Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/80/1 - May - June 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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24 853 Bruce, who came for D. Apica, is a Scotsman representing Renter aman with a fine crain - very geneal & a typical Sett; be sd the trip had one defict there was too mach coformation & too few drinks Capt Jaubert div us very well anyway a typical dd French & cavalry officer aristocrar very keen on telling as how his hounds attack! the for or the deer & must
26 pe pler C French erman. French ls Dan Oncefound t stick to one foxono other or it shows to they lack breed & the nose to distinguish. At the Fort of Conde we saw the lines where hi recent battle of Ap. 16,170 18 occurred - The ferwans were frced to return from Conde onto their Hindenby line of s wt they still hold a good deal - Rumpley - while the French have part of it both to to left of them right
6 28 I must not forget that in our fighting last week (I think it was May 15, when Gernan attacked) they put 5000 as shells anto Aorcuil & Norcuil valley & caught abt To men. Iove of hese were ANC men who were attending to ad. They cd not see in their masks, so took them offo sumpt hold the tobe in te month & tried to avoid breating thro! the nose - a visky the to do.
29 May 2615 Went to Menson dela Prease wit where masspits wa goin to see a collection pectures of Ke Lomie willages before rain- They had not been able however, collecte & ar only now advirtin for them The Station offension has made come read progress. The State deceived 1gove Austrians by attactng first further North & on may 24 Bubin
30 rcal push their took 9000 prisoners Fighting still going on There is come dea t Finh l may strike again farther East? Back to Qverrien where we are now for first time in vest Bazly showed our frrst review of me book of Letters from Fran 27 May, weak to the story of 16A the bt men who escape from the german 22 May went out bla 51 Bde Hors at Rubempre. They were
camp having a conition between their repmentat transport & cookens. The peveral was going over so I cen't with him - be provided the horse. It was my first side for nearly two years + found myself as bad a oider as soer, & very shy about it. weat on to tunch with Murphy of 18th Bn & he save ae 18Ba& story in the fight of May 3. I had noided before thews A Bakwrat man From there to Col. Pye 19 Bn who gave me denner He - like most of them - known very little of what happened. Se Smit told
32 me that on for an officer in a samn Browne belt wegealy spoken of as having given (word to retire - tae four officers Dear Sam Brownes in action. But neither Murphy nor Pye mentioned Evidentey it - so they dont attact any importan to this yarn 29 May. t X 2nd Ens the $6th 3od In the evening Ross and from Pares Roas ove 30 May. Took to the ground where the N: troops fought on the Somme near Hers. He walked me over it - they got how in pout of the Swetch?
so tr i frout of Switch boure N.E. Jumpg off2 X to te other side of Hers in one day. The Termans had a little Y in front of the Switch live which they took in their stride that & the Switch were taken by the 2nd Bde5 the Rifle Bde took the second objective siing in a bit to their left along the Bazentin - Flers Road (wve cdsee I little by they day there I fancy); them the 1st Bde went on thos the let of Hers, wellahee of any tanks (they had to
cind 34 take the left halfof breom Hers apto te road to the edge of vellay & through to te countre beyond where they had to spread out boto the flanks for the troops on either side who had not comeup Hyt wood Ross say, was not taken on this day or if taken was lost again so that there must have been fermanc almost in the back of the N. Zealanders who seveng round ofaced more wiods cancour Kabboy Ht as o interestion fiels is But the Sommne
35 desolate place now 5 with pass and ad self sown whech & mustan covering it - but every n dwelling empty. not a man on the dugonts or ruity buts. Here there you find some old salvax onit in some half forgotten camp where one of our working bryadiers lived through te wenter. In the Dabbit warren of dugonts & tunnels S of Hers where the Wrnter trainway head used to be & where the long tunnel of the 6th Pconers rns down to Bulls Road, there is some

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