Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/8/1 - May - June 1915 - Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
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had Oporman took I telescope. The figurs moved against heaword it as a cow. I ws too thick for a Man. Presently he becaue much more interested it ws two meen. And so there were. This time they thad tong re coats + blue pantaloons. They were pe doing everything but tooking at cows pointing to 50 [trus, &to thets where we were, & to 1 sea. te told 1 WZ. Headquarters on I way back. port St hey hat seen tem. We are foing to more a pen to tet onto them tomorrow they sd. They are not working poety hard end to justify their existence 20 Te tarks awaary jumpy to night. Whenever pos o one of our big Tepanese morters soes off, then po D fire heavity. When Dick & I were up in the ofly to. 16t Bn trenches the T.I were firing all night W 6007 men masthane by blagu at the 15t Bn 0 Mr Coopholes. They didn’t bet a sigly man there allnight, 51 Our gaspipt Wopholes are rather a success. 10 Sometimes 1 Tarks wave a spade to signify hits or misses, as we do at the butts. You can sometimes see when ty areat their tropholed because thy don't blind them. A June S. Thursday. Have worked all thro the last 3 or 4 nights & worked last night until 20C. or a little, Cati. Walker (Hdphys batman) brought we some splender candles pom the Navy - he's a curious chap - wanders round from battlleship to destroyer submanns trawler supply ship & always finds his
feet (when sent out to get stiff for the mess). Hustin has let me have temporarily some unwanted blankets for the walls - and I have a pod big case for the table - besinid boxes to sit on & 2 brscuit boc & I amuuiate boses for capboard - so if ao Meabu makes home life a pleasure. The Dovig same over today escorted by or talboth 3 destroyers, like so many outriders, (or liks the Iedse 3o4 policemen that used to escort the old judge & myself s on circuit) & blaged about 50 Gunch Shell right of aday into Anafarta - the neares one - where the te t Turks have got a supply station. They have cut a . 4 the p sleys road thro' the main ridge opposite us ae almost due East of the 6th Bro. thro wh come males & even men on Lorses - Evidently thei main commanicate. The guns blage at ns it occasionaty. 1 1 tonight whils Iwo will Blaney a signal came in th dlags had be heard baying in port of our lines. They areclearle using these for pratsols - as Blawey sd - one of those place tricks , cop never work as way Blanney is working a ruce tonight - a Ideep deception - to losing a notibook sd belonging to a regimatal adjatent, with a faled map in it & some letters about harmlers subjects. Mas. Bruce of mountain battery 33 fws killed yesterday - a great fellow, I behieve S ate had for a father, to sams of our new - a fins .F.D.J.F Pindly man. He ware a beard. He a walking 63 Slp a communicate trench - had made way for & one o a bulled took him from behind the generalK a510 trouse te neck + head
153. One of the 30 tunnels that we are making came out on the surface where it want meant to today- I I believe had to be abandoned - It we betwen Courting & the Bt Bm. On of our drives is already 60 feet in It is curious seeg them working. The one breliauth lighte place in the trench is the inside o1 thnnel. They thought they to hear Tarks working in the 1st Bo times tother night - but I think it ws our own tuanel they heard They arranged to work & stop o work again & so on for someminates so as to lest it. I dis not hear recult. At opsi some frence peng by tacks. Some Howetzen Ammanitee has on arriveng 2000 rouws, I believe; also some sandlidgs. Oar men are making a colid woodin pier three men were dmottered in a dejont today ? it fett in. the tarks have on Si howitzente o one 9in firing apst the right of our line. The bin is from the Sonk directin in the plain probably. The 9in behiend 1 many ridge castwds (so Hough [titto me) Hough says to be ws called up to lister to a Turk last night whows madiry a wierd noiss. one truches are 50 yds away there Inearest they come on I right (they have had no bombot but an Acroplane dropped a bourt on them o keiter one man on (latrnes)? The man wo c sentin - & it turned out he ws only singing. He sand described had stopped - they adouty
