Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/29/1 - April - July 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Jily 4 Rly cammo from Sifia to Constante stopped on July 13. for 4 days. Recion Given – bruying of troops from Court. to Gathpoli via Uzun Keupra. Or Futy R. Prisoners Captared on 12th by our 8L.A.C. are from 11,12,19.c0 Repts; and by Drud - 10t kyt. All these had be previously in Pinincuele. tore fom Bock Sea. July 19. 39.41.42 Repts lep Const on July 12 Ibay cod be here 20th or 21s if merched quitely (41st 42 come pou Bned Pandik area & 39 from betw Scuteri & Beikoo (Black Sea militey Area)] 46th & 4th Regts also left const. on 1314 Tuly, may be here within S days. by Juby 21,22. they are also fom Black see- Enemy knew (I dont know date) that we consistet of 4 Austialian Bdes& either one or two from N.S.
July 20 alt. (some of this is old and uncerting Nortern Zone. Area roun Anzac is called by evemy Northern Yone. H extends from a little sof Bulair along coast to Knm Tepe. Essad Pashe commands. in save Went of may enemys defence, we diveded into sections. NSection: Sazli Dere to abt quina seld by 19 Div Central Lectu. Lep of Niseite to abt (Turkdocuments? at end of war German Officers trech seem to showt Heldby 5Dw. this was wrong C.E.W.I3. South Secte. From & Ecludy T. Folly to S. End of Pine Rebge Held by 16 Dis (Probably this still holds - good reason to believe so a any rale as regards 19 & 16 Dis) Also Nor Aacfarta Detachment Sor K. Tepe Detachat. and Dwn w some additionalarly, held the south of the yone from Annak Dere 5 Kam Tipe order of batth - see next pase
72 3in. 18 Byt nally betors to 194Dir. SFDir HLAE. 36n 18 27 Ryt nomally belong to 27 94 Div. IHA.C. 1 opposed our landing. 30 57 36n 15 Anpanently wrong 36n. 14 6th ois. (II Army Cops in oirs of Pltes acauents TEn.Bey CEWB 3 tno. 15. 3bns 47 30n 48) 16th dis Ca.c. Jon 125. 1192 36no 77 (par sw 36ns 1 36n0 5 20div. (556 have jone 6. S. So. 36206 36as64 Reldersed in fiving line by 18 key (on Tune o45 on On at lead us here a month afo. genly beloys to 15k Dw. Va.c. Papprs of a man of 33 Regt. were found in valley S of Soupers Ridge on Juby 2. They had apptty bu lying here some time)
Distribute of 196 Dion. Normally 77 Regt. form part of 192. This acc. to captured orders ws K. Tipe detechment at end of may & pot still is. It is detached from own divn. 18th Regt. (fomerly 6th Dis. IIAC.) & 27 Ryt C Foneely 9 Div II.A.C.) seem to have been placed in 19t Dion. At begiing of July this Divn ws distribute. (a772Ryt. Npom Walkers Ribge. 16) 18 Rext holday walkers wits right on the cliff. (C)27 left A) 57 Regt] Exlended time to Sq. 80 5.5. new map) The hiie f.C.d. is the arc of a circle extending 900-1000 yds Distriba of 5 Divn Captand orders directed 5th Dwn to reeinforce trenches of Merkes Tepl" (central or HB hill) & together w 19 Dwn" to t fire on 1 enemy at this point Merkey Tope is still unidentified but as it is fortified & apptl at the pt. of punction of 50 19 dwn it may be Hill 180 (59. 180 n. new Atend of Tune an intelligent Jh decerler sd to only the 14 Ret o5 Divn Ws in I firing time.
13+15 Regts were in reserve neas tal Tepe There is some confirmate of this - & the 5 Dw. holds vs little of fering line. 5th Drng may hold from quinis to G.O.T. As may have Irest holding sect. S of quin Excludy G.O.T. This is Rightace to Ee: Ayle Hy O) may for a goue reserve. As may be park employed between K. Tipe & Britict where to now &. active 16th Divn. is directd on 28 may to fortify 67 Kanli Sirt (Bloody Hill a Slopy) 161 Rornizi Sirt (Red Hill or slops). strong points d'appe were to be nade then & along I edge of wood many S. pom King Sirt. The only wood alongous pout oh answers to his is the wood on Pine Rid along wp points d'appi have be prepaired Kirnng; Sirt to prob. Lonesome Pine Kanli Sirt - TohnstonesTolly (cf. slaughter of 4 may). The Armenian Officer at end of Tune placed order of Ryts of 16th 847 or 48 w. De 125t 5 The 4th On shot a Turk of 125 Rept on T. Tolly this wk. of the 48th is still t N. 8125 Kanli sert is poobly mackurins hill & G.O.T. is the right of 16 Dwn. The
16 Dis join up with K.T. detachment att Echelon trencles. K. Tipe detachment. 77th Regt. has a pontep extending South to Asmak Dere exclusive Duties: to prevent an advance to protect flank of 1812 to prevet Disembarkater Anafaole detachet. Oryinally some careby egt of nderon tre somebaties 33 Regt has now rone S, /64 Rex w here recently & us relieve by 18 Rept soit may have taken place of 33. 45ket ws herewal No dcent evidence as to that reg founs Anafarta detailent or its stoy Dubes: to serve as A.C. resenve. to prwvent us extendn N. to serveas cevel support &prevent disembartaty FastheN It ws localed abl 1500 7or S of Brynk Anafarta. Responsibilitagst disenbarkete was far as abt Taifur Keni. N Landings. A coy of gendarmerie is to preont any landin further
Work. Its station is Twrsht-En-Keni Kork Left - So of Asmal Dere to Kum Tipe at end of May the end Dion & some batteries. By Fune] only 11 Regt remained. 116 had gont to S. gone. There has be gt activity in His area last mont & hhere is reason to believe t it is held in considerable strugt Part of 5 Dws may be employed here. They came under commanderd N. gove & are the 1st rimfs. ke movement Nodbe glty hampered b naval fire. The force available agot us is sow estiate at (2nf. Was streyt Div. (4 Regto 12Bns) 12, 000 19 (3 9) 9,000 16 99.000 (3. 5 3)3.000 2 (1 Okers 2 26.) 6. 000 1000 Gendermere 40.000 But very doubtful if at war strengt.

