Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 5 November - 15 December 1914 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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J.M. 10/11/14 C.K.J. 6141/4 COFY. 37d N.D. 14/5647/1916. COMDNWEALTH MILITARY FORCES - THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT. HEAD-GUARTERS, MELBOURNE, 3th November, 1914. FrON AM.S. To 0.C. 4th Infantry Brigade. In continuation of mine of the 29th ultime, information has now been received from the Commandant, Royal Militaryt College, that the undermentioned officers have been granted one week's leave and will report at District Head-Quarters on the fellowing dates :- Rank and Name. Unit to which Date to report. Alletted. oaaaao Lieut. W.H. Hamilton 14th Battalion 12/11/14 Combes B. 11114. H.N. Boyle 11/2/14 A.H. Kerwen-Walker 12/41/14. E.A. Wilton 16th 12/41/14. In regard to the lastnamed officer, he is to be appointed Signalling Officer 16th Battalion, West Australis, but advice was received by the Commandant Royal Military College that this officer is to report for duty at the Signalling Camp, Broadmeadows. (SCD.) J.C. HAWKER, Colonel. AA.G. 3rd Military District. O.C. 14th Battalion. Please report the dates’ on which the first Lour fnst mentioned officers reported to you for duty. 11/12/14 M Ga Lt Colonel, Bds. Males Fourth Infentry 8de, Australian imperial Force.
37d V.D. 14/5647/1916. COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES - THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT. KEAD-GUARTERS, MELBOURNE, 5th November, 1914. From A.A.G. To 0.C. 4th Infantry Brisade. in continuation if mine of the 29th altime, information has been received from the Commandant Royal Military College that the undermentioned officers have been granted one weekks leave and will report at District Head Quarters on the following dates :- Date to report. Unit to which Rank and Name. Alletted. CnDDD CCDaDD aDDE 12/11/14 14th Battalion Lieut. W.H. Hamilton 111/14 B. Combes 11/11/14. R.N. Boyle 12/21/14. A.H. Kerwan-Walker 12/41/14. 16th E.A. Wilton In regard to the lastmentioned officer, he is to be appointed Signalling Officer 16th Battalion, West Australis, but advice was received by the Commandant Royal Military College that this officer is to report for duty at the Signalling Camp, Broadmeadows. (SCD.) J.C. HAWKER. Colonel. A.A.G. 37d Military District. Major Wilson, Acting Director Army Signals. DrommmrS. For favour of report as to date upon which Lieut. Wilton reported to you for duty. MGhan 11/2/14 Lt Colonel, Bdo. Mafor. Fourth Infantry Bdo. Australian Emverig Force.
M. 294. FOFIS AACTEALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE ATTRY BRIGADE VICTORLA BAPRACKS. MELBOURNE, 5th November, 1914. C.S.S. In connection with the provision for reinfercements for the prigade under my comnand, and in view of the very great importance in mintaining the authorised complement of signallers, I would recomnend that arrangements be made to train five men per Battalion reinforcement in sisnalling and that, If agproved, instructions be immediately issued to respective District Commandants for the men referred to to report to the Acting Director of Army Signals at Froadneadows Camp on the 10th instant, en which date a Sc ool of Instruction is tined to censence. This provision would, 1t is submitted, make good wastage in the ranks of the Battalion signallers. Cdones Commanding Fourth Infantry Ede. Australian Imperial Force Fill
5/1/14 COMON FAULTS IN MUSKETRY, INSTRUCTION. ELDDDDODDO Denonar Malahs. (1) Notinsisting on cerrect firing positions at all times - (aee notes at foet of plates in Musketry Regs. Pt.I.) (11) Men allowed to look at breech when loading instead of keeping eyes on object (which might otherwise Asappear). eu noti 7 plate XIX. Murk Regns, (iii) Not insisting in accuracy in all alming drill or not employing all time available, 1.e.- If aiming with tripod: - Remaining men should be employed Judging distance, describing targets, practising loading, alming, trigser pressing, rapid adoption of fire positions, etc. (iv) Nuscle exercises not practised, or standard tests re rapid loading, adjusting, sighting. (A Sectim 54) (r) Advancement of training too fast, 1.c. - men who fail in standard tests being taken on to range practices instead of being sent back for more preliminary training. (vi) Registration of results of tasts not kept, therefore improvement or othermise of men or their personal errors cannot be seen and rectified. Sechn 63.M.AG sene Eractises. (See Seem 76 t 79 Musk Olegns) (1) Time wasted in waiting for targets, issue of ammunition, erganizationof firing details, etc. (41) Not employing spare men as in Wl above, (111) Not setting men to declare point of aim and at moment of Mls, Canor of Wire) Para 390 M.T. (iv) Incerrect positions, exposing themselves to load, Pan 390 446 moving about on mound, taking too long to fire. : 393 295 (r) Apparent errors in common faults not pointed out to men immediately after firing, 1.e. a man who is consist- ently firing low, not being told that he is taking Para. 390.
-25 Banse Braatisestd -tne fine a sight, or a man who hits dn the right (r)(Ctd.) not being teld that he (a) either pulls off, or (0) dees not correctly centre the foresight. out (vi) Examination of arms after firing being carried perfunct- orily on range, instead of on all parades, and particularly at the next parade after firing.
Nater from Reynold's paper trust adden by Commandant, Camberley 1912. peace condition are apt to be accepted as Has conditions 10 oppose a superior torce demands greatest study We always teach offensive, but must be ready to manag retirement, or a waiting same Bactice orderly retirement in pease. Staff must week togethe sympathetically Plan: - Conception, Peparation, Specution) Finciples of preparations tor battle: then enemy near, dupose your apprachmach to as to be ready to fight pickly, on an appropriate tront. Envelopment to most effective form - even if inferior in number. keep as many troops as you can in you on contral as long as possible stick to your own plan & judpment - outhlersly refuse put objectors aside otherare you cease to be their maste.
SASMET NENSSNMESS A.M.F.—3rd Military District. TELEPHONE-CENTRAL 4780. No. AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES.-3RD MILITARY DISTRICT. PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO HEADOUARTERS. 3RD MILITARY DIS. TRICT. HEAD-OUARTERS. 14th Battalion, Ac I. F. Melbourne, 14/284/1. BROADMEADONS, 11th November 1914. From C. O. 14th Battalion, A. I. F. To Brigade Major, 4th Infantry Brigade, A. I. F. With reference to Headquarters No. 14/5647/198 I have to report that the following Officers reported this day :- Lieut. K. V. Bgyle from Royal Military College. Lieut. B. Combes peticuitig LOuE. COL. Commdg. 14th Battalion, A. I. F.
hanosit m 13N0✓. 1314 rn COMMONWEALTH MILITARY FORCES. Sth MILITARY DISTRICT. 16th Battalion A. I. T. Blackboy Hill Camp 11/11/14. Head Quarters 4th Infantry Brigade A.I.F. Melbourne Schedule received. Hoof Lieut Colonel. Commanding 16th Battalion A.I.F.
M. 310. AUSTRAIIAN IMAPERIAL FORSE TAURTH INFARTRY BEICADE VICTORLA BARRACRS. MELBOURNE, 11th November, 1914. Be.MCIlsA.FL. Stall. 8.0.8. Referring to my interviev with you on 5th instant, I have now definitely ascertained from C.0. 16th Pattalion, that he has enlisted a qualified Machine Gun Sergeant from militia personnel and therefore does not require an N.C.O. of A. 8 1. Staff for this appointment. mmmmumummmm Ooet Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Austratian Imnonin Force
School Sequal A.J.T. Broadmeadon 12.1114 JOC 4th Infantay Rde Ad. J. Lieut Wilton reported at his school at day (7//7 for duty. sp.m. this Swito ofaps H. Tempry Capt. A.& J. Staff Chieef Instr Siqnal Schol Dee Clant A.J.J. Hold with sh papes re Cadet repurting Eucy 164 18

