Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 12
— | Remarks. | |
The O.C. Troops is held responsible that, on final disembarkation, all troops are disembarked before he himself leaves the ship |
See para. 1659, page 284, K.R. |
3. Troops. |
1. All stores in possession of units which do not form part of, or are drawn in excess of the authorized war scales, are to be returned to Ordnance Stores or depôts prior to embarkation |
Action to be taken prior to embarkation. |
4. Stores. |
Units will not, under any circumstances, take on board Transports any equipment in excess of these scales, except the extra articles authorized in Orders for the A.IF. issued with M.O. 523/1914. |
2. Any deficiencies of stores found to exist prior to embarkation are to be immediately reported to the Camp Commandant or his representative. |
[*>3 4*] and whilst on service abroad, will be handed over to the Australian Depôt |
Action to be taken when abroad. |
OC. Troops on board H.M.A. Transport will furnish a general report addressed to the Secretary for Defence, Melbourne, from each port of call, and a final report at the end of the voyage. |
5. Reports. | |
The following returns are to be rendered by the O.C. Troops on each Transport:— |
6. Returns. | |
(i.) Embarkation returns ... ... | See page 7, para 1506, and "Notes on the Movements of Troops by Road and Sea." |
(ii) Disembarkation returns ... ... | See page 282, para. 1652, K.R., also "Notes on the Movements Troops by Rail and Sea," pages 27-28, paras. 1652 and and 1659. |
— | Remarks. |
(iii) Casualty returns ... ... | Page 332, para. 1875 (3B), K. Regulations. |
(iv.) Attention is drawn to instructions contained in Orders A.I.F. (M.O. 523/1914), page 18, para 22 |
States required to be rendered by O.C. Troops. |
J. G. LEGGE, Colonel,
Chief of the General Staff.
Melbourne, 12th December, 1914.
Printed and Published for the GOVERNMENT of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA
by ALBERT J. MULLETT, Government Printer of the State of Victoria.
— —
No and Name of Transport. | Port | Sailing Date. | Officer Commanding Troops on board. |
A 29 " Suevic " .. | Sydney ... | 21st Dec., 1914 ... | Lt-Col C. F. Cox, C.B., V.D.,C.O., 6th L.H. Rgt |
A 30 " Borda " ... | Brisbane | 16th Dec., 1914 ... | Capt. E. Windeyer, 7th L.H. Rgt. |
Sydney ... | 19th Dec., 1914 .. | ||
Melbourne .. | 22nd Dec.,1914.. | ||
A 31 " Ajana " | Sydney ... | 19th Dec., 1914.. . | Major G. M. M. Onslow, 7th L.H. Rgt. |
A 32 " Themistocles " | Melbourne ... | 22nd Dec., 1914 .. | Major H. R. Carter, 15th Bn. |
A 33 " Ayrshire " | Sydney ... | 20th Dec., 1914.. | Lt-Col J. M. Arnott, C.O. 7th L. H. Rgt. |
A 34 " Persic " ... | Sydney ... | 21st Dec., 1914.. . | Lt-Col H. J. J. Harris, V. D., C.O. 5th L. H. Rgt. |
A 35 " Berrima " ... | Sydney ... | 19th Dec., 1914.. . | Major E. K. Baker, 16th Bn. |
Melbourne.. . | 22nd Dec.,1914.. |
A 36 ... ... | Newcastle ... | 21st Dec., 1914. ... | Capt. H. C. de Low, 7th L. H. Rgt. |
A 37 ... ... | Newcastle ... | 21st Dec., 1914. ... | Capt. H. H. Johnston, 5th L.H. Rgt. |
A 38 " Ulysses " ... | Melbourne.. . | 22nd Dec., 1914.. | Lt-Col R. E. Courtney, V.D., C.O. 14th Bn. |
A 39 " Port Macquarie " | Sydney ... | 2lst Dec., 1914... | Capt. C. J. Thomas, C.O., 6th Coy., A.S.C. |
A 40 " Ceramic " ... | Melbourne ... | 22nd Dec., 1914.. | Lt-Col. H. Pope, C.O. 16th Bn. |
A 41 ... ... | Melbourne.. . | 22nd Dec.,1914.. | Capt. W. T. Charley, 6th L.H. Rgt. |
A 42 ... ... | Sydney ... | 20th Dec.,1914.. | Capt. J. F. White, 6th L.H. Rgt. |
A 43 ... ... | Melbourne... | 22nd Dec.,1914.. | Capt. S. Midgley, D.S.O., 5th L.H. Rgt. |
A 44 " Vestalia " ... | Sydney ... | 19th Dec., 1914.. | Capt. C. D. Fuller, 6th L.H. Rgt. |
Melbourne ... | 22nd Dec., 1914.. |
J. G. LEGGE, Colonel,
Chief of the General Staff.
Headquarters, Melbourne,
12th December, 1914.
Government Printer for the State of Victoria.
Third Military
Chanucah Service
Sunday, December 13, 1914-5675
at 7.30 p.m.
Officiating Chaplain, Rev. J. Danglow, M.A.
The Congregation is requested
to keep their Seats until the Military have withdrawn
from the Synagogue
Freadman & Bussau, Printers, 289 Little Lonsdale St., Melb.
