Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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Broadmeadows Camp, 6th December 1914. From the C.0. 15th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. To the Brigadier, eth Infantry Brigade. Lieutenants T.N.F.Hill and L.J.Waters, from the R.M.C., both reported to the l5th Battalion, eth Infantry Brigade, at Enoggera, Queensland, on November 13th 1914. Prgre Rät tv Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding 15th Battalion, ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.
6falig. dechen for des7 Speratonoideds v onteressmmnieaton Linske 4. Trelimninarg: (as Dor loe of wrecptandad Wainng strgg t 6. 0. Cafanes- to maneg stoee. 4 Feack oøkeo Shrå Shen B. ktodndhen: - Duust H.O. R916 dläsile to a lding ompanis C Poanananas oordes o dlt a earleg am S. Ra Offreess are vepomdi 6 2ometial boe anplest ofetateo- P. OpesatesOtdets Sthat o- au ofernto Rlerant plagure (a) Selenatesn (6) drlaskea (ss Relesn (d) proata ttomelg lrannple:- nost ngustendllles Lunnfle Tactianl deanple Lovsdenat- adl-oall (anden coneeded. Lvoferateon - meanng, had aeeersed. (as bry Lovsdinaleon ib; bry duteseommanestå Cooferuten a tootbull taan, Ih mit evet alena dllens tine for ovdeoit fieked E. hlacomniantin eens - lignaller, ooderlee- Rlules nOrderlie hratane og tofomatis
Cane, da F. Pesaage. Seiåre, hlaka, as parstan, sankl, apptanent, wunt 12 roo ov nidenget- Map - refecenee - lates Tgn 7 Tedaage sort g lanf- notright o lft Hrample I dange bodgg og lnenngg aksanenng alagiffring llvad ke mnnleera, Fommates, ain, poalin, deiaaten, mta "Ot 10.35a.u. abannt dovo kefanteg å Ineta, volask i såle ov. o Nrakangs td, amrig untte alag ifbang daad nnng " Htoang tøing afar me kom ung laft bot Fevets 23d E. g Heind Ck. neas drgdneg ht at 2.22f.a ande kaavs, tie kom Hnroll too 000 gø nilke avet thae Neklansladp ald mennag- - vecbal od - untung Iparal lmmante t sjnal lømnanks 8 G. Faaning g ordes a fürnng liåre 5. Krnping bindd hreldente g Wad. lurt. Tat omt cormasliig triee I Gelding kfuoratm Jram all tr rvsutete vvcpost Sent. Lvmf m okfe buling galspeng at an aesoflan C.O. llphae egchange
155 Ror Gosser Sigtneng Deventter Mahonng Koats Have Ocrnpred, wood bosnes Syphnerg aud Mahong Roats. So enevinng. Coufpang Sipmitene 1. 15am rot tbe eiperlend
Broadmeadows sth December 1914. From C.0. 15th Bettalion, ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. The Brigadier, ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Partieulars of Officer of Transport, l5th Battalion. Name:- Basil Garland Matthews. Rank:- End Lieutenant. Age:- 39 years e months. serviee: Royal Military Academy Woolwich (eadet) z year¬ Thorneyerofts Mounted Infantry (trpr) . months Rand Rifles Mine Guards (Lieut) 12 months. Total war service, l year " months. Queen's medal and five clasps. Ad hr Nort fo Lieut. Celenel, Commanding l5th Battalien, ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.
TTT ALIAN. IMPERIAL FORCE. HEIDQU- TERS, TOURTH LTANTRY BEIGADZ Okeg. ae o.. 18 Repang (Somned vold) 9-7239 Oet 27 r Offise Sope andardlatn not yet been res ion ze to the delay att Lieut.Cole [Prigede M jar fourta Infants; Lr! eri This semorandum to be ret 4 rigade Office.) 2. Brigade Major, 4th Infantry Brigade. Nominal Roll referred to was forwarded on 771 lSth instent. Abeblles ejer 21/12/14. A/C.O., 13th Battalion. A0 IMPERIAE FORCE DEC211944 4th Infantry Brigade. 4Soam
