Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/210/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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wsv. Lard to tocate. The Lewis ganners of the 2 phis wh were held up moved forward + dealt with trest guns from the open. Te ferms were trying to fire at them but they got in first. As their fire died, our men made for the treches by short rushes & fot in. 22 Jerms surrendered from this place- thy had nochance of getting away. A battery on the less flank above mericon puttiny in gas & R.C. caused a bit of trouble but to were pood. To protect I Consolidit
fighting patrots were sent out in afternoon. Tey killet a few fermans. They were almost to outskiit of Rozart - later in 1 Afternoon the Germans Cot. Dome other & fixed cans into the fatl by BrH.D. where a supply dump was & a ferman contern to plucy of beer. In the fighting on the scrut on 1objie at R13 centl the the 2 tanks were sent for but had sone back. While the fermans held as here they nust have Established the small post wh D by had to meet. In this sight the smoke bombs were
48Bn lost. On Angd. J. G.ONeill R. L Hald- on the final objective in pout of the little wood, with C. Con Lod HWBCarr MCDEN (who took Bn H at ovenent we with stokell LGws for over vack ort oBullicoury) Jilattr Dloy got in coming B.A. Jones, 6d. ap to accroche woor Stokellat Richmon Gully, waiting L L.L. Carter M.M. on the final objic. with I Coy. Fews a Bloy off but had coare found tolef what i oldin toe 2taloons. He took them over I top whiis be L. G 0 either fom artz or acroplanes not smoke boubs from rifle grenades. The smoke or on ridge just aft this point In this fighting the officers concerned were - Op L Potts AC. (now Bar) & Sey Realy DCM Pergs Seal N.M. did well there & Fte Berry. They g01 too round this opposite be bombing apt truch 43BL har 650s. Te goungste who took out the fighting patrol towds Boyart ws Lient. MBT McDowell O.C. M.M (the same off who with tmen. got thro monument wood on May 3.) ays. An of of 4MC Buis I t have got into Boyart.
S1 Ap.S Dernancour) When Brown went down to the post he saw the Colonel of the Tommies Coar & told him to they were moveng back on to Proncer & t this left noone on his flank Waison o at he wssetiffied Te C.O Cold. D Fesguson, that everyting possible had be done. His brought 1 liwe into Proneer truch. later the Tommies got out & swiny aoross the valley from abt 2 nortk to ds. Darry the Attack 892 Tregoweth in the morning went across to the Tommies at X& giving them the posite on the Et (as known to Bn. H.D.) Ne first tried (as Coysgr.) to signal messege across to I Tomnnies. They dont fet it. He accly took it across. He ws hit severely abt te way across - he had 200 yds to go. He crawled & stunble under this ingfire ows hit once more. He finally cot to Tomnies & before his wos were attended message + ws taken away he deliveredt on a stollded. Monamant Wood. After monant wod on may 3 the German Taegers, who fought So well, afterds sent on A sarlands & ? Capt Curnmings. effects)] albort 48 Br Demanct. Pisoners hily tomneesy t tan in Ds nepel ferm berry 18in lifted agnatt 9. At I deat pound he resistance in the Farm Poob. surprise him. At 9 he came on again He got no further The 2t Plank caul in abt 1p to Prosier Y0 5 Ph got back with Cummp alt 3. thown went down to Shepherdson, Coy. HO signalled to Kie to move to Poonier French Oh tey did as shown ?
48 Bn. Sept 18. K. A ward M.C. Kelled on night of Sept t when they went up to take the bit of trench on the rt dour Bde Sector Te 2 loys of 48 Bn got in at the fork trench at A where rt of 46 Bn was. 6 Fons Pen ong 9 Forn Theythen worked ot to B where there ws a Str. Point. They got 7 m Juns &2 prisoners, the rest Escaping lowds X. All 1 morning the ferms bombed up from Z. t Recd held this for 5 hrs w his platoor. The Jermsn arty and the arty protectin the Tomnces blu out o ftrench Abt 2 pm Se 19
thy reture outry n3 Stops from B to A. Thearty put as out of there - the ferm. Estatd himself at t again. H8 Bn sstebd temselves in Pnoto Es & touched with tomnies who by then were in Fourme truck on our et (line from there ancertain to us) ward as k by a shell in onoto yo Atter dark the same lop attacked up Pen G & over the top from Onoto, with a sprinkliy barsage. they took the I8 at B & pat blocks at XV2 & connected to Eerne Tommies by outposts S. of Entrance trench
that ws lis hened o he point B is the summit. They had I whole view of hilside tem. AR.N.T. Fletchen wd. 18 Sept. first getting to Dloys objoc. (Centre Coy). This day Capt Anderson D.S.C. (or this had worked out to 1et onto I top ofridge w his DGs & when I Germans clatached he got ont the rt of altct t his Lgs & the 45 Bn from the left. As soon as a5 Pn Starled Andersons men fot ap on the crest of hill & saw thise ferms & turned into them to L.Ge.
When &8 Bn Struck Cooker Frend s part of the Coy wh as holdl it fought. Others got back to Bn H.G. in a copse in rear & in Sunken road abt bo0yds from 1 et of our objic. They too fought from here a teir ofised be seen trying to reorganise te Capt AnderonC lnt Gelston & Lt Parry's pletoons of C Coy were pushed forwd & Parry's Plen worked ound to et; roundI shoulder o Lil. The tommies had got into Maire Teach on 1st. Per took the tommi up to their? He as te liaison officer with1 Com Cpplank). He ten Came back to the Coy. Led his Pn. round shoulder of hill. He
&Tbombers round I reverie stope of bill & took ove ermian prisoners; bombed the Br H.D. deont (Sery Price who led this got a DCM.) & took a no of prisoners acl. 11 germ. Ofrs. & 600r. Dmen. Meanwhile a Egunner from No9 Ph named Rochford pushed well foud t his gun & When I ferms came out of Sunben Road he opened fire on Kem. They were making for their Br HGrs. He killed 34 & all day long our Ambulances were carrying back their wd. At Isame time Gelstons Ph had contributed by working over 1 crest (by 1Sanken Rd) & down R
de. He tas enclosed & 187 prisoners were obtained (including Prices 60) Just as these prisoners were coming back the 45 Bn was seen coming up (shope towd Cooker Egs in Arty formatin they moved exactly as on paride tho I ferman as shelling. As they passed thro CCoy H 8 Bn began to dig in. Orory The fight to the Gatteek was not seen by C. Coy.
W. itr. Ireloas abo Serp Stafford Rasebeck. wilkes write able, McSharry's Popes Dear 3. Circular abt photes Capt F. Anderson 48 Bu now in S.A. has some fine Photos (up to messives 10. 3. 17735) WI. 285-SKSSO. 100000. 14s. Sir J. C. &s.

