Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Fr gr Eehti sehe M Kir - ho ettggtt ov Leranse Hra deeesicdhe 77 Reries nect r Ar Rongbect 22). 35. ovtiggfunde 4 Greren at 1Vadl av vort 6 50 E4W ha fhre 11: A40 Shuele un foraeter Hin Stan Pr 4 40 Auhtst Sun t i truetv
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Cohg for torigales FOURTN IXFANTRY ERIGADX. BRIGADE TACTICAL XXFRCISE, DKCFMERR 15TH. L IDEA. based on MXLBOURNX, is covered by a A White Army, of CLENROY PAFK, CAMPENLIFINLD. force in the vieinit Broen Army based on VALLAN is operating towards MKIBOUPNY. LELAL IDEA (KTEI. A foree, consisting of 1 Squedron end 2 Battelions, has warched from MELBOUPNX, and hae bivoueced for the night December 14th-15th et the eite of the Broadmesdows Camp, covered by outposte te the North extending from SYDNMY RAILWAY to sYDNFY ROAD. At 9a.m. you receive a report that come Brown mounted patrols were seen in the vieinity of CRAIGIEBURN RAILWAY STATION You will make dispositions to intercept and defeat et 7a.m. any hostile movement egainst MNLBOURKK. nnnuxjons yun muirr ynndr. The White Force will comprise 1 Squadron öth Light Horse and the leth and 15th Battalions under the command of Lieut. Colonel R.E.Courtney V.D. The White Force cill wear white hat bande. 2. Blank ammunition et the rate of 20 rounds her rifle will 10 rounde per rifle be dravs from Brigade Headquarters. to be issued; romainder to be divided between pack animals and regisental trassport. No white troops must be North of second "ye in sYDNPY ROAD 4. before 10a.m.; sor may White troope move from camp before 9a.m.
e FOURTN INFINTEY BRIGADE. - BRIGADE TACTICAL EERCISY, DECEMSFR 15IM. LIDzA. A White Arwy, beced on MXLBOURNE, is covered by a feree in the vieinity of CLNMROY PARK, CAMPBFLLFIKLD. A Brov Army beed on "ALLAN is operating toveris MKLBOUPNE. EEECLAL IDYA (EROKL. A force, concistiag of 1 Squadros and 2 Battalione, has on the night December leth-15th bivouaced near the Xkxxnsxcrzom of EYDNYY ROAD and 17 MILF LANE, and has recumed its march Southward at 7a.m. At 92s the vanguard, heving reached a point on the EIDXXY ROAD 2 miles South of CRAIOIEBURE PAILWAY STATION, a repert is received thet "hite mounted patrols heve been ceen nea the NTXRSFCTIOM of the SYDXFY RAILVAY and UNUSKD RAILWAY et 9a.m. Your orders are te enonge and defeat the force covering axuspunux. xxxxununnynn xuoxx xunr. The Brevn Force will compriee 1 Squadrom 9th Light Horse and the 13th and l6th Battalions, under the command of Lieut. Colonel H. Fore. 2. The White Feree cill vear White het bands. Blank ammunition et the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will be 3. dravn from Brigade Neadquartere. 10 rounde per rifle to be iszued; remminder to be divided betscon pack asimals and regimental transport. The Brown Force vill march out of Camp at 8e.m. Nast vie BROADMIADOTS ROAD and Ferth vie sYDNXY ROAD till the whole force is at leaet one mile North of 'CROSS ROAD* near 's" in YDEYY. Dispocitions in cooordance with Special liea may thea be made, but no Brown troope may be South of this CNOSS RoAp, on the returs move, before l0e.m.
2. 4. FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADE. ERIGADE TACTICAL XXERCISE, DECEMBER 15TH. ------------------------- HSTRCCTIONS TO CO.FORCE. The Special ideas, which would normally be issued on the morning of the Exercise, are issued in advance to enable the echemes to be explained to Senior Officers and Umpires, but must in other respects be kept confidestial by all who are ede acquainted with them. The C.O.of cach Force will be responsible for the distrib- ution of the copies of the scheme forwarded herewith, to C.O.'. units and to their Umpires, and for the issue to his Force of all orders, not covered by these papers, regarding meals, water supply, ete. Every effort is to be made before and during the exerciee to scquaint Umpires with all proposed and actual dispositions, and with the tenor of all orders issued. Thie applies not only to C.O.Force but also to subordinate commanders. Special instructions are to be issued by Officers Commanding Forces which will ensure that the nature of the exereise and the objeet of the dispositions and moves is explained to Squadron and Company Commanders, and by them to their commands. The C.O. of cach Force will arrange for the closing of openings made in fonces for the passage of mounted personnel and transport.
nuuxxxinnuny yRid Ank. ERIGADI TACTICAL EXKRCISX, DECEKEXR 15TH. insyxuryunn zou upyvy. 1. The Exereise vill be under the direetion of the c.o.Brigade. 2. Uaniras for Ehie Yorca : Chief Umpire - Lt.Col.Burnage. 13th Dattalion. Umpires 1eth Majer Rashine Cartain Corser 15th Lieut. Langsford 16th Danires for Brown Korsa ! Chief Umpire - Lt.Col. Cannan 15th Umpires Majer Baker l6th Cartain Connelly 1eth Lieut. Crowe 13th spires must note ana conform to Training and Manocuvre Reguletions 1913, Ca V. chatl 4. Umpires will ceer White bedges es both erme.
CANP, BROADXEADOWS, 12th December, 1914. Camp Commandant. As I am arranging for a Brigade Tactical Exereise on an extensive scale, to be carried out on Tuesday, December I should be greatly obliged if orders could be issued 15th thet, on that date, no troope other than those comprising this Brigade shall train in any of the country North of Broadmeadows Road and Mahony's Road until after 2p.m. on that date. Colonel, Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Foree.
No Honferses ase enploggel to ronvegg to thr troop the Informaleses that wonlt in wat be peven brg thre Effect We enennngs trie (3 Keap wele denpeoset (2) Kaap well Forvard Gnecissarg m tront. (2 Keep m bouch urlte ofpoarte bonfrses (å) Keap m borch urttr ench othet S Tale a Grsad nas Beaita kooupeteg No Friing bargonets Bout encvusage talung Pusongs Borit ovdet defenders im kousteo back, unless Kosanlt dehverlek. Rer "13 ting poautkon m easlg otagls Ohr dyydneng Road. I wich Korvi botts drsfoastins eadleg.
Kamp, Broadneadows, 16th December 1914. kemo. Lt.Colonel H.Pope. Commanding,l6th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Force. Please note that intimation has been received from the Chief of the General Staff, of your appointment as Officer Commanding Troops on board Transport A 40 "CERAMIC" scheduled to SAIL from MELBOURNE on 22nd December 1914. You will be good enough to make arrangements accordingly. Please acknowledge receipt hereof. Bunstewroste.. Solsnel. Commanding,Fourth Infantry Brigade. Australian Imperial Force. Haadgneders 45 Drfaneig Bugade. Vödlad and sahnnåd No Trse cane, (Babt o.t
Camp, Broadmeadows, 16th December 1914. Memo. O.C. 15th Battalion. 4th Infantyy Brigade Australian Imperial Force. Intimation has been received from the Chief of the General Staff, that Major H.R.Carter of your Command, has been appointed Officer Commanding Troops on board Transport 32"THEMISTOCLES which is scheduled to sail from MELBOURNE on 22nd December 1914. Please arrange accordingly. It is advisable that Major Carter attend the Conference of Officers Commanding and Staff Officer i/e Embarkation, at Camp Headquarters this afternoon. Please acknowledge receipt hereof. Btontssmashr, Slsnel. Commanding,Fourth Infantry Brigade. 3n Gaseer t Iyl Ga Rrap barle nifomed aenderigly Is d. amenr tilet A1615R