July 15. Rly commn from Sofia to Constant.
stopped on July 13. for 4 days. Reason 
given – bringing of troops from Const. to
Gallipoli via Uzun Kenpru.


On 12th July Prisoners captured on 12th by our
8th A.C. are from 11, 12, 19, 20 Regts ; and by
French - 10th Regt.

All these had bn previously in 


July 19.  Force from Black Sea

39. 41. & 42  Regts left Const on July 11 - 13

They wd be here 20th or 21st if marched quickly.

[41st 42 came from /  [[?Said]] Pandik
area & 39 from betw Scutari & Beikoo

(Black Sea Military Area)]

46th & 4th Regts also left Const. on

13-14 July. May be here within 3 days 
by July 21, 22.  They are also from Black 



Enemy knew ( I don’t know date) that we

consisted of 4 Australian Bdes & either one or 
two from N.Z.



July 20th abt. (some of this is old and uncertain)

Northern Zone Area around Anzac is 

called by enemy Northern Zone. It extends

from a little S of Bulair along coast to Kum

Tepe.  Essad Pasha commands

At end of May enemy’s defence ^in N Zone ws divided

into 3 sections.

N Section: Sazli Dere to about Quinns 
held by 19 Div.

Central Section: Left of N. Section to abt 
German Officers trench.

Held by 5 Div

[*Turk documents 
at end of war 
seem to show tt 
this was wrong.

South Section: From & including J. Jolly 
to S end of Pine Ridge.

Held by the 16 Div

(Probably this still holds - good reason to believe 
so at any rate as regards 19 & 16 Div.)


Also N or Anarfate Detachment

         S.W. K.Tepe Detachment
         2nd Divn w some additional arty.
         held the south of the Zone from Asmak
         Dere to Kum Tepe


Order of battle (see next page).


3 bn 72 ) 19th Div 18 Regt normally belongs to
6th Div II A.C.
3 bn 18 ) 27 Regt normally belongs to
9th Div III A.C. It
opposed our landing
3 bn 27 )  
3 bn 57    
3 bn 13 ) 5th Div

(∧of II Army Corps).  
[Apparently wrong
in view of later 
& Zeki Bey.  CEWB]


3 bn 14 )
3 bn 15 )
3 bsn 47 ) 16th Div (∧of VI A.C.)
3 bns 48 )
3 bns 125 )
3 bsn 77 (Part of 
3 bns 1 ) 2nd Div. (5 & 6 have gone to S. Zone)
? 1
3 bns 5 )
3 bns 6 )

3 bns 64 relieved in firing line by 18 Regt on June 7

1 bn. 45 one Bn at least was here a month ago. Genly belongs

to 15th Div V. A.C.

