Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/29/1 - April - July 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/2917 Title: Notebook, April - July 1915 includes references to captured Turkish documents and prisoners. AWMI3S-3DRL606129H
TS FSF MCM M MMRFTAMAMA R.M.R. R. . M. R.. Rn. . 3DRL 606 IPD 89 DM 38 DIARLES AND NOTES OF C. E. W. BEAN CONCERNING THE WAR OF 1914-1918 THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every reader and writer who may use them. These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them. These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that those who passed on such stories usyally, themselves believed, them to be true. All second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind. ACCESS STA C. E. W. BEAN. 16 Sept, 1946. MENKEEEEEEEEEYTSSETMMIHSSS Tcerering m ne JCEENE RECEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a ReCORD. Regoment al 23.2.78
Enemy Names. Monsons P Krmg. Sirt Red stope (Baby 700) Kanli Sirt. Bloody slope.?T. Toly. Eyerli Tepe Hill 706 Rum tepl 59. 1739 Sagli Dere. Fally Enday on Fishermen Huts Matik Dire Head of wullal runng pas Kojader at 1200 9DS. of Rigul Ancfarte Kurt Gechid Rhodja Chimen Dagh & Hill 900 Adie Liman- Efelwer Bay Madalik Lin wlets Nof Gelmex Bay. RemikliLeman] Knyonk Leman 59.315 2 Along Cosst 59352. Despot Liman Perkey Tepl Central or H A Hill (sc E)
Sun Ap25: landing: Opposed by 27th Regl (9Di IIIHE) End Br. & part of 3rd Bn were present a least 3oB agst our right. applly Br Br still here on S. Tuly as soltiers pcket book appty recully lost of the found by 2Crs) 191 Din (3r3AE.) attocked us on sun Iancists of 572 yt. 722, 772. the 7ws ado gaard. The abock of dion when deplozed was 2Bn IBn SBn 72ad 5712 71 77 atacked towds S. end of Pine Ridge. Bobach sait who commends 3 or accompenied tink mo on request for true pon K. T. ate camp prob in olii pove. Apiiiones captured Ap 26. she beloge to Ird En. 37t Rept (132 Div. V A.C.) Hea it beloyed 6 192 Don. of 10 a.c. 4tBn. 28 Ret (19k Dw 111Ae) wouded amemiin and to coptured on Ap 26 claimed to beloy to 4 Bn was 64 Ryt here? See Information of Sept 7. This order (before sone tine) repreto ceptire four only 2 were aptured as far as I know - one from N. 30 on Ap 25 & one f413n on t 26
May 2 III.19.28 rth Sh who diid to belong to his sunndered on May 2 II.5. 13t 183 opposed to our right. 14t where (ert) on May 19 atacking Maclaurins Hill 15k os here on mayl. May 6. Arcb officer, deserted, sd be came from Fipoli in apiia. Tept officer of S Dis. Came from Adnanoph vee Keshan abt May 1. 5 Dis H.A. att 59. 237pr4 stores Pannals at 237a or 2389. most of 516 in trenches. Supplies now taken Ma Biyat Aacher by new rd his hells now benng mad by 3 Rno many officers of 13.14.15 (5) 57 () 32() on kelled 13th mort tan half disappeared. Bris of 6ADion wh wentento action 1200 stroy now master 300-500. Heow I. here firt att e II 24 v1 29 16 4 may. 12 Advanced base for his force ws near Sharkent camel tept in good condity midWater has to be carried on anunals, Local wales has given men diarrtda Menjet hobical every rnid day Amnea pleateful. Owin fack of officers fire controlisbed over newly arriow troops. Heavy casatlies o night of Tals. June 4 croops sere to bbe dewen into ballle at He dislites to sdays o4 105 be paint of revelves.
Daulifee on peate Turk Troops & 2q 7/5/15 Corpe. Div. Regt. 11 2 11 13 1415 apeT AnGAC. 114 20 Angac 21 Rifle Bn MI 29 III 19 Ansae. III. 10. 28 29. Anzac 33 11. III 127 II 12 35 13 38 46 45 15 56 32 one composite Regl. 39 May 19. U.5. Bt attacked Maclanis hill. attacked ar (hater quinis) 152 (here on May 6). 1. 19.577 ws here at date of armistici may ry fron 14 day. 771 N. 16 27t 7 Wr md Bous of 47 attacked. 8] Srs of 48 attocked near Owns sel 125t/ His Regt sd to be here T. F H 113 Brs. Brisoes Caphed here on 19 may. 1 S. 11 S. twoman captured hereon 1gnay Redd Ryt 11. 9. 27th 1Br. Here on Ap.25 & pocketbook of soldier belongeng to Bn picked up on May 19 July 51
