Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/80/1 - May - June 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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Colouis in mag 911 Bar. Red. 33rd. D. Blue 3515 L. Blu 34th Reppove 36th 10. Bde. green 39. D Brown 40 t Brown 38 ancoloure 37. Reserve Ede. 11Bde. supportung right 42 suppty left. 43 unallotter &4. Resting after defensive holon 41 Tave S. Doubt, by toopart Heaviis bin 5840. 8- 2 groups of 1500 of Magl 8.2 1880 art as dispos of3De. our 3rdDivl a Gotz fire att 7000. Tis docsn't vid. Reserve Corpsciege groups, avry groups, or ordinary owarty 49
00 nor any aballery gromps! Ourballeries are unbelies Austiation thick. Herst of the Heavies bas 6 Batterns under him. fune Brd (Sunday) Went up with Pame tosee the Army "Shoot at 3.15 It was a practice shoot with 75 percent of abthe guns, following the actual programis for 15 minutes; & I believe they hoped to draw t fermans into replying + showing where their batteries were. the barrage lines. Bt 3.15 the fer as suddrte marked from beyond our right, away to round the bend of the ridge by Wyscharte brittay with a line o where. smoke shells. The
51 New realanders lit. smoke candtes as well of Sulpharous green. up the centre of the stope of the messues Ridgiour smoke shells burst and this kept up for Dminites or 50 - the heavies bursting fartun back until a thick creamy mitkey wist trailed through the runced fingees of the tries & the wreck of messires obliterate most of the scene. Hus heavies pounded enoomons choiolati car clouds out of the at same time - & with the white shrapnel barrage in front, slowly worked ap hill- Bat I German ws
52 not to be drawn. do not think he disclosed a sugle extra gun. He put his dd 5.944.2 barrage down on The only way, & the o common. & on the port line especially where the comm make a tel-headinto it. Only one ferman, so far as I noticed, in the Douve Farm, put up two in white flares probabl a scare I brought down I think a little high shrapnell just betuen front tine. In a quarter of an four our bombt suddenly truthier eased de the 120
53 fire oncertain points went on Erey Farm for exampte. The shells were all just behind the low wall stump of grey Farm. I suppose the bombt may be taken to have begun; but I dont think programine as yet fixe Everythay is very leable to change it seems to me. For example, the hour for the last objective has bee changed from 3er0 + 50 much & is now to be called "Te New Zers" The stunt, as every one calls it - the only nowe here - ws to have been derried out
60 by 3 Dwns in Each Corps & each returning Den an Reserve; by 2 Bdes in each Din cash returneng I Bde in reserve; by 3 Bro in Each Bde, each retune L Ba in reserve. But the 9th Coys which has to take Wytochacti ws ancertain of carry outits job with only. Dins & obtains leave to use its 4t Dwn, & so the W. Zealanders did the - or rather ann angac. Our 4th Divin to now to move up & the 131h & 121h Bdes will take the green tine withat) opposite the 54
relite 55 W. Zealanders The ferman preioners (who were taken last night from pont line by the 25 t Dion) say to the are expection an attack any day now between yous & armeiting the trins & t t expect to take their frond live fro their reserve Aue June May Monday) last night the german gun with a bell voice was splashy its shell at interals ab round the country It was one night short of full moonI so our acroplanc were sut flyen in all directions. Every quarter of an hour rs
& 56 I dhear one droning along down the live of the armenticies Rd, wh no doubt is went man suide in night flying The fermans may have thought that last night was our approach night - in any case they strafed the approaiin to the live heavily with as & other shell This morning I went apwith Bazlen to reconnorty the Subsediary Kine, near gas y. The. swell of gas shell bung very heavily on the fat P.W of Hill 63 t the ogus of strafwere thick the road. we weat up too Jas y over the hel & into the Subardeary line. This has hardly been touched so far by 1 ferman yas alto he has now concenstate a
57 lot of arty of his 6 army near Qverroy & this is may get it too. But fas 2 is inprocers of demolition. After all got thro it he put down such a Shellery of it with a ballery of 5.95 that we could not get back to way & had to come over I hill near the thatched Cottage. He I went back to Ross to tell him of the nasselt of reconnaissance a combt starten we wakes up the Hill behind Weshof farm to see it. Tur gens were Smoke pattergo shells, as they had done 1 day before, into a section of ferman hout line near Wytschaale & beyond it round I carve to South. The ferman
atee 58 refused to have his be pullet yesterday & we were just saying to we ought to rull it properly by really sending men over to-day, ahen Ross Id. By gave - there are men - on Sylum. And there they were, wytschaeter - a crowd Son 40 D IlII E Ex E we watebed them wander about, divide, take ap their interval, one pail come back, & presently the other also, & make its

Colours on map:- 9th Bde.
Red.  33rd.
D. Blue  35th
L. Blue 34th
Reserve   36th.

