Sir John Monash Index to personal files 13 August 1914 - 3 December 1919 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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1918 Dec1. "2. 2 at t 6. "10. .10 18. "31. Add Following to Lidex of Vol 20 Lady Mrs Letter to Mr Hatt. Notes of Faliay Questions for N.M. Hyher to cittle Many MS. noter & Agend lists of ealy daps of Denobilizahion my draft of General Instruction No. 1 (pintel copy fallows. Many dayes Verses Fertchie & Youach Notes of Lurther Confirence with Frin Minestel Guests at Lod yilnos dund
Vol. 22 1919. My phote on Frent pap of he tays France. Jay 2. 2. My draft of letter to Dis General or Denslityatin Bosedure a Stx15. Sevieal Sheets MSS noter on d d 16e By Drafs of pamphlat Kings which And. Doldin should know "22 by dafs Cable to Austalin Londeming Dandbuligation by Ants "24 a do. e double wzage Stafp. 1124. My Drafe of Dennot. Liwver Meus 15 -27 a a Goere Intruction is band. "27. do Calle to N.M. Hughes in tais or Arplestin & Somah " 31. My foreward to O.CL Troop Ships (printel, Feby 6. Seating Flan - Lord Bunham's dinner to me at Mrolhamh Club. a 6to Marce 31 - Many MSS des & Order, citler, interrows letter & X. Ape. 2. My doupt of Foreward to History of 3 Feonere Br. 11S. Davage Club - Menn card Specially desynal in my honor a 14617 Sundry Dennob drafts he distrnction, Calles &c. "30. Copy of Jewish World with portrcts of Lignatori of letter to Morrning Post May /19 Kipling's vea Gchage in beading 412 st Sb. Visit to France with Best Details L Carmony in St Paul’s in Instellation of Frince on G.M.M.G "28.
1919 Juue 1 "C. 2.8. 10. te "23. " 30. " 30 July 3. "20. 25 "31. Aug.2. " 20 Sept 1. "19. Ocr.1. 12 No.13 Nov. 24. Sec. Vol. 23 Comprence a final dissobutin of A.C.F. (Draft on see follow) Letter i Licitr Sigze's prave Hobls sudf Gremman Narration of Chirguer to Gun. Dors Shefre Angie Medal. Sonveins in Royil Eclosion Assot Doup letter to Peaven M Paition of Denolityition is Trouble at Heymouth a a My draft of Foreward to Jewish Book of Honss letter from Six A. Sted. Maibland in Mr. Fenenel Silver Ceat at Carlton Hotel Ange ltte to Bidionl in closing stages of Demobiliption Drift letter to Peare nn Hertmam Ben Phote of Indanise Mission My dosgog foreward to Boas Baok of Houd Able t Deguan Hamam tble My Eeswall Order to Staff of Denob. Department (print fillows) Collection of London Therti tragrammes My dage of Introduction to Report on Demobilization Padet of P.p.C, cards sut & addisses toldes containing concluding Denbb, papes, just prior to my Embartation Daily Record of Voyageg "Omonde
N0 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 58 59 62 64 68 70 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 88 89 94 95 96 Date 1915 Jany 10 12 12 12 " 12 " 15 14 " 13 "13 13 18 20 26 Feby 21 2. 6 " 5 13 15 18 24 28 18 22 24 23 23 " 26 March 1 Opie Teter Clarpadin ovaw orde Lette Lecture dective kit Lettee skit Map Letter Letter Letter + w P. w we Descrption 13th Br Syllabus of Lecture Framning 13th Br Daily Kontine of Work to 13t Br- Execise to Platoon Comrs. Your Co. Organiation- complete tables 13th Bn Syllabus of lecture training My note on Allotment of Bgde to Troopships My lecturg on Recomanance My sketch to illustate Hrm supply Notes on "Attack from trenches order of day to Park Aselen Playfair Cose at Colombo. My order & superreding Capt. Lowe My first Convoy Report fom Colombe My note on name of CD & Gw. Colonbo Catalope of Mysses Mil. Library. My Astrononnaal Notes. 13t W Syllebes o lecture trancy My Comments on Solutions of 13th Bth teresen My second Convoy Report (adea) the Marrellare & Tranalation, & Lords trayes in French. Litter home, with two Play message telysse to rillochon. 13th Br Syllebus of Licture training Radis Code Yenage & Capt. Somearlle brith & Tphoid Inoculation. order of arrival of Convoy at Alexandrra track chart voyage Yell to Alexandor Htatouns Tourst pule Letter from Chief Rabbi, Cairs, to Passover Letter from Jewish Consistin, Cairo Ricepaper facsimile of Egyptian Scapt Cartial) from Mlle Lucette Composition of A & N. 2. Avy Coops Beaus ckitch of Cairs & Envivous Knosnal Casins licket Dirsional Order - syned Chaytal My Conference Notes, with my C.O0. talmarum - picture card My 3 r last Convoy report. My notes on Taction Darne 17218/2/15 My notes on Tacteel Geose 24/2/15 Notes on my Will - from my Pay book Coops H.A. Staff. Full dethils Factient Exercine 17218/2/15 Critigue of Factiant Execise of 18/2/15 Rxpaining of Twnce class 4th Bgde Full details Pactical Execise 22/24/2/20 Div. Commentary on Drs Operation 19/2/21 Godley's ads note of his Confience / 23/1/15 Scheme of Ryde Feld Fiving Exercisis Div. Fraining orders. My Mss draft of my Opertion Stq. Order Booklet o dealing with Kitkish inhabitants second draft of my operation Sty onder Peunts
No 100 100 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 date Mack " 10 12 15 15 15 "24 26 28 30 April 156 1566 1525 Re dear Cope Casspenter Conference Order Order Order Letter Letter Order 16 16 16 16 Telegram 17 Ae m 20 S Letter "21 Letter 21 $P7 W. PN w to Description Frual draft of my opeation Sty. orders Notes on Cooperation of 3 arms. Cook & sow Shipping doe & Kit to Warrauce Cook &son, chit te packages received Coope standing onders. adeng yare Littenatein - dentent My Schema Sis Br Inspections, Heliopohs Coops letter to Div, &c itelligence. Drv. notes on Inter- Div. Sickin 9 10/8/15 Div. notes of Dis. Confirence of 11/3/15 Corps order 92/3/15r embarkation Div. memo re Intelligence My sketch map to find Bontish Agency Dis memo n Div. Gscise of 12/3/15 Dis. Tactical Exsccise 15/3/15 My tmpire note on Geraneg 15/3/15 y freed mersage to M.R. Bripade Application by Cpl. Phillips Rs H.O. Egyst Mail Map of Gallipoli Dis Laudatory on Army Inspections Notes on the snn Feather Case 15th B File with Pope n 16th Br Small pasades Div. Note on Fiis Direction & Control Note on lecture nn Degul by Majs Evins ide Yemor Card bi Enpections