Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/80/1 - May - June 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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59 way across romanalar pech. aquarter of an hour & Duly & or 5 German Strapnel buists on them. oa getting back our arty heard (or that had had a very rough time. last night one battery of 5 guns being buries, Sel. Monash says, by one shell suglady them I can hard t cred it this Ithink it frund be a mistake. He is sending yous tonight into armentieres to nentralise it it that the t Bns of the 11th Bde had carried out a rai at the
61 same time – instructions were only fevm at 12& t gaid started at 2. The torries promised by Ean Anzac Corps to bring the men down were b hour late; the rais had togo over without the barrage, I come back long after it had finished; the lpt In got some ferman prisoners from the shellboles which now are all th sxest of the german post live. Rave are 6th Bov. Diva (3) & show tt 1 german has squirzed apabit & is thickinn his front. (why is our offincive hanging fire letting been do this. It all weas they are holdin depth
61 their line for mile back In the weartiig our various Army, Corps, & Divl. Staps are issumg perfect floods of orders- some dions. have csoued us as 30! our raiders were caught by strapnel on their return in Nomanshe & some (some say the wodh had to get down into shell holes. They will be pot in tonight. Apparently streapud & not M.9. cansed te ecamalties,
M m
aa Captain Bearr Prers Corresponduit, Australian Corps H.G. B.L.F. when we left compeegue on Friday morning I told yu that on the same day after dinver we should again look at the names of the wealities we went trough. However, we foy st all about it no 1 tunk it may be useful to you to have the eut and I rend it here with- Capptans sdubgt Thursday, May 24 th Phonry-an Bac, Baitty (disirayed vittage Fruich o German Freches, us mans hand about 45 yds) Frit a Ourscamps, Noyou (a cathedral), Puzoy (Boche pictures at the Mairie), Loyou, Guiscard, Puguy, Havy in Martel, Turry, Bois I Abboge (observatory of Prince Kitil Friederick, view of St Quentin Cathedral and L Pattedral), Faillouil, chauny (distroyed Town, Palair de Justice, Notel de Ville, Theatre, St Gobauis factories) sence Foleenbray, Lusry-be. Chatian (view over te Valuy of the aititte, back to Compiefue by Guny, Blirencourt, Cuts, Carlepout, Tracy-le-Val (German Freches, Ferman convicte dug-outs with sketches of hay land. Russia, France o the Ferman warrior) Forit di haigue Fiday, May 25. Commpisue, wrist of Compiegue, La Vache noire (in front of vit our Anne] Sansons (cathedral Bellen, Soinous (distillery & plass- factory). Musy-sur- Aisne, Coude our disne (visit to the forts of Condi (view over the Cheni dis Dames
19 fort di be malmanon, be Pauthion) Vailly, Ehavoune (beneatie the position of lis Frinows ha Booitle, above Soupir). Back to Sociious, Bellen, Berry, Lougpout. Vetters cotterch, Crepy en Valoes, Penles

8  59
way across Nomansland
- [[?]]. A quarter of
an hour & only 4 or 5
German Shrapnel bursts
on them.
On getting back 
heard (1) that our arty
had had a very
rough time last night
- one battery of 6 guns
being buried, Genl. Monash
says, by one 9 in
shell enfilading
them [I can hardly
credit this.] I think it must
be a mistake.] He is 
sending ^big guns tonight into
Armentieres to neutralise
92) That the 4 Bns
of the 11th Bde had
carried out a raid at the


same time - instructions were
only given at 12 & the
raid started at 2. The
lorries promised by 2nd
Anzac Corps to bring the
men down were ½ kour
late; the raids had to go
over without the barrage, &
come back long after it
had finished; the 44th
Bn got some Germans
prisoners from the shellholes
which now are all tt
exist of the German front line.
These are 6th Bav. Divn (?) &
show tt / German has squeezed
up a bit & is thickening
his front. [Why is our
offensive hanging fire & letting
them do this. It all means
depth - they are holding


their line for miles back.
In the meantime our
various Army, Corps, &
Divl. staffs are issuing
perfect floods of orders -
Some divns. have issued as
many as 30!]

Our raiders were
caught by shrapnel on
their return in Nomansland
& some (some say the wd.)
had to get down into shell
holes. They will be got in
tonight. Apparently shrapnel
& not m.g. caused the
4 casualties.





Captain Bean
press Correspondent, Australian Corps H.Q.

When we left Courpiégue on Friday morning I told you that
on the same day after dinner we should again look
at the names of the localities we went through.
However, we forgot all about it so I think it may be
useful to you to have the list and I send it herewith -
Captain Jaubert
Thursday, May 24th Choury-au-bac, Bailly (destroyed village
French & German trenches, no Man's Land
about 45 yds) Forit d'Ourscamps, Nayou
(a cathedral), Suzoy (Boche picture at the
Mairie, Juny, Bois l'Abbayee (observatory
of Prince Eitil frederick, view of St Quentin
Cathedral and decu dacu Cathedral), Faillouïl,
Chauny (destroyed town, Palais de Justice,
Hotel de Ville, Theatre, St Gobauis' factories)
Folembray, Cussy Soucy-le-Chateau (view over the
Valley of the Aillette, back to Courpiégue
by Guisy, Blereucourt, Cuts, German
concrete dug-outs with sketches of Englan, Russia,
France & the German warrior) Forêt de
Friday, May 25th Courpiégue, Forst of Courpiégue, La Vache Noire
(in front of Vit sur Aisne / Saisons (cathedral),
Belleu, Soissons (distillery & glass factory),
Nuisy-sur-Aisne, Coudé sur Aisne (visit to the
Forts of Coudé (view over the Chemin des Dames



Fort de la Malemanon, le Pantheon / Vailly,
Chavouuos (beneath the position of les Grisious
& La Bovette, above Saupir). Back to 
Soissons, Belleu, Berzy, Couppont, Vettess
Potlerih, Crépy en Valois, Seulis.


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