Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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oc u Boe A 3 faward Dereurlle noles remslnclion IK. Beigade in Fuald forlffüration, and Rofe Chese anangements urll auit RO. Caleendand)alal Beaa dmeadaus deent R 3o 14
1. a a e Aeo 6 Trote re Znalanstion of S Zul Bde m Field Forlifintion Lient Padeanden Lübelal. R. E. ull dre al Broadmeadans (i00 Salundag Dec 5 Sagt sicthofe 2.A.F urll be availalle, for matnclione Aubaunrian sf ugade at ang Line, 6 0 6. Ergnaer dänfocgman6 i infonned Refaaland Re uill unange uill sal Sit lrafe (o be presen The Enguneen i2 Roinforement have conatene (ad wrales of Saveral Lyfae naae Lhe waod of De Camf (abonl Soo nury) Ober wverles niglt de Enstenetod Gy Ihe Znfanteg, 2naan brede Ide werles freod Co be Connlad wd e 2 AngShe of ta 37 3 Fie hencl Lavened at 5 Baulg Sinleinals, Bach (o Lalae 30ufles Lyung cover willh en bienelening bol uncle senree 2.a Batt Condilions. 343 Rißle file euch (o Aold 2 men arunged 3i Gantg ec Lrat Lhrag could de fonned uto a havesed Nenele Palor Siltung füe ufle fils aache fa 2 men, woleing 4S Baslg under sereico condilions uill dlovela (ne man digging 5 d one gurng rovering bue. de warle urll de laud out Oag Ilre uslunclor fravionsle aud de will eafdau Co Lhe offürars, be mateed of maleing out, ealandung men an (aat, comfu lalion of Caalas, balaneing of eoccavalion + parahat. Heurll also aaflaun om the ground funciflas of suliing lien des aobala as Golle far paasue + offonene defene
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Umeians AnFONF. BROWT FORCE. lst December, 1914. Major R.E.Snowden. UMPIRES:- Capt. A.F.Richardsen. Capt. C.F.Corser. The Umpires were not informed of the instruetions 1. and orders given to the Light Horse and Artillery. The advanced guard of the Brown Infantry moved off 2. from the BUDOONA Post Offiee on the Upper PLENTY Road, at 11.20 a.m, and marched on a line towards MAHONEYS Road. The BROVN Infantry, cccompanied by a section of Field Artillery, meved by the road (unnamed) leading from the D in BUNDOORA to the EPPING Road. The column came under fire upon entering some open 3. paddecks at the letter N (of frud) in YAN YEAN PIPE TRACK. White's position was along the railway line extending from the North side of MAKONEYS Road to the E in EPPING en the EPPING Road. White's pesition at the time (1 . 'clock p.m) was a strong ene, and Brown's Infantry and seetion of Artillery was under fire at about 700e yards, and in close formation for about five minutes. No Artilllery position was taken up on COOPERS HILL. 4. At 11/50 a.m, a column of White infantry and his Light Horse moving fat along MARONEYS ROAD, in elose formation, would have come under effective Artillery range from this position. IMPERIAL FORCE DCI Pbellgtonstasten Par iith Infantry Brigade. 11. 2 85i SrBdke 2. 137.
A1 Ru. 1. Jrotneng Brower 1Spralsom h.H. Sekmn PRofg -Itkr Battals 15 Mtutå 18 13 Se. aflan Sransen ak st amg e t Torsen game ikLing 18 Strrts ag abene t No0 wifjans 16 svs C Rovese 36 Mtul 15 af Bee 2. D. Bov 15 Mhie 14 Thrn 11a. (30 /1 (0S) 25.- (I33) 25.M. G33) Heäte 11 Aun an (6 d st kve" Stig e ) 2. 30 n at by paheonng P 62 2 30 (2 L. H K E te co at G ulbreanberd 85 127 5. a Mahangs bed Co a C s. Canfbee fred ad at Gagg hach it wes Syerre loaske at Gburg 26 af s Bads lEnpbellfuld 2 Orrtfort lin sbent kir ?. nerd (esmantonne toom Deni Cornk t ggting Kond Orkpat lune abont Taksnj kl too 77 Tteøn Oh t SStng t t be in poati to Betu namwit 5?? Stames Tars Handossan ot. at Gors Rol aufkelefed AM
Ke 1 Branfstlanee Hragjon
4 16r Sonaks- Dne 1st ConplygtTih! TACTICAL FITNESS KAKLMATION, PART II, PRACTICAL, near BROADMEADGWS, December 1st & 2nd, 1914. References -Map of fæineisnnd Distriet, 1" to 1 mile. 22 A Brown Force has moved West as far as TEIPIE- STOWE - BOX HILL against a Thite Force holding the line from COBURG southward. orsclki Iuuk - 33073. At 10.30. 4.m. you are put in command of1 Squadron L.H. (at R of worm coopra) and 1-Battery F.A. and 1 Battalion (at G of GREENSBOROUCH). you are told that the main body is moving West against White at 11.a.m., and you are to act as right flank guard, moving by the line of MAHONY'S ROAD. INsynucriotS 1. Rendezvous - As above, ready to move at, but not earlier than, 11.a.m. "WThite" will wear one white arm band. 2. Troops are to be clear of ground South of 3. MAHONY'S ROAD by 2.p.m.
T CorpipgsTikl FIhol SCKTE - December 1st. TACTICAL FITNESS EXAMINATION, PART II, PRACTICAL, near BROADMEADOWS, December lst & 2nd,1914. References - Map ef HEIDELBERG District, l" to 1 mile. QunsRäl IDRR A Brown Force has moved West as far as TEMPLE- STOWE - BOX HILL against a White Force holding the line from COBURG southward. T SPECIAL IDEA - HIE. The Main Body is holding the line of MERRI CREEK from COBURG southwards. As commander of the Left Flank Guard, oonsisting of 1 Squadron, 1 Battery and 1 Battalion, you are ordered to oppose any advance of the enemy from line North of PRESTON. evp INOIRUCTIONS. 1. Rendezvous at 11.a.m. - 1 Squadron L.H. at "Br" on MAHONY'S ROAD. 1 Battery F.A.) at Cross Roads,CAMPBELLFIELD. 1 Battalion 2. L.H. are not to cross EPPING ROAD before 11.15 a.m. Remainder to move not earlier than 11.a.m. 3. White treops will wear one white arm band each. 4. Troops to bo clear of ground South of MAHONY'S ROAD by 2.p.m.
1 Second Sc ere: December lst CONFIDENIIAL TACTICAL FITNESS EXAZINATION, PART II., PRACTICAL, near EROADMEADOWS, DECE DER 1st M 2nd, 1914. References - Map of TEIDTLRERG Distriet, 1" to 1 mile. CmTrAI DDEA A Prown Torce is holding a position from CLEAR MILL, North of GREmNSPOROUCH, to the Fastward, facing North. The main White Force is about 5 miles North of EPPING. orolud Dumd - Dwomm. Vorare detäiled to eseort a oone d d veggons from the crossing of RMLL STREET over MERRI CKEEK, COBURG, by the UPFER PIENTY ROAD to GREENSSOROUCH. Troops at your disposal, 1 Squadron Light Horse, 1 Eattery Field Artillery, 1 Battalion. nenporlums 1. Rendezvous - Escort and waggons at 2 p.m. at METRI CREEK and EELL STPEET. Waggons to be represented by 4 dismounted men with red flags at intervals of 650 vards. 2. The whole may move at 2 p.m. 3. The White troops will wear one white arm band each.

