Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/8/1 - May - June 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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Hamilton (adso a Duntroover) sam up & from 3 saw 15 jumping into treach. Besan firing in revoloe) co his revolver (2 cmply case & ws shot by I om to of parapet fering down (at 37. Maj. Rankin heard a cry of officer banted & detailed crabbe gonts tnal see what ws ap (Bogle bad put his head round con or cip i (ear) (a Tacka shouled to crabbe. Look Pa the 0 I asked cod he Klot Merch in i get men I went 202 backt u. He sd yes. I. I found them at Bd. Howard ws. in pont Polieas next, Dearango pron Darroosh) All 3 Bendigo men Isd. will you 4. ts a tough sob, will youback Tackd up. Pstimess. tto sik My Colunteere. fincd taymnet Then Tacka ws still in place. I pashed them in, did not leave his place bec. moment pat his head round the wall they fired & got him in 3 places. not k. We drayed him outly fut T had be holding them for a long tim He jumped bock from 2, to 4 Hemade his way round y we i trew 2bombs & fired son shots at the wall to make them then we were coming th way. Tackn You cp & there down from the firestep firing up rench. He got 5 & bayoneted 2 two maord to wer waiting to crawt in or wery somehowon th parapet These were shot be tolwess trolled out of reach Det of the7 2 men of ours ben Then 7 tuks - 2 still alive on top, were drayed out Tust barely Claybilt
Ieke 6 Re Albert Jactia D Coy 144. Battalin A.1.F. On the mornins o 19th may an duack was made against Kauetneys Post which the 14th. Battn had gouoned from the 28th April. and C Companies were in Resenne and as the Attack developed were moved up to support. at 3.35 am. there was a cry of Officer wanted on the left. I Major Kankine D.S.D in Charge of the Pat sent me into the Trenches worked my way up Communication rench and
2. in is doing caw Mr Mmilton in a sitting posision, his back resting on wall of communicutioniwch. Dead St Afterwards turned out that Lieut Hamilton actually saw the Lurks jump into this portion of the Trach, & pred twice at them with his one wrk Revolver however, seing the pportunis hot Lt Hmilton at about s0 yards distance through the head. on advancing frther us, I heard a cry Lookout & saw L/Spt. Jacka. crouching behind Travere in Firing ine tocced. he was 5. the only one left in the French (the remainder having been rendered amalties by the bombs which the enems hrow before runking this voition of the French) & that he had been holding the surro buck from advancing further wss our. French for a quanter of an hour. be also wl said has L Boyle had been hit fens near where. I wes then sanding asked Sasa would be charge the Trench if got a Party, & on his answering yes 900
x Ma 3 vstunters from A Coy as follows LApl. W. Howard S.Dc Arango Fe JE Poliness and stuange to say twiso miy are 3 Bendigo too got them all to fix Bayonets & charge, but same was rendered gutile on account of fact that immediately we inshed te Tnks spaied Fire & wounded L Ept. Doward who was benind. Jacka thereby blocking up trench we got for remainder. Howard out & Jacoa also gos from his riskis
5 place (Incidentally we afterwards counded 12roles in the Wall of the french where they fired at in. I then toth Jacora we would engage them at thi end, as if we were going to Charge again We threw 2 Bombs over fired into wall of French. Under cover of this lawa who had made hs way to other enguance of Trench by support Trench, rusted in t shot 5 & Bayoneted 2 of the enemy the Poliness was the friss to enter at this
6 end & he os 2 wre were crawting over parapet but unfortumately they managed to woll just out t reach. the Triench was in a terribli dae (literally feiled up with Dead) a the 97 Turks were lying on top of our Boys who had been killed by the Tombs the turks threw before ing rushing and there was Jacka with an unligheed Eigaretter in his month who amply saidwell managed to get the is Sir. His face though was flusbed by the tremenious excisement he had undergone during the previon hom a t an te d Wanaceerabbe S 14 BStA
Dear Dr. Smith Having a Few meneites to spai, & with the aid of one De Arango, have endeavoured to do more Justice to Jacka than as verbally Given Yesterdan L Wanactralbe 30 2/13
It ws a point where they ad come particular rifles along it – slabs 2 foot long into Idarkness, this time; they were not spooting at as, but towards the BrBn, So it we not 1 propoint plash of Krithia. You saw an occasional flash from onr trench on the left also it made 1 skyling.Between them & maning behiend them in I distance we (dark shape o1 big hill up wh we have be fightey, 971. The mests of right were just risey pading its creat all except 1 summil. In part of Turkish trenches there ws a bight fire light & then a streamer of dence bly smake. Some it ws a smore behiev wh they retire from to truck. others kaght it as a flare wh had on put out. Down 1 lent of truh a light (wt moveng - like 1 light of a lantere. Curious shownny a light to us. I dont know ohat I tyll was. The sake disappeare; 1 light pew heads began to cons doon below purapet, and as here had be no attack &or nopo prospect of one I left 1 truc at abt I as here we then as chance of an attack totrapsel wopresell be due in Ke gattey. Our juns began to fir at 4430. I believe they did hear 1 tarks shouting last nyht while I was adeex but noting came of it. Back from trenchy at 5.30. Mhurs May 20. German Aeroprane came over about 100c. none f ours were abt to answer her - She dsopped a bomb anned at the Enryalis off Saba Tepe but missed to c
100 yds. Our ballon ship came in very close to te beach today but was shelled out at about 120C. by the Gattery in the Olino pove near Gaba Tepe. The N.G. Infantry briygads came back today. We were very glad to bee it we are all austiation & N.3. here now & it io wonderful what thes means to the mea - they have f atmost confidence now in people on either sile of them. They sever really felt that confidence whilst te Naval Bryade To called marines were here - nor at prithia Up to 1. 30 today we only had one or two by wuzzies - the men call them Jack Johnsons but those have seen at Pin. and I believe 9.2 About 7 prisoners came in yesterday. several more - pirh. a dozen odd- have come in today. They got that poor officer chap who was lyin by his wallet. He was dead by them. He had an excellent contouned may of the part we are figbling over, on him. The turks today came outunder a white tag + began buryin their dead - It was in the afternoon. Gen. Walker (a been man - but not such a good administiator as fee Bridges – wh means that Col white is kept in his office all day iat. of getting clo (trenches) ws apin threnches w Casey ho is his AD.C. when they noliced a white flay being waved from 1 Turkint times. Gen. W. & Casey were looking tho their periscopes when it appeared. Presenty a redcrescent fly appcard ten & a red oiers plas on our own parapet with Capt. Thompson (40 Bn) standey by it on 1 parspet.
38 Sen. Walker sent caney alongI truck at once to tell our people to they must tell 1 tarks tt if ambulance came out it mast keep to its own half of ground whilst we attended to our half? & to it must pick up wounded only & not touch I dead. Caney went along & when he got to I trench he found dred cressent man atready there He had be night on I parspet of truck if not into it in our people had already got in one wounded tark. The Red Crescent man we gain back to his lines - Casey told them he mast be stopped - he had be into our trenches &cdn't be alld. to go back. They sd -an, be was only a Red cresent chap - didnt matter. Casey to to them that they mustat think of letting him 50- so they called him in & sent him back to the beach Several doctors had by this time left the Turkish truches & were moving about tooking at the dead - men in decent aneforns. There were w few wounded poorchaps they had mostly died. The general had given a message written by an interpreted to the Turkish Red crescent people that they necest staty in their own half in the stume because things looked as of as he told Casey. But waen becaus thy night getcrregular, or it was becoming late be decided to poout himself & neet them. He left casy behand with orders to keep him covered in case of treachery & wait out over the parapit to meepthen. There were S Turkinn doctors &a lieuteant (Turk) who sad come out. They stoad chattery, our general handing them, cigarettes.

