Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Rst, 4. 1eth December Screwing work generally is bed; two belts working loose on e journey from this Camp to Derlinghurst t. . good roed. The poles are of en exceedingly light charecter and will, I es efraid, not stand the weer and toer we will encounter on Active Service. Cenerally epeaking both meteriel and workmanship are of inferior charecter end leave much room for improvement. Abllllerdd UMrl Commending No. pany, AAS.C. 2nd Expeditionery Force.
15.12.1. 20 0. 6. 2 Søfantg Brigade Rofot 4 2 Suild Aonbrlanee Bp sehstid ot eatg, mannna statli, anvd dan everglng was cavid gut un afreter manni g frund Ihe dapeport degprasti nehh er mn, Shiir work. o ghrucd trimn soone Lintt en kornse gitrigg, mich sherrad nt miend, dles Ihe santng iicthi che ntip for Lte divers,, shich dhreg evere deing erons ottade dhunge are m a satisfaetrrg stäte 2t gtm 2) RLiidhd ong attnstin tr thor 13 Battahrir and, save thim liehres u Kordes and narnes füftzug, and fyund en geing over Lhes harnks, Heg nave a 1ot 8. Hanncks defrerint. and sone broken I) oko ovaallad) tie wraggros andtfonrd eoka ouf d order. and dame ar Whe ag Battehon hhe sih of fule for mle I Dar wer fut on erong. " 3) jorl tre sm ggjerssong stict Sstonld trut en ttre unde dde. 112ch nitt Stm to enbighten itenn un theinork ogirs Lørg imannt Geettrn A A SC
20 A.I.F. 13 /2/ A. G. 4 a t COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. r 11940 MBOURNE, 15th December, 1915. No Wolst The Officer, Commanding. 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.Force, C A M P , BROADMEADOWS Approval has been given for the appointment of Capt. W.O. Brache, Area Officer, 23A, 2nd Military District, to be Captain, 13th Battalion, eth Infantry Brigade, A.I.Force, to replace Capt. Henderson. The Commandant, 2nd Military District, has been instructed to arrange for Capt. Brache to report at Broadmeadows without delay. Approval has also been given for the transfe of 2nd Lieut. D.C. Pigdon from the 14th Battalion to the A.M.C. A.I.Force, with rank of Captain, and as recommended by you the transfer of 2nd Lieutenant R.W. Graham from the lst Reinforcements to the 14th Battalion to fill the vacancy, will appear in Military Orders. AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE roads DECY? IOY4 4th infant Brigade. Lt-Colonel Adjutant General. [9ar O's.C. 13th and 14th Battalions informed. 2w G LColonel, A BRIGAYS MAJOR, AM. IF. SRGADE, AUSTRALIAN MPERIAL FORCE. 16 DE C1944 t 165
CAMP,BROADMEADOTS, 15th December 1914. eräölil andUrGENR. Headquerters, 3rd Military District. In connection with the march through the city, and inspection of the 4th Infantry Brigade on Thursday next, it is pointed out that the troops will be required to leave Camp at 7.a.m. and will not be able to return till after 6.p.m. at night (the distance being over 22 miles). In view of the length of march and time required, it is urgently requested that the issue of an extra ration of biscuit and coffee be approved, such ration to be drawn on Wednesday l6th inst. and issued at Royal Park, during the march on the 17th. 30hr h Te.Colonel. Commanding,Fourth Infantry Brigade. Australian Imperial Force. Baut bone Bradmenkons he bonmenant dece rot oftrore othe eatraeepandetene o al ldrd 5ar A.OMC, 3ed Miitury Dietrich AUSTEALLAN IMPERIAL EIRCK BrcI IR. I Aetetiode e ah Indnty, orgate) -trre gteket 4 t ansgel hespor 1Sistich Rbomit
uuxxInyunny yniuiuk. ERIGADZ TACTICAL XXERCISE, DECEMEXR 157H. - xxxnxynmdzu Iuuir. Ihe Exereise will be under the direetien ef the C.O.brigade. 2. Uaniras for Khite Yorea :- Chief Umpire - Lt.Col. Burnage 13th Battalion. . Major Rankine Umpiree 1eth Captain Cerser 15th Lieut. Laageford 16th Nrnires for Brorn Yorcd: Chief Umpire - Lt.Col. Cennan 15th Major Daher loth Umpire- Ceptain Connelly 1th Lieut. Crowe 13th 1 Uspiree must note and conform to Trainiag and Manocuvre Regulstions 1913. Srür 4. Umpires will cear White bedges on beth arne.

