Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 14 August - 3 November 1914 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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PUSTEALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE FAWTRY BRIEADE VICTOPIA EPPICKS, M. 252. MLPOUENE, 3Oth October, 1914. somon. Lieut.-Col. Courtney, The queation of the alletnent of Feyal Miltary College cadets has been one of acuts difficulty recarding not only your Enttalion but other Battalions of the Friense. You will renexber that during our last conference, it was a questies of alletting fire of these officers to your Battalien, which redid invoive the relegation of the officers, to men you fest yoursell committed, to reinforcements. Cince that conference the wols matter has been the subject of repeated and lengthy interviers with higher authority, uring whtch the moral clains of officers whose nanes and been sent torvard for velection vere very serngly and very fuily reseed. Vitimately the whole matter was carrios to the Kinister and the whole of the arciments fere presented to hin with the roovit that his rine decision is that the 1ath Byttalion mst take four of thee be the rile Rich accompaniss 1sltter Thie recuit me only ace aitional ot to the n Ettters one aouty constenting the Ministen haris been that the msorter of the aradlable cadets are Vieterians and Mis Desiso has to a10t then, as car as rossibie, territorially.
20 As matters now stand, and assuming that you have either decided to dispose of Curlevis altogether or to send hin to the First Reinforcements of the Fourth Prigade, it will now be necessary for you to select one other of ficer to also go with the reinforcements and the Adjutant- General has agreed that any such officer may be sent to either of the First Reinforcements of the Fourth Brigade or oro the Feurth Peinforcements of the Second Frigade at your option, provided the matter is settled promptly. Should you decide to neminate Pigdon for reinforcements, this will leave a vacancy for Henry and will thus dispose of the unallotted officers. However, the above is by way of suggestion only and the actual allotment of the officers in the way indicated if left to your unfettered discretion. There is, however, no appeal from the decision that room must be found for four cadets. In the list sent you, one of them is named as Machine Gun Officer but that is merely to indicate his qualifications and does not bind you to accept him in that office. You may allot him as subaltern of a company. Invoived in the whole question is, of course, the filling of the position of Second-in-Commnd, and if this is done by the selection of some outside officer, the position remains unaltered, but if it is to be done ultimately from within the Pattalion, there will be another vacancy for a subaltarn. I now suggest that you should act freartly, sems to close the matter on the present lines and get all final recommendations through the Selection Committee and appreved and sazetted so that no further questions of personnel can be raised to disturb the present arrangement. mmmum Odonet Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Australian Lmnornt Paroa
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE FOURTH INEARTRY BRIEADE VICTORLA BARRACKS, MELBOURNE, 2nd November, 1914. N. 283. C.O. 16th Battalion, A.L.V. In furtherance of telegram of this date advising the alletment of Staff Cadets Durston, Wilton and Chabrel, as subalterns to the Battalion under your command, please find herewith schedule showing all available particulars regarding the cadets referred to. Please acknowledge receipt hereon. Major Baker has been supplied with particulars regarding Col. Sergeant Chabrel. 8d. Me Fourth infentry Coc. hustralian imperial Force.
M. 284. C.R. VICTORH 0 Date CAtn Ma MICR C. H.F. E AILTTRY OISTPISY No. 14/8230 AUSTRALTAN INPERIAI FORCE FOURTH INEANTRY BRIEADE VICTORLA BARRACKS, MELBOURNE, 2nd November, 1914. Head-Quarters, 3rd Military District. 1 propose leaving for Sydney on Thursday next, 5th instant, for the purpose of inspecting the 19th Battalion of the prisade under my command, and would ask that the necessary permission to leave this state be granted. Jhnhamad Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Australian Imperiol Force o. C. 4th Infantry Brigade, A.L.F. Approved. J. C. Hawter Colonel. A.A.G., 3rd Military District. 5111114.
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE FOURTH INEARTRY BRIEADE VICTORLA BARRACKS, MELBOURNE, 3rd. November 1914 M-289 Assistant Adjutant General 2nd. Military District I an direated by the Brigadier to intim: that, accompanied ny his Brigade Major, he proposes leaving for Sydney by Express train on Thursday next, 5th. inst., for the pur- poss of inspecting the 13th. Battalion of his Command. Colenel Monash desires me to add that it is his intention to eall upon pan the Commandant 2nd. Military District as soon as pessible after arrival on 6th. inst. and an completing the eall to proceed direct to Liverpool arriving there about 1 or 1.30 p.m. 1t Colonel, Bde. Major. Fourth infantry Bae, Australian imperial Force.

