Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 1, 14 August - 3 November 1914 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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5 0453 E.T. Nc. 3. COMMONWLAITH OF AUSTRALIA. No.- Dostmaster-Beneral's Department, Victoria. FMESIRN. C.L.2 URGENI C0C1 TELEGRAN ressage has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations. CRIE in complaints to be addressed in writing to the Deputy Postmaster-General STATION FROM, No. OF WORDS, AND CHECK. REMARRS. Paddington Sydney 26 2-300 3½ 12 5p Monash BOTTSSS Nelbne Lieut McGlynn four signallers and equipment proceed tonight BroeloN Col Burrers 22 27 Me
1460 TTELEPNONE S.WINDSOR Cown Ball. St. Kilda 26O000O 1324. Dear Sir, It is desired, with your kind approval, to present a flag, on behalf of the Citizens of St. Kilda, to the Second Expeditionary Force, under your command, To benefit the St. Kilda Patriotic and Red Cross Punds, Mr. H. T. Phillips, the proprietor of the PPalais de Danser, Esplanade, has generously placed the building, appoint- ments and staff, free of any charge, at the disposal of the local Patriotic Committee, on the evening of the 28th inst. It is intended to take advantage of the anticipated very large assembly of our Citizens on that occasion to make the presenta- tion; and, with your kind acquiescence in the proposal, I am directed to invite your presence at the Palaist on the 28th to receive the sift. Trusting that this matter will receive your Kindest consideration, I have the honor to be, Sir. Your obedient Servant, real (Kamberlew Fom Cott Colonel J. Monash, V.D. C.O. 4th Infantry Brigade, Victoria Barracks, woomE.
46 William St. Ne 1be & rs c, 18th Ceteber, 1816. AMUTTETTOA po Te Col. Monash, ME L BO U R N E. Sir. Itmay be taken for granted that enly very fer of the Officers and men of the Auatralian Expeditienary Ferces have sufficient knewledge of cenversational French or German to be of any practical use to them when on active service on the Centinent. Tet it is cary to Magtne beeres of Instances ariaing when even a comparatively small acquaintance with oither or beth of these languages might be of immense service beth to the indivisnal and the cause of the Allies. The pewer to gather or cenvey impertant infermation, the eppertunity to seek or tender relief, the better realisation of the true comrateship of these firnting for the same cause thoush under different flags, and an added self reliance and resoureefulness are enly a few of the many advantages which misht readily accrue under the sudden and unexpected emergencies that are sure to arise under present conditions by the ability to understand or speak German or French even to a limited extent. Ner is 12 jpessine to de senething to renedy the deficiencyy 1 think a great deal may be dene. There are surely MeI CMISA CASInd M MIld SO MIIIN TO OMDAOT AANII A
cae in the variens Australian centres for beth officers and men for the study of senversational French and German. If the Military Antheritss would aspreve and effer reasonable facilities the thing would not be aifficuit to ersanice. suitable text books would, 1 feel sure, be siven freely, and leisure heurs, though they be fer, beth in camp and on beard ship, could be prefitably spent in acquiring some knewledge which would not enly preve a mental stimlens to the members of the ferces, but would Turnish them with an additional mental eaulyment, the vaine of which might prove mest acceptable and valuable in case of nead. 1 an, Sir. Feurs Fastnouny. W Warren Kewr 19th ceteber, 1914. Dear Sir The above is a copy of a letter I have addvossed to the press which I thought might interest you. I tiust the idew may commend itselfts you Yours faithfully W Wanendteir
IEIEPNONE S. WINDSOR Dane 14. St. Kilda 220 Ocrover, 2824. Dear Sir, 1 beg to acknowledge, with many thanks, your letters of the 19th and 2lst inst., on the subject of the proposed presentation of a Fiag by the Citizens of St. Kilda. On their behalf I desire to express sincere appreciation of the valuable advice sivep, and the prompt action taken by you in this matter. Yours obediently, Trealls Chambulen Rond Crort. Colonel John Monash, V.D. Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde, Aus, Imperial Force, Victoria Barracks, MELBOURNE.
