Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 15 December 1914 - 5 January 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(2) Medical Officer 15th Btn, ith Enf Bde, A.I.F. Please state your opinion as regards Lieut. Hill. o Captain, Adjutant 15th Battalion, Broadmeadows 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 13/12/14. a) The Brigadier ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. I recommend cancellation of appointment in Australian Imperial Forces, as I cannot consent to Lieut. Hill accompanying my unit in view of medical reports. if immediate setion could not be takon ro cancellation of appeintment A.I.F., I recommend transfer lst er 2nd Reinforcemente, and that Lieut. F.J.Platt, of lst Reinforcements lôth Battalion, be transferred to 15th Battalien en strength of "A" Company. Den W. Kannear Lieut. Colonel, Comganding 15th Battalion, yyosdngkovs. ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. lefiz/l.
2. FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADr. ERIGADE TACTICAL XXEPCISE, DECYMEKR 15TH. ------------ LSTRUCTLONS TO CO.FORCE. The Special ideas, which would normally be issued on the worning of the Exercise, are iscued in advance to enable the echemes to be expleined to Senior Officers aad Umpires, but must in other respeete be kept confidestial by all cho are mede acqusisted with them. The C.O.of cach Force will be responsible for the distrib- ution of the copies of the echeme forwarded herewith, to C.o.' units and to their Umpires, and for the issue to his Force of all ordere, not oovered by these papere, regarding meals, weter supply, ete. Every effort is to be made befere and during the exereise to acquaint Uapires with all proposed and sctual dispositions, and vith the tenor of all orders issued. This applies not only to C.O.Force but also to subordinste cormanders. Special instructions are to be issued by Officers Commanding Forces which will ensure that the nature of the exercisc and the object of the dispositions and moves is explained to Squadron and Company Commanders, and by them to their commands. The C.O. of cach Force will arrange for the clesing of openinge made in fences for the passage of mounted persomnel and transport.
FOURTN IXFANTRY BRIOADE. - BRIGADX TACTICAL EXKRCISY, DPCEMBFR 15TN. --- Ir A White Aray, baced en MXLBOURNE, is covered by foree in the vieinity of GLKEBOY PARK, CAMFBFLLFIKID. A Brocs Arsy beeed on VALLAN is eperating toverie MKLPOUPNR. ERCLAL IDIA (AROKL. 4 foree, coacistiag ef 1 Squadros and 2 Battalions, has on the sight December 14th-15th bivouaced neer the XMIEEEEcTIOK of sYWYY ROAD and 17 MILE ! Ix, and has resumed its march Southwerd et 7e.m. s the vanguard, heving reached a peint on the Ate SYDKXY RO:D 2 miles south of CHAIOIEBURE PAILWAY sTATION, a report is received thet "hite mounted patrols heve been ceen wea the INTFRFCTIOK of the SYDXY RAILTAY and UNUSED RAILAY et 9.m. Your erdere are to cagage and defeat the force coveriag MKLBOURNX. xxrrngyjuns yun yuuxx xucr. The Brevn Force will comprise 1 Squadron 9th Light Norse and the l3th and léth Battalions, under the comand of Lieut. Colonel N. Fope. 2. The White Foree will weer Vhite het bands. Elank ammmaition at the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will be 3. draen from Brigade Hoedquerters. 10 rounds per rifle to be isewed; remminder to be divided beteee pek amimals ond regimental trassport. .4. The Brorn Force will march eut of Camp at 8e.m. East vie EROADMXADOTS ROAD and North vis sYDNKY ROAD till the whole force is et least one mile North of 'CROSS ROAD* near "se in .Dipitions in cdase i Special ldea my thes be mde, bet no Brown troops may be Scuth of this CMOS Noip, cn the returs move, before l0e.m.
løfns for ofrie Rarssd FOURTN IXFIETEY ERIGAnx. DECXXBERR 15TH. BRIGADE TACTICAL XXFRCISE IDEA. A White Army, based on MXLROURNX, is covered by a force in the vicinity of CLINROY PAPK, CAMPENLIFIKLD. Broen Army based on wALLAN is opersting towards MKLLOURNX. ECLLL IDTA (HrEI. A foree, consisting of 1 Squadren end 2 Battelions, has werched from MFLBOUPNK, and hae bivouaced for the night December leth-15th et the eite of the Broedmeedows Casp, covered by outposta to the North estendiag fros SYDNFY RAIWAY to SYDNFY ROAD. At 9a.e. you receive a report that come Drown mounted patrols were seen in the vieinity of CRAIGIEBURN RAILWAY STATION You will make dispositions to istercept and defeat et 7s.m. any hostile movesent againet MKUBOURKK. xxxnyyons yun kuurx ynnor. The White Force will comprise 1 Squndron 8th Light Horse and the leth and 15th Battalions under the command of Lieut. Colonel R.N.Courtney V.D. 2. The White Force will wear white hat bande. Blank ammunition et the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will 3. be dravn from Brigade Headquarters. 10 rounde per rifle to be iseued; remainder to be diviied betvcon pack animals and regimental transport. No chite treope must be North of second "ye in SYDNPY ROAD before 10w.m.; nor may White troope move from camp before 9a.m. A
AUSTRALIAN DHFTPIAL PORGE. ....................--............................. Stun. rrtt FOURTH LNEAN ARICADF. .............................................. TCIAL ORONR. veteperasstntevavssevstatars t INSPEOTION BY EIS MNELLNOY TEA GOVERNOR GENTRAL, SIR RONALD C ITO TrRGUSON, P.O.,N.C.M.G., OOICINDER IN CALFF COMDNWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. Mis Exoellanoy the Governor General, Sir Ronald INSPTOTION C.Munro Ferguson, P.C.,K.C.M.G.,Commander in Chief, Commonwealth of Australia, having signified his intent- ion of inspeoring the Fourth Infantry Prigade,Austra- lian Imperial Force, on Thursday next, the 17th inet. at 12 noon, the Eriaade will oute march to Melbourne¬ for that purpose. Saluting Point-Federal Parliament House Steps. SATUTH POLNT. 2. Fighting order all ranks.Mats. Swords will be worn DPFSS. but not drawn till ordered. Water bottles to be filled overnight. One meal to be carried. Regimental Comhuns, only, will be carried. COLOURS. The parade will form up in mass of quarter columns ASSEILY. facing Last, on General Parade Ground at §-50.a.m. Signal Section in front, Army Medical Corps in rear. All specialists and Transport detaiis (except as mentioned in paraaraph 9) to accompany Units during, the march through the City. The Starting Point vill be the Main Gate on o e P? STANTING. Broadmeadows Road. POIFT. The Erigade will move in column of route, at 30 paces ORDER OF HARCH. distance, in the following order:- Brigade HixCf Signal Section 13th Battalion 14th Battalion 15th Battalion 16th Battalion Fourth Field Ambulance. 