MELBOURNE, 30th October, 1914.
M. 252. 
Lieut.-Col. Courtney,

The question of the allotment of Royal Military College
Cadets has been one of acute difficulty regarding not only
your Battalion but other Battalions of the Brigade. You
will remember that during our last conference, it was a
question of allotting five of these officers to your
Battalion, which would involve the relegation of two officers,
to whom you felt yourself committed, to reinforcements. 
Since that conference the whole matter has been the subject
of repeated and lengthy interviews with higher authority,
during which the moral claims of officers whose names had been
sent forward for selection were very strongly and very fully
pressed. Ultimately the whole matter was carried to the
Minister and the whole of the arguments were presented to
him with the result that his final decision is that the 14th
Battalion must take four of these cadets as per the file
which accompanies this letter.
This result was only achieved by allotting an
additional cadet to the 13th Battalion. One difficulty 
confronting the Minister having been that the majority of the
available cadets are Victorians and his desire was to a1lot
them, as far as possible, territorially.



As matters now stand, and assuming that you have
either decided to dispose of Curlewis altogether or to send
him to the First Reinforcements of the Fourth Brigade, it
will now be necessary for you to select one other officer
to also go with the reinforcements and the Adjutant-
General has agreed that any such officer may be sent to
either of the First Reinforcements of the Fourth Brigade or
the Fourth First Reinforcements of the Second Brigade at your
option, provided the matter is settled promptly. Should
you decide to nominate Pigdon for reinforcements, this will
leave a vacancy for Henry and will thus dispose of the
unallotted officers. However, the above is by way of
suggestion only and the actual allotment of the officers
in the way indicated is left to your unfettered discretion.
There is, however, no appeal from the decision that room
must be found for four cadets. In the list sent you, one
of them is named as Machine Gun Officer but that is merely
to indicate his qualifications and does not bind you to
accept him in that office. You may allot him as subaltern of
a company.
Involved in the whole question is, of course, the
filling of the position of Second-in-Command, and if this
is done by the selection of some outside officer, the
position remains unaltered, but if it is to be done
ultimately from within the Battalion, there will be another
vacancy for a subaltern.
I now suggest that you should act promptly, so as
to close the matter on the present lines and get all final
recommendations through the Selection Committee and
approved and gazetted so that no further questions of
personnel can be raised to disturb the present arrangement.

Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde,
Australian Imperial Force



MELBOURNE, 2nd November, 1914.
M. 283. 

C.O. 16th Battalion, A.I.F.
In furtherance of telegram of this date advising the
allotment of Staff Cadets Durston, Wilton and Chabrel, as
subalterns to the Battalion under your command, please
find herewith schedule showing all available particulars
regarding the cadets referred to.
Please acknowledge receipt hereon.
Major Baker has been supplied with particulars regarding
Col. Sergeant Chabrel.

J.P.McGlinn  Lt. Colonel 
Bde. Major. Fourth Infantry Bde, 
Australian Imperial Force.


No. 14/8230  
M. 284. 

MELBOURNE, 2nd November, 1914.
3rd Military District. 

I propose leaving for Sydney on Thursday
next, 5th instant, for the purpose of inspecting the
13th Battalion of the Brigade under my command, and
would ask that the necessary permission to leave
this State be granted.
John Monash Colonel
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde.
Australian Imperial Force
Date 4.11.14 
O.C. 4th Infantry Brigade, 
J. C. Hawker
A.A.G., 3rd Military District.


MELBOURNE, 3rd. November 1914
Assistant Adjutant General
2nd. Military District 

I am directed by the Brigadier to intimat
that, accompanied ny his Brigade Major, he proposes leaving for
Sydney by Express train on Thursday next, 5th. inst., for the purpose  
of inspecting the 13th. Battalion of his Command.
Colonel Monash desires me to add that it
is his intention to call upon xxx the Commandant 2nd. Military
District as soon as possible after arrival on 6th. inst. and on
completing the call to proceed direct to Liverpool arriving there
about 1 or 1.30 p.m.
Lt. Colonel,
Bde. Major. Fourth infantry Bde,
Australian Imperial Force. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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