MrGluns ash J R Lexxos trip notes on Artillery (from France) Notes on Artiller from France Lect of localplace names his Tallipoli My notes of Conference with C.l. ne R Geectins N.Z. & A. Civ Embarkation Order Renorama of Dasdanelles Ill Lad news sheppert& Rotel Account Rcceipt from te Cook & Son for Baggage Tranefort My M.S. Notee for Be. Let. Exeruise Shepherd's Hotel Dinnes Chit Ian Hamilton's General Routine Order Carpe Train & Transport Albotments N.J.rA. Siv. Adminstration Order Asking contributions to A.M. Jouenal To Col Clayter reprivate Margan theft borss Traffs & Transport Orders Organication of A.F.t. bave in Egyft N.Z. & A. Div. Daily Ordery Fermaw notes on Machinesueng File of Intelligence he Tallipoli Intelligence & Mepo resallipoli Landingtacilities Gala Tefe & Kellas Intelligence re Tallipoli My cketch of Lueen Lizze through porthole s beeks soa Receipt for Baggage service Posteard sert to vic My sketch Mudess Harbour with Fleet Oletted & sections of Gallipoli Cancelling expedition on R.M.S. Queen Local names for Tallipoli places Intelligence re Tallipoli Birdwoods Order to Troops Tochurrant re my baggage on Asc ot Plotted Sections of sallipoli storm prevents visit Lutzore Jan Hamilton's Order (prwr Landing Remath volhend
166 18 162 163 164 165 166 690 174 177 178 179 142 183 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 204 210 211 212 213 24 25 816 217 216 319 220 2d 222 223 224 225 236 227 227 224 230 23 232 233 234 Date 1912 April 2d 23 May April 23 23 24 May .13 17 18 "28 20 " 20 24 25 " 28 29 June 15 " 18 "21 23 .22 24 35 -25 27 28 28 29 July1 P.T. Remain Description Belin Copies Classification peantins - (speation orde 11 ore fr the andi dup. cohy ho Bean Ortter from Div. Summoning Conference Telegram Envelope with my farewell letters Letter Advising Bridges vieit day of his death Selearam haval Battle Order & Comanders Orders relating to Landing Defencesept re Ryries complainto recabind Letter File of Carbons ony Field letters, ind S ordr No 2 My cory of Locke's Vaviliary Purkeeh phraces solicitin suerender Ro form field letter or cable My Pata fy Aide memore card Note frrom Courtney Critique by Joly de Lotbiniere field Postlant sent to bic Message from Ln Hamilton note rom Courtney Lockes note re fle factions notes to confer with Col. Chauvel note from General Lrotman Cad laudty Vic's copy of ony letter to her re Fink Mr Laudstorymeclages Birdwood to Australia my sletch vile from my dug- out Sardanelles Iebeles Letter to Rope retine & Pieane Iria Survey of Battery Positions Admiral Pheseby 6 farewell letter File re my supercession by Legge gote re, Anbrey Moss rotes of Officer Casualties Div. hotes re Armistice First Receipt for first two Prisoners of the sketch of Ansac Position during Armistice Landatory Order by Jan Hamilton T.& Landator Corpe Order re15 Batt attack My noter re relief byt. Z. Inf. Brigade F.&. Corps circular re Trench Factico Anzad Intelligence Bulletin My report of Gen. Godley's address to 4th Brigade thems by me re relief by 1t L.L. Brigads Another seasion of no 198 threlese prees dews Defence against gas Trus C. H myseren of condition t Telegrame to & from King Box T. Intelligence bulletin a 8.H. don diffculties greananizing Hictory sheets of 4t Brigade Officers Envelope addressed to monach Valley Rontint Order re Since Recordin Mx hictor sheet 4th Brigade Officers Intellidence bullating My analysis Officee casualties my note re Inbus detashments Ihtelligence bulleti W. Dares papes re repair of M. Guro mase diaion by me Intelligence Bulletin Sundre M.S. Amusement Notes ar. Fill re Strangll 14th Batalion by Adme Tel. from Godley sending cake Letter from Prise - Heer 4th Batl Oader re Bonb Offeneve Sketch of Anzac Positzsh mny not ore sapper Allew- seores from Egypt dockes sketch Aeriecope Rifle 14th Brs Birthday conatellations News re Helles Advance my note re Bean's Inaccuracies Jan Hamilton congratulates 29th Division Profr Allans postry N.R. Div. Instrlcts re Trenade Offersive wd Ltter from Godley re Promotisne wd. Instrlcta re Accoplane markings W. My speech handing 18th Batt. to Tilney
N. 235 236 237 238 239 240 247 242 243 244 245 246 247247½ 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 26½ 263 264 265 266 267 268 869 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 aE 280 281 283 283 284 285 286 226 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 294 298 299 300 301 302 Date July 43 21 23 25 25 26 28 28 29 30 August 3 13 18 "13 16 20 " 20 20 20 "22 20 23 "20 23 24 "24 "24 -2 29 29 "30 30 Sept. P.T. Remarks Description Letter Copieo Classfication. Temperleys note re Maj. Edmonds Tel from Div se called to Augt. Sudnary 4th Bde Casualties Maze composed by self. St. Pauls Cathedral Celemony note from Jess re Mc Cay's accident 60is& Lisdit shill to my about les eockes reconnesand File telegrams ae Finks son tile re sending home was trophies w. W. Lel. from Siv re Bomb Throwers my notes of Conference at Dev Headquarter W. the notes for Bde Conference sade Arder re expected Purkish Attack (1 b sict of 4th Bss Denwe Officers Legges Congrats on my Rlomotion note re C. P. Smiths Arrival note from Doctor Lutler my note re Bde Ammunition Reserve Carke Order re V.C. to Lbpl Jacha Tobley writes urging fewet sick Sevacetes ews Pully till se date my Petnotion i my time & spare noted re Offereive my draft Aperation Order My copy of vox's Plan Cuperseded Druft Op Order My longitudinal Sections my noted for Conference with C. O/3 t dupt of opony N25 Ofpation Order ffor ye B Attack w t letter tox to me my noter for my Address to Offdt & N.C.C.D Fo Gen. Cops insttuction note from Maj. N. Young re stores w. i File re missing parcels Message to Corps from Ten. Birdwood Guime leal from Lady Barrett T. Routine Order rePackages from Eppt. Ordre de bataille w. Note fewn Maj. N. Young note to Chauvel reCordod Tabriel W. Note from Maj. Ten. Shaw note from Bag. Ten: Cayley w. note to Pope renorth Lane? w. T.W.O. Letterre King's Health in Water W. Margolin's weird sketch wd Note from Brig Gen Cayley off 9 ches Tna Terse of 13th Bay W. note re anvivors of Melbourne march W. Cohy of Lel. to Todley Re Survivors W. Notes for conference with 6.O.8 Order re Instructing new troope T. note from Maj. Rankine W. note from Maj. Dare W. W. Dares Sketch of Lrenches May Achals. gent than Operation ode No 1 noie from vope W. note he Brigade strengths W Coxs Note re Manning trenches W. w notes re Daily strongthe List of effective Officere w San Hamlltons Sard Bair message P. W. Shermometer Readings of August M Letter to Presby. Church reGellison hotes re Rowt with Cox retrenche W. Notes from France noted for mear Requirements note to Paymaster Cdiro re meas Beelenmeter's Mers Accounts Letter to Dobbin re Spectacles W. Max from Div. of Enemy Lrenches 26½ 262 22 155
