft AL.R.
Return shewing allotment of Units to Transports. (Ctd.) Details. Unit. Traneport. Horees. Other renke. ofe uxzxiní. Lin. A.30 "Borda". oa 2nd L.H. Fli. Amb. A.36. A.42 A.44. * Vestalia". *Dord.". A.30 107 ist Vet.Seet. 4.36 "Vestalia" A.4! . tet Mob.Vet.Sect. 2nd Vot.Seot. "Berrima". 'Ajana". to A.v.c. A.2 Suvie A.41 A.35 "Berrime" 6. ist A.N. Sup. Dep. Salnigrasgands ind Ausd Dlllelion! A.30 "Borda". F.A. Rfte. A.37. 1o2 Rfte. 1ot,2nd £ 3r4 F.A. Bhee. 4.32"Tremistocle.". pp Inf.Ee. 39! 2nd Drd A.33 "Rerim n re .Amb. t.Ge.Epl. 2nd to et L.M. Fli. Anb. et D. Supp.Clan. Tielt Futchery. Bekerg. A.43 Afte.Jst L.M. 4.36. 3rd ath A.33. eist A.Ree. Park. 1st. 2nd and 3rd Field Coye. Imperial Leservists. 177
N E T U R N SHITINC EY TTANSPORTS UNITS IX - Umite chi ansport. 2nd Bie.N.4.Staff 1.29. sSuevio". 6th L.A. Regt. A.1.3.C. A.A.V.c. 2nd L.R.Fli.Amb. .30. "Borda" 6th L.H. 7th L.H. A.S.c. Div. Trein 2nd Sig.Treep. Tfte. 2nd F.A. Rfte. Vet.Section. Div. A. Col. 2nd Sig.Coy. it Rfte. 2nd th P14.445. A.3! 'Ajan c. sect. 7th L.H. N.C. ec" Sydn. . .+" Detail. M.G. Sect. A.V. Corps Reinfercerents 4.32 "Thomistocles ist Laf.28e. 2na 3rd eth Fld.Amb. A.A.M.C. 7thL.H. Regt. 4.33. "Ayrehire". Sth L.K.Regt. 4.34. 'Paraic". SFCOND AUSTTALIN ----------------- Detelle. por Vares 24 26 461 g 19 115 102 3 10 22 ot 1 107 6 78 30 a! 246 ic6 394 39 309 s 5 16 22 290 461 Evey. arks. offieer 30 ranke 70 horses 'A.44".
-l- Return shewing by Transports Uaite in 2nd Australian Convoy. Fransport. Delie shipvef. Details. Teesrr10. off. Banka. Harnen. A.33 "Berrime" ist Aust.Heil. 6e suppl/ Depet. Rfts.5th, 6th.7th 85 L.E. eth Fld. Amb. 127 iet D.Unit of Surply. 2nd -de- . Efte. et. 2nd, 3rd Fld. 66 ist L.N. P.A. D. A. P. iet D.Supply Col. sst Amn.Res.Pk. 2na Vet.wcctien. ist.2nd.3rd F. Coye. eth Inf.bde. 596 ath Fld. Amb. 24 --Impelial Ree. --Fld. Bakery. --Fld. Butchery Afts.1.t A.Cen. Zad A.36. 7th L.H. st Rfts.Jri L.N. A.A.s.C. et Vet.Scot. 2nd L.N.Bde.F.A. Remounts 458 137. 5th L.H. iet Rfta. s, 2nd d 4 3rd .A. Bdes. A.38 "Ulysses" ath Bie.N.C. 13th Etn. ieth Etn. 2 A.A.M.C. A.39."Pt.Mäc- No.7 Coy.A.S.C. 1 querie". A.s.c. No.6 2 160 4th F. Amb. A.40'C ramic". 15th Stn. a! 975 16th Ltn. 95 D.A.P. 8th A.s.c. 46! D.s.c. 9th A.s.c. 239
Return ehewing by Transporte Units in 2nd Australian Convoy. - Fransport. Salte snloped. Tiemar1r. Norssf. A.41 4th Inf.Bie.H.V. .. 6th L.H.Bfte. 3. 13th Etn. 1eth Ptn. 1ith Stn. oth Etn. A. 42. - 1et Afte. ist L.H. ae 2ne oth A.A.M.c. A.A.V.C. - A. 43.. Dva.Amn.Clan. 36 Rfts.4th L.N. eth Fld. Amb. 2nd Vet. Sect. A.A.Vestalis 6th L.R. 5th a st.Rfts. 5th L.H 26 et Mob.Vet.Scot. 2nd L.H. Fld. Amb. -
72 ailez An v sulvede onsts! .P.M..LK.1.I R.A 1.Y 4: I ss is a .am10.m .H.J a:4...1 4 s.. af M.X d: .l. o a rt .4
- AUSTRALIAN I PERIAL FORCF ------ SFCOND AUSTRALIAN CONVOY. Transport "A. 33 "at Sea. 24th December 1914. CONVOY ORDFR. No.1. by COLONEL J. MONASH, V.D., SENIOR MILITAFY OFFICER OF TEF CONVOY. Colonel J.Monash,V.D., Commanding,Pourth Infantr S.M.0. comvoy. Brigade,A.I.F., assuned duty as Senior Military Officer of the Second Australian Convoy on December 22/1914. Lieut. Colonel J.P.McGlinn,V.D., Brigade Major,Fourth s.o.comvor. Infantry Brigade,A.I.F., is appointed Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy. All correspondence, returns etc., relating to the CORFESPONDENCE. administration of the Convoy, to be addressed thus:- "Lieut.Colonel J.P.McGlinn, Convoy Staff Officer, "Ulysses". Messades sent by signal or Radiogram may be addressed MESSAGTS. "Convoy Staff Ulysses. Orders from the Military Board for the Control of the ORDERS TO CONvOY.5. whole of the Troops proceading by this Gonvoy, will be distributed to the Officers Commanding the Troops on each Transport, at the first port of call,(Albany W,A.). The documents comprising these orders aret out in a Memorandum, dated December 19, and signed by the Chief of the General Staff, which Memorandum accompanies the flle of orders. O'.C. Troops will, immediately after satisfying KECEIPT OF ORDERS6 themselves that the whole of these orders have duly reached them, forward to Convoy Staff Officer a Special Urgent Report to that effect. The