54 here thee talking & langhing when Hough came up. But he askw: wo it tlke this ?- & thy sd. Exactl - thats right. to the man had bn singing - some senlimented sory or love sony? take me from these Hells" or somethan. I wonder why evemy does not try 8- well I wont put it down here White has pothe D.S.O.- & Mr Nichol- Well-by Tove -they deserve it. Austin w8 on E14 9 B11 (Holbrook) the the day. Of course they make nothing. of their feat. The awkward part is thi day Ocoune. We I]. 71 & the place is simply pristling to guns of Every Prt. BII has no latine. They have to come up to perform the functions of nature. They can't do it in deep walw anyway - the valve wont work agetf pressure. One of our Sabmaries ws in N. Sea when I commander wanted to perform one of these frinctions. He decire well - Ile come up + chance is. No came up - & tere ws the mainty - the fumen cruiser, fair in his periseope. . That is how the manity we sunk. BII saw a German submannie, one (0(by new ones of smyrna. The wo 2 meles away at time. The tried to calch fer but German 5aw her before The caue up to as the feraus arenow bery by & fast she
155 eocaped. he worst of thei cubmainies is to turks (who have bn as kig "whey doeans ferman closomet for us.) will now have their answer - Here key sink the Trumph, (wh caused as all th trouble) before our Eyes! The two sailing ships wh turned up wandered for 2 days of this port and were sd to have be toopedo boat distrayers in disguise are now sd to have by ferman depotsheps saily under 1 Detity fag with petr of slores & containing three submarines in 5d66 parts. There is a captured schooner in Lemnor - I wonder if there is a gravd trut in it. Another furfie. Two German Sadmarner sd C Lavl bn captured in nets. I pay no adento to thes garns now. several rumours to British are going to make a 30 hrs, naval Combardment down S. & June 4th Friday. 8 Early this about t we saw the Surftsure creaping along 1 honigon from the E. of Imbros. Evidently is She had come that way to avoid the sabmaines. 5 As About 10.30 the Vengrance (1 or one of the Pop. close 23 followed by the Treumph were seen steaming out fp from Tbros towards Cape Helles 1 First t two destroyers; then 5 thds in tiue abreast, then t Penglance; There 2 most 35 tas then another swarm, then the Swiftsare, pnally 2 Aols + (I think) the Blenhein. At I1 began a
158 sound coupt & tremendous bombardment - like a wayon carrying a bugs cmpty botle tanks humply along as to unever oada len t hill wt station. I want up to shoudder of hill where one edsee Achi Daba & Kaba tipe & from thes you cosey shells bursting 4 Blenky wt hes s bengeance swipeur D Pertirn on al at an I shd say about making a right augh from Ache Bebe to the Coast. Bombardment still pay on at 12.20. Ships soon afterwrds left. They returned again in the afternoon for a trie Teey seem only to be asiny their by juns! Why? 1 it that 10e first boubardment was not effective. some of our say I say they can clearly see a battery firing on near slope of a hill jest across Kaba Tepe valley - Blenhem was finy at this stope but I could not see the ballery; others co see the flash + Three acroptanes out at the same time down there our men spotted then & as veval are looking out for duel. But all three are ours. The stones absderman submarnes being caught are clearly untine - at least all of them hasent been for
Hut Sen 90 Fan 4e4 A67 night June 4/2 6.0F. Sriter made by Frea tn 8 to morn Coiit epps 16n Ap. 2 Wrpehan 2 (Bure Ireand) Fes 157
S4 6 Kar e. May19. 1- g17663p (410270Val 594.Fp seand 1 7a9V 21/1-0/ 40/21,018-13,04--76 To I4 11 S l e2 4/24 CIn 3UC0 7.2V is/ mkegan, 1/270E I1 (4Up3YL 707Cn7] Mide 86s11 9/6n al Ng 4 p 416 707, 52d 634791010//1ceon. CN MUPD Syr Feeedt CopHi Turp60. A45 The dews as to He fy stanty t Ju 4. Femep- B p Enteree adn BsMn Ruses 1727 tonight (Tave]) 1 Hellas 74 Entersc pur head into Coophole ap Poper 15.8 We have had another entinering sare amongst the transports + tho Saiseure & Venjunee (o Canopas) were clearly takin precentions agaiast thim. Aitheer Marwell, Whe is a troopes in the Prd L.H. tells ao that from Popes on the money when the Frumph went down he saw the Dubmarine many minutes byfore it fire at the ship. He was sittr in hils day out & saw A kacking object moving thro! te conter. It was flasting like a belio & it move sowly. There seemed to be te wilke of some craft around it. He mentioned it to his male in the degont, but to latter sd he had seen it alrady &it was only a Cicuit tim. This happatisped tetre & he wint on with some other busines. The Kashing thing continued its movement. Then the Friumph Organ firing at Sowething in the water – & the explesion took place. The periscope - for of course it was a periscope - sand from view. taks it came up in apparent The same place - they it see the disturbance of the suaface for some distance around it - it was slowly movey off weatwerd. The distrayers cond seeet & Arthus & Dancan wanted to short & tell them. Presently one of them deshed towards it it & went right over tho place w it had disapreered tenfor a sha afterioos for a short while it came up again. I got the tip -dropped very quietty - that then might be something doing al Lbt 118c. lonyly Lates I was told that his was to be opposite. guinns & also Bt Rettn - but thet it was very secret, I happing to tell Bazlly Ret I would be out part of the night. to Anything going on in the trenches, Sio? he asked. I sd not that I kenew of Oh its only there taking down there of an attack tonight - an infantryman told them that they were going to take the trunche opposile Atians - So that is the way secrets are kept. It