Seinal 19 20 21 22 25 26 28 50 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 Date 1214 Aug 14 Sep 12 17 28 29 30 oct. 14 Nov 23 28 30 Dic. 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2 - " 21 " 23 " 23 25 25 28 is 23 " 28 " 29 29 1915 Fany begin Sonvernt Papets (Personal Series) of Wai Index Rep. Copies Clarsification Descuption Letter closh oW Dep. Dept. Instructions to training C.G.S. appraves my Appt. to 4- Bgde Letty rec sipned by de orginal I tByde 1- Byse order order my allotment duties to my Staff onder Brgade Order No. 2 Territorial raising of 4th Bgde Fel. Fel. n Cookers & signalles. Fel. Tel. n Signallen 16th Br Fel. from Ellis &c Signallers Fel. w. Fel Fel. From Burnage in Signalles TeW. taults in Musketry Instruction cutting Map of Lighting in Poland Conference My 1st Confirence with C.Os. Scheme For training Field Potifications Bugle Calls Letter sent Letter to Governor i farewell march. Licture My lecture noter &c Oders & Menage yem camp dinnel - Broalmealows Channaah Service, Dr. Kilda ordre order to Farewell Mach 4th Dgd adie Instruction is do. ordre Instructs to O.C. Boop my notes on Pactical Exercise do. do. (in Field) or dis tactical Gecne - Isea & order order Geneal & spean Idear. My instructions to Umproes My notes to tarewell March My time & spice Cals, t do. My Harrants &e Curts- Martial mem Wallatr Club Kmas dinne menn Dumes by Haxman &c at Savvy doons Haxmans tarewell verses Harrants Six C.OD, i Coutt Mactic Full lest onfinal officer 4th Byde Letty Mr Glumn to Mr Naught n papers yem Alesses hmss diine Noter from Front - per Bruche Letter from Birdweod, at yenr w My notes rc Convoy perounel Brewis Full list of Transforts Letter Lette to Muche & A.41 left at Albany yemr Ulysses New Year Dinner Notes of French Conversation Phoases I Second Convoy- Ships & Rerounel i 5/4½ Rema
War Paper Supplementary Notes. Brignde Order No 1 & 2 are in Vol.L & should be removed & aded to bundle of Byd Orders - waiting to be bound. to be added to file Interpolet Tambers 1914 Aug. 22 T. Order to Cnsors draft of same Draft f Scheme Hs training Byle Bansport. Dea. 6 Lette to Map Robertson &c surline Na. 15 Lest of Troopships, sailing dates, & 0.C. Troops Dec 12 My apptiment of Courtney os O.C. Brops Pope "16 Cannan Bakes 16 Convoy Orde No 2 (countersipual by Brewie " 25 Letty from Brewrs &c A.43. " 29 oe serving oppeer at Albany "30 Nw 23 Mex Hundrel Hents 1915 Operation memo N.8 by Big-Ge. Halke June 13 Div. memo &c Gas Attack July 21 n 12 i method of time Recording June 10 G.H. Q. Instructs, n Gas Defence & Poroning Div. Instructs. &c Holding Line may 2s Loopholes 31 i Posts & treuches June 1 & Enemy Ruses Sep. 5 Ha messages a Compulsory Paccenation on Ramistoctes Fany 21 Birdwood's promlsation of Kitchener's message. Nv.25 tarowell to loops. (acopies) Dec. Div. Itructo, n Rectica Dxeccise Feby 26 Macch Lette to Sellherm n Cunningham Dis. Instercto ic Facticel Derise Nby 19 two) Mar. 30 My operation Atq. order. Feby 8 Letty to Div. & Fam Browne Belts Sheet from Revree Barnelite d Egypte & my C.B. & Aubory to be Set Nov. 30 Letty to Div. & Head-doen July 27 my operation ordr No 10 (Framing) Mar9 Convoy order No 13 Tay31 three letter to Rhodes i my joing to dixos Macl 26 Courtney in s Braikwnite & instiuction in for taction Aug 20 telepam & Hourtzes ranging (Mayolin) Bindwaul camin to see me. "26 Juue 10 Letter to Godley i my taanaltin. to 1st Bgde at Laopi Camp in Passed. Sep. 28 Speation yems. N.9 by Halke June 14 Message from Brodwood i twkist attack May 20 Bromulgating King's Measage in the kinding Fel. n Peraeel Gullies July 29 Intelligence &c Hated Supply tace order No 17 May 25 (special) Iume Nov.28 Fel. - Gosley wants see me, Army Cooks order - Orpanizating Cops Feby 2 Angae Intelligence Bullitin (Cenisfont prsoe Jue 5 Coops Rolitine onder Angae Intelligence Bulletin May d. My letter to Div. n litle of Lignal Co Feby Fill of telepams is no water available Aug Letter to Ryrie in Capt. de how. Mach 19 1st Bust, Dis -Information June5 178
173 1915 Tany.5 2a apl. M 29 fins h Any Wex H Iubrepren Sepis 1915 Jary 23 26 April 1 " 20 Sep:2- List & Census of Convoy. Dinembuketion Medical Ordes. Nabal Siqual on entering Canal Geneal Maxwells Divembarkation Ordr Fel. from Fess from Cairs Dis. Operation ovr NoS Nate in Mr Nicholson & the Leaed. Vouches pr /5/11/0 ts Albary nowspapes Field rel. 2 Maps Fnowdon Snpet Intelligence Bulletin i st Dis. Rontine Orders. 1st Dis- Mapo Situation 1st Dis. Routine oes Force ordr No19 Angaa Intelligence Bullete Te scott in special duty to pass. Inforation d d. as Draft of letter to Div. n condition of Boops Fels Tel. re Mules. Bombo Letter to 5th Byde 2 man of thes found. Fell Fel. n Melb. Cup. Letty from Faboman at Liti Bish Field tal, meet Baithwaite at Hotehkin Gun n perope Ln Cipt. Maus Letty to Div- n L Fish do to 1 M in Lient. Paoks. Doap a letter to Did. n men to Ferry Akden. Bodwood messap on leavin Coops. added to ples 22/1/22 Bog of Coreat on Ulysser (two) hem & Cincet on tilysses Bog. of Conset on Deang-Choun by N.2. Br d d £ of Camp Five Cousit at Lemnos

Add following to Index of  Vol 21 
Dec 1.  Lady M's letter to Mr Watt. 