8. The Brigade will march off at, via Broad- ROUTE. meadows and Sydney Roads to Royal Park, thence via Errol,King,Collins,Spring,Lonsdale,Exhibition,Bourke and Flizabeth Streets and Sydney Road to Camp. In addition to the ordinary halts, the following EALTS. will be made:- (a) About 10-15.1.m. for half hour,during which coffee or tea and biscuit will be Poval Park. provided. (b) About 1-10.p.m. for about 1/ hours, when miiday meal will be eaten. (c) A halt of about 20 minutes for coffee Faxckner on return journey. Cemetary. Water carts and waggons will move on fro Royal Park at 1-40.p.m. to arrange. Firewood will mave to be carried. Quartermasters to arrange as above. ransport Waggons and Water Carts will Necessary leave Camp at latest at 6-45.a.m., and will move park. Water Carts will be refilled from ahead to the Hydrants provided.- (a) 13th and 14th Battalions and Army Medical Corps in Gatehouse Street. (b) 15th and 16th Battalions and Signal Section in Flemington Road.
o FORIATIG I FOR HALTS. OUTTARD JOURNTY. BUGLFRS. SPTCIAL DUTY. ATIOF FOR FALT tre UEN JOURT DUTIIS TATIQUES. SPTCIAL ORDER. SHTTT 2. 10. On entering the Foyal Park Reserve, the leading Unit will halt, the succeeding Battalion disengage to the right and moving on till the heads are in Line, Arms vill then be piled and men marched(with aixies) in prderly manner, past cocks to receive coffee and biscuits. The A.M.C. will not enter the paddock but will halt in Park Poad, running parallel to Sydney Road. On resuming the march, the A.M.C. will move via Gatehouse Street. 11. Buglers vill march throughout, in their positic in the column. Banes when opposite the Saluting Point will turn to the left, wheel to the right and halt, at the top of Bourke Street, faoing the Saluting Point. They will continue playing till half the transport of their own Unit has passed, when they will cease, and will move off parallel to and on the left of the transport, to Lonsdale Street, when they will fall in, in rear of their transport( in between the two Hatta- lions) remaining during the march. 12. After marching past,Captains Ellis and Durrant wiil report to the Brigade Major at the corner of Spring and lonsdale Streets. 13. On reaching the Haymarket, on the return journey Troops will move via Flemington Road and ? enter Royal Park by that entrance. Rear Units will disengage and form line of column of route on left of the leading Lattalion. A.M.C. will return to rendezvous of morning's halt. 14. Only the necessary police and picquete,and not more than 20 men per Battalion are to remain in Camp. (Signed) C.H.Jess.Staff Captain. for Erigade Hajor,Fourth Infantry Bde. Australian Imperial Force.
10 I. AUSTRALIAN IMPTRIAL FOPCH. ------------------ ---------- - FOURTH INFTAI Y ERIGADT, ----------------------- or TOTENTNG ROUTT MARCH AND INSPFOIION IONS CONCLRSI ir OF FOURTE INEANTRY BHIGADE BY HIS EXCILLENCY THE GOVERNOR TA TTF RSDAY 17th DECEMBEE, 1914. EWTBAL. ON ' GENI Ali Officers must be corr ctly dressed and r DEESS AND Men not in possession of khaki clothing equipped. FQUIPINT. and hats are not to parade but will be left in Camr included in the 20 allowed for fatigues. Officers swords will be drawn when ordered. STOFDS. Medical Officers do not draw swords. Commanding Offioers only, will perform the SALUTIS. "Marching Past Salute". Company Commanders will oome to the carry as they give the command Remaining Officers will come to the 'Eyes Right". garry and turn the head. Men should be instructed to turn the head well erlzö PIGETTG to the right and look up on the command "Eyes Right". Talking in the ranks, or to people in the crowd TALKIIG.) should be immediately checked. The number of the Company and not the letter DrETGFETTOF 6- should be called i.e. "No.1. Lyes Right" not OT COMPANY. 'A Company, Eyes Right." C.O.Reinforcements will arrange to have 5 men DETAIS correctly dressed in "Drill Order" at 20 paces /interval, prolonging either side of the saluting base. After passing the saluting point, if any check is made, CEECKS. the C.O. of the succeeding Battalion will disengage and move alongside the right flank of the checked Battalion Yn order that the oheck will not be communicated to the /saluting base. If wasaons are checked, they must similarly, either pull out or next wa gon go round them. Order of march of Units of Battalions :- OrDD V UR Pionsers (with axes. TAPCH. Signallers and Cyclists Band. Buglers and Drummers. Commanding Officer. Adjutant. 8 Companies. Machine Gun Transport. Machine Gun Personnel. Stretcher Learere. Ammunition Pack.Horses. Tool pack Horse. Water Carts. Cooks and Medical G.S.Waggons. (Signed) C.H.Jess.Staff Captain. for Brigade Major, Fourth Inafntry Brigade. Australian Imperial Force.
e tes ere Generat Binboarttom: Bott Ttronget Sydneg Rant Renre aut riglet. Bolts book senmes mt Wrie 2f Boom kat ame dvarrr Taseve Ted, umed kave get at hir bosnnnlaten 2 2t thite kat hram at Bau Sten flankk eppaet. Recomanseanke mdiffevant - not vafrdenage not pnohet ot fat anangte sshrile pitvol - back tr enenngg 2i bet Nomntet Van Gard 5 Frkestinre laraleg m Ronte marche - big srek no footects H.Gå checks - waske tne for enenng han t rnekke daspoato falae kepost n 3 CA Tieeh g Tire - prars Taseing Prraages - Prood bo lengtug 757. a/e Jundeg Putim Børvne Platet lätt dgt (for evenng) Deilnen on Fig ol shit ertenchet 4 well depfosted + overlkpet bror Plank held even og weaked an Hog Bt no auos tivrtåt aktacd Sbrite Canterattactak + E Stnat bag Doom last severves kasset arvss tlankk Lomtsattack bonlk have onerietåt 7 kossteo lift in Pavso Mhrite
r 1. HBoan ontyjlng Rl Bn H.Gd Gorsding
TTUIA 16.4 Jrt regger 10 20 Zres Refotere vehrgt Ko brate ie särt- 10.35 Heerle At Hornegter Holit vitrd Brosm- Tra eerch h 10335 an Pr wrch 10.45 Hrzun-A 3. Ohie 2./4 A.b mort Solit Pmmt 12n4 Lit ar 0d. Hkike fad usten farsgbich K enen