Hamilton (also a Duntrooner) ran up & from
3 saw T.s jumping into trench. Began firing
w his revolver (2 empty cases in revolver)
& ws shot by T on top of parapet firing
down (at 3).

Maj. Rankine heard a cry of
"officer wanted" & detailed Crabbe
to go into trench & see what ws up.
(Boyle had put his head round corner
& got clip in / ear) (4)

Jacka shouted to Crabbe. "Look
out. Ts in there" - I asked wd he
charge that trench if I could get men in to
back him up. He sd yes. I want 2 or 3.
I found them at (5). Howard ws
in front Poliness next, De Araugo
(pron Darroosh) all 3 Bendigo men.
I sd. will you charge. Its a tough job, will
you back Jacka up.  Poliness sd
"It’s sink or swim" - They volunteered.
They fixed bayonets. Jacka ws still in his
place - I pushed them in. J did not leave
his place bec. moment Howard put his head round
the wall they fired & got him in 3 places -
not k. We dragged him out by feet.
J. had bn holding them for a long time -
He jumped back from 2. to 4.
He made his way round y-y.
We fired threw 2 bombs & fired sev.
shots at the wall to make them think
we were coming tt way. Jacka
ran up x------------x & there down from
the fire step firing up / trench. He
got 5 & bayoneted 2.