After may 19 we collated from porsoners & documents foll Troops now or recetly employedet Angac. 28w. 1.5.6. 5Dw. B. 14.15 16 Dis. 47.48. 125. 19 Dir. 57.72.77 Abe 20.27.33. 64.76 Rests (Afall strength his wd be 81,000 men. Pob. 35000) 6Dev. 16.17.18. 8 8th Au. 22.23.24 are bel to have arrised at yenckeni. No oftroops aptangac pob. 35,000 mostly unlrained or elderly reservists. amun apperatl v plutiful. T officers reported tt hane driven som of troops into at w swords revolves. Lv. Tanders ws in Penineele & Sdt have directed abtack of 18/19 may whws sot be ordered by enve to push us into see before reip. arrd. Many T officers killed & auch dysenter in to lives. There is a concealed road by wh T reifs are broylt up fom Gallipote. His passes near ruins of Bryak Anefar our wonded sent to Ghulane Hosp in Coust & well treated prine [hater: i ther only 6. 1ent many light prey unforms lying in post of our trenches ser are generme of whon laye contingent and from Brusa. All agree T. losses v severe an anxious to Durrnde if can do so witout being shot by own side. Germans are speeadey stories of gt victories b sea ver sgyst, but these scarcely believed by tarks Deary of T officer wh found says; two of our Shapdel fell amonpt 15t Bn 33 Ret Killey 12 wounding 5. In another 1Bn only 2 officers alie
28May. See. 5th Arry Order of 28 may Blancy has follg not. 1816 replaced by 641 Ryt on Tun] 14 16 18 27 mehnes chaouch. 17 1912 65?48? 16th on left 125 77 June 24. Followig Ryts sd to be oppoaing Anzake Ryt. 13 5t Di. 141 14on Extreme st. H.9. & 2 other on 15] 8500S. regts in reseive Hal Tipe 168 ODis in firing time. 3000 4 H.G. at. Kojadere. 16th &i. 48 Part of Dron in fing cing. 125 6000 45 2000 One Bn was in truches agal Augse but withdrawn to join two oher bus wh sufered hearch in S.& gone to Sallipoti to sefton. 27 19 Di. H.A near Esti Ken's Part of Dwn in firetoenches. 750000 Gendarmers 800 Guardin & Palottiy country & of Bry ak acafeita Cavstry 600 or regt a plain rear Biynk Anafarta. Possible 282 53 Regts also here. Without these, but including Gcops at allepoli, cuemys strenglh iod be: infartry 25,000
Doh 162 Fity 5r any odt. AANZAC. dispositis It is resionable to suppose to 1 wnto atacke obtaining in 11 forces opposing Angoe previously in main are still in frce The anits are olghtly altered Ieod Regt has goe S. but Bket is here. Rest of 6 Dr. may have gone S. for a rest as oteted on July 14 but no reason to mooners of 16017 capture suppose 18th has gone. (1 yeaty downI. One bo of 45 ws here last month frishr ctin 64 Re also known to be hen. This gives a tolet increase of 4 bas over end of May. N. of Battleshigs Hill cems to be called the Anafarle Secl. Troops in it on May 28 were 330d Re 1Bn Jadamers caralry Ryt. It is estinated now to be defence of his sector has on increased by a Regt + slent 6000 Tae reserve wre at yatik Dere Exc. Onr bu on N. shopes of Knoja Chiman Dagh. Dubieof remveareto presnt a lendry at Ejelue Ba & Lavla Bay & also ackas AC. reserve The actial finy line agot as – Batleship Hill to right of our his, - ws divided into 3 secloss beld by 19.5, 16 divns from N to S. - say 19000 m Poob. Ibno in trenches & Bin reserve & support
Aso 77h Regt (wh suffered heavily in a regrettable incident" & ws at one time thought to have be incorporated in 72nd) supported right of 16 Din. but ws called Kaba Tipe section + us apptl in tiacion wt 16t Dion. (stwengh 2000 ar outude). Kaba Tipe to Knon tepe is farricoud by 2nd Dios to certain artillery ants) wh pob. consisted of one rest only as 5th, 6t kegts went to Soutern sphere & folld shorty by 15t Regt. The parriion in to district is available apt Angac & is in the same Command. It is prot (as in Ture) One Regt. The Hs Kwn Tipe. Tarks clearly Sarriton of N. Coast from Ejetmer Bay to Sheitankeni - Coy of Gendammerie w H.O at Twishter keni. The villaprs deporte to Asio Minor are Gt

