Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Aw. CAMP, BROADMEADOWS, 20th December, 1914. ..0. Attached papers should have accompanied the recommendation made by Lieut.-Colonel Cannan that Sergt. Armstrong be promoted Zni Lieut. vice Lieut. T.N.W.Eill, 15h Battalion. The fat that the pepers were not attached to the recommendation is very much regretted and they might please be attached. Solonel Brigaff Major, Zutn Infantry Brigade. A.I.F. 4
CAMP, BROADMEADOWS, 20th December, 1914. Camp Commandant, Broadmeadows. Your Adjutant has been endeavouring to arrange with the P.M.O. to detail a Medical Board to medically examine Lieut. M. MeVicker Smyth, Transport Officer, of the l6th Battalion, who is at present at St.Kilda Ortråd in the Albest Hospital. It is understood that enquiries of the hospital authorities disclose that Lieut. Smyth will not be able to embark with the Battalion for active service. On separate papers action has been taken to recommend a successor to Lieut. Smyth. It is recommended that 2 arrangements be made for the necessary Medical Board Lieut. Smyth to be detailed by the P.M.O., as it is altogether impracticable at this stage (seeing that the Brigade is now engaged on embarkation work) to arrange for a Board of Erigade Medical Officers. obatnenadt oslavel. /Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Mv 582
Dec.21.1914. BURCESS w. Man S r 2 29 THE SAVO D I N N E H ---000--- Huitres en Cocktail Turtle Soup Flounder Heuniere Poulet a la Larengo Sorbet au Kirsh Caille Roti sur Canape Asperges Glace Cmelette Soufflo Bombe Larasohino Cheese Strawe Cafe Sie
2l 1Ife Ir menbraner of Ph ule Bunne 4 Horlonel fohm Honaat Orr 10 Johr Ihr drghteng burgaler len Bheee ar 6 Bteung 6
To/ COLONEL JOHN MONASH on his departure for the front. A word or two to you, Colonel, May not be out of place, To wish "Godspeed and Best of Luck.' When you the foe shall face. It's not a simple joy-ride That you've embarked upon - We all know it's a Big Man's job ; (That's why they've picked you, John!) The men you led last Thursday And have disciplined to shoot, Sdlon Villyou from trench to trench : You can bank on their salute. It rings of real devotion As clear as any bell: For the cause of King and Country Those boys'd fight in Hell. 21/12/14.
s The bloody wrongs of Belgium 'Tis yours to help redress ; The blow you strike for Freedom's Cause May God Almighty bless. The ills that e'er befall us ; The sufferings we endure; Are but the testings of our strength, The crucibles that pure. We're proud of you and all your men We know your hearts beat true: We'll stake our souls you'll do your part; We put our trust in you. So Good-bye, and God bless you, And bring you safely back, With honor to Australia And her flag - the Grand Old Jack. Fis bangd relsomne 2r Aldtot
Nie Excellency the Right Nonourable, SIn RONALD CRAUFURD NUNRO YERCUsON, a Member of Nis Majesty's Moet Honourable Privy Council, Knight Australia to wit. -(Signed) R.M.Ferguson. Crand Crose of the nest Distinguished Order of saint Nichsel and Saint George, Covernor. Ceneral Governor-Ceneral. and Commander. in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Australis. 10 Colonel J. Monash, V.D., Officer Commanding eth Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Force, and senier military officer with the cecond convoy of troop chips of the Australiss Inperial Force. VXERKAS I cm empowered by warrant of Hie Majesty to direct sy warrant to any officer under my command, not belod the degree of Field Officer, giving him a general authority to convene Ceneral Courts. Martial for the trial under the Army Aet, of any percon under command of such last sentioned officer cho is cubject to military las, and also to execute (cubjeet to the provisione of the caid warrant) in respect of the proceedings of such Courts-Martial, the power of con. firning the findinge or eentences thereof in accordance wit the caid Aet, or of directing him to reserve for sy confirm tion the proceedinge of all or any such Courts- Martial: By virtue of the caid warrant and all other povere ne thereunte enabling, I de hereby authorize and empover you (or the officer cho, during your abeence, may, for the time being, be the senior military officer cith the second convoy of troop chipe of the Australian Imperial Force. net under the rank of Field Officer) froe time to time, as cccacion may require, during the voyage of the aforecaid troop chipe from the port of embarkatios to the port of dis embarkation and a period of fourteen days thereafter; to convene Ceneral Courte. Martial for the trial, in sccordance eith the said Act and the Nules made thereunder, of any per. con on any such troop chipe, cho is subjeet to military lae and is charged with any offence mentioned in the seid Act, and is liable to be tried by a Ceseral Court.Kartial.