Two more Ts were waiting to
crawl in or were somehow on the
parapet. These were shot by Poliness.
& rolled out of reach.

Out of the 7 2 men of ours [[bexxxx?]].
Then 7 Turks - 2 still alive on top, were
dragged out.

Just barely daylight.

[*It ws a point where they cd come particularly close.*]


Book 8 - f p 36.
Re Pte L/Cpl Albert Jacka "D" Coy
14th Battalion A.I.F.

On the morning of 19th May
an attack was made - against
Courtneys Post which the 14th
Battn had garrisoned from the
28th April.

"D” and "C" Companies were in
Reserve and as the Attack
developed were moved up to

At 3.35 a.m. there was a cry of
"Officer wanted on the left" &
Major Rankine D.S.O. in Charge
of the Post sent me into the

I worked my way up
Communication Trench, and


in so doing saw Mr Hamilton
in a sitting position, his
back resting on Wall of
Communication Trench. Dead.

It afterwards turned out
that Lieut. Hamilton actually
saw the Turks jump into this
portion of the Trench, & fired
twice at them with his
revolver. One Turk
however, seizing the opportunity
shot Lt. Hamilton at about
20 yards distance through
the head.

On advancing further
up, I heard a cry "Lookout!"
 & saw L/Cpl Jacka crouching
behind. Traverse in Firing
Line. He said, he was
the only one left in the
Trench (the remainder having
been rendered Casualties by
the bombs which the enemy
threw before rushing this
portion of the Trench) & that
he had been holding the
Turks back from advancing
further into our Trench
for a quarter of an hour.
He also cooly said that
Lt. Boyle had been hit
just near where I was
then standing.
I asked Jacka
would he lead a Bayonet
charge the Trench if I
got a Party, & on his
answering "Yes", I got



xxx 3 Volunteers from
"A" Coy as follows.
L/Cpl.  W. Howard
  ""        S. De Araugo
Pte       J. E. Poliness

and strange to say these
are 3 Bendigo boys men too.
I got them all to fix
Bayonets & charge, but
same was rendered futile
on account of fact that
immediately we rushed the
Turks opened fire &
wounded L/Cpl Howard
who was behind Jacka,
thereby blocking up Trench
for remainder. We got
Howard out & Jacka
also got from his risky



place (Incidentally we
afterwards counted 12 holes
in the Wall of the
Trench where they fired at

I then told Jacka we
would engage them at
this end, as if we were
going to charge again.
We threw 2 Bombs over &
fired into Wall of Trench. -
Under cover of this Jacka
who had made his way
to other entrance of Trench,
by support Trench, rushed in
& shot 5 & Bayoneted 2
of the enemy.
Pte Poliness was the
first to enter at this



end & he shot 2 who
were crawling over parapet,
but unfortunately they
managed to roll just out
of reach.
The Trench was in
a terrible state (literally
filled up with Dead) &
the 7 Turks were lying
on top of our Boys who
had been killed by
the Bombs the Turks threw
before advancing rushing.
And there was Jacka
o with an unlighted
Cigarette in his mouth
who simply said "Well
I managed to get the
b______rs Sir". His
face though was flushed
by the tremendous
excitement he had
undergone during the
previous hour.

We then dragged
the Turks out

K.Wallace Crabbe Lt.

14th Battn.  A.I.F.


Dear Br. Smith.

Having a
few minutes to spare,
& with the aid of
one De Araugo, have
endeavoured to do
more justice to Jacka,
than as verbally
given yesterday.

K.Wallace Crabbe Lt.