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DR1606/29/1
Title: Notebook, April - July 1915
includes references to captured Turkish
documents and prisoners.


29 Original DIARY NO. 29.
3DRL 606 ITEM 29 [1]
THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usyally, themselves believed, them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.

C. E. W. BEAN.
16 Sept, 1946.

[Regimental RECORDS✔️]


Enemy Names:
?Lonesome Pine
Krimzi Sirt Red slope. (Baby 700)
Kanli Sirt. Bloody slope.? J. Jolly.
Eyerli Tepe xx Hill 706
Kum Tepe Sq. 193g
Sagli Dere. Fally Enday on Fishermen Huts
Matik Dire Head of wullal runng pas Kojader at 1200
9DS. of Rigul Ancfarte
Kurt Gechid
Rhodja Chimen Dagh & Hill 900
Adie Liman- Efelwer Bay
Madalik Lin
wlets Nof Gelmex Bay.
Knyonk Leman 59.315 2
Along Cosst 59352.
Despot Liman
Perkey Tepl Central or H A Hill (sc E)


Sun Ap25:
landing: Opposed by 27th Regl (9Di IIIHE)
End Br. & part of 3rd Bn were present
a least
3oB agst our right.
applly Br Br still here on S. Tuly as soltiers pcket
book appty recully lost of the found by 2Crs)
191 Din (3r3AE.) attocked us on sun
Iancists of 572 yt. 722, 772.
the 7ws ado gaard.
The abock of dion when deplozed was
2Bn IBn SBn
77 atacked towds S. end of Pine Ridge. Bobach
sait who commends 3 or accompenied tink mo
on request for true pon K. T. ate
camp prob in olii pove.
Apiiiones captured Ap 26. she beloge to
Ird En. 37t Rept (132 Div. V A.C.) Hea it beloyed
6 192 Don. of 10 a.c.
4tBn. 28 Ret (19k Dw 111Ae) wouded amemiin
and to coptured on Ap 26 claimed to beloy to 4 Bn
was 64 Ryt here? See Information of Sept 7. This order (before
sone tine) repreto ceptire four only 2 were aptured
as far as I know - one from N. 30 on Ap 25 & one f413n on t 26


May 2
III.19.28 rth Sh who diid to belong to
his sunndered on May 2
II.5. 13t 183 opposed to our right.
14t where (ert) on May 19 atacking
Maclaurins Hill
15k os here on mayl.
May 6. Arcb officer, deserted, sd be came from Fipoli
in apiia. Tept officer of S Dis. Came from Adnanoph
vee Keshan abt May 1.
5 Dis H.A. att 59. 237pr4
stores Pannals at 237a or 2389.
most of 516 in trenches. Supplies now taken Ma Biyat Aacher
by new rd his hells now benng mad by 3 Rno
many officers of 13.14.15 (5) 57 () 32() on kelled
13th mort tan half disappeared. Bris of 6ADion wh wentento
action 1200 stroy now master 300-500.
Heow I. here firt att e
4 may.
Advanced base for his force ws near Sharkent
camel tept in good condity
midWater has to be carried on anunals, Local wales has
given men diarrtda
Menjet hobical every rnid day
Amnea pleateful.
Owin fack of officers fire controlisbed over newly
arriow troops.
Heavy casatlies o night of Tals. June 4
croops sere to bbe dewen into ballle at
He dislites to sdays
be paint of revelves.


Daulifee on peate
Turk Troops & 2q 7/5/15
Corpe. Div. Regt.
13 1415 apeT AnGAC.
20 Angac
21 Rifle Bn

III. 10.
32 one composite Regl.
May 19.
U.5. Bt attacked Maclanis hill.
(hater quinis)
152 (here on May 6).
1. 19.577 ws here at date of armistici may ry
fron 14 day.
N. 16 27t 7 Wr md Bous of 47 attacked.
8] Srs of 48 attocked near Owns sel
125t/ His Regt sd to be here
T. F H 113 Brs. Brisoes Caphed
here on 19 may.
1 S. 11 S. twoman captured hereon
Redd Ryt
11. 9. 27th 1Br. Here on Ap.25 & pocketbook
of soldier belongeng to Bn picked up on
May 19 July 51