- AXD I co hereby cmpocer you (or the officer, who during your abeence, may, for the tise being, be the senier military officer with the said troop chipe, sot under the rank of Field officer) to receive the proceedinge of such courts-Martiel, end confirs the findinge and centences there of. and exerciee, as respeete thece Courte and the persone tried by them, the powere created by the caid Aet of Farlia¬ sent in the confirming officer, in such manner as may be best for the goed of Nie Najeety's service. rrovided alvaye that if by the cestence of any Ceneral Court- Martial a percon subjeet to military las has bees centenced to cuffer death er penal cervitude, er a commissie ed efficer has been centenced to be cashiered or dismissed fros the cervice. you chall in such case, se alse in the cacc of any other Ceneral Court- Martial in chich you shall think fit to do co, withhold confirmation and transmit the proceedinge to me. AKp that there way set is any case bea failure of juetice from the want of a proper person authorized to set as Judge Advocete. I hereby further empover you, in default of a percon appoiated by Hie Majeety, or deputed by the Judge- Advecate-Ceneral of Hie Majesty's Forcee, or during the illsese or occasional abeenoe of the pereon so eppointe or deputed, to nominate and eppoint a fit person fros time to time for executing the office of Judge-Advecate of any Court-Zartial for the more orderly proceedinge of the same. AND for so doing this shall be, as well to you as to all others chem it may concers, a suffieient verrant. CIv under my hand and the seal of the Commonwealth of Australis at Melbourne this twenty-third day of December, in the year (L.S.) of our Lord One thousand sine hundred and fourteen, and in the fifth year of Mie Majesty' reign. av nie xxcellency's Command. C. F. Pearce. Tinltter et ste for Petene.
Australis to wit. (signed) R.M.Ferguson. COVERMOR- GENIRAL. Hie Äxeelleney the Richt Nonourable, SIR ROZALD CNAUrURD mUkRO rzacusos, a kember of His Majesty'e Kost Honourable Privy Council, Knight Crand croes of the Nost Lietinguished Order of Saint Nicheel and Saint George, Covernor-Ceneral and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia. 10 Colonel J. Monash, V.D., officer Commanding eth Infantry Erigade. Australian Imperial Force. XHXRKAS I - empovered by Terrent to convene Ceneral CourtsXartial, and whereas under the Army Act any officer or person authorized to convene Ceneral Courts-Wartiel may cmpover eny person under hie command net below the rank of Major, to convene Dietriet Courts Zartial for the trial under that Act of any person unde the command of such last-mentioned officer whe is sub- jeet to military las: EI virtue of the aid At other povers me thereunte enabling, I do hereby euthorize and cepower you (or the officer on whom yeur command may devolve during your absence, not under the rank of Kajor) from time to time ee occasion may reeuil to convene Distriet Courts- Fartial for the trial, is accordasce with the ssic Aet and the Fules made there- under, of any percon under your command, cho ie cubjee to militery lav end ie cherged ith any offencementien ec in the said Aet, and is liable to be tried by a Distriet Court-Nartial. AND I do hereby cmpocer you (or the officer os chom your commend may devolve during your absence, not under the rank of Major) to receive the proceediags of cuch Courte-Fartial, and confire the findinge and centences thereof, and to exercice ce respecte these Courte and the persons tried by thea, the povere creet ed by the said Aet of Parliament is the confirsing off cer, in such senner ae sey bebeet for the scod of
(L. s.) nie Majeety'e serviee. AXD for ce deing, thie chall be, ce vell to yow ee to all others chom it say coscern, a cffieicat sarrant. CIvs under my hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth of Australis at Kelbeurne thie twenty-third day of Decomber is the year of our Lord. One thousand sine hundred and fourteea, and is the fifth year of Hie Majeety's reign. By nie xxcellency'e Command. G. F. PEARUE. Minieter of State for Defence. Certified true copy. Tornnettr Acting Secretary. 23:12:1914.

