Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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B Teenser eecansche A.M.F.- 3rd Müttary District. PAPER. MINUTE No. Camp Commandant, Broadmeadows. It has been ascertained that each of the Battalions of the 4th. Infantry Brigade have bass brooms on issue in excess of establishment with the exception of the 16th. Battalion which has the exact number laid down, viz. 10. Wheel barrows do not appear in the equipment tables for issue toInfantry Units, but the 13th. 14th. and 15th. Battalions have each two on charge. Please inform C.O. 4th. Infantry Brigade that any articles purchased by him without authority, will be a matter between himself and the tradesmen supplying. Kat is A.& I. Staff A.Q.M.G. 3rd. MILITARY DISTRICT. 9/12/14. oVeaagpaskeo nBle Oavarded Ct llastand 2 Frapgdostlag Bndnensos 9.12.1tt. Lanf romandet 2u 257 " o Wr l ........................ HRIGADE N'NNS4N IF. SHIEADE, AUSTRALIAN MPERIAL FORCE. M693d PFOI94 spdos Tvgsavw wernvolate ose so
aN CAMP, BROADMEADOWS, 10th December, 1914. O.C., 16th Battalion. Sergeant Sibthorpe, R.A.E., reports that in connection with the Field Fortification work carried out yesterday afternoon the party of one Officer and 50 men from your command ceased work at 3-45p.m. and that many of the men were lazy and took no interest in the work. The Instructor further states that on enquiryythe Officer in charge of the party stated that some of the men were put on the work as punishment for having broken leave, etc. The Brigadier directs that the Commanding Officer look into this matter and that an explanation be furnished with the least possible delay. Arrangements are to be made for a similar party, i.e. 1 Officer and 50 men to report to Sergeant Sib- thorpe at Brigade Head Quarters at 9a.m. om Saturday next, 12th instant, for the purpose of carrying out a thradd full hour task under the Instructor. Bøch Lieut. Colonel, /Bfigade Majox/ Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.
AUSTRALIAN LMTERIAL FORCE. ....-.------------------- TTITAITPY FOUF H LMAAPIRY ERIGADE. ----------------------------------- CAFP, BROADMEADOWS, 10th December 1914. e ERISADE ORLIR.NO:29. ------------------------ COLONIL J. MOTASH, .V.D. COTTMELING. - --------------------- VISIT OF 1. With reference to Camp Order No.114 para 2, the HIS EXCELLENCY GOVIRNOF. IbL following modifications in Training Programme-No. 2 will be effected on 11th inst: 16th Battalion will be unaffected. 14th and 15th Eattalions will complete their exercise in time to concentrate and march, so as to reach the intersection of Eroadmeadows Road and Pascoe Vale Road by 3.p.m. sharp. 13th Battalion will, during the afternood 11th inst, train in the Camp Area (Paddock North of Camp) instead of in Area D. This Eattalion will move West across Sydney Railway and South by Pascoe Vale Road in time to reach above intersection by 3.p.m. 14th Sattalion will adopt a parallel formation in paddocks immediately to the South of Eroadmeadows Road. 15th Battalion will adopt a parallel formation in paddocks immediately to the North of Broadmeadows Road. 4th Field Ambulance with waggons will form up in Broadmeadows Road in rear of 13th Battalion. The Brigade jst Reinfordements will The Senior Arms will be formed up in Pascoe Vale Road form up in rear uf just Korth of the same intersection and facing South 15th Battalion. and will move off to Camp at 3-10.p.m. 13th Battalion will follow the Engineer Reinforcements (the Unit behind the Guns) and the 14th,15th,Reinforce- ments and Ath Field Ambulance will follow the 13th att alion in that erder. His Excellency will take the Slaute in Broadmeadows Road, West of Mornington House. Battalions will enter the,( famp enclosure by the he Main Guard and narch to theil., femaining at quarters until the conclusion of the Inspection of the Camp by Hie Exeellency. (Signed) J.P.XcGlinn,Lieut.Chlonel. Erigade Major, Fourth Infantry Frigade. Australian Imperial Force.
Gindg, kegene ".2.4 MENU .....e. SOUP. Macarroni. BIS3 Boiled Schnapper — Parsley Sauce. duns Roast Sirloin Beef Roas t Turkey. York Ham. ap8. Boiled and Baked Potatoes. Green Peas. aaus. Vanilla Pudding. Coffee. Cafe. Dessert. .......................................
CANP, BROADNEADovs, 12th December, 1914. Camp Commandant. As I am arranging for a Brigade Tactical Exereise on an extensive scale, to be carried out on Tuesday, December 15th. I should be greatly obliged if orders could be issued thet, on thet date, no troope other than those comprising this Brigade shall train in any of the country North of Broadmadows Road and Mahony's Road until after 2p.m. on that date. Colonel, Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Force.
Belli 8. J3 Naas R.I aes. B4t ar lach Ratele- 7 170 80 ! Ar ! Belgcht sauend 277 8 40 20 46 49 2 13. Bulele- 27 2o u 14? 8 16 14 6 77 20 46 148 8 46 (6. 8. )t 70 148 4t0 462 46 de3 1008 33 87 9 677 41 160 60 APol Sielen 2 161 Antantg grannnng 1914 "0 70 4t0 44 16 3 Beteletn 7 "0 70 40 46 3 y 46 7 14 46. "o 20 40 7 76 46 152 2o. "0 70 4o 71 7 46 8 164. 40. 548 1 368 7 Bugade Riaure kot lunberd 1677 83 160 33 41 644 6t Skh 4 8 o o Lach packk horae fomeslg eurand:- 9 hickk. ih shast.. 32 ad.end-288 448 Add fomes bipke Ren(igo):- 60.120 Nastolat m 2 Nügedeken.unge:- 368 -S65 ! 4 9 8 3
CANP, EROADMEADOvS. 12th December, 1914. Lieut. Colonel Meill, Assuming that you are senior Officer of the 3rd Light Herse Brigade, present in camp, I am writing to ask if you could cec your way to detail some units as under, to take part in an extended Tactical Exercise on Tuesday, Docember 15th, viz:- eich chite Force (C.O.Lt.Col.R.E.Courtney V.D. 1eth Bettalion) 1 Squadron of 8th Light Horse Regiment (all to we white hat bands). With Brown Force (C.0. Lt.Col. H. Pope, l6th Battalion) 1 Squadron of 9th Light Horse Regiment. The C.O.'s of the Scaudrongnamed to report to the respeetiv commanders of the Forcee, for orders, at 5-30p.m, on Monday, Decembe 15th. Kindly let me know by return whether or not I may rely upo the assistance of your Brigade. lonel Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.7.
CANP, BROADMEADOWS, 12th December, 1914. Lieut. Colonel Meill. Assuming that you are senior Officer of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade, present in camp, I am writing to ask if you could see your way to detail some units as under, to take part in en extended Tactical Exeroise on Tuesday, December 15th, viz:- eith chite Force (C.O.Lt.Col.R.K.Courtney V.D. 1eth Battalion) 1 Squadron of 8th Light Horse Regiment (all to wear white hat bande). With Brown Force (C.0. Lt.Col.H.Pope, l6th Bettalion) 1 Squadron of 9th Light Horse Regiment. The C.o.'s of the Sqaudrong named to report to the respeetive commanders of the Forces, for orders, et 5-30p.m, on Monday, December 1eth. Kindly let me know by return whether or not I may rely upon the assistance of your Brigade. Col Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.1.].
görpypetriat) SPECIAL ORDERS ISSUED BV THE MILITARV BOARD FOR THE ZNO CONVOY, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. The troops of the 2nd Convoy are placed by the Commonwealth Government at the disposal of the War Ofüce. They will be subject to the orders of any General Oficer Com¬ manding the Imperial Forces, at any place at which they are. In any emergency, or at any place where there is not a General Oficer Commanding, they will take orders from their senior offcer present. Troops are not to be allowed to land at any place, except with the consent and subject to the restrictions imposed by the O.C. Station. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR OC. TROOPS, H.M.A. TRANSPORTS. Remarks. The following books are to be in the pos- session of the O.C. Troops on each trans port:- A. (i) Manual of Military Law, 1914. (ii) Kings Regulations, 1912 (with amendments) (iii) Regulations and Standing Orders for the Military Forces of the Commonwealth of Australia. PAMPHLETS- Issued to each Oficer (i) Orders for Australian Imperial with A.I.F. Force (ii) Ofences, and Court Martial and Rules and Procedure of Court Martial. (iii.) Notes on the Movements of Troops by Rall and Sea and Discipline on board ship. T0. 1002. 5/154 orders. 1. Books.
SPECLAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR OC. TRoors, H.M.A. TRANSPORTS- 2. Discipline. continued. Remarks. Parngraph or Section. Page. (i) MANUAL OF MILITARY LAW. Punishment on board ship. S. 11 () Order in Council ye discipline on 728-733 ... . .. board ship, giving schedule of punishment. Regimental court martial. S. 47. 426 Custody of prisoners. 446 S. 63 Application of the Army Act; S. 175 (12) 532-539 see also orders for A.I.F. para. S. 176 (11) S. 177 24. Application of Act on board ship. S. 188, 189, 190 552-560 Soldiers on board en route for war S. 189 (Note 1) 554 considered on active service. Committee of Adjustment on 787-796 deaths on board ship. (Inclusive) Notes at the end of Sections ore of particular vatue. (ii) KINGS REGULATIONS, 1912. i. Nlovements by sea. 256 1490-1511 (In¬ clusive) 264 1521-1544 Embarkation. 1554-1575 Embarkation ef troops. 268 1576-1607 Duties ofboard ship. 271 Rowtine on board ship. 276 1608-1621 Concealment of venereal disease¬ 96 462 ... (i) Punishment; 103 504 (ii) Loss of pay. Vor/i)nny soldier admitted into hospital for venereal diseases or on account of sickness, the result of offences committed cease to dgav npaydStile So ankosfibal.o by him o (u))atHotment of y eshetment of pay due to a setdiere and farny l not coaso oven though a soldienadmitted to hospital suffering from venereal disease or for any offence which entails forfeiture of pay The amount recoverable will be deducted from the soldiers deferred pay. Messing and Canteens. 1622-1631 278 279 1632-1638 Intermediate ports. 280 1639-1652 Disembarkations. 1661-1682 Mounted troops and horses. 284 1875-1876 Casualties. 331 349 Field Conduct Book. 1927 She aeferntiov alløvangg, dus ko a mavtied dnembeod under O. T. Ragelation Wot vurl nøt reaue though te e