After may 19 we collated from porsoners & documents
Troops now or recetly employedet Angac.
28w. 1.5.6.
5Dw. B. 14.15
16 Dis. 47.48. 125.
19 Dir. 57.72.77
20.27.33. 64.76 Rests
(Afall strength his wd be 81,000 men. Pob. 35000)
6Dev. 16.17.18. 8 8th Au. 22.23.24 are bel to have
arrised at yenckeni. No oftroops aptangac
pob. 35,000 mostly unlrained or elderly reservists.
amun apperatl v plutiful.
T officers reported tt hane driven som of troops into at w
swords revolves.
Lv. Tanders ws in Penineele & Sdt have directed abtack
of 18/19 may whws sot be ordered by enve to push
us into see before reip. arrd.
Many T officers killed & auch dysenter in to lives.
There is a concealed road by wh T reifs are broylt
up fom Gallipote. His passes near ruins of Bryak Anefar
our wonded sent to Ghulane Hosp in Coust & well treated
i ther only 6.
many light prey unforms lying in post of our trenches
ser are generme of whon laye
contingent and from Brusa.
All agree T. losses v severe an anxious to Durrnde
if can do so witout being shot by own side.
Germans are speeadey stories of gt victories b
sea ver sgyst, but these scarcely believed by tarks
Deary of T officer wh found says; two of our
Shapdel fell amonpt 15t Bn 33 Ret Killey
12 wounding 5. In another 1Bn only 2 officers alie


28May. See. 5th Arry Order of 28 may
Blancy has follg not.
1816 replaced by 641 Ryt on Tun]
mehnes chaouch.
16th on left
June 24. Followig Ryts sd to be oppoaing Anzake
5t Di.
14on Extreme st. H.9. & 2 other
15] 8500S.
regts in reseive Hal Tipe
168 ODis
in firing time.
H.G. at. Kojadere.
16th &i.
Part of Dron
in fing cing.
125 6000
One Bn was in truches agal Augse
but withdrawn to join two oher
bus wh sufered hearch in S.&
gone to Sallipoti to sefton.
19 Di.
H.A near Esti Ken's Part of
Dwn in firetoenches.
Gendarmers 800 Guardin & Palottiy country & of
Bry ak acafeita
Cavstry 600 or regt a plain rear Biynk Anafarta.
Possible 282 53 Regts also here. Without these,
but including Gcops at allepoli, cuemys
strenglh iod be: infartry 25,000


Doh 162 Fity 5r any odt.
It is resionable to suppose to 1 wnto atacke
obtaining in 11 forces opposing Angoe previously
in main are still in frce
The anits are olghtly altered
Ieod Regt has goe S. but Bket is here.
Rest of 6 Dr. may have gone S. for a
rest as oteted on July 14 but no reason to
mooners of 16017 capture
suppose 18th has gone. (1
yeaty downI.
One bo of 45 ws here last month frishr ctin
64 Re also known to be hen.
This gives a tolet increase of 4 bas over end of
N. of Battleshigs Hill cems to be called the
Anafarle Secl. Troops in it on May 28
were 330d Re
1Bn Jadamers
caralry Ryt.
It is estinated now to be defence of his sector
has on increased by a Regt + slent 6000
Tae reserve wre at yatik Dere Exc. Onr bu
on N. shopes of Knoja Chiman Dagh. Dubieof
remveareto presnt a lendry at Ejelue Ba
& Lavla Bay & also ackas AC. reserve
The actial finy line agot as – Batleship Hill
to right of our his, - ws divided into 3 secloss beld
by 19.5, 16 divns from N to S. - say 19000 m
Poob. Ibno in trenches & Bin reserve & support


Aso 77h Regt (wh suffered heavily in a regrettable
incident" & ws at one time thought to have be
incorporated in 72nd) supported right of 16 Din.
but ws called Kaba Tipe section + us apptl in
tiacion wt 16t Dion. (stwengh 2000 ar outude).
Kaba Tipe to Knon tepe is farricoud by 2nd
Dios to certain artillery ants) wh pob. consisted of
one rest only as 5th, 6t kegts went to Soutern
sphere & folld shorty by 15t Regt. The parriion in
to district is available apt Angac & is in the
same Command. It is prot (as in Ture) One Regt. The
Hs Kwn Tipe.
Tarks clearly
Sarriton of N. Coast from Ejetmer Bay
to Sheitankeni - Coy of Gendammerie w H.O
at Twishter keni.
The villaprs deporte to Asio Minor are Gt


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