B. Troopers galloping along under 
fire - no attempt to screen 
No necessity to stop because  
screens meet 
11.30 L. H. fight 
at D 
&long check 
11.35 only small A G screen 
at N all on road !! 
+ 50 + E + W. 
Before 11.40 White in position 
along S Cross Rd 
4 Uts A.G & 4 Cos in 
Gen Rc. in [[Timber?]]


                               last night           this morning          noon 
13th                                    14                               2                                    __ 
14th                                    17                               3                                   3        
15th                               15                          5                              5 
16th                                3                          0                              0 
                                    ____                _________________________ 
                                     49                         10                              8 


 Copy for Brigadier. 
A White Army, based on MELBOURNE, is covered by a 
force in the vicinity of GLENROY PARK, CAMPBELLFIELD. A 
Brown Army based on WALLAN is operating towards MELBOURNE. 
A force, consisting of 1 Squadron and 2 Battalions, 
has marched from MELBOURNE, and has bivouaced for the night 
December 14th-15th at the site of the Broadmeadows Camp, 
covered by outposts to the North extending from SYDNEY RAILWAY 
At 9a.m. you receive a report that some Brown mounted 
patrols were seen in the vicinity of CRAIGIEBURN RAILWAY STATION 
at 7a.m.           You will make dispositions to intercept and defeat 
any hostile movement against MELBOURNE. 
1.      The White Force will comprise 1 Squadron 8th Light Horse 
and the 14th and 15th Battalions under the command of 
Lieut. Colonel R.R. Courtney V.D. 
2.      The White Force will wear white hat bands. 
3.      Blank ammunition at the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will 
be drawn from Brigade Headquarters.  10 rounds per rifle 
to be issued; remainder to be divided between pack animals 
and regimental transport. 
4.      No white troops must be North of second "Y" in SYDNEY ROAD 
before 10a.m. ; nor may White troops move from camp before 


A White Army, based on MELBOURNE, is covered by a force 
in the vicinity of GLKNROY PARK, CAMPBELLFIELD. A Brown Army 
based on WALLAN is operating towards MELBOURNE.  
A force, consisting of 1 Squadron and 2 Battalions, has 
on the night December 14th-15th bivouaced near the INTERSECTION 
of SYDNEY ROAD and 17 MILE LANE, and has resumed its march
Southward at 7a.m. 
At 9.30 ama.m. the vanguard, having reached a point on the  
report is received that White mounted patrols have been seen 
at 9a.m. 
Your orders are to engage and defeat the force covering 