                                        MINUTE                                         PAPER  
                                                DISTRICT HEAD-QUARTERS 
                                                  A.M.F. - 3rd Military District. 
Camp Commandant, 
             Broadmeadows . 
                        It has been ascertained that each of the 
Battalions of the 4th. Infantry Brigade have bass brooms 
on issue in excess of establishment with the exception 
of the 16th. Battalion which has the exact number laid 
down, viz, 10. 
                      Wheel barrows do not appear in the equipment 
tables for issue to Infantry Units, but the 13th. 14th. and 
15th. Battalions have each two on charge. 
                    Please inform C.O. 4th. Infantry Brigade that 
any articles purchased by him without authority, will be 
a matter between himself and the tradesmen supplying. 
                                                                      R.Downs         Major, 
                                                                              A. & I. Staff, 
9/12/14.                                    A.Q.M.G. 3rd. MILITARY DISTRICT. 
           4 Inf Bde. 
                                                                         H R Mollaston    Capt 
                                                                                     for Major AIF Staff 
                                                                                      Camp Commander 
B7 on 
                                           [[?]] File 
                                     3rd  M  D 
                                                  WMG Lieut. Colonel, 
                                           BRIGADE MAJOR 4TH. INF. BRIGADE, 
                                                AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE 
                                                                 17 DEC 1914 