AUSTRALIAN IMIPERIAL FORCE FOURTH INFANTRY BRISADE VICTORLA BARRACKS. M.224. MELBOURNE, 24th october, 1914. C.C.S. With reference to Standing Orders for A.I.V. Table 2, para 1 (1), it is requested that :- (al 4 copies of the books and maps enumerated therein be issued to the Frigade Staff as early as possible in order that a comvencement may be made in the study thereof, and necessary arrangements made for future training. (b) one cepy of books enumerated in para 1 (11) for use of Brisade Staff Sergeant. (e) 3 copies of extracts from Kings Regulations and Naval Transport Regulations as mentioned in pars. 9. A.L.T. Standing Orders. nmu n Ooe Cmmanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Wtrabian Imperial Fore
1.225 SNoo 20 an o pomn DAE0 a int Aditetenn JSATAETNESS MMNSION O.ME. S MMITARY DISIRIOT AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCENO 141610 FOUZTH INFANTRY BRIGADE VICTORLA BARRACKS, MMLBOURNE, 26th October, 1914. Head-Quarters 3rd Military Distriet. With reference to memorandum of 3rd instant (3rd M.D. 14/6107) on the subject of Canteens, I have to request that authority be given me to establish a Brisade Canteen at Broadmeadows Camp in connection with the concentration of the Brigade under my command. If approved, it is proposed to limit the sale of intexicants absolutely to Ales and Wines. Ahnmonant Oroned Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Australian Imperial Force -2. Socc. 4th Infantry Brigads, A.L.1. Instructions have been received from Headquarters that no further canteens for the sale of alecholie liquors are to be established at Camps, A. I.T., also that para. V. Universal Training Regulations 178 777 180 and instructions thereon apply to camps of training in connection with the A.L.V. and these are to be strictly observed. &6. Haw. Colonel, 29/20/24. AcAo d. 37d Military District. with fil 25
0 AUSTEALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE AITRY BRIEADE VICTORLA BARRACKS, M. 226. MELBOURNE, 27th october, 1914. Read-Quarters, With reference to the movements of this Brigade by sea, it would be of advantage to me to be informed, as early as practicable, of the approximate distribution of the several units to Transports, so that preparation of programme of training at sea may be fatilitated. in particular, as regards the alletment of Erieade Head-Quarters, 1t is desired that this may be decided early. 1t is suggested that, subject to sufficient space being available, the following units be allotted to the same ship, vist. Prigade Head-Quarters, Sicnal Company - 1 Section, 1ath Battalion, all these units having been paised in same Military District. Sotonee Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Austratian Imveriat Force 10.
A. 6. 4. O.F. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALLA. mn DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. 16905 HEARGUARTERS. N0. MELBOURNE, 28th October, 1914. SUBIRCT - Adjutants for units of 2nd A.L.F. ingent Commanding Officer 4th Imfantry Brigade, A.L.F. Approval has been given for the undermention ed officers of the A.& I. Staff being temporarily detailed forth with as Adjutants of units under your command, viz:- 13th Battalion - Captain J.M.A. Durrant. Lient. (Capt A.M.F.) W.O. Willis. 15th - 2nd Lieut.R.T.A. McDonald. 16th Before being finally appointed these officers will be required to undergo a practical test before the Permnent Forces’ Committee. The District Commandants concerned have been instructed in accordance with the above. The District Commandant, 3rd Military District, has been instructed that Captain Dunrant is to proceed to Bydney as soon as possible and to inf orm the Commndant, 2nd Military District, of the date of his departure. MBoads HECOlN copy Adjutant General. er al to
N.259. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FOLCE FOURTH INFARTRY BRIGADE VICTORLA BARRACKS. MELBOURNE, 29th october, 1914. C.C.S. With reference to Crders for A.L.F. Personnel Table 2 (issued with M.0. 927/14) it is requested that a supply of the books and forms enumerated in pars. 49 (1) be issued to the Lead-Quarters of 4th Infantry Brigade. Cdonce Commanding Fourth Infantry Bdo. Austrabian Imperial Force