"   2.      Notes of Policy Questions for W.M. Hughes to settle 
"   2 et fw   Many MS. notes & agenda lists of early days of Demobilization 
"   6. My draft of General Instruction No 1 (printed copy follows. 
"   10.  Many drafts 
"   10. Verses  " Sertchies & Monash 
"  18. Notes of further Conference with Prime Minister 
"  31.  Guests at Lord Milner's dinner


Vol. 22. 
Jany 2. My photo on front page of "Le Pays France". 
"  2. My draft of letter to Divl. General re Demobilization Procedure 
“  3 to 7 15. Several sheets MSS notes on            do.                    do. 
“  16. My Draft of pamphlet "Things which Austr. Soldiers should know" 
" 22  My draft Cable to Australia condemning Demobilization by Units. 
" 24          do.            do.    re double voyage Staff. 
" 24. My Draft of Demob. Circular Memo 15 
" 27          do.           do.           General Instruction re Band. 
“ 27.         do.       Cable to W.M. Hughes in Paris re Argyleshire & Somali 
" 31. My foreword to O.C's Troop Ships (printed) 
Feby 6. Seating Plan - Lord Burnham's dinner to me at Marlborough Club. 
"  6 to March 31 - Many MSS drafts of orders, cables, interviews letters &c  &c. 
Apl.2.  My draft of Foreword to History of 3d Pioneer Bn 
"   5.  Savage Club - Menu card specially designed in my honor  
“  14 to 17  Sundry Demob. drafts for Instructions, cables &c. 
“  30. Copy of Jewish World with portraits of Signatories of letters to "Morning Post" 
? May/19  Kipling's verses 'Gehazi' re  Reading 
“  12 et fol.  Visit to France with Bart 
"28. Details for Ceremony in St Paul's re Installation of Prince as G.M.M.G


Vol. 23 
June 1. Conference re final dissolution of A.I.F. (Draft order follows) 
    "     6. Letter re Location Legge's grave 
?  "     8. Hobbs sends German Narrative of Chuignes 15" Gun. 
    "    10. Dora Ohlfsen Anzac Medal. 
    "     11. Souvenirs re Royal Enclosure Ascot 
    "    23. Draft letters to Pearce re Position of Demobilization. 
    "    30.      do.              do.            re Trouble at Weymouth 
    "    30  My drafts of Foreword to Jewish Book of Honor 
July.   3.  Letters from Sir A. Steel-Maitland re Mr. Fenwick 
    "    20.  Silver leaf at Carlton Hotel 
    "    28.  Draft letter to Birdwood re closing stages of Demobilization  
    "     31.  Draft letter to Pearce re Heitmann 
Aug.    2.  Press Photo. of Sudanese Mission 
    "     20.  My draft of Foreword to Boer Book of Honor 
Sept     1.  slo Cable to Defence re "Waimana" trouble 
    "      19.  My farewell order to Staff of Demob. Department (print follows) 
Oct.      1.  Collection of London Theatre Programmes. 
    "       12.  My draft of Introduction to Report on Demobilization 
Nov.    13.  Packet of r.p.c. cards sent & addresses. 
Nov.    24.  Folder containing concluding Demob. papers, just prior to my embarkation  
Dec.            Daily Record of Voyage of "Ormonde"

No Date Ref 
Classification P.T 
or W
Description Remarks
46 1915 
Jany 10
    order T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
47 " 10     order T 13th Bn Daily Routine of Work  
48 " 5     Letter T To 13th Bn - Exercise for Platoon Comr  
49 " 5       T Four. Co. Organisation - complete tables  
50 " 12       T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
51 " 12       W My notes on Allotment of Bgde to Troopships  
52 " 6     Lecture W My lectures on "Reconnaissance"  
53 " 11     Lecture W My sketch to illustrate "Ammn Supply"  
54 " 12     skit
Notes on "Attack from Trenches"  
55 " 12     skit T Order of Day for "Bark Useless".-  
56 " 13       T "Playfair" Code at Colombo  
57 " 14       W My orders re superseding Capt. Lowe  
58 " 13   1   T My first Convoy Report from Colombo  
59 " 13       W My note on names of C.O. & Gn. Colombo  
60 " 13       T Catalogue of "Ulysses" Mil. Library  
61 " 18       W My Astronomical Notes.  
62 " 19       T 13th Bn Syllabus of lecture Training  
63 " 20       T My Comments on Solutions of 13th Bn Exercises  
64 " 23       T My second Convoy Report (Aden)  
65 " 23       T "The Marsellaise" & Translation, & Lord's Prayer in French  
66 " 26     Letter W Letter home, with two flag messages "Ulysses" to "Willochra".-  
67 " 26       T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
68 " 27       W Radio Code Message re Capt. Somerville birth  
69 " 29     skit T re Typhoid Inoculation.  
70 Feby 1       W Order of Arrival of Convoy at Alexandria  
71 " 1     Map P. Track chart voyage Melb. to Alexandria  
72 " 1       P. Hatoun's Tourist guide  
73 " 21     Letter W Letter from Chief Rabbi, Cairo, to Passover  
74 " 21     Letter W Letter from Jewish Consistoire, Cairo  
75 " 21       P Ricepaper facsimile of Egyptian Script  
76 " 21     Letter W (partial) from Mmlle Lucette.  
77 " 2       P. Composition of A & N.Z. Army Corps  
78 " 2       W Bean's sketch of Cairo & Environs  
79  " 2       P Kursaal Casino Ticket  
80 " 6       T Divisional Orders- signed chapter  
81 " 5       W My Conference Notes, with my C.O's.  