14th December          4.  
Screwing work generally is bad; two bolts  
working loose on a journey from this Camp to  
Darlinghurst   -   a good road.
The poles are of an exceedingly light character 
[*Mat*] and will, I am afraid, not stand the wear and tear we  
will encounter on Active Service.
Generally speaking both material  and workmanship  
are of inferior character and leave much room for

A McMorland
Commanding No. 7 Company, A. A. S. C.
2nd Expeditionary Force. 


15 . 12 . 14 
To O.C. 4th Infantry Brigade 
Report of 4th Field Ambulance 
I reported at early, morning stables, and  
saw everything was carried out in a proper  
manner. I found the Transport Serjeants 
well up in their work. I showed them some  
hints in harness fitting, which they had not  
noticed, also the saluting with the whip for  
the drivers, which they were doing wrong. 
otherwise things are in a satisfactory state 
At 2pm I directed my attention to the  
13th Battalion and gave them lectures in  
horses and harness fitting, and found in  
going over this their harness, they have a lot  
of harness deficient. and some broken  

[*Extract | I also overalled the waggons and found 
(8)            | brakes out of order. and same as the  
[[?]] *]      | 14th Battalion the stop off pole for pole 
                 | fr bar were put on wrong. 

I will be most necessary that I should  
put in the whole day.  16. 12. 14 with  
them to enlighten them in their work 

J Rogers 
Corpl. Permanent Section
A. A. S. C                 


A. G. 4      A.I.F. 13 / 2 /
MELBOURNE, 15th December, 1914. 
No. WL 11940  

The Officer, Commanding,
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.Force,

1  Approval has been given for the appointment of Capt. 
W.O. Brache,  Area Officer, 23A, 2nd Military District, to be  
Captain, 13th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.Force,  
to replace Capt. Henderson. The Commandant,  2nd Military 
District, has been instructed to arrange for Capt. Brache to  
report at Broadmeadows without delay.
2  Approval has also been given for the transfer of  
2nd Lieut. D.C. Pigdon from the 14th Battalion to the A.M.C.  
A.I.Force, with rank of Captain,  and as recommended by you  
the transfer of 2nd Lieutenant R.W. Graham from the 1st  
Reinforcements to the 14th Battalion to fill the vacancy,  
will appear in Military Orders.  
IMPERIAL FORCE                                          
DEC 16, 1914 
4TH Infantry Brigade 
10 am
TH Dodds,
Adjutant General.

O’s.C. 13th and 14th Battalions informed. 
Bde Clerk    16-12-14.
JPMcG   Lieut Colonel, 
16 DEC1914
4 copies 
Enter schedule 
& file 
6 12/14


15th December 1914. 

3rd Military District.
In connection with the march through the city , and
inspection of the 4th Infantry Brigade on Thursday next , it is
pointed out that the troops will be required to leave Camp at
7.a.m.  and will not be able to return till after 6.p.m. at night
(the distance being over 22 miles) .
In view of the length of march and time required , it
is urgently requested that the issue of an extra ration of biscuit
and coffee be approved, such ration to be drawn on Wednesday 16th
inst. and issued at Royal Park, during the march on the 17th.

John Monash. Colonel.
Commanding ,Fourth Infantry Brigade.
Australian Imperial Force.

WS  5am
Camp Comdt.
The Commandant does not
approve of the extra expenditure
15  12/14 
R Dawes   Major.
A.Q.M.C., 3rd Military District. 
c/o 4th Infy Bgde 
J Dawall Major
DEC 16 1914 4-20pm
4th Infantry Brigade



1. The Exercise will be under the direction of the

 2. Umpires for the White Force :-
Chief Umpire - Lt.Col.Burnage      13th Battalion.
Umpires          - Major  Rankins      14th       "
Captain Corser      15th       " 
Lieut. Langsford   16th       "
Umpires for Brown Force :-
Chief Umpire  - Lt.Col. Cannan      15th      "
Umpires           - Major Baker           16th      "
Captain Connelly 14th      "
Lieut. Crowe         13th       " 
3.  All Umpires must note and conform to Training and Manoeuvre
Regulations 1913, Captain chapter V .   
4.  Umpires will wear White badges on both arms .

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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