Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Mach Halts: I0 2600 S.A Woll 10 a heas Elockate 10a 2000 0.g Sarah Land- 35 Rosgal Tark 10 Kenngatt. Cmeg tie Ragponets vdvangterd Drash at ottenskann 7 Top g lllm Ste 91916 7.457 755 82se 2.15 7.8s 100s o 1120 so 11.507 11.5
A APPOLNTXENTS 4th UWANTRY BRIGADE 13th Batta Major w.W. Ellis to be second in command. 14thBattali Major J. Adams,to be second in command. 15th Battalion Major H.R. Carter to be second in command. 16thBattalion Major L.E. Tilney, V.D., to be second in command. 6 2.- Lieut. H.J. Salier already holds the rank of Lieutenant B in the A.I.Force, vide M.0. 647/1914. page 15. 3.- In view of the faot that the Quartermaster, 13th 1 Battalion, holds the substantive rank of Lieutenant, in the Commonwealth Military Forces, and the Quartermaster, 16th Nattalion, being an honorary Lieutenant, the promotion of Grmr. and Hon. Lieut. F.W. Craig, who has not previously held commissioned rank in the C.M. Forces, to rank as Hon. Captain is not approved. 4.- Capt. F.B. Carter is a Major in the Australian Military Forces and such rank is held by him in the A.I.Force as honorary rank, vide A.I.Force Orders, para !!(a), (ii); consequently no further action is necessary to give the honorary rank of Major to this officer. Dodde Lt-Colonel Adjutant General.
Tensenssanche UMF 3nd MüNI, TEnch I 14/9693 No. TELEPHONE-CENTRAL'4780. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES-3RD MILITARY DISTRICT. ersner apprres prry To "HEAO-OUARTERS, 3RO MLITARV Op- HEAD-QUARTERS, VRICY Mebour, 18th December, 1914. Sr Kon his. 1e Colonel J. Monash, V.D. O.C., 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Attached hereto are copies of the following warrants authorising you to convene and confirm Courts Martial: (1) Warrant to convene and confirm (with certain reservations ) General Courts Martial, during voyage of 2nd Convoy, A.I.F. (2) Warrant to convene and confirm District Courts Martial. These warrants will be completed at the next meeting of the Federal Executive Council, and may be anticipated from the 22nd instant. The originals will be filed in the recorde of the Executive Council. rene artensgleite 6 Aast Colonel, A.A.G., 3rd Military District.
WALLABY CLUB Be XMAS DNVNER re a Vowe Sanie. De a 334. 8 5 Resat 2 Huttres en Aspic à la Russe. Onenelles. Consommé de Voluille. Füet Mierlan Frit Sc. Tartave. Cõtelettes D' Agneau Réforme. Poussin Farci-Braise à la Derby. Salade Nicoise. Asperge Froide Sc. Ravigote. Ponding an Madeve. Petit Fromage. Bombe Vanille. CAFE. Vienna Cafe. December 19, 1914.
At (2) The Brigadier ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Following on the conversation I hadwith the Brigade Mejor today, in this connection, I consider that at such shoet notice, the services of Lieut. F.J.Platt, could ne better used with transport of personnel of lat Reinforcements, and I therefore recommend promotion from those enlisted. I therefore recommend that Sergeant Hutton Perkins Armstrvong, of "A" Company, of my battalion be appointed 2nd Bieutenant in my command. Hie servicc is 4 years in Australian Garrison Artillery as Comoany Sergeant Major, and 6 months Lieutenant on 2nd Infantry with whom he went with the New Guinda Expeditionary Force. He was a member of the Australian Team that visited Bisley in 1913. He is 23 years of age, civilian employment, being a elerk in W.Howard Smith 4 Sone, Townsville. I have carefully considered the case of all the Cilour Sergeants of the Regiment, but do not consider they hold the necessary capacity to command as officers. Lieut,Colonel, Commanding 15th Battalion, 4th Infantry BrigadeA.I.F. Broadmeadows. 1/12/14.
) a (2) The Brigadier ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Following on the conversation I hadwith the Brigade Mjor today, in this connection, I consider that at such shoet notice, the services of Lieut. F.J.Platt. could ne better used with transport of personnel of lat Reinforcements, and I therefore recommend promotion from those enlisted. I therefore recommend that Sergeant Hutton Perkins Armstrkong, of "A" Kompany, of my battalion be appointed End Bieutenant in my command. His serviee is 4 years in Australian Garrison Artillery as Comoany Sergeant Major, and 6 months Lieutenant on 2nd Infantry with whom he went with the New Guinda He was a member of the Australian Expeditionary Force. Team that visited Bisley in 1s13. He is 23 years of age, civilian employment, being a elerk in W.Howard Smith & Sons, Townsville. I have carefully considered the case of all the Celour Sergeants of the Regiment, but do not consider they hold the necessary capacity to command as officers. 9 Lieut,Colonel, Commanding l5th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigadel.I.F. Broadmead 19/12/1. v Tjn a p ) 4
(2) Brigadier ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Withb reference to previoue correspondence, as Lieut Criffithe' original resignation has been mislaid, I have agein obtained his resignation which is etteched. ege -daf tieut,Colonel, (Sommanding 1Stn Battalion. 4th Infantry Brigaie, A.I.F. Broadmeadows. 19/12/14. Fommaad 5af wiüt Cvemedehe panergtanee on e
Crr IMPORTANT. Note of telephone messäge received by Brigade Major from Adjutant Ceneral, 164-2-14, and dictated to C.S.C. Staff Sergeant.- Kellick - not to be allowed to embark until he arranges to pay £e9 deficiencies in his area. To go into Mr Laing tomorrow, to pay £15 down and allot 3/- per day from his pay and then he will be allowed to go. ---- 7 Camp, Broadmeadows 19th December 1914 c.o. 13th Bettalion. The above message, at least so far as that Lieut. Kellick was to go in to see Mr Laing, was communicated to your office this morning,(Sasurday), by telephone and was confirmed last night by an efficer who said Lieut. Kellick had received the message and had gone in to see Mr Leing. This extract is now forwarded to you for immediate action. Btegåed Lor- ............./.....Lt.Colenel. Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Erigade. Hodd for ackavdldy) Australian Imperial Force. 5 Lasme Tane nead n
Aa Ai?? o. a CUT, EROADMEADOWS, 20th December, 1914. Headquarters, 3rd Military District. (Through Camp Comndt., Broadmeadows). I concur in the attached recormmendation. In view of the early embarkation of the Drigade I shall be glad if the matter could be dealt with specially. Colonel. Commanding Fourth Infantry Prigade, A.I.F. 23
Aw. CANP, BROADMEADOWS, 20th December, 1914. a.0. Attached papers should have acoompanied the recommendation made by Lieut.-Colonel Cannan that Sergt. Armstrong be promoted 2nd Lieut. vice Lieut. T.N.W.Hill, 15th Battalion. The fact that the popers were not attached to the recommendation is very much regretted and they might please be attached. 2t) Lieut.Colonel Brigade Mxyok, sousch Infantry Brignde, A.I.F.