Medical Officer, 
15th Btn, 4th Inf Bde, A.I.F. 
Please state your opinion as regards Lieut. Hill. 
[[NJW?]] Captain, 
Adjutant 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
The Brigadier 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
I recommend cancellation of appointment in 
Australian Imperial Forces, as I cannot consent to Lieut. 
Hill accompanying my unit in view of medical reports. 
If immediate action could not be taken re 
cancellation of appointment A.I.F. , I recommend transfer to 
1st or 2nd Reinforcements, and that Lieut.  F.J. Platt, of 
1st Reinforcements 15th Battalion, be transferred to 
15th Battalion on strength of "A" Company. 
J. H Cannan 
Lieut. Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 



1. The Special ideas, which would normally be issued on the
morning of the Exercise, are issued in advance to enable the 
schemes to be explained to Senior Officers and Umpires, but 
must in other respects be kept confidential by all who are 
made acquainted with them. 
2. The C.O.of each Force will be responsible for the distribution 
of the copies of the scheme forwarded herewith, to C.O.'s 
units and to their Umpires, and for the issue to his Force of 
all orders, not covered by these papers, regarding meals, water 
supply, etc. 
3. Every effort is to be made before and during the exercise 
to acquaint Umpires with all proposed and actual dispositions, 
and with the tenor of all orders issued. This applies not 
only to C.O.Force but also to subordinate commanders. 
4. Special Instructions are to be issued by Officers Commanding 
Forces which will ensure that the nature of the exercise and the 
object of the dispositions and moves is explained to Squadron 
and Company Commanders, and by them to their commands. 
5. The C.O. of each Force will arrange for the closing of 
openings made in fences for the passage of mounted personnel 
and transport.