ws [[?]] hard to locate. The 

Lewis Gunners of the 2

plns wh were held up

moved forward & dealt 

with these guns from 

the open. The Germans were

trying to fire at them but they

got in first. As their fire

died, our men  made for 

the trenches by short rushes

& got in. 27 Germans

surrendered from this place -

they had no chance of

getting away. a battery on

the left flank above [[?]]

putting in Gas & [[h. l.?]]

caused a bit of trouble but

/ [[?]] were [[fool?]]. 79

To protect / consolidating

fighting patrols were sent

out in / afternoon. They

killed a few Germans. They

were almost to / outskirts

of Prozart. Later in / afternoon

the Germans got some other

guns  [[& fired [[inserted]] into the gully by Pon H.Q.

where a supply dump was

& a German canteen w plenty

of beer.

In the fighting on the

scrub on / objive at R13centl.

The 2 tanks were sent

for but had gone back. [[XXXX crossed out]]

While the Germans held us here

they must have established

the small post wh D Coy

had to meet. In this 80

fight the smoke bombs were

On Aug. 8 48 Bn lost:-

K. Lt. J.G. O'Neill - on the final

objective in front of the 

little wood, with C Coy.

Wd Lt. W.B.Carr MC DCM (who took Bn HQ

at Monument wd with Stokell) L.G. ws fired over

his back at Bullecourt) Hit after D Coy got in.

Wd. Lt B.A.Jones, hit coming 

up to Accroche Wood.

Lt Stokell MC at Richmond

Gully, waiting.

Lt L.L.Carter M.M. on

the final objive with D 

Coy. He ws a B Coy Offr

but have came round to /left

to see what ws holding the 2 platoons.

Took them over / top when the L. Gunners

Col Perry Wd. R. Ord.

either from arty or aeroplanes

-- not smoke bombs from rifle

grenades. The Smoke ws on /

ridge just abt this point.

In this fighting the Officers

concerned were - [[XXX crossed out]] Lt Potts

MC. (now Bar) & Sergt Kealy, DCM

Sergt Seal MM. did well there

too & Pte Barry. They got round this oppsitn by

bombing ap l trench.

48Bn had 65 [[?]].

The [[?]] ptn who took

out the fighting patrol towds

Prozart ws Lieut. M B T McDowell

M.C. M.M (the same Offr who

with 6 men got thro Monument

Wood on May 3.). 81

NB (Afr May 3. An Offr of 4 MG Bn is

sd to have got into Prozart.

Donancourt Ap. 5.

When Brown went down to the post he

saw the Colonel of the Tommies ([[?]] &

told him tt they were moving back onto Pioneer

[[?]] & tt this left no one on his flank. He [[?]]

Then C.O told Lt Ferguson [[Liaison Offr [[inserted]] that he ws satisfied

that everything possible had bn done.

This bought / line into Pioneer Trench.

Later the Tommies got out & swung across

the valley from abt Z north to [[?]]

