Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/47/1 - June 1916 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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1001 0 We have found some ferman prackies night to heavy, but no serious daepy trincles to be at 287 35 5 balloons were brought down (these were found in map on a opp our souther end (11 Corps dead ferman af 12014 Ryt xIII Corps yeste in flames. They say to at ypres). The treches can be 9 have now bn brought down. seen on our aereplane pholos ferman maps captured at Ypres I undoubtedrep show their front hire in blue, & w trenches in gt detail in red were used) to practice attack of June and. But they do not jirst as ours represent theirs bear a marked resumblance to any part of our front line. The planes dropped bombs who secued to splittigf into pieces smitting v. white smorte. Enemys balloons were towered a I soon as our planes went up. DE Raid odix Prisoners taken by N.E. By our endirect Ots of W.E. Raid to take Prsonirs & denty to capture or destroy i g. fire is camny losses in back lines (5 Bd also M.9. or t.1456 prflecting cancalties to report on enemys trushes to transfort. T.Mo are causing on enemy & dy out losses. Tey thik our arty is To. Decrease eveins morall to obtain all information for in active tro shortage ofammn ase authig faity /h monthers prisoners in all. Assembly H. C29a.3.4 ½/2 (Ebank of shallonstreen 20 fermaupport trench 120 y0s in rear at nearist anauchis party it will move thro the gap (in wire) Only one common trunch
our arty at present has to fire cxruitire of amun. up to a certain being reached by will block the trunck + prevent any one gevin assistance to portion of trench raided. He remander preney wit from sspint of party will work up entry to the blockin clear agnt. pisoners. No more 1an 3 prisoners He taken & taking Co Co14 Sep Pty to go to C 29a5.4. &act in similer falymanner 6et4 79 in single fill, extend on a pontage of one man per yard, o Enter the trench to their front. They will take one e at once. & tw kill any other enemy met to there When this has bu done to the party will move to either flank & get in touch w I bombing pties on our flarks, forming connection links down 1 trench. The prisoners will be passed along trench F O.C. assault party fromI truch. The assaut pty with not take more than 3 preers, 0 320i ar & Right Bombing Party C follow the assault part & on realing. It will more ap on their right in cc &o hench Half the BS senior eater the NCo will at once more alonge 9 to C. 29 a 4 14 & any snemy met with. On their point
80 Stell Helmets to be worn. Everyman to have piese of white material Swches broad on ead arm - to be covered to piece of dork clot wh will be removed on entern Enemys wire to be cut at 29a 4 3 Prisoners shd not be allo to converse w cachoter & sad be kept apart. (asmatted of fact N.E. toke nearly every ruls to exists, took documents from So alld interpreters to examine them Etc)
81 In last nights attack, the Jermans started of first by bonbardin the Bridonx Salient, our mosters waitel till they had finished (attack ws postponed & then gave the ferman truchs & were a bombardment. Nother followed. Anhow later the trench morters bomberder age but in ar different place. men went across (1912 Bn) They found were had not be cut & 1 germans Were vaitin for them ; but no M.G. fiter
32 One ferman sd. Trank God the artillery is over - or wa to teffect. 83 So it had evident b nockn out. The fermans bombed them as thy got in a tert ts hard fightin all way 4 Co taken Enemy dreadour T.Ms. One man ad they had lt heavely by them (alil Orders. Raid apt 1328149 by 18th B. for purpose of a. Obtainin prisoners for identor C. Captaing Mianenwerfer & M.G. suspected here. C. gaining informate regarding desir & construct of enemydefences. d. Doin as much damage as possible C. Distroying, Evemy's mosale white mantrng 1ofensive soirit in our own troops Party to assuble in front truch at 1.316.731 & be ready to move out 45 mins afer Zerotime. O.C. attack to be near sally post.
Bridge 84 Cprobably Shallow Communication Fench. to Dugonts f. 2 X Hollows 0 3 2 (A PAKAPET 4 NANS LABND Area within shaded Doundary t be Raided. 85 O.C. Attack: Maj. S. P. Goodsell. 1 Scouto. 1mo. 3 or. Assault Pty. JC. Capt H. L. Bruce. RS Blockx Ply INCO, 2 Bombers, 1 Bayonel R Bombsty. W. Boton wood. with 1N.COy Sbayonet m. 3bonh intellig, 1spar man. Centre Bomby Ry. H. Docker. TN.CO. 2bayonet m. 2 bombers 1Engs, 1 spare man. Left Bomby Blockpt J H. Walklate 2nEA1, 2 bayonet m. Cbombers. Rt Parapet pty. 1 N.C.O. 3bayonel m. CComber, 1 intell of mail. Left Parapettty (NcA, Blayonetm. Homber, 1 eupr. Qm. Telephonist & Linesman 6 mr. Escont for prsoners Kunners. 2m 2 SBo. ly D Harrison 2NCO Bbayonel i. scout.
86 5 Report. & Ee were taken ovarious arons & Equesment. It is eskind. 3) th att 60 dead were left in the Eveny trenches of wh the aiding pty accounted for a large proportion our casualties were JO.R.K, 1 officer Slightly w. 11 ORs wd. The pretion. bombt started at midnight [3 meant for 10.30p.m.) At 1.25 same points were agri. bombanded for I mins - afterwh arty lifted & assaulting pty Entered eneml trencles meant for 11. 55 por 7. Arty shelled durig day a probable dump + barnd it (by roadside) wayous were destroyed & men dispenced M.g shelled at I 21 c12.1. many derect hits & explosion Enemy shelled Ruedu B0i5 It has been meserably wel
87 for 2 days - ever since the bombt started, in fact. It is as hazy tonight as in Novenber. some connectit with the bombt. Its very hand to think this likely after the florious weather we had to the very heaviet naval gunpi in Gallipoli I hear the turks have told. I Amerecaus to they have buried all 1 bodies they found at Gallipoh Co3 I suppose, on the Nek where I Light Horse were still lying after Hay 7.- & perhips at hove tine;) & t graveyer are all being tooker ofer until I end tot war I tought the Turk wd do lt
Had tea t Birdwood. He days there is to be no attack tonight as give them a rest. I suspect the programing is advanced aday. June 28th Lastnght - after a sodden day. the ransd drammed down ceaseleish I could not sleep to-it was a night like that one on Gallipoti when the evacuation wt begun & the stowm seemed to be blowing apcoh wd wrek the whole them Rain, rain, rain. Our event hadbeen fixd o the Fombandment hav alreary vegron so Egloid by had started to pour out ammunition on 1 byjest battle to Pempire has ever for enjaged in - the last gt
89 here efort, very likely whld the lot of depented cast & thee guns were bk up cnengs wirl & repisteri our acroplanes had battered down his balloons - here in comes the one condition wh no man can fight & threstins to rain it all. Will it never cease raini. Here is this wiserable cllmate - midseiming a fewdays ago - & nothing will stop it saming. The roads are aukle deep in md semme of them; & I'm gure the artillery observers caut make proper observiation & get it roins as steadsly as if there were to be no end to it for wer. wonder what poor old tay thinks of it. He haxesked