[*It ws a point where They cd come particularly cl*]
Your back Jacka.
Its sink or swim”.They xx volunteered
They fixed bayonets. Jacka ws still in his
place - I pushed them in . J did not leave
his place bec. moment Howard put his head round
the wall they fired & got him in 3 places -
not k. We dragged him out by feet.
J. had bn holding them for a long time -
He jumped back from 2. to 4.
He made his way around y-y.
We fired threw 2 bombs & fired sev,
shots at the wall to make them think
we were coming tt way. Jacka
ran up x———x & thence down from
the fire step firing up / Trench. He
got 5 & bayoneted 2.
Two more Ts were waiting to
crawl in or were somehow on the
parapet. These were shot by Poliness.
& rolled out of reach.
Out of th T 2 men of ours [[bexxxx?]]
Then 7 Turks - 2 still alive on top were

dropped out

Just barely daylight.

rifles along it - stabs 2 foot long into / darkness, this
time; they were not shooting at us, but towards the 1st Bn,
so it ws not / pinpoint flash of Krithia. You saw an
occasional flash from our trench on the left also -
it made / skyline - Between them & running behind them
in / distance ws / dark shape o / big hill up wh we
have bn fighting, 971. The mists of night were just
rising hiding its sun crest all except / summit.
In front of / Turkish trenches there ws a bright fire light
& then a streamer of dense blue smoke. Some sd it ws
a smoke behind wh they cd and retire from tt trench;
others thought it ws a flare wh had bn put out.
Down / length o / trench a light ws moving - like
/ light of a lantern. Curious showing a light to us.
I dont know what / light was.
The smoke disappeared; / light grew; heads
began to come down below / parapet. And as there
had bn no attack & ws no pro prospect of one
I left / trench at abt 5 as there ws then no chance
of an attack
& shrapnel
wd presently
be due in the
gully. Our guns
began to fire at 4.30.

Hand drawn diagram - see original document
I believe they did hear / Turks shouting last
night whilst I was asleep - but nothing came of it.
Thurs May 20. ^Back from trenches at 5.30. German aeroplane came
over about 10 o'c. None of ours were abt
to answer her - She dropped a bomb aimed
at the Euryalus off Gaba Tepe but missed by



100 yds. Our balloon ship came in very close
to the beach today but was shelled out at about
12 o'c by the Battery in the Olive Grove near Gaba

The N.Z. Infantry Brigade came back today. We
were very glad to see it - we are all Australian &
N.Z. here now & it is wonderful what this means to
the men - they have / utmost confidence now in /
people on either side of them. They never really felt
that confidence whilst the Naval Brigade xx xxxxx
so called marines were here - nor at Krithia. xxxx 
x Up to 12.30 today we only had one or two
big wuzzies - the men call them Jack Johnsons
but those I have seen at 8in. and I believe 9.2.
About 7 prisoners came in yesterday.
Several more - perh. a dozen odd - have come
in today.  They got that poor officer chap who was
lying by his wallet. He was dead by then. He had
an excellent contoured map of the part we are fighting
over, on him.
The Turks today came out under a white
flag & began burying their dead - It was in the
afternoon. Gen.Walker (a keen man - but not such a
good administrator as Gen. Bridges - wh means that
Col. White is kept in his office all day) inst. of getting into
/ trenches) ws up in / trenches w Casey (who is his A.D.C.
when they noticed a white flag being waved from / Turkish
lines. Gen.W. & Casey were looking thro' their periscopes
when it appeared. Presently a red crescent flag appeared
there & a red cross flag on our own parapet with
Capt. Thompson (1st Bn) standing by it on / parapet.



Gen. Walker sent Casey along / trench at once
to tell our people tt they must tell / Turks tt if /
ambulance came out it must keep to its own
half o / ground whilst we attended to our half; &
tt it must pick up wounded only & not touch / dead.
Casey went along & when he got to / trench he found
a red crescent man already there. He had bn right on
/ parapet o / trench if not into it - our people
had already got in one wounded Turk. The Red
Crescent man ws going back to his lines - Casey
told them he must be stopped - he had bn into our
trenches & cdn't be alld to go back. They sd - oh, he
was only a Red Crescent chap - didn't matter.
Casey told them that they mustnt think of letting him
go - so they called him in & sent him back to the

Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Several doctors had by this time left the
Turkish trenches & were moving about looking at
the dead - men in decent uniforms. There were
v. few wounded  - poor chaps they had mostly died.
The General had given a message written by an
interpreter to the Turkish Red Crescent people
that they must stay in their own half - the same
as he told Casey. But when because things looked as if
they might get irregular, or when because it was becoming
late he decided to go out himself & meet them.
He left Casey behind with orders to keep him covered
in case of treachery & went out over the parapet
to meet them. There were 3 Turkish doctors & a
lieutenant (Turk) who had come out. They stood
chatting, our General handing them cigarettes.



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