82 " 13       P Palmarium - picture card  
83 " 15       T My 3d & last Convoy report.  
84 " 18       W My notes on Tactical Exercise 17 & 18/2/15  
85 " 24       W My notes on Tactical Exercise of 24/2/15  
86 " 25       W Notes on my Will- from my Pay Book  
87 " 28       T. Corps. H.Q. Staff  
88 " 18       T. Full details Tactical Exercise 17 & 18/2/15  
89 " 18       T Critique of Tactical Exercise of 18/2/15  
90 " 22       W Programme of Pioneer class 4th Bgde  
91 " 24       T Full details Tactical Exercise 23/24/2/21  
92 " 23       T Div. Commentary on Div. operations 19/2/21  
93 " 23       W & T Godley's Salios notes of his Conference of 23/1/15  
94 " 26       T Scheme of Bgde Field Firing Exercises  
95 March 1   1   P Div. Training orders.  
96 " 1       W My MSS draft of my operations Stg. orders  
97 " 1       P Booklet re dealing with Turkish inhabitants  
98 " 1       T Second draft of my operation Stg. orders  
No Date Ref 
Classification P.T 
or W
Description Remarks
46 1915 
Jany 10
    order T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
47 " 10     order T 13th Bn Daily Routine of Work  
48 " 5     Letter T To 13th Bn - Exercise for Platoon Comr  
49 " 5       T Four. Co. Organisation - complete tables  
50 " 12       T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
51 " 12       W My notes on Allotment of Bgde to Troopships  
52 " 6     Lecture W My lectures on "Reconnaissance"  
53 " 11     Lecture W My sketch to illustrate "Ammn Supply"  
54 " 12     skit
Notes on "Attack from Trenches"  
55 " 12     skit T Order of Day for "Bark Useless".-  
56 " 13       T "Playfair" Code at Colombo  
57 " 14       W My orders re superseding Capt. Lowe  
58 " 13   1   T My first Convoy Report from Colombo  
59 " 13       W My note on names of C.O. & Gn. Colombo  
60 " 13       T Catalogue of "Ulysses" Mil. Library  
61 " 18       W My Astronomical Notes.  
62 " 19       T 13th Bn Syllabus of lecture Training  
63 " 20       T My Comments on Solutions of 13th Bn Exercises  
64 " 23       T My second Convoy Report (Aden)  
65 " 23       T "The Marsellaise" & Translation, & Lord's Prayer in French  
66 " 26     Letter W Letter home, with two flag messages "Ulysses" to "Willochra".-  
67 " 26       T 13th Bn Syllabus of Lecture Training  
68 " 27       W Radio Code Message re Capt. Somerville birth  
69 " 29     skit T re Typhoid Inoculation.  
70 Feby 1       W Order of Arrival of Convoy at Alexandria  
71 " 1     Map P. Track chart voyage Melb. to Alexandria  
72 " 1       P. Hatoun's Tourist guide  
73 " 21     Letter W Letter from Chief Rabbi, Cairo, to Passover  
74 " 21     Letter W Letter from Jewish Consistoire, Cairo  
75 " 21       P Ricepaper facsimile of Egyptian Script  
76 " 21     Letter W (partial) from Mmlle Lucette.  
77 " 2       P. Composition of A & N.Z. Army Corps  
78 " 2       W Bean's sketch of Cairo & Environs  
79  " 2       P Kursaal Casino Ticket  
80 " 6       T Divisional Orders- signed chapter  
81 " 5       W My Conference Notes, with my C.O's.  
82 " 13       P Palmarium - picture card  
83 " 15       T My 3d & last Convoy report.  
84 " 18       W My notes on Tactical Exercise 17 & 18/2/15  
85 " 24       W My notes on Tactical Exercise of 24/2/15  
86 " 25       W Notes on my Will- from my Pay Book  
87 " 28       T. Corps. H.Q. Staff  
88 " 18       T. Full details Tactical Exercise 17 & 18/2/15  
89 " 18       T Critique of Tactical Exercise of 18/2/15  
90 " 22       W Programme of Pioneer class 4th Bgde  
91 " 24       T Full details Tactical Exercise 23/24/2/21  
92 " 23       T Div. Commentary on Div. operations 19/2/21  
93 " 23       W & T Godley's Salios notes of his Conference of 23/1/15  
94 " 26       T Scheme of Bgde Field Firing Exercises  
95 March 1   1   P Div. Training orders.  
96 " 1       W My MSS draft of my operations Stg. orders  
97 " 1       P Booklet re dealing with Turkish inhabitants  
98 " 1       T Second draft of my operation Stg. orders  
No Date Ref. 
Copies Classification P. T 
Description Remarks
99 March 1       T Final draft of my Operation Stg. orders.  
100 " 1       T Notes on "Cooperation of 3 arms".  
101 " 4       P & W Cook & Son- Shipping doc. re Kit to "Warrawee"  
101 " 5       P Cook & Son, chit for packages received  
102 " 5       P Corp. standing orders.  
103 " 6       W Address of Marie Lochtenstein- dentist  
104 " 8       T My Schema for Bn Inspections, Heliopolis  
105 " 10       T Corps letter to Div, re Intelligence.  
106 " 10       T Div. notes on Inter-Div. Exercises of 10/3/15  
107 " 11       T Div. notes of Div. Conference of 11/3/15  
108 " 12       T Corps. order of 2/3/15 re embarkation  
109 " 13       T Div. memo re Intelligence  
110 " 13       W My sketch map to find British Agency  
111 " 15       T Div. memo re Div. Exercise of 12/3/15  
112 " 15       Div. tactical Exercise 15/3/15  
113 " 15       W My Umpire notes on Exercise of 15/3/15  
114 " 15       W My field message to M.R. Brigade.  
115 " 17       T Application by Cpl. Phillips for W.O.  
116 " 20       P Egypt Mail Map of Gallipoli  
117 " 23       T Div. Laudatory on Army Inspections  
118 " 24       W. Notes on the "Emu Feathers" Case, 15th Bn  
119 " 26       W File with Pope re 16th Bn Small Parades.  
120 " 28       T Div. Notes on Fire Direction & Control  
121 " 29       W. Notes on lecture re Signals by Major Evans  
122 " 29       W Aide Memoire Card for Inspections  
123 " 30       W McGlinn's Cash a/s for Luxor trip. — Vol 1. ends.