During the attack S Gr Tregowoth in the

morning went across to the Tommies

at  X Y giving them the positio n on the

rt (as Known to Bn H.Q.) He first

tried (as Coy Sqr.) to signal / message across

to / Tommies. They cont get it. He

accly took it across. He ws hit severely

abt ½ way across - he had 200 yds

to go. He crawled & stumbled under

(This M.G. fire & ws hit once more. He finally

got to / Tommies & before his [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]

to be delivered his message & ws taken away

on a stretcher.

(48 Bn.

(Monument Wood

After Monument Wd on May 3 the

German Jaegers, who fought 

so well, aftwds sent in

Lt Garland's & Capt Cummings!


48 Bn Dernanct.

Diagram :- see  original document

German Carry

Litter apn abt 9.

At / deal [[?]]

Farm prob surprised him. At 9 he came again.

He got no further. The rt flank came in abt 11.00 p.m.

to Pioneer [[?]]. 5 Ptn got back with Cummings abt 3.

Brown went down to Stephenson. Coy H.Q. signaller 82

Keen to move to Pioneer Trench [[?]] they did as shown.

48 Bn. Sept 18.

K. Lt. Ward M.C. Killed on night

of Sept. 18 when they went up to take

the bit of trench on the rt down

Bde sector.

The Z Coys of 48 Bn got in at

the fork trench at A where rt of 46

Diagram: see original diagram

They then worked rt to B where

there ws a Str. Point. They got 7 M.

Guns & 2 prisoners. The rest escaping

towards X. All / morning the Germans 83

bombed up from Z. Lt Reid held this

for 5 hrs w his platoon. The German

arty and arty protecting the Tommies

blew [[XXX crossed out]] us out o / trench abt 2 pm Sept 19,

& they retired putting in 3

stops from B to A. The arty

put us out of there - the German

estshd himself at B again.

48 Bn estabd themselves in

Onoto [[?]] & touched with

Tommies who by then were in

[[Fo?]] trench in touch on our

rt (line from there uncertain

to us).

Ward ws K by a shell in 

Onoto [[?]].


After dark the same Coys

attacked up Pen [[?]] & over the

top from Onoto, with a

sprinkling barrage. They took the

S/P at B & put blocks at

X Y & Z & connected w /


Tommies by outposts S of  [[Enbelpot?]] Entrance Trench.

That ws / line handed over.

The point B is the summit.

They had / whole view o /

hillside then.

Lt R.N.J. Fletcher wd. 18 Sept.

just getting to D Coys objive.

(Centre Coy)

This day Capt Anderson D.S.O.

had worked out to / rt (for this)

onto / top o / ridge w his

L. Gs & when / Germans

C/attacked he got onto the 

rt o / attack w his L. Gs.

& the 45 Bn from the left.

As soon as 45 Bn started

Andersons men got up on the

crest o / hill & saw these Germans

& turned into them w L. Gs. 85

When 48 Bn struck Cookes Trench

part of the [[German]] inserted]] Coy wh ws holding it

fought. Others got back to Bn

H.Q. in a Copse in rear & in /

Sunken road abt 600 yds from /

rt of our objive. They too fought

from here - their offrs cd be seen

trying to reorganise them.

Capt Anderson's (C Coy) Lieut

Gelston & Lt Parry's platoons of

C Coy were pushed forward

& Parry's Ptn worked over

to / rt; round / shoulder  o /

hill. The Tommies had got 

into Maine Trench  on / rt. Parry

took the Tommies up to their [[?]]

(He ws the liaison officer with /

Tommies & left flank) He then

came back to the Coy. led his Pln 86

round /shoulder o / hill. The

L Gunners covered / Copse

& / bombers worked round

/ reverse slope o / hill & took

some German prisoners; bombed

the Pon H.Q. dugout (Sergt Price

who led this for a D.C.M.) & took

a no prisoners incl. 11 German

Offrs & 60 or 70 men.

Meanwhile a L. Gunner

from No 9 Pln named Rockford

pushed well fowd w his gun &

when / Germans came out o / Sunken

Road he opened fire on them. They

were waiting for their Bn HQrs.

He killed 34 & all day long our

Ambulances were carrying back

thir wd.

At / same time Gelstons Pln

had contributed by working over

/ crest (by / Sunken Rd) & down /  87

other side. The Germans there were

[[?]] enclosed & 187 prisoners

were obtained (including Price's 


Just as these prisoners

were coming back the 45 Bn

was seen coming up / slope

towds Cookes [[?]] in arty formation

They moved exactly as on parade

to / German ws shelling.

As they passed thro [[XX]] crossed out]]

C Coy 48 Bn began to dig

in. B Coy The fight w the

c/attack was not see by 

C. Coy. 88

  1. Write [[?]] abt Sergt Stafford

    & Rasebeck

    & Williams

2. Write [[?]] abt McSharry's  diary

     & Pope's Diary

3. Circular abt photos


Capt F. Anderson

48 Bn now in S.A.

has some fine photos [[?]]

to [[?]]

NO. 3.
























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