10 Bde.

Green 39.
D Brown 40
L Brown 38
Uncoloured 37.
Reserve Bde.
11 Bde.
Supporting right
Supply left.
Unallotted 44.
Resting after defensive holding 41

June 3. Bombt. by Corps Arty
Heavies  6 in  5840.}
                  8  -    1500}  2 groups of
                 9.2.    1860}   o/ siege
                                        arty at  disposal
                                        of 3 Div.
Our 3rd Divl arty
Ysty fired abt 7000.
This doesnt incl. Reserve Corps siege
Groups, Army Groups, or ordinary div. arty. 


nor any c.battery groups.
Our batteries are unbelievably
thick. Hirst of the Anzac Australian
Heavies has 6 Batteries
under him.
June 3rd (Sunday) Went
up with Paine to see
the Army "Shoot" at 3.15 pm.
It was a practice shoot
with 75 per cent of all the
guns, and I believe they
following the actual programme
for 15 minutes; & I believe
they hoped to draw / Germans
into replying & showing where
their batteries were, &
the barrage lines. At 3.15
out the German line ws suddenly
marked from beyond our
right, away to round the
bend of the ridge by Wytschaete
with a line of ^brilliant white
smoke shells. The 


New Zealanders lit
smoke candles as well
of sulphurous green.
Up the centre of the slope
of the Massines Ridge our
smoke shells burst
- and this kept up for
3 minutes or so - the
heavies bursting further
back until a thick
creamy milky mist
trailed through the
ruined fingers of the
trees & the wreck of
Messines obliterating
most of the scene. Our
heavies pounded enormous
clouds out of the ground chocolate earth
at / same time - &, with
the white shrapnel barrage
in front, slowly worked
up / hill.
But / German ws 


not to be drawn. I
do not think he disclosed
a single extra gun. He
put his old 5.9 & 4.2
barrage down on The Only 
Way, & the other Commn.
trenches, & on the front line
especially where the commn.
trenches make a tee-head into
it. Only one German, so
far as I noticed, in the
Douve Farm, put up two
white flares probably in
a scare & brought down
I think a little high
shrapnell just behind
our front line.
In a quarter of an
hour our bombt suddenly
eased, tho' the destructive 


fire on certain 
points went on -
Grey Farm for example.
The shells were all just
behind the low wall stump
of Grey Farm.
I suppose the bombt
may be taken to have
begun; but I dont think
/ programme is yet fixed.
Everything is very liable
to change it seems to me.
For example, the hour for
the last objective has bn
changed from Zero + so
much & is now to be
called "The New Zero".
"The stunt", as
everyone calls it - the
only name here - ixs
to have been carried out 


by 3 Divns in each
Corps - each retaining
/ Divn in Reserve; the
by 2 Bdes in each Divn,
each retaining 1 Bde in
reserve; by 3 Bns in
each Bde, each retaining
1 Bn in reserve. But
the 9th Corps which has
to take Wytschaete ws
uncertain of carrying 
out its job with only 3
Divns & obtained leave to
use its 4th Divn; & so the
N. Zealanders did the
same _ or rather 2nd
Anzac. Our 4th Divn
is now to move up
& the 13th & 12th Bdes
will take the green line
(furthest) opposite the 


? retake

N. Zealanders.
The German prisoners
(who were taken last night
from / front line by the
25th Divn) say tt they
are expecting an
attack any day now
between Ypres & Armentieres;
& tt they ^the Germans expect to take
their front line from
their reserve line.
May June 4th (Monday) Last
night a German gun with
a bell bs voice was splashing
its shell at intervals all
round the Country.
It was one night short of
full moon & so our aeroplanes
were out flying in all 
directions. Every
quarter of an hour or so 


I cd hear one droning
along down the line of
the Armentieres Rd, wh
no doubt is their main
guide in night flying.
The Germans did a
lot of may have thought
that last night was our
approach night - in any
case they strafed the approaches
to the line heavily with
gas & other shell.
This morning I went
up with Bazley to reconnoitre
the Subsidiary Line, near
gas trench.  The smell of gas
shell hung very heavily
on the flat S.W of Hill 63
- & the signs of straf were
thick up on beside the road.
We went up thro' gas
trench over the hill & into
the Subsidiary Line.  This
has hardly been touched so
far by / German guns altho'
he has now concentrated a


lot of arty of his 6th
Army near Quesnoy
& this trench may get it too.
But gas trench is in process
of demolition.  Wh After we
got thro it he put down
such a shelling of it with
a battery of 5.9s that we
could not get back tt
way & had to come
over / hill near the Thatcher
The I went back
to Ross to tell him of the
result of reconnaissance,
& ^a bombt starting. We walked up the Hill
behind Westhof Farm
to see it.  Our guns were
putting gas smoke shells, as they
had done / day before,
into a section o / German
front line near Wytschaete
& beyond it round / curve
to / South. The German


refused to have his leg
pulled yesterday, & we
were just saying tt we
ought to pull it properly
by really sending men
over to-day, when Ross
sd. "By Jove - there are
men - on / skyline." and
there they were, by
Wytschaete - a crowd of
30 or 40
Sketch - see original
We watched them wander
about, divide, take up
their interval, one party
come back, & presently
the other also, & made its




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Rosemary HudsonRosemary Hudson
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