O. C. 4th  Inf. Bde A. I.E. F.
I forward herewith notes re instruction
of the Brigade in Field Fortification, and hope
these arrangements will suit.
R. P. PakenhamWalsh.
Lieut. R. E.
30. 11. 14  


Notes re Instruction of 4th Inf. Bde
in Field Fortification.

1. Lieut Pakenham-WalshR. E. will be at Broadmeadows till
Saturday Dec 5th.
Sergt Sibthorpe R. A. E. will be available for instruction &
supervision of work at any time, if O. C. Engineer Reinforcements
is informed beforehand he will arrange with Sgt Sibthorpe
to be present.
2. The Engineers 1st Reinforcement have constructed works of
several types near the wood N of the Camp (about 500x away)
Other works might be constructed by the Infantry, xx near
3. The works proposed to be constructed would be :-
(1st Party 2 lengths of t 3' x 3' Fire trench traversed at
(7x intervals, each to take 20 rifles
(2nd Party. Lying cover with entrenching tool under service
{*morning 8.45 to 12.15*}
(3rd Party   3' x 3' Rifle pits each to hold 2 men arranged
(so that they could be joined into a traversed
(trench later.
(4th Party   Sitting fire rifle pits each for 2 men, working
under service conditions with shovels, (one
man digging l & one giving covering fire.
{*afternoon 3.0 to 4.30*}
4. The work will be laid out by the instructor previously
and he will explain to the Officers, the method of
marking out, extending men on task, computation of
tasks, balancing of excavation & parapet.  He will
also explain on the ground principles of siting trenches
& obstacles both for passive & offensive defence. 



N. C. O's
Orderly Sgts.
two G's for Sgt Majors.
one G for Sgt
none for Cpl.


Buglers (once)


Fall in  (twice)

Parade for


Alarm   twice

Fire     &c


Officer's Dress
for dinner


Officer's Dinner     Officer's wives have pudding &c

Men's dinner         Pick em up, &c | & 1st Call

Reveille,  Retreat,  1st post,  last post,  lights out.

Stand Fast


Advance   Halt



lst December, 1914.
UMPIRES:-  Major R.E.Snowden.
Capt. A.F.Richardson.
Capt. C.F.Corser.