Broadma 8th December 1914. From C.0. 15th Battalion, ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. The Brigadier, To ith Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. Particulars of Officer of Transport, 15th Battalion. Name:- Basil Garland Matthews. Rank:- 2nd Lieutenant. Age:- 39 years 8 months. Service:- Royal Military Academy Woolwich (cadet) 2 years Thorneyerofts Mounted Infantry (trpr) 9 months Rand Rifles Mine Guards (Lieut) 12 months. Total war service, l year 9 months. Queen's medal and five clasps. 1)Obblrilifsdieta Liest. Gelenel. raA IMPERIAL FORCE Commanding 15th Battalion, DEC 8 194 ath Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. ith Infantey Büigade 81914
3 Finke: Arstane: Tine Table:- patt bo A ar + Brpestm 2) ar at D is etm 2 dnne ak Bepast foa Aosve at (åTaed) Sopast foam H) dre at Sopat toom 3 doride at 3) Bopast fom Taa 2. ar March o be oh A. Daun Gnasd (jrata am booadeneadav. bd B. Coned a boadmaakas v Sykneg Rvad. Porut im dlggeneg koal 2600 Sake g B c. TPomt in tykneg Roak neat Panticp Stoskate (bovo not?) -D. Pont m ugdnng kaat zovu not a E. F. saset rd Holel Norten entvanee pate t Rlagal Tarkk 6. 4 Gata g Roggal taskk - lønes g ljutskomanit v tlannngla bet Comet g kang it o lalkm it. I I Cones o lallein its. a Eprig it. Lalnteng Slag a kont g karliamant ttorae. 7e- A b ieoo' Ba 2000 2 (o0 c D E 373 t 2o00 220wc 'seo- Ft 668 ote .ooo .tta 2860 . + I 177 I t 2 36 19737 tat Lan Haschet am Tine(elsk) Tune tohasst dunsk gRus mine- Vontpetand 7.00.6 ooc 45 3.0g 7.45 a.. 1n 755 a. iod 3o 2.9 8.25a... 10 8 35 a. 3730 40 3 18 as so a 9.25a e so s -35 10.50 2 860 -3o 8.25 1120a 10 n 11 30 20 7? 3.of 5a 3/ m 157 ae -3 2 no Stek spasking Torie 218 m 82 53 5t Soe
peene Trapest Røat Space is Hyle n.0 Sipne deeta 12 5 sa 184r 14 ga 4s 5to 7 1 tvlt Au aso 3(45 7 3375 lrae t a a 160 33800 Tate 2i mil Siine t nasch lungtt og lolemmer - abvut tominerte. Retm trach foam Boint K ve Shang, danatale, öshiliteon, Bonede, Elegabette Sts Dlanin gto bt to pant Go ie uki tack Saor = 13270 to o 732 29" a Ranet Tark: at 1lOp.- dlest ber 2 30 b. Skaseh lenf at 6. 30 ae. lart Halt. Tolat mashning foor skr dag 1737+19278 -37007 5 nile f
3.2i4 Vorinte for March Bivaftane: TDvedd No man vortt imfaofer haakgeet tomact Offieet unifesnd a Gwosde Mhrs dran Cd.bipede r ale fraf Wedtehen Selute. - Co.ppe co. co.l et e et hand Co.wit Lursk ralute. Larnng CO Comanten Syeta Hig Ca mer lper Maahung poumte am dalntiig hade. Iren. Caannng Torak ahead, aftes pannnng Plag 2 Momntet offrars spet t H.m. at Osg hanlet vdpnig t. Sen not to ters haad- o taerk tr evavd. V ho lagy to Slaave. vollek, kd toedat ofen d-dkanpnitg.. D Roneats Ordes og Tarcle Hallalsom amtaltale KPimaat Ngde Sigg Cipnellen vlyeliek con o kr varfns- Stree Siped Regen ads) t 8 Gonpanie t oric hangkedt. 15 mdegeko kommd Stilste Tases 16 omebån paskk hraree- Azeld Mnd T pa Wat aet o Lovsla v hpadanat laste G. S. Waggar. Renlle Bverkfast 61a. Weal.: Cöfpra + hioemt m Rogaltark at io.p. pedlag soraal i Rogae tarkk at Istop. Afpra vstierenit at Tankkrer Gmetag at ti so h.mCormevery I Avvang Wats tugolg at Rogat Tarkk d Aewang Hatsie- at i 13 lade fi Nra ustke Batigne pastgt go hr Rogl fark aheat anug p.m. Ihese laste t reyvå de bolmmen ttri borsnrd Orders to Bande. Ordeslee fo havses at Taslt. Konnar Sakutig hase - Rag fo baats m bortke 2t..- gffien i ckasge. Frndlet Tasliament ttonae Reipe o jrvile- Publiet, - dapp nole