20th December , 1914.


Attached papers should have accompanied the recommendation
made by Lieut. -Colonel Cannan that Sergt. Armstrong be promoted
2nd Lieut. vice Lieut. T.N.W.Hill, 15th Battalion. The fact
that the papers were not attached to the
recommendation is very
much regretted and they might please be now attached. 

JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade,

File AG


20TH December, 1914.

Camp Commandant,

Your Adjutant has been endeavouring to arrange
with the P.M.O. to detail a Medical Board to medically
examine Lieut. M. McVicker Smyth, Transport Officer,
of the 16th Battalion, who is at present at St.Kilda
in the Albert Alfred Hospital.
It is understood that enquiries of the hospital
authorities disclose that Lieut. Smyth will not be able
to embark with the Battalion for active service. On
separate papers action has been taken to recommend a
successor to Lieut. Smyth. It is recommended that
arrangements be made for the necessary Medical Board and on
Lieut. Smyth to be detailed by the P.M.O., as it is
altogether impracticable at this stage ( seeing that the
Brigade is now engaged on embarkation work) to arrange
for a Board of Brigade Medical Officers.

John Monash Colonel,
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade,
A.I.F. J.M.



Huitres en Cocktail
Turtle Soup
Flounder Meuniere
Poulet a la Larengo
Sorbet au Kirsh
Caille Roti sur Canape
Asperges Glace
Omelette Souffle
Bombe Maraschino
Cheese Straws
Dec. 21. 1914. Cafe
W.H. Burgess


In remembrance of the
Little Dinner
Colonel John Monash
Our Jo, John !
"The Fighting Brigadier"
John [[Rikeui?]]
H.F. Phillips
[[Vens?]] P. Cook
[[Ponly Toasure?]]


on his departure for the front.
A word or two to you, Colonel,
May not be out of place,
To wish "Godspeed and Best of Luck !"
When you the foe shall face.
It's not just a simple joy-ride
That you've embarked upon -
We all know it's a Big Man's job ;
(That's why they've picked you, John !)

The men you led last Thursday
And have disciplined to shoot,
Will stick to follow you from from trench to trench;
You can bank on their salute !
It rings of real devotion
As clear as any bell : ———
For the cause of King and Country
Those boys'd fight in Hell !


The bloody wrongs of Belgium
'Tis yours to help redress ;
The blow you strike for Freedom's Cause
May God Almighty Bless !
The ills that e'er befall us ;
The sufferings we endure ;
Are but the testings of our strength,
The crucibles that pure.
We're proud of you and all your men
We know your hearts beat true ;
We'll stake our souls you'll do your part ;
we put our trust in you !
So Good-bye, and God bless you,
And bring you safely back,
With honor to Australia
And her flag - the Grand Old Jack !
Louis [[Waximass?]]
Melbourne 21st Decr. 1914


Australia to wit.
(Signed) R.M. Ferguson.
His Excellency the Right Honourable, SIR
Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight
Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor-General
and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of

To Colonel J. Monash, V.D., Officer Commanding 4th Infantry
Brigade, Australian Imperial Force, and senior military
officer with the second convoy of troop ships of the
Australian Imperial Force.