                                                                CAMP, BROADMEADOWS, 
                                                                             10th December, 1914. 
AW                 O.C., 16th Battalion. 
                                  Sergeant Sibthorpe, R.A.E., reports that in 
                        connection with the Field Fortification work carried out 
                        yesterday afternoon the party of one Officer and 50 men 
                        from your command ceased work at 3-45p.m. and that many 
                        of the men were lazy and took no interest in the work. 
                                   The Instructor further states that on enquiry the 
                        Officer in charge of the party stated that some of the 
                        men were put on the work as punishment for having broken 
                        leave, etc. 
                                     The Brigadier directs that the Commanding Officer 
                         look into this matter and that an explanation be 
                        furnished with the least possible delay. 
                                      Arrangements are to be made for a similar party, 
                        i.e. 1 Officer and 50 men to report to Sergeant Sibthorpe 
                        at Brigade Head Quarters at 9a.m. on Saturday 
                        next, 12th instant, for the purpose of carrying out a  
                        full Three (3) hours task under the Instructor. 

                                                                    JP McGlinn       Lieut. Colonel, 
                                                 Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade, 


                                         AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. 
                                           FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADE. 
                                                                                      CAMP,    BROADMEADOWS, 
                                                                                            10th December 1914. 
                                      BRIGADE ORDER. No. 29. 
                            COLONEL J. MONASH, V.D. COMMANDING. 