26   452 
E.T. No. 3. 
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.          No. ............... 
Postmaster-General's Department, Victoria. 
16OC 14 
This message has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations. 
All complaints to be addressed in writing to the Deputy Postmaster-General 
Paddington Sydney 16 1- Sec 95 12 5p 
Barracks  Melbne 
Lieut McGlynn four signallers and equipment proceeding express 
tonight for Broadmeadows 
Col Burnage 
12 27 
[* NOTE - The figures at the bottom represent the time lodged at 
Sending Station and time received at this Office respectively*] 
DA On informed 


16th October, 1914. 
Dear Sir, 
It is desired, with your kind approval, to present 
a flag, on behalf of the Citizens of St. Kilda, to the Second  
Expeditionary Force, under your command. 
To benefit the St. Kilda Patriotic and Red Cross 
Funds, Mr. H. F. Phillips, the proprietor of the "Palais de 
Dense", Esplanade, has generously placed the building, appointments 
and staff, free of any charge, at the disposal of the 
local Patriotic Committee, on the evening of the 28th inst. 
It is intended to take advantage of the anticipated very large 
assembly of our Citizens on that occasion to make the presentation; 
and, with your kind acquiescence in the proposal, I am 
directed to invite your presence at the "Palais" on the 28th 
to receive the gift. 
Trusting that this matter will receive your 
kindest consideration,  
I have the honor to be, 
Your obedient Servant,  
Fredk. Chamberlain 
Town Clerk. 
Colonel J. Monash, V.D. 
C.O. 4th Infantry Brigade 
Victoria Barracks,  


46 William St. 
19th October, 1914. 
[* No Action 

To Col. Monash, 
It may be taken for granted that only very few of 
the Officers and men of the Australian Expeditionary Forces have 
sufficient knowledge of conversational French or German to be of 
any practical use to them when on active services on the Continent. 
Yet it is easy to imagine scores of instances arising 
when even a comparatively small acquaintance with either or both of 
these languages might be of immense service both to the individual 
and the cause of the Allies. 
The power to gather or convey important information, 
the opportunity to seek or tender relief, the better realisation of 
the true comradeship of those fighting for the same cause though 
under different flags, and an added self reliance and resourcefulness 
are only a few of the many advantages which might readily accrue 
under the sudden and unexpected emergencies that are sure to arise 
under present conditions by the ability to understand or speak 
German or French even to a limited extent. 
Now is it ^not possible to do something to remedy the 
deficiency? I think a great deal may be done.  There are surely 
many qualified civilians who would be willing to conduct classes in  


- 2 - 
camp in the various Australian centres for both officers and men for 
the study of conversational French and German. 
If the Military Authorities would approve and offer 
reasonable facilities the thing would not be difficult to organise. 
Suitable text books would, I feel sure, be given freely, and leisure 
hours, though they be few, both in camp and on board ship, could be 
profitably spent in acquiring some knowledge which would not only 
prove a mental stimulous to the members of the forces, but would 
furnish them with an additional mental equipment, the value of 
which might prove most acceptable and valuable in case of need. 
I am, Sir, 
Yours faithfully,  
N. Warren Keir 
19th October, 1914. 
Dear Sir, The above is a copy of a letter I 
have addresses to the press which I thought 
might interest you. I trust the idea 
may commend itself to you. 
Yours faithfully 
N. Warren Keir 


St. Kilda 
22nd October, 1914. 
Dear Sir,  
I beg to acknowledge, with many thanks, 
your letters of the 19th and 21st inst., on the subject 
of the proposed presentation of a Flag by the Citizens 
of St. Kilda. 
On their behalf I desire to express 
sincere appreciation of the valuable advice given and 
the prompt action taken by you in this matter. 
Yours obediently, 
Fredk. Chamberlain 
Town Clerk. 
Colonel John Monash, V.D. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. Aus. Imperial Force, 
Victoria Barracks 