COPY. 3rd M.D. 14/5647/19/6. 


MELBOURNE, 5th November, 1914. 

From A.A.G.
To 0.C. 4th Infantry Brigade. 

In continuation of mine of the 29th ultimo,
information has now been received from the Commandant,
Royal Military College, that the undermentioned officers
have been granted one week's leave and will report at
District Head-Quarters on the following dates :- 

Rank and Name. Unit to which 
Date to report.
Lieut. W.H. Hamilton 14th Battalion 12/11/14
"           B.Combes "        " 11/11/14
 "          H.N. Boyle "        " 11/11/14
 "          A.H. Kerwen-Walker "        " 12/11/14
 "          E.A. Wilton 16th " 12/11/14

In regard to the lastnamed officer, he
is to be appointed Signalling Officer 16th Battalion, West
Australia, but advice was received by the Commandant
Royal Military College that this officer is to report
for duty at the Signalling Camp, Broadmeadows. 

(SGD.) J.C. HAWKER, Colonel.
A.A.G. 3rd Military District. 
6/11/14.     O.C. 14th Battalion.
Please report the dates’ on which the first
four first mentioned officers reported to you for duty.
JP McGlinn
Lt Colonel,
Bde. Major, Fourth Infantry Bde,
Australian imperial Force. 


3rd M.D. 14/5647/19/6. 


MELBOURNE, 5th November, 1914. 

From A.A.G.
To 0.C. 4th Infantry Brigade. 

In continuation of mine of the 29th ultimo,
information has now been received from the Commandant,
Royal Military College, that the undermentioned officers
have been granted one week's leave and will report at
District Head-Quarters on the following dates :- 

Rank and Name. Unit to which 
Date to report.
Lieut. W.H. Hamilton 14th Battalion 12/11/14
"           B.Combes "        " 11/11/14
 "          H.N. Boyle "       " 11/11/14
 "          A.H. Kerwen-Walker "       " 12/11/14
 "          E.A. Wilton 16th " 12/11/14

In regard to the lastmentioned officer, he
is to be appointed Signalling Officer 16th Battalion, West
Australia, but advice was received by the Commandant
Royal Military College that this officer is to report
for duty at the Signalling Camp, Broadmeadows. 