  1. With reference to Camp Order No. 114 para 2, the 
    following modifications in Training Programme No. 2 
    will be effected on 11th inst: - 
     16th Battalion will be unaffected. 
       14th and 15th Battalions will complete their exercise 
    in time to concentrate and march, so as to reach the 
    intersection of Broadmeadows Road and Pascoe Vale Road 
    by 3.p.m. sharp. 
          13th Battalion will, during the afternoon 11th inst, 
    train in the Camp Area (Paddock North of Camp) instead 
    of in Area D. This Battalion will move West across 
    Sydney Railway and South by Pascoe Vale Road in time to 
    reach above intersection by 3.p.m. 
         14th Battalion will adopt a parallel formation in 
    paddocks immediately to the South of Broadmeadows Road. 
         15th Battalion will adopt a parallel formation in 
    paddocks immediately to the North of Broadmeadows Road. 
          4th Field Ambulance with waggons will form up in 
    Broadmeadows Road in rear of 13th Battalion. 
    [*The Brigade 1st Reinforcements will form up in rear of 15th Battalion.*] 
           The Senior Arms will be formed up in Pascoe Vale Road 
    just North of the same intersection and facing South 
    and will move off to Camp at 3-10.p.m. 
            13th Battalion will follow the Engineer Reinforcements 
    (the Unit behind the Guns) and the 14th, 15th, Reinforcements 
    and 4th Field Ambulance will follow the 13th Battalion 
    in that order. 
             His Excellency will take the Slaute in Broadmeadows 
    Road, West of Mornington House. 
             Battalions will enter the Camp enclosure by the 
    Main Guard and march to their lines remaining at quarters 
    until the conclusion of the Inspection of the Camp 
    by his Excellency. 
                                              (Signed) J.P. McGlinn. Lieut. Colonel. 
                                        Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade. 
                                                  Australian Imperial Force.

                                                Camp - Broadmeadows 
                              Boiled Schnapper  -  Parsley Sauce. 
                                          Roast   Sirloin Beef 
                             Roas t Turkey.                     York Ham. 
                                      Boiled and Baked Potatoes. 
                                                      Green Peas. 
                                                  Vanilla Pudding. 
                             Coffee.                Cafe.                   Dessert. 


                                                                                  CAMP, BROADMEADOWS, 
                                                                                               12th December, 1914. 
Camp Commandant. 
                          As I am arranging for a Brigade Tactical Exercise 
on an extensive scale, to be carried out on Tuesday, December 
15th, I should be greatly obliged if orders could be issued 
that, on that date, no troops other than those comprising this 
Brigade shall train in any of the country North of Broadmeadows 
road and Mahony's Road until after 2.p.m. on that date. 

                                                               Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, 
                                                                           Australian Imperial Force.  



Detail Wagons 
Crowbars Hooks
A.I.F. orders No 17                    
Parx 84.                    
To Each
Brigade H.Q. not limbered 1 1 1 80 9   2 120    
13th Battalion 2 16 8 148 8 40 20 222   8
14th  do 2 16 8 148 8 40 20 222   8
15th   do 2 16 8 148 8 40 20 222   8
16th   do 2 16 8 148 8 40 20 222   8
Total 9 65 8 672 41 160 82 1008   32
Section No 167                    
Infantry Training 1914                    
13th Battalion 2 16 8 76 8 40 20 110 1  
14th  do 2 16 8 76 8 40 20 110 1  
15th  do 2 16 8 76 8 40 20 110 1  
16th  do 2 16 8 76 8 40 20 110 1  
Brigade Reserve not limbered 2   1 368 9   3 568    
Total 10 64 33 672 41 160 83 1008 4  

                                                                                          H Norman Young   Major
                                                                                                   14th Battn A.I.F.

Each pack horse formerly carried :-   9 picks     14 shovels
...  32    do.    do.          carried:-               288   "        448     "
Add former Brigade Res. (1 waggon) :- 80  "        120      "
New total in 2 Brigade Res. waggons :-368 "        568     "


                                                                            CAMP , BROADMEADOWS ,
                                                                                            12th December , 1914.
Lieut . Colonel Neill , 

               Assuming you are senior Officer of the 3rd Light
Horse Brigade , present in camp , I am writing to ask if you could
see your way to detail some units as under , to take part in an
extended Tactical Exercise on Tuesday , December 15th , viz:-

 With White Force      (C.O.Lt.Col.R.E.Courtney V.D. 14th Battalion)
                                         1 Squadron of 8th Light Horse Regiment (all to wear
                                          white hat bands) .
With Brown Force       (C.O. Lt.Col.H.Pope , 16th Battalion) 1 Squadron
                                          of 9th Light Horse regiment .