We have found some German practice
trenches to be at 28 J 35. x
(these were found in map on a
dead German of 120th Rgt XIII Corps
at Ypres). The trenches can be
seen on our aeroplane photo
& undoubtedly represent
were used to practice attack
on June 2nd. But they do not
bear a marked resemblance to
any part of our front line.

N Z Raid orders
Objs of N.Z.Raid. To take prisoners & identify
To capture or destroy
m.g. or T.Ms
To report on enemys trenches
& dug outs.
To . Decrease enemys morale
To obtain all information poss.
Assembly pt. C 29 a. 3 .4½ (E. bank of shallow stream)
[[?]] Support trench 120 yds in rear at nearest
Only one comm trench
assaulting party will not take more than 3 prisoners in all.
assaulting party will move thro the gap (in wire)

Last [[?]] raid
/ [[?]]\CO.7.
night ws heavy, but no serious damage.
3 balloons were brought down
opp our southern end (II Corps)
yesty in flames. They say tt
19 have now bn brought down.
German maps captured at Ypres
show their front line in blue, & our
trenches in gt detail in red -
just as ours represent them.

The planes dropped bombs wh
seemed to ^keep splitting up into pieces emitting
v. white smoke.
Enemys balloons were lowered as
soon as our planes went up.

Prisoners taken by N.Z. say our indirect
m g. fire is causing losses in back lines
& to transport. T.Ms are causing
losses. They think our arty is
inactive thro shortage of ammn.



[Our arty at present has to fire
up to a certain expenditure of ammn.]

being reached they will block the trench
& prevent any one giving assistance to
position of trench raided. The remainder
o / party will work up trench from [[?]] point
of entry to the blocking party cllearing
dugouts & taking prisoners. No more than 3 prisoners be taken.
(left Pty to go to C 29 a 5.4. & act in similar
manner to rt party.

in single file, extend on a
frontage of one man per yard, & 
enter the trench to their front. They
will take one [[?]] at once & then
kill any other enemy met w there.
When this has bn done ½ the party
will move to either flank & get
in touch w / bombing pties on
our flanks, forming connecting
links down / trench. The
prisoners will be passed along /
trench to / O.C. assault party
at / point of exit from / trench.
^The assault party will not take more than 3 prisoners 
in all.
Right Bombing Party

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