The References are to pages of the "Authorised Daily
Prayer Book-"
Chant of Welcome [[? ?]]
Psalm 118, vv. 26-29
Evening Service
Pages 95-101, and Silent Prayer, pages 44-54, including Special
Thanksgiving on page 52
Kindling the Commemorative Lights
Page 274
Psalm 30, Page 85
Reading from the "Books of the Maccabees"
Collection in Aid of Old Soldiers' Home
Prayer for the King Page 153
Psalm 24, Page 157
"It is a Tree of Life" [[? ?]]
Page 158
Closing Prayer, [[?]] Page 76
Chanucah Hymn, [[? ?]]
Page 275
National Anthem
12th December, 1914.
Lieut. Colonel Meill,
Assuming that you are Senior Officer of the 3rd Light
Horse brigade, present in camp, I am writing to ask if you could
see your way to details some units as under, to take part in an
extended Tactical Exercise on Tuesday. December 15th, viz:-
With White Force (C.O.Lt.Col.R.E. Courtney V.D. 14th Battalion)
1 Squadron of 8th Light Horse Regiment (all to wear
white hat bands).
With Brown Force (C.O Lt.Col.H.Pope, 16h Battalion) 1 Squadron
of 9th Light HoRse Regiment.
The C.O.'s of the Squadrons named to report to the respective
commanders of the Forces, for orders, at 5-30p.m. on Monday, December
Kindly let me know by return whether or not I may rely upon
the assistance of your Brigade.
John Monash Colonel
Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade
C.O. 4th Infantry Brigade II
I regret that owing to absence from camp & the
indisposition of Meady that a reply to your memo
has been delayed. Ishall be pleased to assist
in carrying out your scheme by loaning mounted
troops to you. As the 8th L H do not wish to
take part I will send a half Sqn to each Battn
Commander. The officers in charge of 1/2 Sqns.
will report to COs Battns concerned at
5-30PM today
A Neill Lt Col
CO 9th L H
DEC14 1914
4th Infantry Brigade.
8am *]
14th December, '14.
In anticipation of official embarkation
orders I am writing to let you know that I ascertained at
Head Quarters this morning that you will be named in orders
as "Officer Commanding the Troops" on the Transport
You should, as soon as possible, master the
contents of the pamphlet "Movement of Troops by Rail and Sea"'
Yours Faithfully,
Lt.Col. R.E.Courtney Ulysses
" " H.Pope Ceramic
Major H.R.Carter Themistocles
" E.K.Baker Berrima
To. O. C. 4th Infantry Brigade
report of 16th Battalion Transport Section
I attended early morning stable and
saw everything was carried out in a
proper manner. I had an interview with
the Transport Serjeant, and by the conversation
I had with him, I consider he his well up
in the transport work in general.
Other units requiring a lot of Instruction
the 13th and 14th Battalion. I directed my
attention to them. giving the men
Instructions in saddling and bridling of
I found when inspecting the wagons
several of the brake tension rods were
broken, proberly caused by the brake being
put on to sudden, and so caused by
the strain.
[* Extend
Also must mention the fact that the
U or hook for stopping the pole from
running back as been altered since comming
from Ordnance. from bottom of pole to
top thus causing chest galls. I mentioned it
to Transport Officer & Serjeant showing
them the right way of use
[* Extend
F Rogers
Corpl. Permanent Section
DEC15 1914
4th Infantry Brigade. *]
Camp Broadmeadows
14th December 1914
Fourth Infantry Brigade Headquarters
Lieut N H. Durstan and Lieut F. G.
Chabel R.M.C. cadets reported on Nov 19
and November 15 1914 respectively
[[?]] LAW Donald
[[?]] 16th Bn
14th December 4
The Brigadier,
4th Infantry Brigade,
Broadmeadows, Melbourne.
I beg to report having received Orders for
Embarkation per S.S. "Port Macquarie", due to leave here
on Monday next, 21st Instant.
Up to the present, there are various shortages in
Equipment, not yet received from Ordnance, the principal
items being Waggons and general equipment for same.
I understand that there are a number of Waggons
due here from South Australia, where they are being
manufactured, some time this week. At the time of
writing, we have received but 3 Waggons, 1 Limber Waggon,
1 Water Cart and one Light Cart, out of a total
equipment of 30 Waggons; thus being some 27 Waggons short.
The 3 Waggons which have been received were
manufactured in South Australia and I beg to report that
they appear to be of a most unserviceable character.
The timber from which they have been made appears to have
been green and the workmanship is most inferior.
The wheels have been exceedingly badly made; in
many instances a pen-knife can be placed between the tyre
and the nave. The fitting of the naves together is
rough; instead of being cut squarely, in many cases they
meet at a point only. No pole chains have been supplied.
The feutchel on one Waggon has been split right
across, the opening being made up with filling material
and painted over.
The naves have shrunk already, so that the nave
bands are quite loose. The nave bands have been fixed
with screws but they appear to have been driven in and
not screwed in.
In many cases the welding of the iron-work has
been exceedingly roughly done, in fact one brake rod
snapped within one hour's journey on a good road.
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