Broadmeadows Camp, 
6th December 1914. 

From the C.O. 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
To the Brigadier, 
4th Infantry Brigade.
Lieutenants T.N.W.Hill and L.J. Waters, from the 
R.M.C., both reported to the 15th Battalion, 4th Infantry 
Brigade, at Enoggera, Queensland, on November 13th 1914. 

Per Capt-& Adjt 
for Lieutenant-Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.


Lecture for Dec. 7 
Operation orders & Intercommunication 
A. Preliminary : -  
(a) on eve of more extended Training 
(b) Why to C.O. Companies - too many others. 
reach others thro' them. 
B. Introduction :- Quote D.O. No 18 
Simile to a living organism 
C. Transmission of orders & Intercommunication. 
Comes early in F.S. Regs 
Officers are responsible 
Essential for simplest operation 
D. Operation Orders. 
What is an operation 
Recent plaque 
(a) Situation (b) Intention (c) Action (d) position 
Homely example :- post registered letter. 
Simple Tactical Example 
Coordination - address all leaders concerned. 
Cooperation - meaning, how secured. 
(a) by Coordination (b) by Intercommunication 
Cooperation = football team ; 
No unit ever alone 
Allow time for orders to filter 
E. Intercommunication 
Means = signallers, orderlies 
Rules re Orderlies 
Nature of Information


F.  Messages.        Concise, clear 
Time, place, signature, rank, appointment, unit 
12 noon or midnight 
Map - references - letter 
Form of Message 
Points of Compass - not right or left 
"Large body of enemy advancing along Epping Road" 
No numbers, formation, area, position, direction, 
"At 10.35a.m. about 1000 Infantry in Fours, [[?]] time. 1/2 Mile N. of  
Mahony's Rd, moving South along Epping Road" 
"Heavy Enemy Firing upon me from my left front" 
= "Scouts 250^x E. of Blind CK near Sydney Rd at 2.22 p.m. 
under heavy fire from Knoll 400 1000 yds north west 
of here. 
Acknowledge all messages - verbal or in writing 
F G.  Passing of orders.  Squad Commander to Squad Commander 
in firing line. 
H.  Keeping touch - Incidents of Wed. last. 
Put out connecting files 
I.  Collecting Information 
Train all to watch and report 
Group on skyline 
battery galloping 
not an aeroplane 
C.O. is telephone exchange.


15th - Bn 
8  Seventh                           Corner Sydney 
                                                & Mahony Roads 
Have occupied wood Corner Sydney 
and Mahony Roads.  No enemy. 
A Company 
9.15  a.m.    Signature 
[not to be signalled]


8th December 1914. 
From     C.O.  15th Battalion, 
 4th Infantry  Brigade, A.I.F. 
To    The Brigadier, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
Particulars of Officer of Transport, 15th Battalion. 
Name:-        Basil Garland Matthews. 
Rank :-         2nd Lieutenant. 
Age :-           39 years 8 months. 
Service :-     Royal Military Academy Woolwich (cadet) 2 years 
Thorneycrofts Mounted Infantry (trpr) 9 months 
Rand Rifles Mine Guards (Lieut)    12 months. 
Total war service,  1 year 9 months.    Queen's medal 
and five clasps. 
Per Capt. &Adj 
for Lieut. Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.


Dec 8  1914. 
c.c. 13th Battalion. 
The Report  (manual roll)X asked for in on-238 
of Oct 27 and due at Brigade Headquarters Office 
before embarkation at today on  has have    not yet been 
The Brigadier requests an explanation as to the delay. 

JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel 
Brigade Major, Fourth Infantry Brigade 
Australian Imperial Force. 
(NOTE. This Memorandum to be returned to Brigade Office.)
Brigade Major, 
4th Infantry Brigade. 
Nominal Roll referred to was forwarded on 
13th instant. 
W.W.Ellis Major, 
21/12/14.  A/C.O., 13th Battalion. 

DEC 21 1914 
4th Infantry Brigade. 


8th December 1914. 
From  C.O. 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
To  The Brigadier, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.  
Particulars of Officer of Transport, 15th Battalion. 
Name:- Basil Garland Matthews. 
Rank:-    2nd Lieutenant. 
Age:-      39 years 8 months. 
Service:- Royal Military Academy Woolwich (cadet) 2 years 
Thorneycrofts Mounted Infantry (trpr) 9 months 
Rand Rifles Mine Guards (Lieut) 12 months. 
Total war service, 1 year 9 months. Queen's medal 
and five clasps. 
D.O. Willis Capt & Adjt for Lieut. Colonel, 
Commanding 15th Battalion, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
DEC 8 1914 
4th Infantry Brigade. 


March of Dec. 17.

A.  Main Guard Gate on Broadmeadows Rd
B.  Corner of Broadmeadows & Sydney Road.
C.  Point in Sydney Road 2600x South of B
D.  Point in Sydney Road near Pentridge Stockade (1000x North of)
E.  Point in Sydney Road 2000x North of F
F.  Sarah Sands Hotel 
G.  Northern entrance gate to Royal Park 
H.  Gate of Royal Park - Corner of Gatehouse St & Flemington Rd 
I.    Corner of King St & Collins St 
J.   Corner of Collins St & Spring St. 
K.   Saluting Flag in front of Parliament House.  
Distances:-    yds.       [1000x*] 
A to B          1400√ 
B to C           2600 
C to D           2600 
D to E           3730 
E to F            2000 
F to G            1540 - 220yds 
G to H           1000 - 660 
H to I             2860 √ 
I to J              1771 √ 
J to K               236 
                      19737 yds total 
Time Table : - 

  Time (clock Length Marched Time to March Minutes Length of Rest Rate of March Miles per hour
Depart from A 7.00a.m. 4000x 45   3.04
Arrive at C 7.45 a.m.  7.45 a.m.     10 min  
Depart from C 2600x 30   2.97
Arrive at D 8.25.m.     10 min  
Depart from D 8.35 a.m. 3730x 40   3.18
Arrive at E  9.15 a.m.     10 min  
Depart from E 9.25 a.m 4540X 50   3.10
Arrive at H (in Park) 10.15a.m.     35 min  
Depart from H 10.50 a.m. 2860X 30   3.25
Arrive at I 11.20     10 min  
Depart from I 11.30 a.m. 1771x 20   3.04
Arrive at J 11.50a.m.     7 min  
Depart from J 11.59 236x 3     _
Pass K 12 noon          

                                    Not Matching Time                218 min               82 min 
                                                                                         300 = 5 hrs.   


Road Space : -

  personnel Transport
Bgde H.Q.



Signal Section



13th Bn












Field Amb



                                                                                    2375      +      1265     =      3640× 
                                                                                  Add for Distances say        160×
                                                                                                           Total            3800×                                                                                                                                                =2¼ miles 
Time to march length of Column - about 40 minutes. 
Return March 
From Point K   via Spring, Lonsdale, Exhibition, 
Bourke, Elizabeth Sts & 
Flemington Rd to point G  i.e. into Park 
                                                            =  5400 x 
                                                            = 13870
     From  G  to  A                                19270 x
Pass K at 12 noon 
Reach  'Park'  at  1.10 p.m. - 
Rest till                   2.30 p.m. 
Reach Camp  at  6.30       incl. short halts. 
Total marching for the day - 19737x + 19270x = 39007x = 22 1/4 miles .

Points for March Discipline:-

Dress -  No man with improper headgear to march     √ 
                                      Officers Uniform  √ 
Swords - Who draw ?         C.O. Brigade+ all officers of Battalion √ 
Salutes -  C.O. Bgde            C.O.  ~  &   C.O. Bn_  Salute  
                   Bgde Staff           hand 
                   C.O. Unit               Sword Salute.                      √ 
                    Bn Staff                Carry 
                    Co Commander Support & carry.  No of Cos not letter . 
Marching points on Saluting Base . -       men .√ 
Clearing road ahead, after passing flag   √ 
2 Mounted Officers report to B.M. at Cr of Lonsdale & Spring St. 
Men not to turn heads or talk to crowd.  √ 
No flags. -   √ 
No sleeves  rolled, No Breasts√ open - Uniformity.    Coats 
Pioneers. -      √ 
Orders of March                                       Battalion 
Mounted Police                                              Pioneer 
Bgde Staff                                                        Signaller & Cyclists 
C.O.                                                                     Band 
Trumpeter                                                        Bugler & Drums. 
Bgde. Signal Section  √                                 C.O. 
Plo    13 Bn                                                            Adjt 
No     14  "                                                            8 Companies 
          15  "                                                            M.G. transport                    √ 
          16  "                                                            M.G. section personnel 
4th field Amb.                                                  Stretcher Bearer       
                                                                             Ammunition pack horses. 
                                                                             Tool pack horses 
                                                                             Water carts
                                                                              Cooks & Medical Carts 
                                                                              G.S. Waggons. 
Meals :-  
{  Reveille    5.30 a.m .√ 
{  Breakfast 6.15 a.m. √ 
{  Coffee & Biscuit in Royal park at 10.15 p.m. 
{  Midday meal in royal park    at 1.10 p.m.√ 
{ Coffee & Biscuit at Fawkner Cemetary at 4.30 p.m.  II cannot carry 
√  Arrange Water Supply at Royal Park √ 
√ Arrange Latrines at                      do.  √ 
√  2 carts per Bn with fatigue party to go to Royal√ Park ahead 
These carts to rejoin Column thro' town√ 
Orders to Bands. 
Orderlies for horses at Parlt. house√ 
Saluting Base - Bay for bands in Bourke St. - officer in charge. 
Parliament House steps & Invites - [[?Dudley)]] 
Publicity  - draft notice

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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