Senior Military Officer of the Convoy will hold RESPONSIBILITY. Officers Co manding the Troops, on each Transport, person- ally responsible for strict and punctual compliance with the whole of these orders so far as they affect each It mus; be recognized that the time availble Transport. at each port of call will be very limited, and that there- fore any ommission or want of punctuality in any pres- cribed action will seriously impede the heavy work of the Convoy Staff, while in port. In view of the fact that these orders were received URGENT MATTERS. too late for distribution at the various ports of em¬ barkation, special attention is now called to certain urgent matters which will require prompt action by O's. C. Troops, immediately upon receipt hereof at Albany:-
a tovn ORDFR.No. 1 SHtMT 2. RrypzMiGR Typewrien Orders by (a) Despatch of all mails to URGENT MATTTRS. 8. Military Board of S.S."Ulysses". (cont) December 17,para ((. (b) No leave except with special ibid para 8. permission: (c) Daily Sick Returns to ibid para 12. "Ulysses",while in port, ibid paras 13 & 14. (d) Disposal of Medically Unfit, at Albany. (c) Transport's boats. ibid para 20. In order to minimise both the work of the Censor Staff CENSORSHIP. and disappointment to all ranks desiring to transmit correspondence, O's.C.,Will as sooc as poesible, effective ly promulgate throughout each Transport the "Insructions relating to Correspondence" a copy of which is annexed to this order, and will use every means possible to ensure compliance with these instructions. Commanding Officers of Brigades and lesser formations TRAINIvO. 1. the Units of whose Commands are distributed over several Transposts, are authorised to promulgate to their Units orders relating to Training, while at sea, of their Comm nds.sach Orders sha uld however be promulgated through O's.C. Pransports concerned, who should, where possible, be consulted on questions of time table and training spaee and who will facilate the compliance with such training orders so far as is possible, without interference with disciplinary administration of the Transport. (Signed) J.P.McGlinn.Lieut. Colonel. Staff Officer,Second Australian Convoy.
6 A 7 (Issued with Convoy Order No.!) AUSTRALIAN IMPFRIAL FORCE. ----------6 SECOND AUSTRALIAN CCNVOY. INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO CORRESPONDFNCE. ------------------------- Censorship of all Letters, Postcards, Packets, Telegraums and Radiograms has been established throughout the Convoy. 2. All correspondence is liable to delay owing to the necessity for examination. All sealed envelopes or packets will be opened for exxmination by the Censor. 4. All postal matter will be examined in the following order of pr ority: (a; Telegrams. Postcards. Unsealed letters. Sealed letters. e) Parcels and Packets. (f) Newspapers. Matters falling under classes (a) and (b) will be dealt with as promptly as possible. All other classes are liable to delay. All postal matter is liable not only to delay but also to entire suppression if it be not in clear English, or if it con- tains any of the following particulars:- Names of Transports. Ports of Call or Destination. Dates of writing or despatch of letters. Any information about troops or their numbers, er movements. Anything likely to oreale alarm or despondency. Any criticisms of superiors, or of food, quartess, or managenent of navil or military affairs. No postage is required to be paid by sender. Arrangeents have been made for free transmission by post, of correspondence from Troops on Active Service. To avail of this concesston, it is essential that envelopes enclosing letters from Troors shall be endorsed in left hand top corner and inviialled by O.C. Company, to which writer of letter belongs, in accordance with the following example:- From(Rank,I me, Ladlarten er dergedd.I.F) On Active Servioe. No Stamps available. ord (Initials oi O.C.Company). Any attempt to evade the censorship rules, by secret means or to evade the examination of all postal matters ill be treated as serious disobedience of orders. (Signed) J.P.McGlinn.Lieut. Colonel. Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy.