A White Army, based on MELBOURNE, is covered by a force 
in the vicinity of GLENROY PARK, CAMPBELLFIELD.  A Brown Army 
based on WALLAN is operating towards MELBOURNE. 
A force, consisting of 1 Squadron and 2 Battalions, has 
on the night December 14th-15th bivouaced near the INTERSECTION 
of SYDNEY ROAD and 17 MILE LANE, and has resumed its march 
Southward at 7a.m. 
At 9a.m. -30 a.m. the vanguard, having reached a point on the 
report is received that White mounted patrols have been seen 
at 9a.m. 
Your orders are to engage and defeat the force covering 
1. The Brown Force will comprise 1 Squadron 9th Light Horse and 
the 13th and 16th Battalions, under the command of Lieut. 
Colonel H. Pope. 
2. The White Force will wear White hat bands. 
3. Blank ammunition at the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will be 
drawn from Brigade Headquarters. 10 rounds per rifle to be 
issued; remainder to be divided between pack animals and 
regimental transport. 
4. The Brown Force will march out of Camp at 8a.m. East via 
BROADMEADOWS ROAD and North via SYDNEY ROAD till the whole 
force is at least one mile North of "CROSS ROAD" near "S" in 
SYDNEY. Dispositions in accordance with Special Idea may 
then be made, but no Brown troops may be South of this CROSS 
ROAD, on the return move, before 10a.m. 