March.   17/12/14 
Halts: -  
2600 S. of Hotel                        10 min.            7.45 to 7.55 
Near Stockade                              10 min.            8.25 to 8.35 
2000x N. of Sarah Sands            10 min.             9.15  to 9.25 
Royal Park                                        35  .                10.15 to 10.50 
King St. Corner                                10                   11.20 to 11.30 
Fix Bayonets & Transferred 
March at Attention 
Top of Collins Str.                               7                   11.50 to 11.57


13th Battalion -  
Major W.W. Ellis to be second in command. 
14th Battalion
Major J. Adams, to be second in command. 
15th Battalion - 
Major H.R. Carter to be second in command. 
16th Battalion -  
Major L.E. Tilney, V.D., to be second in command. 
[*Memo sent to 13th Bn*] 
2.- Lieut. H.J. Salier already holds the rank of Lieutenant 
in the A.I.Force, vide M.O. 647/1914, page 15. 
[*Memo sent to 15th Bn*] 
3.- In view of the fact that the Quartermaster, 13th 
Battalion, holds the substantive rank of Lieutenant, in the 
Commonwealth Military Forces, and the Quartermaster, 16th 
Battalion, being an honorary Lieutenant, the promotion of 
Qrmr. and Hon. Lieut. F.W. Craig, who has not previously held 
commissioned rank in the C.M. Forces, to rank as Hon. Captain 
is not approved. 
[*Memo sent to 16th Bn*] 
4.- Capt. F.B. Carter is a Major in the Australian Military 
Forces and such rank is held by him in the A.I.Force as honorary 
rank, vide A.I.Force Orders, para 11(a), (ii); consequently 
no further action is necessary to give the honorary rank of Major 
to this officer. 
T H Dodds, 
Adjutant General.


C.M.F.  3rd Military. District. 
No. 14/9693 
Melbourne, 18th December, 1914. 
[*Very Urgent*
From A.A.G. 
To Colonel J. Monash, V.D. 
C.C., 4th Infantry Brigade 
Attached hereto are copies of the following 
warrants authorising you to convene and confirm Courts 
(1)  Warrant to convene and confirm (with certain 
reservations) General Courts Martial, during voyage 
of 2nd Convoy, A.I.F. 
(2)  Warrant to convene and confirm District Courts 
These warrants will be completed at the next 
meeting of the Federal Executive Council, and may be 
anticipated from the 22nd instant. The originals will be 
filed in the records of the Executive Council. 
Please acknowledge 
J.C. Hawker 
A.A.G., 3rd Military District.