MELBOURNE. 23rd Decr., 191. 

No. W.L.12739.
Received 4th Inf.Bde., Cairo 1-2-15.

Colonel J.Monash, V.D.,
Senior Military Officer,
2nd Convoy, A.I.F.,


Attached herewith are certified copies of warrants
authorising the undermentioned officers to convene and conform
Courts-Martial; these warrants were completed at a meeting of
the Federal Executive Council held today -
Colonel J.Monash, V.D. - (a) Warrant to convene and confirm
General Courts-Martial during
(b) Warrant to convene and confirm
District Courts-Martial.
Colonel G. deL. Ryrie - Warrant to convene and confirm
District Courts-Martial.
Lt .-Col. C.F. Cox, C.P., V.D. - Warrant to convene and confirm
District Courts-Martial during
Lt .-Col. H. J. I. Harris V.D.    - do.              do.
Capt. E.Windeyer        -          do.              do.   
Major G.M.M.Onslow  -         do.               do.
Major H.R.Carter         -          do.               do.
Lt .-Col. J.M.Arnott     -           do.              do.
Major E.K.Baker         -           do.               do.
Capt. H.C.deLow       -            do.              do.
Capt.H.H.Johnston  -            do.              do.
Lt .-Col. R.E.Courtney,V.D. -  do.             do.
Capt. (Hon.Lt.Col) A.McMorland,V.D.   do.
Lt .-Col. H.Pope       -             do.              do
Capt. W.T.Charley  -             do.               do.
Capt. J.F.White       -            do.                do.
Capt. S.Midgley, D.S.O.-     do.                do.
Capt. C.D.Fuller      -            do.               do.
Please issue these certified copies to the officers
(Sgd.) T.H.Dodds, Lt.-Colonel,
Adjutant General. 