                 The C.O.'s of the Sqaudrons named to report to the respectiv
commanders of the Forces , for orders , at 5-30p.m. on Monday , Decembe

                Kindly let me know by return whether or not I may rely upo
the assistance of your brigade .

                                                                                                               Colonel ,
                                                                  Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade ,


                                                                            CAMP , BROADMEADOWS ,
                                                                                                  12th December , 1914.
Lieut . Colonel Neill , 

                            Assuming that you are senior Officer of the 3rd Light
Horse Brigade , present in camp , I am writing to ask if you could
see your way to detail some units as under , to take part in an
extended Tactical Exercise on Tuesday , December 15th , viz:-

With White Force    (C.O.Lt.Col.R.E.Courtney V.D. 14th Battalion)
                                      1 Squadron of 8th Light Horse Regiment (all to wear
                                      white hat bands) .
With Brown Force    (C.O. Lt.Col.H.Pope , 16th Battalion) 1 Squadron
                                        of 9th Light Horse regiment .

                         The C.O.'s of the Sqaudrons named to report to the respective
commanders of the Forces , for orders , at 5-30p.m. on Monday , December

                         Kindly let me know by return whether or not I may rely upon
the assistance of your brigade .

                                                                                                             Colonel ,
                                                           Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade ,



        The troops of the 2nd Convoy are placed by the Commonwealth 
Government at the disposal of the War Office.
        They will be subject to the orders of any General Officer Com  
manding the Imperial Forces, at any place at which they are.
        In any emergency, or at any place where there is not a General
Officer Commanding, they will take orders from their senior officer 
         Troops are not to be allowed to land at any place, except with
the consent and subject to the restrictions imposed by the O.C.


                                       BOOKS        Remarks.
      The following books are to be in the pos 
session of the O.C. Troops on each transport:--
      A.  (i.) Manual of Military Law, 1914.
            (ii.) King's Regulations, 1912 (with
            (iii.) Regulations and Standing Orders
                    for the Military forces of the                                                     Commonwealth of Australia.
         (i.) Orders for the Australian Imperial
        (ii.) Offences and Court Martial and
              Rules and Procedure of Court
        (iii.)Notes on the Movements of Troops 
               by Rail and Sea and Discipline
               on board ship.
Issued to each Officer
with A.I.F.



                                                                                                      2. Discipline

   Page. Paragraph or Section.                     Remarks.
27 S.   11 (e)       ... Punishment on board ship.
728-733 ...         ...         ... Order in Council re discipline on
board ship, giving schedule of
426 S.  47   ...        ... Regimental court martial.
446 S.  63   ...        ... Custody of prisoners.
532-539 S. 175  (12)      }
S.  176 (11)       }
S.  177             }
Application of the Army Act ;
see also orders for A.I.F., para.
552-560 S.  188,   189,   190 Application of Act on board ship.
554 S.  189 (Note 1) Soldiers on board en route for war
considered on active service.
...         ...         ... Committee of Adjustment on 
on board ship.
Notes on the end of Sections are of 
particular value.
256 1490 - 1511
Movements by sea.
264 1521 - 1544     ... Embarkation.
268 1554 - 1575     ... Embarkation of troops.
271 1576 - 1607     ... Duties of board ship.
276 1608 - 1621     ... Routine on board ship.
462     ...           }
504     ...           }
Concealment of venereal disease - 
(i) Punishment ;
(ii) Loss of pay.
Note: - (i. 1.) Any soldier admitted into hospital for venereal
diseases or on account of sickness, the result of offences committed
by him, shall cease to draw whole of his pay while so in hospital. 
(ii.) Allotment of pay. - The allotment of pay due to a soldier's
wife and family will not cease even though a soldier is The separation 
allowance due to a married member under U.T Regulation
161 will not cease though he be admitted to hospital suffering from 
venereal disease or for any offence which entails forfeiture of pay. 
The amount recoverable will be deducted from the soldier's
deferred pay.
278 1622 - 1631     ... Messing and Canteens.
279 1632 - 1638     ... Intermediate ports.
280 1639 - 1652     ... Disembarkations.
284 1661 - 1682     ... Mounted troops and horses.
331 1875 - 1876     ... Casualties.
349 1927     ...         ... Field Conduct Book.
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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