(SGD.) J.C. HAWKER, Colonel.
A.A.G. 3rd Military District. 

Major Wilson,
Acting Director Army Signals.

For favour of report as to date upon which
Lieut. Wilton reported to you for duty.
J.P. McGlinn
Lt Colonel,
Bde. Major, Fourth Infantry Bde,
Australian imperial Force. 
pro O.C.



MELBOURNE, 5th November, 1914. 
M. 294. 

In connection with the provision for reinforcements
for the Brigade under my command, and in view of the very
great importance in maintaining the authorised complement
of signallers, I would recommend that arrangements be
made to train five men per Battalion reinforcement in
signalling and that, if approved, instructions be
immediately issued to respective District Commandants
for the men referred to to report to the Acting Director
of Army Signals at Broadmeadows Camp on the 10th instant,
on which date a School of Instruction is timed to commence.
This provision would, it is submitted, make
good wastage in the ranks of the Battalion signallers. 

 .......... .............Colonel
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde.
Australian Imperial Force



Elementary Training. -
(i) Not/insisting on correct firing positions at all times -
(see notes at foot of plates in Musketry Regs. Pt.I.)
(ii) Men allowed to look at breech when loading instead of
keeping eyes on object (which might otherwise
disappear). see note 7 plate XIX. Musk Regns,
(iii) Not insisting on accuracy in all aiming drill or not
employing all time available, i.e.-
If aiming with tripod: - Remaining men should be
employed "Judging distance, describing targets,
practising loading, aiming, trigger pressing, rapid
adoption of fire positions, etc."
(iv) Muscle exercises not practised*, or standard tests re
rapid loading, adjusting, sighting. (* section 54)
(v) Advancement of training too fast, i.e. - men who fail in
standard tests being taken on to range practices
instead of being sent back for more preliminary
(vi) Registration of results of tests not kept, therefore
improvement or otherwise of men or their personal
errors cannot be seen and rectified. Sectn 63.M.Reg 

Range Practises. - (See Secns 76 to 79 Musk Regns)
(i) Time wasted in waiting for targets, issue of ammunition,
organization/of firing details, etc.
(ii) Not employing spare men as in (III) above,
(iii) Not getting men to declare point of aim ∨and number of target at moment
of firing, Para 390 M.R.
(iv) Incorrect positions, exposing themselves to load,
moving about on mound, taking too long to fire.
Para 390 
 " 446 
 " 393 
 " 395
(v) Apparent errors in common faults not pointed out to men
immediately after firing, i.e. a man who is consistently 
firing low, not being told that he is taking
Para. 390. 



Range Practises. (Ctd.) - 

(v)(Ctd.) -too fine a sight, or a man who hits on the right
not being told that he (a) either pulls off, or
(b) does not correctly centre the foresight.
(vi) Examination of arms after firing being carried ∧out
perfunctorily on range, instead of on all parades, and
particularly at the next parade after firing. 


Notes from Reynold's papers
Final address by Commandant, Camberley 1912:-
Peace conditions are apt to be accepted as War conditions
'To oppose a superior force' demands greatest study
We always teach offensive, but must be ready to manage retirement, or a
waiting game
... Practice orderly retirement in peace.
Staff must work together sympathetically
Principles of preparations for battle: - [Plan: - Conception, Preparation, Execution]
When enemy near, dispose your approach march so as to be ready
to fight quickly, on an appropriate front.
Envelopment is most effective form - even if inferior in numbers.
Keep as many troops as you can in your own control as long
as possible
Stick to your own plan &judgement - ruthlessly refuse put objectors aside
otherwise you cease to be their master. 


A.M.F.—3rd Military District.


14th Battalion, A. I. F.
14/284/1. BROADMEADOWS, 11th November 1914. 

From C. O. 14th Battalion, A. I. F. 

To Brigade Major,
4th Infantry Brigade, A. I. F. 

With reference to Headquarters No. 14/5647/196
I have to report that the following Officers reported this day :-
Lieut. H. W. Boyle)
Lieut. B. Combes)    from Royal Military College. 

[[R Courtney]] Lieut. Col..
Commdg. 14th Battalion, A. I. F.




16th Battalion A. I. F.
Blackboy Hill Camp

Head Quarters
4th Infantry Brigade A.I.F.

Schedule received. 

H Pope
Lieut Colonel.
Commanding 16th Battalion A.I.F. 



MELBOURNE, 11th November, 1914. 
M. 310.
Re. N.C.O's A. & I. Staff. 

Referring to my interview with you on 5th instant,
I have now definitely ascertained from C.0. 16th Battalion,
that he has enlisted a qualified Machine Gun Sergeant from
militia personnel and therefore does not require an N.C.O.
of A. & I. Staff for this appointment. 

................... Colonel
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde.
Australian Imperial Force 


Signal School

To O.C.
4th Infantry Bde.

Lieut. Wilton
reported at this school at
2p.m. this day (12/11/14) for duty. 

Major A.E.
Tempry Captn. A.& I. Staff
Chief Instrr Siqnal School
Bde [[Camp]]
Hold with other papers re
Cadet reporting
16 X1 14

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