Unit . Offs. Details. 
Other ranks.   
Horses. Transport.
4th Inf. Bde. -        
  Headquarters 3 17 6 A.38. "Ulysses".
 XXX XXXXXX 4 14 A.41.     ‥
  13th Battalion 30 977 6 A.38. "Ulysses".
   1 12 53 A.41.     ‥
  14th Battalion 31 980 6 A.38. "Ulysses".
  12 53 A.41.     ‥
  15th Battalion 30 975 11 A.40. "Ceramic".
  12 49 A.41.     ‥
  16th Battalion 31 951 10 A.40. "Ceramic".
  12 49 A.41.     ‥
   Inf. Bde.
4 396  ‥ A.35. "Berrima" .
2nd Signal Coy.
(1 section)
1 24 6 A.30. "Borda" .
Rfts.  -do - 20  ‥    ‥           ‥
4th Field Ambulance. 3 127  ‥ A.35. "Berrima" .
  3 78 30 A.31. "Ajana" .
1 4  ‥ A.37    ‥
1 4  ‥ A.39"Pt.Macquarie".
1 16 70 A.41     ‥
1 2  ‥ A.43.    ‥
1 12  ‥ A.42    ‥
Rfts.    "          "  ‥ 24  ‥ A.35. "Berrima" .
No. 7 Coy.A.A.S.C. 5 151 149 A.39"Pt.Macquarie".
No. 6   "         " 6 168 160    "           "
D.A.P. 8th A.A.S.C. 7 461  ‥ A.40 "Ceramic" .
D.S.C. 9th A.A.S.C. 5 239  ‥ A.40  "     "
   A.S.C. Div.Train. 22  ‥ A.30 "Borda" .
   A.S.C. Bge.Train. 5  ‥ A.30.      "
Rfts.D.A.P. 22  ‥ A.35 "Berrima" .
   "    A.A.S.C. 1 48  ‥ A.36 ."    ‥
1st A.D.U. of Supply . 1 14  ‥ A.35 "Berrima" .
2nd     -do- 1 14  ‥    "          "
2nd L.H. Brigade -  
  Headquarters 4 26 24 A.29 "Suevic" .
   2nd Sig. Troop 1 46 45 A.30 "Borda" .
   5th L.H. Regt. 22 482 461 A.34 "Persic" .
      "       "      " 1 1  ‥ A.37    ‥
      "       "      " 1 24 98 A.44 "Vestalia" .
Rfts."       "      " 1 26   ‥ A.44      "
   6th L.H.    " 19 443 461 A.29 "Suevic" .
  2 50 71 A.44 "Vestalia" .
  10 55 A.30 "Borda" .
1 1  ‥ A.42    ‥
Rfts.     "      " 1 35  ‥ A.41     ‥
   7th L.H.    " 16 309 290 A.33 "Ayshire" .
  7 183 246 A.31 "Ajana"
1  ‥   ‥ A.38 "Ulysses" .
1 10   ‥ A.30 "Borda"
Rfts, 5th,6th,7th L.H. 1 86   ‥ A.35 "Berrima"

Return shewing allotment of Units to Transports. (Ctd.)

Unit. Offs. Details
Other ranks.
Horses. Transport
2nd L.H. Fld.Amb.