MELBOURNE, 24th October, 1914. 
With reference to Standing Order for A.I.F. Table 
2, para 1 (i), it is requested that :- 
(a) 4 copies of the books and maps enumerated therein 
      be issued to the Brigade Staff as early as 
      possible in order that a commencement may be made 
      in the study thereof, and necessary arrangements 
      made for future training. 
(b) one copy of books enumerated in para 1 (ii) for use 
      of Brigade Staff Sergeant. 
(c) 3 copies of extracts from Kings Regulations and 
     Naval Transport Regulations as mentioned in para. 
     9, A.I.F. Standing Orders. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry  Bde. 
Australian Imperial Force 


No. 14/6107 
MELBOURNE, 26th October, 1914. 
3rd Military District.
With reference to memorandum of 3rd instant ( 3rd 
M.D. 14/6107) on the subject of Canteens, I have to 
request that authority be given me to establish a 
Brigade Canteen at Broadmeadows Camp in connection with 
the concentration of the Brigade under my command. If 
approved, it is proposed to limit the sale of intoxicants 
absolutely to Ales and Wines. 
To aay 
Date 26.10.14 
John Monash. Colonel 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. 
Australian Imperial Force 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 

Instructions have been received from 
Headquarters that no further canteens for the sale of alcoholic 
liquors are to be established at Camps, A.I.F., also that 
para. V. Universal Training Regulations 178 and 180 and 
instructions thereon apply to camps of training in connection 
with the A.I.F. and these are to be strictly observed. 

J. C. Hawker 
A.A.G. 3rd Military District
File with [[?]] 


MELBOURNE, 27th october, 1914. 
With reference to the movements of this Brigade 
by sea, it would be of advantage to me to be informed, as 
early as practicable, of the approximate distribution of the 
several units to Transports, so that preparation of  
programme of training at sea may be facilitated. 
In particular, as regards the allotment of Brigade 
Head-Quarters, it is desired that this may be decided early. 
It is suggested that, subject to sufficient space being 
available, the following units be allotted to the same ship, 
viz: - 
Brigade Head-Quarters, 
Signal Company - 1 Section, 
14th Battalion, 
all these units having been raised in same Military District. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. 
Australian Imperial Force


No. WL 6905 
MELBOURNE, 28th October, 1914. 
SUBJECT - Adjutants for units of 2nd A.I.F. 
Commanding Officer, 
4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 
Approval has been given for the undermentioned 
officers of the A. & I. Staff being temporarily detailed forthwith 
as Adjutants of units under your command, viz: - 
13th Battalion - Captain J.M.A. Durrant. 
15th      "            - Lieut. (Capt. C.M.F.) W.O. Willis. 
16th       "           - 2nd Lieut. R.T.A. McDonald 
Before being finally appointed these 
officers will be required to undergo a practical test before 
the Permanent Forces' Committee. 
The District Commandants concerned have 
been instructed in accordance with the above. 
The District Commandant, 3rd Military 
District, has been instructed that Captain Durrant is to 
proceed to Sydney as soon as possible and to inform the 
Commandant, 2nd Military District, of the date of his 
TH, Dodds, 
Adjutant General. 
[*Receipt acknowledged 
to A.G. on copy 


MELBOURNE, 29th October, 1914. 
With reference to Orders for A.I.F. Personnel 
Table 2 (issued with M.O. 323/14) it is requested that 
a supply of the books and forms enumerated in pars. 49 
(i) be issued to the Head-Quarters of 4th Infantry Brigade. 

Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. 
Australian Imperial Force 
M.259. MELBOURNE, 29th October, 1914 
With reference to Orders for A.I.F. Personnel 
Table 2 (issued with M.G. 523/14) it is requested that  
a supply of the books and forms enumerated in para. 49 
(i) be issued to the Head-Quarters of 4th Infantry Brigade. 
Commanding Fourth Infantry Bde. 
Australian Imperial Force

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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