Copy for office Record 
A White Army, based on MELBOURNE, is covered by a 
force in the vicinity of GLENROY PARK, CAMPBELLFIELD. A 
Brown Army based on WALLAN is operating towards MELBOURNE. 
A force, consisting of 1 Squadron and 2 Battalions, 
has marched from MELBOURNE, and has bivouaced for the night 
December 14th-15th at the site of the Broadmeadows Camp, 
covered by outposts to the North extending from SYDNEY RAILWAY  
At 9a.m. you receive a report that some Brown mounted 
patrols were seen in the vicinity of CRAIGIEBURN RAILWAY STATION 
at 7a.m. You will make dispositions to intercept and defeat 
any hostile movement against MELBOURNE. 
1. The White Force will comprise 1 Squadron 8th Light Horse 
and the 14th and 15th Battalions under the command of 
Lieut. Colonel R.H.Courtney V.D. 
2. The White Force will wear white hat bands. 
3. Blank ammunition at the rate of 20 rounds per rifle will 
be drawn from Brigade Headquarters. 10 rounds per rifle 
to be issued; remainder to be divided between pack animals 
and regimental transport. 
4. No white troops must be North of second "Y" in SYDNEY ROAD 
before 10a.m. ; nor may White troops move from camp before 


FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADE.                                      
INSPECTION  1.  His Excellency the Governor General, Sir Ronald 
C.Munro Ferguson,P.C.,K.C.M.G., Commander in Chief,  
Commonwealth of Australia, having signified his intention 
of inspecting the Fourth Infantry Brigade,Australian 
Imperial Force, on Thursday next, the 17th inst.  
at 12 noon, the Brigade will route march to Melbourne  
for that purpose. 
SATUTING POINT 2. Saluting Point-Federal Parliament House Steps. 
DRESS. 3. Fighting order all ranks. Hats. Swords will be worn 
but not drawn till ordered. Water bottles to be filled  
overnight. One meal to be carried. 
COLOURS. 4. Regimental Colours, only, will be carried. 
ASSEMBLY. 5. The parade will form up in mass of quarter columns  
facing East, on General Parade Ground at 6-50.a.m.  
Signal Section in front, Army Medical Corps in rear.  
All specialists and Transport details (except as  
mentioned in paragraph 9) to accompany Units during  
the march through the City. 
STARTING POINT.  6. The Starting Point will be the Main Gate on 
Broadmeadows Road. 
ORDER OF MARCH. 7.  The Brigade will move in column of route, at 30 paces 
distance, in the following order:- 
Brigade Staff 
Signal Section 
13th Battalion 
14th Battalion 
15th Battalion 
16th Battalion 
Fourth Field Ambulance. 
ROUTE. 8. The Brigade will march off at 7a.m., via Broadmeadows
and Sydney Roads to Royal Park, thence via 
Errol, King, Collins, Spring, Lonsdale, Exhibition, Bourke 
and Elizabeth Streets and Sydney Road to Camp. 
HALTS. 9. In addition to the ordinary halts, the following 
will be made:- 
Royal Park. (a) About 10-15. 1.m. for half hour, during  
which coffee or tea and biscuit will be  
(b)  About 1-10.p.m. for about 1½ hours, when  
midday meal will be eaten. 
Fawckner Cemetary. (c)  A halt of about 20 minutes for coffee  
on return journey. 
Water carts and waggons will move on from 
Royal Park at 1-40.p.m. to arrange. 
Firewood will have to be carried. 
Quartermasters to arrange as above. 
Necessary Transport Waggons and Water Carts will 
leave Camp at latest at 6-45.a.m., and will xxxx move  
ahead to the park. Water Carts will be refilled from 
Hydrants provided.- 
(a)  13th and 14th Battalions and Army  
Medical Corps in Gatehouse Street. 
(b)  15th and 16th Battalions and Signal 
Section in Flemington Road.