124 April 2       P Notes on Artillery (from France)   
125 " 2       P Notes on Artillery (from France)  
126 " 2        T List of local place names in Gallipoli  
127 " 2     Conference W My notes of Conference with C.0. re K. G sections  
128 " 3      Order T N.Z & A. Div. Embarkation Orders  
129 " 3       P Panorama of Dardanelles Ill. Lond. News  
130 " 3       P Shepperd's Hotel Account  
131 " 5       P Receipt from T. Cook & Son for Baggage Transport  
132  " 5       W My M.S.S. Notes for Bgde. Tact. Exercise  
133 " 7        P Shepperd's Hotel Dinner Chit  
134 " 5     Order T Ian Hamilton's General Routine Order  
135 " 9       T Corps Train and Transport Allotments  
136 " 7      Order T N.Z. & A. Div. Administration Order  
137 " 7     Letter T Asking contributions to A.M. Journal  
138 " 8     Letter W To Col Chaytor re Private Morgan (theft)  
139 " 7       T Corps Train & Transport Orders  
140 " 7       T Organisation of A.I.F. base in Egypt  
141 " 8     Order T N.Z. & A Div. Daily Orders  
142 " 11       T German notes on Machine Guns  
143 " 14       T File of Intelligence re Gallipoli  
144 " 17       T Intelligence and Maps re Gallipoli  
145 " 16        T Landing facilities Gaba Tepe and Hellas  
146 " 16        P Intelligence re Gallipoli  
147 " 16        W My sketch of Queen Lizzie through porthole  
148 " 16        P T. Cook & Son Receipt for Baggage  
149 " 16        W Service Postcode sent to Vic  
150 " 19       W My sketch Mudros Harbour with Fleet  
151 " 17       W Plotted X sections of Gallipoli  
152 " 18     Telegram W Cancelling expedition on H.M.S. Queen  
153 " 17       T Local names for Gallipoli places  
154 " 17       T Intelligence re Gallipoli  
155 " 17       P Birdwood's Order to Troops  
156 " 20     Letter W To Durrant re any baggage on Ascot  
156a         T Critique re practice landing  
156b         W My draft re last item  
156c         T McGlinn's report to me re last  
157 " 21       W Plotted sections of Gallipoli  
158 " 21     Letter T Storm prevents visit Lutzow  
159 " 21       P Ian Hamilton's Order (prior Landing)   
No. Date Ref
Copies Classification P.T. 
Description Remarks
159a         W MSS & my order for landing. - (Operation order No 1)  
160 April 22   1 Order T My order for the Landing  
160a         T Dupl copy from Bean  
161 " 23     Telegram W From Div. summoning Conference  
162 " 24     Letter W Envelope with my farewell letters  
163 May 15     Telegram W Advising Bridges visit day of his death  
164 April 23       T Naval Battle Order & Commanders  
165 " 23       T Orders relating to Landing  
166 " 24     Letter T Defence Dept. re Ryrie's complaints re cabin  
167 " 30       W File of carbons my Field letters, incl. Op. order No 2  
168 May 2       W My Copy of Locke's War Diary  
169  " 2       P Turkish phrases soliciting surrender  
170 " 2       P Pro forma Field letter or cable  
171 " 2       T My Staff Aide memoir card  
172 " 2       W Note from Courtney  
173 " 5       W Critique by Joly de Lotbinière  
174 " 5       W Field Postcard sent to Vic  
175 " 9       P Message from Ian Hamilton  
176 " 11       W Note from Courtney  
177 " 12       W Locke's note re flank actions  
178 " 12       W Notes to confer with Colonel Chauvel  
179 " 12       W Note from General Trotman (Lady L laudatory))  
180 " 12       W Vic's copy of my letter to her re Fink  
181 " 13       W T Laudatory messages Birdwood to Australia  
182 " 15       W My sketch view from my dug-out  
183 " 17   1   P Dardanelles Driveler  
184 " 17       W Letter to Pope re Fink & Pisani  
185 " 8       W Trig Survey of Battery Positions  
186 " 18       T Admiral Throsby's farewell letter  
187 " 18       W File re my supersession by Legge  
188 " 28       W Note re Aubrey Moss  
189 " 18       W Notes of Officer Casualties  
190 " 20       T Div Notes re Armistice  
191 " 20       W First Receipt for First Two Prisoners of War  
192 " 24       W Sketch of Anzac Position during Armistice  
193 " 25   1   P Laudatory Order by Ian Hamilton  
194 " 28       T. P Laudatory Corps Order re 15th Batt. attack  
195 " 30       W. My notes re relief by N. Z. Inf. Brigade  
196 " 29       T. W Corps Circular re Trench Tactics  
197 " 30       T. Anzac Intelligence Bulletin  
198 June 2       W. My Report of Gen. Godley's address to 4th Brigade  
199 " 2       W. Memo by me re relief by 1st L.H. Brigade  
200 " 2       W. Another version of no. 198  
201 " 4       T. Wireless press news  
202 " 9       P. Defence against gas  
203 " 9       T. Telegrams to & from King  
204 " 6       T. Intelligence bulletin  
204a June 6       W. my review of condition of Bgde.  
204b " 8       W. obs re difficulties of reorganizing  
205 " 9       T.  Intelligence bulletin  
206 " 10       T.          "                     "  
207 " 10       W. History sheets of 4th Brigade Officers  
208 " 10       W. Envelope addressed to Monash Valley  
209 " 10       W. Routine Order re Tinea Recording  
210 " 11       W. My history sheet 4th Brigade Officers  
211 " 12       T. Intelligence Bulletin  
212 " 13       W. My analysis Officer casualties  
213 " 14       W. My note re M. G. detachments  
214 " 15       T. Intelligence Bulletin  
215 " 16       W. Dare's paper re repair of M. Guns  
216 " 17       W. Image drawn by me  
217 " 18   1   T. Intelligence Bulletin  
218 " 18       W. Sundry M.S. amusement Notes  
219 " 18       W. File re Strength 14th Battalion by Adams  
220 " 21       W. Tel from Godley sending cake  
221 " 22       W. Letter from Price - Weir  
222 " 22       T. 4th Bgde. Order re Bomb Offensive  
223 " 24       T. Sketch of Anzac position  
224 " 25       W. My note re Sapper Allen - stores from Egypt  
225 " 25       W. Locke's sketch re Periscope Rifle  
226 " 27       W. 14th Bn Birthday Congratulation  
227 " 28       W. News re Helles Advance  
228 "28       W. My note re Bean's Inaccuracies  
229 "29       P. Ian Hamilton congratulates 29th Division  
230 July 1       P. Prof. Allan's poetry  
231 "1       T. N.Z. Div. Instructs re Grenade Offensive  
232 "2       W. Letter from Godley re Promotions  
233 "2       W. Instructs re Aeroplane Markings  
234 "6       W. My speech handing 13th Batt. to Tilney  
No. Date Ref Letter Copies Classification P.T. 