A votre Sante 
Huitres en Aspic a la Russe. 
Consomme de Volaille.  Quenelles. 
Filet Merlan Frit Sc. Tartare. 
Cotelettes D'Agneau Reforme. 
Poussin Farci Braise a la Derby. 
Salade Nicoise. 
Asperge Froide Sc. Ravigote. 
Pouding au Madere. 
Bombe Vanille.  Petit Fromage. 
Vienna Cafe. 
December 19, 1914.


Copy of minute 
The Brigadier, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
Following on the conversation I had with the 
Brigade Major today, in this connection, I consider that 
at such short notice, the services of Lieut. F.J. Platt, 
could ne better used with transport of personnel of 1st 
Reinforcements, and I therefore recommend promotion from 
those enlisted. 
I therefore recommend that Sergeant Hutton 
Perkins Armstrong, of "A" Company, of my battalion be 
appointed 2nd Lieutenant in my command. 
His service is 4 years in Australian Garrison 
Artillery as Comoany Sergeant Major, and 6 months Lieutenant 
on 2nd Infantry with whom he went with the New Guinea 
Expeditionary Force. He was a member of the Australian 
Team that visited Bisley in 1913. 
He is 23 years of age, civilian employment,  
being a clerk in W.Howard Smith & Sons, Townsville. 
I have carefully considered the case of all 
the Colour Sergeants of the Regiment, but do not consider  
they hold the necessary capacity to command as officers. 
Application for commission attached 

Lieut, Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry BrigadeA.I.F. 


[*Copy of minutes] 
The Brigadier, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
Following on the conversation I had with the 
Brigade Major today, in this connection, I consider that 
at such short notice, the services of Lieut. F.J. Platt, 
could be better used with transport of personnel of 1st 
Reinforcements, and I therefore recommend promotion from 
those enlisted. 
I therefore recommend that Sergeant Hutton 
Perkins Armstrong, of "A" Company, of my battalion be 
appointed 2nd Lieutenant in my command. 
His service is 4 years in Australian Garrison 
Artillery as Comoany Sergeant Major, and 6 months Lieutenant 
on 2nd Infantry with whom he went with the New Guinea 
Expeditionary Force. He was a member of the Australian 
Team that visited Bisley in 1913. 
He is 23 years of age, civilian employment,  
being a clerk in W. Howard Smith & Sons, Townsville. 
I have carefully considered the case of all 
the Colour Sergeants of the Regiment, but do not consider  
they hold the necessary capacity to command as officers. 
[*Application for commission attached*] 

Lieut, Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade A.I.F. 
[*Forward by Brigade 
to A.G concurring 
E Punch 
File "15th Bn"*]


4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
With reference to previous correspondence, as 
Lieut Griffiths' original resignation has been mislaid, 
I have again obtained his resignation which is attached. 
[[??? Adjt?]] 
for*] Lieut, Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
[*Forward to A.G. with  
recommendation for acceptance 
20-12- 14*] 


Note of telephone message received by Brigade Major 
from Adjutant General, 18442-14, and dictated to C.S.C. Staff 
[*Lt*] Kellick - not to be allowed to embark until he arranges 
to pay £49 deficiencies in his area. To go into Mr Laing 
tomorrow, to pay £15 down and allot 3/- per day from his 
pay and then he will be allowed to go." 
----------- . 
Camp, Broadmeadows, 
29th December 1914. 
13th Battalion. 
The above message, at least so far as that Lieut. 
Kellick was to go in to see Mr Laing, was communicated to your 
office this morning, (Saturday), by telephone and was confirmed 
last night by an officer who said Lieut. Kellick had received the 
message and had gone in to see Mr Laing. This extract is now 
forwarded to you for immediate action. 
[[Monash?]] Lt.Colonel. 
Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade. 
Australian Imperial Force. 
[*[[Bde Clark?]] 
Hold for acknowledge  
& ensure same read.  


20th December, 1914. 
3rd Military District, 
(Through Camp Commdt., Broadmeadows). 
I concur in the attached recommendation. In view 
of the early embarkation of the Brigade I shall be glad 
if the matter would be dealt with specially. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, 
15th Bn 
Appln for promotion 
to W.O. 
Entered on schedule CS6


20th December, 1914. 
AW. Attached papers should have accompanied the recommendation 
made by Lieut.-Colonel Cannan that Sergt. Armstrong be promoted 
2nd Lieut. vice Lieut. T.N.W. Hill, 15th Battalion. The fact 
that the papers were not attached to the recommendation is very 
much regretted and they might please be now attached. 
[[Monash?]] Lieut. Colonel, 
Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade, 
[*File 15th Bn*]

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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