A.30 "Borda"
  1 2  ‥ A.36.     ‥
  1 2  ‥ A.42.     ‥
  1 2  ‥ A.44. "Vestalia".
1st Vet.Sect. 1 107 10 A.30 "Borda"
  1 5  ‥ A.36.    ‥
1st Mob.Vet.Sect. 1 12 15 A.44. "Vestalia".
2nd Vet.Sect. 1 5  ‥ A.43.      ‥
    8  ‥ A.35 "Berrima".
A.V.C. 1 108  ‥ A.31 "Ajana".
  1  ‥  ‥ A.29 "Suevic".
  1 1  ‥ A.42
1st A.R. Sup. Dep. 1 64  ‥ A.35 "Berrima".
Reinforcements, 1st Aust. 
F.A. Rfts. 1 101  ‥ A.30 "Borda"
Rfts. 1st,2nd & 3rd 2 102   A.37.     ‥
    F.A. Bdes.        
    1st Inf. Bde. 4 394  ‥ A.32"Themistocles"
    2nd "     " 4 393  ‥   "            "
    3rd   "    " 4 393  ‥   "            "
1st,2nd,3rd F.Amb.  ‥ 66  ‥ A.35 "Berrima".
    1st  A. Gen. Hpl.  ‥ 3  ‥    "          "
    2nd "    "        "  ‥ 3  ‥    "          "
    1st L.H. Fld.Amb.  ‥ 10  ‥    "          "
    1st D. Supp. Clmn.  ‥ 12  ‥    "          "
    Field Butchery. 1 19  ‥    "          "
        "     Bakery. 1 96  ‥    "          "
Rfts. 1st L.H. 1 36  ‥ A.43.     ‥
   "      3rd  " 1 41  ‥ A.36.     ‥
   "     4th   " 1 52  ‥ A.43.     ‥
1st A.Res. Park.  ‥ 13  ‥ A.35 "Berrima".
1st, 2nd and 3rd 
     Field Coys.
X 1 60  ‥    "          ‥
Imperial Reservists. 2 137     ‥    "          "




Transport. Units shipped. Details. Remarks
  Off. Ranks. Horses.  
A.29. "Suevic" . 2nd Bde.H.Q.Staff.  4  26  24  
  6th L.H. Regt. 19 443 461 1 officer 50 ranks
70 horses "A.44".
A.A.M.C.  1     3     5
A.A.V.C.   1      
.30  "Borda" 2nd L.H.Fld.Amb. 3  115 102
  6th L.H.      10   55
7th L.H.  1    10   ‥
A.S.C. Div.Train      22  
  "        Bge.    "       5  
2nd Sig.Troop.  1   42   45
1st Rfts.   "      4  
2nd  "      "      4  
F.A. Rfts.  1  101  
Vet.Section.  1  107  10
Div. A. Col      19  
2nd Sig.Coy .  1   24   6
1st Rfts .  "      17  
2nd  "      "       3  
A.31 "Ajana" . 4th Fld.Amb.  3   78  30
    C. sect.      
7th L.H. H.Q.  1     1  )  
  "   "C" Sqdn.  5  141 ) 246
  "   "B" Detail.     16  )  
M.G. Sect.  1   25  )  
A.V. Corps  1  108  
A.52 "Themistocles" Reinforcements  
    1st Inf.Bde.  4  394 "
  2nd "    "  4  393 "
  3rd  "    "  4  393 "
4th Fld.Amb.      
   A.A.M.C   1    12  
A.33 "Ayrshire" . 7th L.H. Regt . 16  309 290
A.34 "Persic" . 5th L.H. Regt . 22  482 461

Return shewing by Transports Units in 2nd Australian Convoy.

Transport. Units shipped.                Details. Remarks.
    Off. Ranks. Horses.  
A.35 "Berrima". 1st Aust. Rail.
  Supply Depot.
 1  64    ‥
 1  85    ‥
4th Fld.Amb.  3 127    ‥
1st D.Unit of
 1  14    ‥
2nd -do-  1  14    ‥
Rfts.  -  
1st,2nd,3rd Fld.
 ‥  66    ‥
1st L.H. F.A.  ‥  10    ‥
D.A.P.  ‥  22    ‥
1st D.Supply Col.  ‥  12    ‥
1st Amn. Res.Pk.  ‥  13    ‥
2nd. Vet.Section.  ‥   8    ‥
1st,2nd,3rd F.
  1  60    ‥
4th Inf.Bde  4 396    ‥
4th Fld. Amb.  ‥   24    ‥
--Imperial Res.  2  137    ‥
--Fld. Bakery .  1   96    ‥
--Fld. Butchery  1   19    ‥
Rfts. 1st A. Gen.
  3    ‥
"      2nd     "  ‥   3    ‥
A.36.  " 7th L.H.  1   ‥    ‥
  1st Rfts.3rd L.H.   1   41    ‥
  "    "   A.A.S.C.  1  48    ‥
1st Vet.Sect.  1    5    ‥
2nd L.H.Bde.F.A.  1  ‥    ‥
Remounts  ‥   ‥  458
A.37.    " 5th L.H.  1    1    ‥
  1st Rfts. 1st,2nd
& 3rd F.A. Bdes.
 2 102    ‥
A.38 "Ulysses" . 4th Bde.H.Q.  3   17     6
  13th Btn. 30 977     6
14th Btn. 31 980     6
A.A.M.C.  2    9     ‥
A.39 . "Pt.Macquarie". No.7 Coy . A.S.C.  5 151   149
  No.6    "     A.S.C.  6 168   160
4th F . Amb .  1     4     ‥
A.40"Ceramic" . 15th Btn. 30 975     11
  16th Btn. 31 951     10
D.A.P. 8th A.S.C.  7 461     ‥
D.S.C. 9th A.S.C.  5 239     ‥

Return shewing by Transports Units in 2nd Australian Convoy. 

Transport . Units shipped .             Details Remarks.
    Off. Ranks. Horses.  
A.41     ‥ 4th Inf.Bde.H.Q. 4 14  
  6th L.H.Rfts. 1 35  ‥  
13th Btn. 1 12 53  
14th Btn.  ‥ 12 53  
15th Btn.  ‥ 12 49  
16th Btn.   ‥ 12 49  
A. 42.    ‥ 1st Rfts. 1st L.H. 2 52  ‥  
  1st  "      2nd   " 1 52  ‥  
  "    "      6th    " 1 1  ‥  
A.A.M.C. 1 2  ‥  
A.A.V.C. 1 1  ‥  
A. 43 .    ‥ Dvn.Amn.Clmn. 1 36  ‥  
  Rfts.4th L.H. 1 52  ‥  
4th Fld. Amb. 1 2  ‥  
2nd Vet. Sect. 1 5  ‥  
A.44 "Vestalia" 6th L.H. 2 50 71  
  5th   " 1 24 98  
1st.Rfts. 5th L.H. 1 26  ‥  
1st Mob.Vet .Sect . 1 12 15  
2nd L.H. Fld.Amb. 1 2  ‥  

      NZ           Aust             Aust          NZ              N.Z
            N.Z                                            Austr



Transport "A. 38 "at Sea.
24th December 1914.

S.M.O. CONVOY.    1.  Colonel J.Monash,V.D., Commanding, Fourth Infantry
Brigade, A.I.F., assumed duty as Senior Military Officer
of the Second Australian Convoy on December 22/1914.

S.O. CONVOY .   2.  Lieut. Colonel J.P.McGlinn, V.D., Brigade Major, Fourth
Infantry Brigade, A.I.F., is appointed Staff Officer,
Second Australian Convoy.

CORRESPONDENCE.  3. All correspondence, returns etc., relating to the
administration of the Convoy, to be addressed thus:-
 "Lieut. Colonel J.P. McGlinn,
Convoy Staff Officer,

MESSAGES.  4. Messages sent by signal or Radiogram may be addressed
"Convoy Staff Ulysses."

ORDERS TO CONVOY. 5. Orders from the Military Board for the Control of the
whole of the Troops proceeding by this Convoy, will be
distributed to the Officers Commanding the Troops on each
Transport, at the first port of call, (Albany W,A.). The
documents comprising these orders are sent set out in a
Memorandum, dated December 19, and signed by the Chief of
the General Staff, which Memorandum accompanies the file
of orders.

RECEIPT OF ORDERS6.  O'.C. Troops will, immediately after satisfying
themselves that the whole of these orders have duly
reached them, forward to Convoy Staff Officer a Special
Urgent Report to that effect.

RESPONSIBILITY. 7.   The Senior Military Officer of the Convoy will hold
Officers Commanding the Troops, on each Transport, personally 
responsible for strict and punctual compliance with
the whole of these orders so far as they affect each
Transport. It must be recognized that the time available
at each port of call will be very limited, and that therefore 
any ommission or want of punctuality in any prescribed
action will seriously impede the heavy work of
the Convoy Staff, while in port.

URGENT MATTERS. 8.  In view of the fact that these orders were received
too late for distribution at the various ports of embarkation, 
special attention is now called to certain
urgent matters which will require  prompt action by O's.C. 
Troops, immediately upon receipt hereof at Albany:- 


URGENT MATTERS. 8.                                                 REFERENCE 
(a) Despatch of all mails to                                       Typewritten Orders by
   S.S."Ulysses"                                                                Military Board of
                                                                                          December 17,para 11.
(b) No leave except with special                                ibid para 8.
(c) Daily Sick Returns to                                                ibid para 12.
 "Ulysses" ,while in port, &c   
(d) Disposal of Medically                                                ibid paras 13 & 14.
Unfit, at Albany.                                                                                             
(e) Transport's boats.                                                       ibid para 20.

CENSORSHIP.  9.  In order to minimise both the work of the Censor Staff
and disappointment to all ranks desiring to transmit
correspondence, O's.C., Troopswill as soon as possible, effectively 
promulgate throughout each Transport the "Instructions
relating to Correspondence" a copy of which is annexed to
this order, and will use every means possible to ensure
compliance with these instructions.

TRAINING.  10.  Commanding Officers of Brigades and lesser formations
the Units of whose Commands are distributed over several
Transports, are authorised to promulgate to their Units
orders relating to Training, while at sea, of their Commands. 
Such Orders should however be promulgated through
O's.C. Troops on the Transports concerned, who should, where possible,
be consulted on questions of time table and training space
and who will facilate the compliance with such training
orders so far as is possible  without interference with the
disciplinary administration of the Transport. 

(Signed)  J.P.McGlinn.Lieut. Colonel.
Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy. 


(Issued with Convoy Order No 1)

1.  Censorship of all Letters, Postcards, Packets, Telegrams and
Radiograms has been established throughout the Convoy.
2.  X All correspondence is liable to delay owing to the necessity
for examination.
3.  All sealed envelopes or packets will be opened for examination
by the Censor.
4.  All postal matter will be examined in the following order
of priority:
(a) Telegrams.
(b) Postcards.
(c) Unsealed letters.
(d) Sealed letters.
(e) Parcels and Packets.
(f) Newspapers.
Matters falling under classes (a) and (b) will be dealt with
as promptly as possible. All other classes are liable to delay.
5.  All postal matter is liable not only to delay but also to
entire suppression if it be not in clear English, or if it contains
any of the following particulars:-
Names of Transports.
Ports of Call or Destination.
Dates of writing or despatch of letters.
Any information about troops or their numbers, or
Anything likely to create alarm or despondency.
Any criticisms of superiors, or of food, quarters, or
management of naval or military affairs.
6.  No postage is required to be paid by sender. Arrangeents
have been made for free transmission by post, of correspondence
from Troops on Active Service. To avail of this concession, it
will is essential that theenvelopes enclosing letters from Troops
shall be endorsed in left hand top corner and inniialled by O.C.
Company, to which writer of letter belongs, in accordance with
the following example:-
From(Rank,Name, Battalion or Corps) A.I.F)
On Active Service.
No Stamps available.
(Initials only of O.C.Company). (Amended)
7.  Any attempt to evade the censorship rules, by secret means or
to evade the examination of all postal matters will be treated as
serious disobedience of orders.

(Signed) J.P. McGlinn. Lieut. Colonel.
Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy.

Appd. J.P. McG Lt Col
24 12 14

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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