Description Remarks
235 "8       W. Temperley's note re Major Edmonds  
236 "8       W. Tel. from Div. re cables to Aust.  
237 "8       T. Summary 4th Bgde Casualties  
238 "9       W. Image composed by self.  
239 "11       P. St. Paul's Cathedral Ceremony  
240 "11       W. Note from Jess re McCay's accident  
241a "11       T. Letter to N.Z & A. Div. re Lyddite shells lying about  
241 "12       W. Lockes reconnaissance notes  
242 "12       W. File telegrams re Fink's son  
243 "14       W. File re sending home war trophies  
244 "18       W. Tel from Div. re Bomb Throwers  
245 "19       W. My notes of Conference at Div. Headquarters  
246 "21       W. My notes for Bgde Conference  
247 "22       T. Bgde Order re expected Turkish Attack  (Bgde order No 4)
247a "22   1   W. My Draft of last item  
248 "25       W. List of 4th Bgde Senior Officers  
249 "25       W. Legge's Congrats on my Promotion  
250 "26       W. Note re C. P. Smith's Arrival  
251 "28       W. Note from Doctor Luther  
252 "28       W. My note re Bgde Ammunition Reserve  
253 "29       T. Corps Order re V.C. to L/Cpl Jacka  
254 "30       T. Godley writes urging fewer sick evacuations  
255 "30       T. File re date my Promotion  
255a "30       W. Report on terraced bivouacs in Reserve Gully.  
256 August 2       W. My time & space notes re Offensive  
257 "2       W. My draft Operation Order  
258 "3       W. My copy of Cox's Plan.  
259 "3       T. Superseded Draft Option Order  
260 "4       W. My longitudinal Sections  
261 "5       W. My notes for Conference with C.O's  
261a "5       W. Draft of Op. order No. 5 My notes on Route & times
262 "6       T. Operation Order for 4th Bgde Attack   
262a         T. dupl. of op. order No 5  
262b         W. Letter Cox to me  
262c         T. Gen. Cox's instructions  
263 "6       W. My notes for my Address to Offs. & N.C.O.'s  
264 "10       W. Note from Maj. N. Young re stores  
265 "12       W. " " " " " '  
266 "13       W. " " " " " '  
267 "13       T. File re missing parcels  
268 "10   1   T. Message to Corps from Gen. Birdwood  
269 "2         Gum leaf from Lady Barrett  
270 "13   1   T. Routine Order re Packages from Egypt  
271 "14       T. Ordre de bataille  
272 "16       W. Note from Maj. N. Young  
273 "16       W. Note to Chauvel re Gordon Gabriel  
274 "17       W. Note from Maj. Gen. Shaw  
275 "19       W. Note from Brig. Gen. Cayley  
276 "20       W. Note to Pope re North Lanc.s  
277 "20       T. W.O. Letter re King's Health in Water  
278 "20       W. Margolin's weird sketch  
279 "20       W. Note from Brig. Gen. Cayley  
279a "21       T. Operation order No 10 - attacks on Hill 60 my M5S.  
280 "22       W. Traverse of 13th Battn Trenches  
281 "20       W. Note re Survivors of Melbourne march  
282 "22       W. Copy of Tel. to Godley re "Survivors"  
283 "22       W. Notes for conference with C.O.'s  
284 "23       T. Order re Instructing new troops  
285 "24       W. Note from Maj. Rankine  
286 "24       W. Note from Maj. Dare  
287 "24       W. Dare's sketch of Trenches  
287a "27 T - M5S      T.  Operation order No 11 - Second Phase Kaiajik Aghala.  
288 "29       w. Note from Pope  
289 "29       W. Note re Brigade Strengths  
290 "30       W. Cox's note re manning trenches  
291 "30       W. Note's re Daily Strengths  
292 Sept. 3       W. List of effective Officers  
293 "7   5   P. Ian Hamilton's Sari Bair message  
294 "7       W. Thermometer Readings of August  
295 "1       W. T. Letter to Presbyn. Church re Gillison  
296 "1       W. Notes re Roux with Cox re trenches  
297 "7       P. Notes from France  
298 "5       W. Notes for Mess Requirements  
299 "7       T. Note to Paymaster Cairo re Mess  
300 "8       W. Seelenmeyer's Mess Accounts  
301 "9       T. Letter to Dobbin re Spectacles  
302 "11       T. W. Map from Div. of Enemy Trenches  



begin 5/4/2 
Index of War Souvenir Papers (Personal Series)

Date Ref. 
Classification P,T
or W
Description Remar
1 Aug 14   -   P Def. Dept. Instructions for Training  
2 Sep 12     Letter rec? T C.G.S. approves my Appt. to 4th -Bgde  
2a           original of last - signed by Legge.  
3 "17     order T 4th  Bgde - 1st Bgde order  
4 "28       T My allotment duties to my Staff  
5 "29     order T Brigade order No 2  
6 "30       T Territorial raising of 4th- Bgde  
7 Oct. 8     Tel. T Tel. re Cookers & signallers.  
8 "11     Tel. T Tel. re Signallers 16th Bn.  
9 "14     Tel. W. Tel. from Ellis re Signallers  
10 "16     Tel W Tel. from Burnage re Signallers  
11 Nov. 5       T&W. Faults in Musketry Instruction  
12 "23     Cutting P Map of fighting in Poland  
13 "28     Conference W My 1st Conference with C.O's.  
14 "30       T Scheme for Training Field Fortifications  
15 Dec.       W Bugle Calls.  
16 "2     Letter sent T Letter to Governor re farewell march.  
17 "6     Lecture W My lecture notes re Orders & Messages  
18 "11     Menu T Camp dinner - Broadmeadows  
19 "13       T Chanucah Service, St. Kilda  
20 "15     order T Order for farewell March 4th Bgde  
21 "15     order T Instructions re do.  
22 " 15       P Instructs. to O.C. Troops  
23 " 15     order W My notes on Tactical Exercise  
24 " 15       W do.   do. (in field)    
25 " 15     order T Tactical Exercise - Ideas & orders  
26 " 15     order T General &special Ideas  
27 " 15       W My instructions to Umpires  
28 " 17       W. My notes for farewell March.  
29 " 17       W. My time & Space Calcs for do.  