1.  The Umpires were not informed of the instructions
and orders given to the Light Horse and Artillery.
2.  The advanced guard of the Brown Infantry moved off
from the BUNDOONA Post Office on the Upper PLENTY Road, at
11.20 a.m, and marched on a line towards MAHONEYS Road.  The
BROWN Infantry, accompanied by a section of Field Artillery,
moved by the road (unnamed) leading from the D in BUNDOORA to
the EPPING Road.
3.  The column came under fire upon entering some open
paddocks at the letter N (of yean YEAN) in YAN YEAN PIPE TRACK.
White's position was along the North side of MAHONEYS the
railway line extending from the North side of MAHONEYS Road
to the E in EPPING on the EPPING Road.  White's position at
the time (1  o 'clock p.m) was a strong one, and Brown's
Infantry and section of Artillery was under fire at about
7000 yards, and in close formation for about five minutes.
4.  No Artilllery position was taken up on COOPERS HILL.
At 11/50 a.m, a column of White infantry and his Light Horse
moving past EAST along MAHONEYS ROAD, in close formation, would
have come under effective Artillery range from this position.

IMPERIAL FORCE                            R Eccles Snowden Major
DEC 1  1914                                                 15th Bn 4 Bde A.I.F.
4th Infantry Brigade. 

A/ Dec. 1. morning
"Brown" 1 Squadron L.H.
1 Section F.Arty = 1 Bty
1 Battalion

11 a.m.



L.H. at R. in Mr Cooper
C.O. L.H. & sect
at G In Greensboro'
B "White"

11 a.m.


L.H at Br. on Mahoney's Rd
C.O. & sect
at Cross Roads
B/ Dec. 1. afternoon
"Brown" all at crossing
of Bell St. with
"Brown" Merri CK - Coburg

2 p.m.



all at Crossing of Bell St
over Merri Creek
at Coburg
D 6M
as above + 100 waggons

2 p.m.


at Cross Roads
C. Dec. 2 morning
position 11
Brown leaves 8.00
White "  9.00
Outpost line about the
word 'Germantown' forms
Merri Creek to Epping Road
position 11
do. do.
White leave 9
Outpost line about
Mahony's Rd from
Merri CK to Epping Rd
D. Dec. 2. afternoon
2.30 moving
out by Mahony's
to be in position from
'Preston' reservoir to
Thomas Tower Bundooran




at Cross Roads



A M C.
1 Ambulance Waggon



near BROADMEADOWS, December 1st & 2nd, 1914.

References - Map of HEIDELBERG District, 1" to 1 mile.

A Brown Force has moved West as far as TEMPLESTOWE
- BOX HILL against a White Force holding the
line from COBURG southward.

At 10.30. a.m. you are put in command of 1
Squadron L.H. (at R of MOUNT COOPER) and 1 Battery
F.A. and 1 Battalion (at G of GREENSBOROUGH).  You are
told that the main body is moving West against White
at 11.a.m., and you are to act as right flank guard,
moving by the line of MAHONY'S ROAD.

1.  Rendezvous - As above, ready to move at, but
not earlier than, 11.a.m.
2.  "White" will wear one white arm band.
3.  Troops are to be clear of ground South of
MAHONY'S ROAD by 2.p.m. 



near BROADMEADOWS, December 1st & 2nd, 1914.

References - Map of HEIDELBERG District, 1" to 1 mile.

A Brown Force has moved West as far as TEMPLESTOWE
- BOX HILL against a White Force holding the
line from COBURG southward.

The Main Body is holding the line of MERRI
CREEK from COBURG southwards . As commander of the
Left Flank Guard, consisting of 1 Squadron, 1 Battery
and 1 Battalion, you are ordered to oppose any advance
of the enemy from line North of PRESTON.

1.  Rendezvous at 11 .a.m. - 1 Squadron L.H. at
1 Battery F.A. )
1 Battalion      ) at Cross Roads, CAMPBELLFIELD.
2.  L.H. are not to cross EPPING ROAD before 11.15
a.m.  Remainder to move not earlier than 11 .a.m.
3.  White troops will wear one white arm band each.
4.  Troops to be clear of ground South of
MAHONY'S ROAD by 2 .p.m.


CONFIDENTIAL     Second Scheme - December 1st

near BROADMEADOWS, DECEMBER 1st & 2nd, 1914.

References - Map of HEIDELBERG District, 1" to 1 mile.

A Brown Force is holding a position from CLEAR
HILL, North of GREENSBOROUGH, to the Eastward, facing
North.  The main White Force is about 5 miles North of

You are detailed to escort a convoy of 100 waggons
from the crossing of BELL STREET over MERRI CREEK, COBURG,
your disposal, 1 Squadron Light Horse, 1 Battery Field
Artillery, 1 Battalion.

1.  Rendezvous - Escort and waggons at 2 p.m. at MERRI
CREEK and BELL STREET.  Waggons to be represented
by 4 dismounted men with red flags at intervals
of 650 yards.
2.  The whole may move at 2 p.m.
3.  The White troops will wear one white arm band each. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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