  1. The Brown Force will comprise 1 Squadron 9th Light Horse and

the 13th and 16th Battalions, under the command of Lieut. 
Colonel H. Pope. 
2. The White Force will wear White hat bands. 
3. Blank ammunition at the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will be 
drawn from Brigade Headquarters.  10 rounds per rifle to be 
issued; remainder to be divided between pack animals and 
regimental transport. 
4. The Brown Force will march out of Camp at 8a.m. East via 
BROADMEADOWS ROAD and North via SYDNEY ROAD till the whole 
force is at least one mile North of "CROSS ROAD" near "S" in 
SYDNEY.  Dispositions in accordance with Special Idea may 
then be made, but no Brown troops may be South of this CROSS 
ROAD, on the return move, before 10a.m. 



1. The Special ideas, which would normally be issued on the
morning of the Exercise, are issued in advance to enable the 
schemes to be explained to Senior Officers and Umpires, but 
must in other respects be kept confidential by all who are 
made acquainted with them. 
2. The C.O. of each Force will be responsible for the distribution 
of the copies of the scheme forwarded herewith, to C.O.'s 
units and to their Umpires, and for the issue to his Force of 
all orders, not covered by these papers, regarding meals, water 
supply, etc. 
3. Every effort is to be made before and during the exercise 
to acquaint Umpires with all proposed and actual dispositions, 
and with the tenor of all orders issued. This applies not 
only to C.O.Force but also to subordinate commanders. 
4. Special instructions are to be issued by Officers Commanding 
Forces which will ensure that the nature of the exercise and the 
object of the dispositions and moves is explained to Squadron 
and Company Commanders, and by them to their commands. 
5. The C.O. of each Force will arrange for the closing of 
openings made in fences for the passage of mounted personnel  
and transport. 



1. The Exercise will be under the direction of the

C.O. Brigade. 
2. Umpires for White Force:- 
Chief Umpire - Lt.Col. Burnage     13th Battalion. 
Umpires          - Major Rankine       14th      " 
                             Captain Corser       15th      "   
                             Lieut. Langsford    16th       " 
Umpires for Brown Force:- 
Chief Umpire - Lt.Col. Cannan         15th      " 
Umpires          - Major Baker             16th       " 
                            Captain Connelly     14th      " 
                             Lieut. Crowe             13th       " 
3. All Umpires must note and conform to Training and Manoeuvre 
Regulations 1913, Captain Chapter V. 
4. Umpires will wear White badges on both arms.


12th December, 1914. 
Camp Commandant. 
As I am arranging for a Brigade Tactical Exercise 
on an extensive scale, to be carried out on Tuesday, December 
15th. I should be greatly obliged if orders could be issued 
that, on that date, no troops other than those comprising this 
Brigade shall train in any of the country North of Broadmeadows 
Road and Mahony's Road until after 2p.m. on that date. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, 
Australian Imperial Force. 


Umpires.      15/12/14 
Umpires are employed to convey to the troops the 
information that would in war be given by the 
effect of the enemy's fire. -

  1. Keep well dispersed
  2. Keep well forward- if necessary in front.
  3. Keep in touch with opposite Umpires
  4. Keep in touch with each other 

Take a broad view 
Decide promptly 
No fixing bayonets 
Don't encourage taking prisoners 
Don't order defenders in position back, unless 
Assault delivered. -  See p. 113 
My position in early stages 
On Sydney Road. 
I wish know both dispositions early.


Camp, Broadmeadows, 
16th December 1914. 
Lt.Colonel H. Pope, 
Commanding, 16th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, 
Australian Imperial Force. 
Please note that intimation has been received 
from the Chief of the General Staff, of your appointment as Officer 
Commanding Troops on board Transport A 40 "CERAMIC" scheduled to SAIL 
from MELBOURNE on 22nd December 1914. 
You will be good enough to make arrangements 
Please acknowledge receipt hereof. 
JohnMonash Colonel. 
Commanding, Fourth Infantry Brigade. 
Australian Imperial Force. 
4th Infantry Brigade 
Noted and received. 
HPope Lt.Col 
16.12.14  Comdg 16th Batn. A.I.F.


Camp, Broadmeadows, 
16th December 1914. 
O.C. 15th Battalion. 
4th Infantry Brigade, 
Australian Imperial Force. 
Intimation has been received from the Chief of the 
General Staff, that Major H.R. Carter of your Command, has been 
appointed Officer Commanding Troops on board Transport A 32 "THEMISTOCLES" 
which is scheduled to SAIL from MELBOURNE on 22nd December 1914. 
Please arrange accordingly.  It is advisable that 
Major Carter attend the Conference of Officers Commanding and Staff 
Officer i/c Embarkation, at Camp Headquarters this afternoon. 
Please acknowledge receipt hereof. 
JohnMonash Colonel. 
Commanding, Fourth Infantry Brigade. 
Brigadier 4 Inf Bd 
Major Carter informed 
[J.] H. Cannan Lt Col 
C/G. 15 Bn.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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