WHEREAS I am empowered by warrant of His Majesty to
direct my warrant to any officer under my command, not below
the degree of Field Officer, giving him a general authority
to convene General Courts-Martial for the trial under the
Army Act, of any person under command of such last-mentioned
officer who is subject to military law, and also to execute
(subject to the provisions of the said warrant) in respect
of the proceedings of such Courts-Martial, the power of con-
firmingthe findings or sentences thereof in accordance with
the said Act, or of directing him to reserve for my confirm-
ationthe proceedings of all or any such Courts-Martial:
BY virtue of the said warrant and all other powers
me thereunto enabling, I do hereby authorize and empower
you (or the officer who, during your absence, may, for the
time being, be the senior military officer with the second
convoy of troop ships of the Australian Imperial Force,
not under the rank of Field Officer). from time to time, as
occasion may require, during the voyage of the aforesaid
troop ships from the port of embarkation to the port of disembarkation 
and a period of fourteen days thereafter, to
convene General Courts-Martial for the trial, in accordance
with the said Act and the Rules made thereunder, of any per-
son on any such troop ships, who is subject to military law
and is charged with any offence mentioned in the said Act,
and is liable to be tried by a General Court-Martial. /


[*Certified true copy.
Acting Secretary, Dept. of Defence.*]

_ AND I do hereby empower you (or the officer, who
during your absence, may, for the time being, be the senior
military officer with the said troops, not under the
rank of Field Officer) to receive the proceedings of such
Courts-Martial, and confirm the findings and sentences there
of, and exercise, as respects these Courts and the persons
tried by them, the powers created by the said Act of Parliament
in the confirming officer, in such manner as may be
best for the good of His Majesty's service.
Provided always that if by the sentence of any General
Court-Martial a person subject to military law has been
sentenced to suffer death or penal servitude, or a commissioned
officer has been sentenced to be cashiered or dismissed
from the service, you shall in such case, as also in the
case of any other General Court-Martial in which you shall
think fit to do so, withhold confirmation and transmit the
proceedings to me.
AND that there may not in any case be a failure of
justice from the want of a proper person authorized to act
as Judge Advocate, I hereby further empower you, in default
of a person appointed by His Majesty, or deputed by the
Judge-Advocate-General of His Majesty's Forces, or during
the illness or occasional absence of the person so appointed
or deputed, to nominate and appoint a fit person from time
to time for executing the office of Judge-Advocate of any
Court-Martial for the more orderly proceedings of the same.
AND for so doing this shall be, as well to you as to
all others whom it may concern, a sufficient warrant.
GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the
Commonwealth of Australia at Melbourne this
(L.S.) twenty-third day of December, in the year
of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and
fourteen, and in the fifth year of His Majesty's
BY His Excellency's Command,
G. F. Pearce.
Minister of State for Defence.


[*Australia to wit.
(Signed) R. M. Ferguson.

His Excellency the Right Honourable, SIR
Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight
Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor-General
and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia.

To Colonel J. Monash, V. D., Officer Commanding 4th
Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Force.

WHEREAS I am empowered by Warrant to convene
General Courts-Martial, and whereas under the Army Act
any officer or person authorized to convene General
Courts-Martial may empower any person under his command
not below the rank of Major, to convene District Courts-
Martial for the trial under that Act of any person under
the command of such last-mentioned officer who is sub-
ject to military law:
BY virtue of the said Act and Warrant and all
other powers me thereunto enabling, I do hereby
authorize and empower you (or the officer on whom your
command may devolve during your absence, not under the
rank of Major) from time to time as occasion may require
to convene District Courts-Martial for the trial, in
accordance with the said Act and the Rules made there-
under, of any person under your command, who is subject
to military law and is charged with any offence mentioned
in the said Act, and is liable to be tried by a
District Court-Martial.
AND I do hereby empower you (or the officer on
whom your command may devolve during your absence, not
under the rank of Major) to receive the proceedings of
such Courts-Martial, and confirm the findings and
sentences thereof, and to exercise as respects these
Courts and the persons tried by them, the powers created
by the said Act of Parliament in the confirming offi-
cer, in such manner as may be best for the good of /


His Majesty's Service.
AND for doing so, this shall be, as well to you
as to all others whom it may concern, a sufficient
GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the
Commonwealth of Australia at Melbourne this
(L. S.) twenty-third day of December in the year of
Our Lord, One thousand nine hundred and fourteen,
and in the fifth year of His Majesty's reign.

By His Excellency's Command,

Minister of State for Defence.

Certified true copy.
T. Trumble
Acting Secretary.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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