(Papers on a man of 33 Regt were found

in valley S of Snipers Ridge on July 2.

They had apptly been lying there some time)




Distribution of 19th Divn. Normally pt of 77 Regt

forms part of 19th. This acc. to captured

orders ws K. Tepe detachment at end of 

May & prob still is. It is detached from own


18th Regt (formerly 6th Div. II A.C.) &

27 Rgt (formerly 9 Div III A.C.) seem to 

have been placed in 19th Divn. 

At beginning of July this Divn ws distributed

(a) 72 Regt. N from Walkers Ridge

(b) 18 Regt holding Walkers w its right on

the cliff

(c) 27 Regt ) extended line to Sq. 80 s.s.

(d) 57 Regt )                               (new map)

The line b.c.d is the arc of circle extending

900 - 1000 yds.


Distribution of 5th Divn. Captured orders directed

[5th Divn to “reinforce trenches of Merkez
Tepe (Central or H.Q. Hill) & "together w /

19 Divn" to "fire on / enemy at this point."

Merkez Tepe is still unidentified but as

it is fortified & appty at the pt. of junction of 5 &

19 Divn it may be Hill 180 (Sq. 180. n. new 


At end of June an intelligent Tk deserter sd

tt only the 14 Regt of 5 Divn was in / firing line. 




13 & 15 Regts were in reserve near Mal Tepe
There is some confirmation of  this - tt the 5 Div.
holds v. little of firing line.

5th Div.

(1) May hold from Quinn’s to G.O.T.

(2) May have 1 Regt holding sect. S of Quinn’s

excluding G.O.T.

(3) May form a Zone reserve.

[*This is 

right acc. to 

Zeki Bey C.E.W.B*]

(4) May be partly employed between 
K. Tepe & British where Ts now v.


16th Divn. is directed on 28 May to fortify
(a) Kanli Sirt (Bloody Hill or slope )

(b) Kirmzi Sirt (Red Hill or slope)

Strong points d'appin were to be made there
& along / edge of wood running S. from

Kirmzi Sirt. The only wood along our front
wh answers to this is the wood on Pine Ridge

along which points d'appin have bn prepared.

Kirmzi Sirt is prob. Lonesome Pine

Kanli Sirt = Johnstones Jolly (cf. 
slaughter of 19 May).

The Armenian Officer at end of June 
placed order of Regts of 16th Div ( 47 or 48 N

                                                              ( 125th. S

The 4th Bn shot a Turk of 125 Regt
on J. Jolly this wk.
If the 48th is still to N. of 125 Kanli
Sirt is probly Maclaurins Hill &

G.O.T is the right o / 16th Divn.  The

[*48 ws to S of 125.*]



16 Div. joins up with K. T. detachment
abt Echelon trenches.


K. Tepe detachment - 77th Regt. has a
frontage extending south to Asmak
Dere exclusive.
Duties: to prevent an advance
               to protect flank of 16th

                  to prevent disembarkation


Anafarta detachment. Originally some cavalry,
regt of gendarmerie, 33rd regt & some batteries.
33 Regt. has now gone S: [64 Regt ws here
recently & ws relieved by 18 Regt so it may
have taken place of 33; 45 Regt ws 
here recently.  The

No recent evidence as to what
regt forms Anafarta detachment or its strength.
Duties: to serve as A.C. reserve
              to prevent us extending N.
              to serve as cavalry support
                 & prevent disembarkation
                 further N.
It was located abt 1500 yds S of Biyuk
Anafarta. Responsibility agst 
disembarkation N as far as abt
Taifur Kevi.
N. Landings. A coy of gendarmerie is to
prevent any landing further



North. Its station is Tursht-En-Kevi

Turk Left - S of Asmak Dere to Kum
Tepe at end of May the 2nd
Divn & some batteries. By June 7
only 1st Regt remained. 5 & 6 had gone
to S. Zone.
There has bn gt activity in
this area last month & there is
reason to believe tt it is held in
considerable strength.
Part of 5 Divn may be employed
They come under commander of
N. Zone & are the 1st reinfs. & their
movement N wd be glty hampered by
naval fire.
The force available agst us is now estimated

Div.   Inf. War 
19 (4 Regts 12 Bns 12,000
16 (3    "         9  " 9,000
5 (3    "         9  "    9,000
2 (1     "         3  " 3,000
Others (2    "      ? 6  " 6,000
Gendarmerie                    1 1,000

But very doubtful if at war strength.
Zeki Bey tells us that 9 Divn
was the next reserve S 
after 5 Divn.  C.E.W.B)


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