159 was just the sam in Melboure ? late on an engineer officer told me that here was sometiing on in te Bt Boo. Sune 5 Sat I have been working night & day to by & pt. square with articles o dian.It is almost imposcible on account of interruptions - The people that will come in and talk as though I had nothing to do- Walk whereas very few people in camp have so much. I wanted this night for work. Howevr as quinns is always interesty & there seemed some prospect of a bit of excitiment I decived to go up. It was workh it, I left the Ceach about 10.30 pm & waked up to the d 4 th Bde H.A. Now the H.R. of the section under Col. Chanvel. the plan as far as I know, was that as the British? Fr. were attacking down Sout. we were to create a sensation on a small scale here. The only thin was that the Attack down south came first + our movement here afterwards. The 9th Bn was to sendout atplation to bagonet smpers in a trench Kaba Fepe way (after basting by a destroyer); No. SeRop the 15t Bn. was to make a rush with 100 hen apt Genvian Offfars ti (so called bec. 2 genan officers were supposed to have been sen here the day of the armistice – (Price of the Br Bn. tells me that his brother of the Pr Br, who c Speak ferman, spoke to one – but not hered) & destroy the maching gen or maching guns in it; fifty were to g0 for this trunch & 50 for a marines truck nearee to our times in port of Courtneys which the Turks fill every night & to bayonet the occupants both parties were to return, & The New Zealanders were to take the truch faery no (section of quinns - In this N.3. attack the assoulting the parties were to be 1off 2 NC0s. 30 min (33) Canterbary 1of 2nco. 24 men (7) Cuckland. 60-allogthen quins post us I believe held by Heickls with a halfc & finesev of Canterbur Locat reserve - remainder of canterbury
160. walked up pith I washd the valy in the dark - the moon was not yet there was o vattle & clink and a longthoct of taking men, gust in port of m op. The indian provision cants coming down the whele road were almost on top of $20 before you saw them - about 20 of them - the first carts I had seen working at Anzac. They supply the depot in Monash gully from which quatismanter of babellon draw their stores with Turkish smpers prin from Dradmans Ridge all the time. As I got highes up the gully I thought I could hear the tump thump of snipers bullits upon the bags of the traverses. And Col. Chanvel told me when I got in that the sripers heip up their firing down the vally all night now - lay on during the day time There was a light shining drily in Col. Chansels by dug out when I got there. It was like a fair siged old fashioned room with p bhoad flat beams laid parallel across the dark certing planking fom some barge that had fone ashon's & been broken up. The light was bect shaded by a byt wooden box - it glowed that the the box we set up on end & the nter in it - you coses the light dinly through the grain of the thon wood at the back They had hald the light naked a few minutes fe ore. But a smper had seen the glare of it on the my sandbage whichnb of the wall who jets beyond the door & had put half a doyen shots one after other that into sandbay at top lett hand cov. To out of jaiers to 1 signallers just outseds they shaded light +I suyer, turned slaewhere. Col. Chanvel ws there, & Col. Tohnaton o1. New Yealand Infarly boyade, Farr of e Chauvel's Staff Caplain + several others. The tak was about all sorts of subjects + particularly - How were wo doing at Cape Helles? I said the shells seemed to be burstg tonight Sxactly when they were burby this morning. There was the usual crack crack of suipers atory the trushes high on the hilltops above us a the occsional knd of a nearer shot finding its mark in the valley. e At ae particular moment the shorting at the valley head cemed to increase a little. There was a Thot, then two or three shots toaker, then a few more. Col. Channel said "Hatlo - I expect thati

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