OUTWARD JOURNEY.  10.   On entering the Royal Park Reserve, the 
leading Unit will halt, the succeeding Battalion 
disengage to the right and moving on till the 
heads are in Line,  Arms will then be piled and 
men marched(with dixies) in orderly manner, past 
cooks to receive coffee and biscuits. 
The A.M.C. will not enter the paddock but will   
halt in Park Road, running parallel to Sydney Road.   
On resuming the march, the A.M.C. will move via
Gatehouse Street. 
BUGLERS.  11.  Buglers will march throughout, in their position 
in the column. Bands when opposite the Saluting 
Point will turn to the left, wheel to the right 
and halt, at the top of Bourke Street, facing the  
Saluting Point. They will continue playing till 
half the transport xxxxxxxxxx of their own Unit 
has passed, when they will cease, and will move 
off parallel to and on the left of the transport, 
to Lonsdale Street, when they will fall in, in 
rear of their transport( in between the two Battalions) 
remaining during the march. 
SPECIAL DUTY.  12.  After marching past, Captains Ellis and Durrant  
will report to the Brigade Major at the corner 
of Spring and Lonsdale Streets. 
RETURN JOURNEY.  13.   On reaching the Haymarket, on the return 
journey Troops will move via Flemington Road and 
enter Royal Park by that entrance. Rear Units will 
disengage and form line of column of route on left
of the leading Battalion.  A.M.C will return to  
rendezvous of morning's halt. 
DUTIES FATIGUES.  14.   Only the necessary police and picquets, and not 
more than 20 men per Battalion are to remain in 
(Signed)  C.H.Jess. Staff Captain. 
for Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Bde.  
Australian Imperial Force.


DRESS AND EQUIPMENT.    1.  All Officers must be correctly dressed and 
equipped. Men not in possession of khaki clothing
and hats are not to parade but will be left in Camp 
included in the 20 allowed for fatigues. 
SWORDS.    2.  Officers swords will be drawn when ordered. 
Medical Officers do not draw swords. 
SALUTES.    3.  Commanding Officers only, will perform the 
"Marching Past Salute".  Company Commanders will 
come to the carry as they give the command 
 "Eyes Right".  Remaining Officers will come to the 
carry and turn the head. 
EYES RIGHT.    4.  Men should be instructed to turn the head well 
to the right and look up on the command "Eyes Right". 
TALKING.    5.  Talking in the ranks, or to people in the crowd 
should be immediately checked. 
DESIGNATION OF COMPANY.    6.  The number of the Company and not the letter 
should be called i.e. "No. 1. Eyes Right" not 
"A Company, Eyes Right." 
DETAILS.    7.  C.O. Reinforcements will arrange to have  5 men
correctly dressed in "Drill Order" at 20 paces 
interval, prolonging either side of the saluting base. 
CHECKS.    8.  After passing the saluting point, if any check is made, 
the C.O. of the succeeding Battalion will disengage and
move alongside the right flank of the checked Battalion
in order that the check will not be communicated to the
saluting base. 
If waggons are checked, they must similarly, either
pull out or next waggon go round them. 
ORDER OF MARCH.    9.  Order of march of Units of Battalions :- 
Pioneers (with axes) 
Signallers and Cyclists 
Buglers and Drummers.
Commanding Officer. 
8 Companies. 
Machine Gun Transport. 
Machine Gun Personnel. 
Stretcher Bearers. 
Ammunition Pack. Horses. 
Tool pack Horse. 
Water Carts. 
Cooks and Medical G.S. Waggons.  
(Signed)  C.H.Jess. Staff Captain. 
for Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade.  
Australian Imperial Force.


Tactical Exercise   15/12/14

General Dispositions. 
Both thought Sydney Road 
hence all right.
Both took serious risks
White  If Brown had come down 
Pascoe Rd, could have 
got at his Communications       
Brown   If White had been at 'Dam' 
then flank exposed.

indifferent - not rapid enough 
not pushed out far enough. 
White patrol- back to enemy 
Diff. bet Mounted Van Guard 
& 'Protective' Cavalry
Brown in Route March - big risk 
no protection.
A.Gd checks - waste time 
give enemy time to make 
False Report re 3 Cos
Field of Fire - grass 
Passing Messages - poor 
too lengthy  
Sundry Criticisms 

Brown Water Cart left (for enemy) 

on E. of Rd White entrenched  
& well supported & 
overlapped Brown flank 
... held even if weaker
on W. of Rd no serious frontal 
White Counterattacked, to E 
met by Brown last reserves 
passed across flank
Counterattack would have succeeded 
& position left in favor of 



Brown L.H on Sydney Rd   
Brown A.Gd 


Brown Water Cart 10.15 
No negative reports 10.20 
No location in report 10.35 
Exposure in Road 
at Somerton Hotel 
Brown - No L.H. patrol 
10.35 not covered by 
any protection 
10.45 Brown A  G moved 
B. Only 1 Co A.G. 
B A.G move off - both L.H 
& Inf. in Solid formation 
1 1a.m. White patrol fired on 
when his back to enemy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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