30 " 18       T. My Warrants re Courts. Martial  
31 " 19     Menu P. Wallaby Club Xmas dinner  
32 " 21     Menu P. Dinner by Waxman &c at Savoy  
33 " 21       T. Louis Waxman's farewell verses  
34 " 23       T. Warrants for C.O.'s, re Courts-Martial  
35 " 23       T. Full list original officers 4th Bgde  
36 " 25     Letter T. McGlinn to McNaught re papers  
37 " 25     Menu P. "Ulysses" Xmas dinner  
38 " 28       T. Notes from front - per Bruche  
39 " 28       P. Letter from Birdwood, at Mena  
40 " 28       W. My notes re Convoy personnel  
41 " 29       T. Brewis' full list of Transports  
42 " 29     Letter T. Letter to Bruche re A.41 left at Albany  
43 1915 
Jany 1
    Menu P. "Ulysses" New Year Dinner  
44 " 2       W. Notes of French Conversation Phrases  
54 " 5       T. Second Convoy - Ships & Personnel.  

War Papers 
Supplementary Note. 
Brigade orders No. 1 & 2 are in Vol. 1 & should be removed and added to 
bundle of Bgde orders - waiting to be bound. -  
To be added to files 

  Aug. 22 T. Order to Censors
  " W. Draft of Same
Dec. 6 W. Draft of Scheme for training Bgde Transport
Nov. 13 T. Letter to Major Robertson re "Lurline"
  Dec 12 P. List of Troopships, Sailing dates, & O.C. Troops
  " 16 T. My appointment of Courtney as O.C. Troops
  " 16 T  "       "           "               Pope         "      "       "
  " 16 T  "       "           "               Cannan       "      "       "
  " 16 T  "       "           "               Baker        "      "       "
  " 25 T Convoy order No 2 (Countersigned by Brewis)
  " 29 T Letter from Brewis re A. 43
  " 30 P "           "             "        re Service of Officers at Albany
  Nov. 23 P My Hundred Hints
  June 13 T Operation Memo No 8 by Big-Gen. Walker
  July 21 T Div. Memo re Gas Attack
  " 12 T "              "    "        "
  " 9 T "              "    "        "
  June 10 W. "              "    re Method of Time Recording
  " 9 P. G.H.Q. Instructs re Gas Defence & Poisoning
  May 25 T Div Instructs re Holding Line
  " 31 T   "         "             re Loopholes
  June 1 T   "         "             re Posts & Trenches
  " 1 T   "         "              "       "            "
  Sep. 5 T   "         "              re Enemy Ruses
  Jany 21 W Key messages re Compulsory Vaccination on Themistocles
  Nov. 25 T Birdwood's promulgation of Kitchener's message
  Dec. 1 T     "                farewell to Corps.   (2 copies)
  Feby 26 T Div Instructs re Tactical Exercise
  March 1 T Letter to Sellheim re Cunningham
  Feby 19 T Div. Instructs re Tactical Exercise
  Mar. 30 P My Operation Stg Orders.    (two)
  Feby 8 T Letter to Div. re Sam Browne Belts
  Nov. 30 P Sheet from "Revue Israelite d'Egypte" re my C.B. and Aubrey to be Sgt.
  July 27 T Letter to Div re Head-dress
  March 9 T My operation order No 10 (Training)
  Jany 31 T Convoy order No 13
  March 26 T Horse Letters to Rhodes re my going to Luxor.
  March 26 T     "          "  Courtney re      do.
  March 26 T     "          " Braithwaite re Instructions re Fire Tactics
  Aug 26 W Telegram re Howitzer ranging (Margolin)
  " 26 W    "        Birdwood coming to see me.
  June 10 W Letter to Godley re my casualties.
  Sep. 28 T     "       to 1st Bgde at Sarpi Camp re Passes.
  June 14 T Operation Memo. No 9 by Walker.
  May 20 T Message from Birdwood re Turkish attack
  " 2 T      "    promulgating King's Message re the Landing
  July 24 W Tel. re Terraced Gullies.
  " 7 T Intelligence re Water Supply
  May 25 P. Force Order No 17
  June 9 P      do        (Special)
  Nov. 25 W Tel. - Godley wants see me.
  Feby 2 P. Army Corps Order - organizing Corps
  June 5 T Anzac Intelligence Bulletin (Queries front prisoners)
  " 1 T Corps Routine Order
  " 1 T Anzac Intelligence Bulletin
  May 31 T          do.                       do.
  Feby 7 T My letters to Div. re title of Signal Co.
  Aug 6 W File of Telegrams re no water available
  March 19 T Letter to Ryrie re Capt. De Low.
  June 5 T 1st Aust. Div. - Information


Jany   5     T List and Census of Convoy                             
" 23 T Disembarkation Orders Medical Officers                              
" 27 W Naval Signal on Entering Canal.
" 28 T General Maxwell's Disembarkation Order.
Feby 1 W Tel. from Jess from Cairo
" 19 T    Div. Operation order No 3
Apl 8 W Note from Min. Nicholson & Pte Leonard.
" 9 W Voucher for £5/11/0 for Albany Newspapers.
May 2 W Field Tel. re Major Snowden Sniper.
" 29 T Intelligence Bulletin
" 30 T       "                     "
" 30 T 1st Div. Routine Orders.
" 30 W 1st Div. Map of Situation.
June 1 T 1st Div. Routine Orders.
" 2 T Force Order No. 19
" 6 T Anzac Intelligence Bulletin.
July 22 T Pte Scott on special duty to pass.
" 26 T Information
" 27 T     do.
" 28 T     do.
" 29 T      do.
" 30 T     do.
Aug  1 W Draft of letter to Div. re Condition of Troops.
Sep 2 W Field Tel. re Mules.
    " 3 W     do.      re Bombs
    " 3 T Letter to 5th Bgde re man of theirs found.
Nov. 6 W Field Tel. re Melb. Cup.
⇡" 2 T Letter from Fuhrmann at Sidi Bishr
" 5 W Field Tel; meet Braithwaite at Hotchkiss Gun.
" 8 W     do     re periscopes
" 9 W     do    re   Capt Mairs
  20 T Letter to Div. re Lt. Fish
" 23 T     do    to 16 Bn  re Lieut. Parks
" 25 W Draft of letter to Div. re men for Parry Oakden,
Dec. 1 T Birdwood message on leaving Corps.

Subsequent Series    added to file 22/1/22

Jany  23 P Prog. of Concert on Ulysses.  (two)
" 26 P Memo re Concert on Ulysses
April  19 T Prog. of Concert on Seang-Choun
" 20 T    do         do           by N.Z. Bns.
Sept 27 T     do    of Camp Fire Concert at Lemnos.
Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
Last edited on:

Last updated: