Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/7A/1 - May 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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IL CASH MEMORANOR May 1915 1915 17 A J - 1517 Tapaness mostar 6 and H Lowler going to five into 9tM mark 6in Howitfer co Rawson of Lad. 1YI until maning Bacchante C may have Knocked K. Tipe out on Maj. Hughes oatery who have fen pointed on K. Kepe not for fom K. F.Ct 15 102 bath towel 1 We " into orderlyte Iutmen Iaevercl we can fear an inypue2 somewhere on 100 112 (OU CASH MEMORANDH June Cot. wanters apt End I vice otton Col. Smy the aptes 151 134 rey wanes 30 [in & 40 7 g2 shells ap by Turks up near Lrst Bde H.C from 238V. Bolton gone to alex Sar Brand sxts Sth b Lolot. vice Bollof Owen; Sm Haucoph B3N. 6 Bdc 36 Col. Parkep is 29 ind 2188 26½ 28 O sans Capt. Kepyon Ads. 6-3gen feetions Rawson. Frenchard
Ju I13 CASH MEMORANDA. 1915 May 21 11.15) busyferig 2642 quist 106 after Blomey & hip officer. Austilus copanded 4o. f.C " 5092. 300 1 2 Blan san 2o 8 w. 6 04 4010 11001 7 9 4 300 1 160 ✓ 44 dont 1s 2 8 £25.66 U CASH MEMORANOH 1915 620. 24. Ws C P (yp 1 6+ 41 o 68 . it ws apt tay to 3 o 14 16 10.81 w fre c N41 62 I 7we 2 Re Simpson Gn La.w + Co e got thpat up gall a Seguallers 6N to $21 16 f2 $p212/ Marphy & Holled 2hit 10ct Lisit
Septembor CASH MEMORANDA fo1 was saw. onKt 1 5 5 7 7. 7 Kamil 3.30 0 en os got if Gattipoli four e se 3 Mt0D re Co Hapley. erpop 712.30. ✓ 6 ip stopped po 4 CSly in w 2 po Roamafea it & 4e 1915 10 o R JCASH MEMORANDA October 1915 B. or Guice1 69 58 56 11.50 sn or bomb of de 10 Heae swell 7 on beach 5 itae 32d A4 B & 6L by jai at t Nof wal Tipe 12 shots to 1St Bllex P 2. armpsteck as tyke cods fr tomorrow Fleet to transports al left after a nanoeare of this se 71
November CASH MEMORANDA 1915 Amnewnition bok clai i giltoray 0 only 15 died ut 60 septic. Landed 700 of Alex. sent7S. Mualta 4 & 4 t0 Howitzas w 637) warships Playfair 2L 1 torget s sorry fir used my o shots fom are be orders Hellas. even oo good terptsI batter yetting in poset 17 tis ruld as. 1915 10 AccBer OCASH MEMORANDA Yesteys armystief pm surden aletreat of fire - just after a bout 10.18. sudden bursts of fers & Iun 10.20 110c. perce 12 0C 5 v. subden Plowes of 154 (ard 2 /6 observe 1941 1 Lase-p & 13 &e 4.0C - 97 C6e 114 &e1 X 7 thomgn L1WI1 Ge2 SC.CS. CSA20 C42 fe 7 4 r. +C.a 73
12 () 1184 170s2F8 P15os fa 8.SC. E CPKYce 5 y C. 11 o) C74 -nSS 61 cy. Iix Ga 7S 23 ohalf a 2t C0,7C 7697 o. INC.t reg. 1P13 2 .902 e1C Gl. & Tongison 32 - 86i i 1 sdr1 o71s 2c 126 p (fort 20) 11818W0O +(3? G d 1.20 7 2op 163 7 (o 79 P0 X 2p50 7.20 4. 20 9.0 6dx 6 c C S 3 i 6PE. No p Ross &, 99 him 9. o 600 "200n0 2.2 MIH R.Pp. m. 818. 1 9
12) were, you get y 6.8 manly 2 p.& Old polisted & w 24St 131 (21) n 7 Liti ( 9.10. Battleship pt of Warsheps all went of exe. one & lft our left bank N TThe Fuch i 422 815 3320S & Ie Caseyd2 Js N.B.SA. 52 story as to why What we shagth of our divin Visit Monash & Gais Losses. N3VA. ours. Hawly gen Dr day 1 Gen End 1 mCay Indian with if shot I bullet w yellow Bomb I wan in 132s 332 absolutel nated of eveny like to get gular theree he can get right in our rear. There way be an argent reason for this. Otherwiseit to insanity.
2 Bde AM3S 300L 606 ITEN 606 74[.) (Ernact] Extract from Diary No. 7A. Dr. C.E.W. Bean. a sild book, including notes made on Hay 5 -15t a Hillis decippend Aug 1958 May 9 - 10. Night attack by Turks. N.L. on Saturday started at 10.30. Advanced through 88th Bde about 300 yards in morning. No advance on their left and held up by Turks. 5.30 in afternoon when Australians advanced they came up 300 yards. Col. Johnston stated to me, I saw your final advance, it seemed to me they advanced in great style, with great dash. Auckland lost heavily in centre by Turkish guns. Total loss about 8 Ofrs. 900. 5th went to Anzac 960 strong. Fell to 490. Reinforced by about 130 to 625. Sat. down to 337. Lost 5 officers. 7th 1000 landing. Down to 320. Reinforced to 500 by Stragglers and beach parades.cis ect Landed here 750 strong with wounded return including 180 reinforcements 570 into firing line. Reinforced by 40 on left late on Sat. night from reinforcements-not up in the coys. ur This morning 176 and 6 officers mustered about 65 Stragglers. Total 347 with 100 reinforcements. Reinforcements were put in straight (away) and managed splendidly during night but began to straggle. Rum was opened Wed. morning and many men got a bit too much including (&). N.2 ( Apl. 25. The 3rd Bde signallers were scattered. 2nd Bde ran out communications whilst the Btns were advancing, sending back messages was not so dangerous - but sending them on was dangerous because men could be seen by enemy. 2 men were sending to a Bn when one of them was hit. The other continued to send the message, and got it through, and then came down through White. The other was the first case that Mathison had. 6.30 Arrangements beforehand no good. Bdier was ashore first. Found where DHd was. Sent men there first and where Bdier was took a telephone wire (Could did) to Bdier with reel. May 12: 10 p.m. Very rapid firing on right where French were. If Turks know what they're doing they’d attack to-night. Manchesters relieved us. Our guns banging. A Staff Officer who Must be a Turkish attack. Yes - the Bdier says we'll take the blooming hill! Of course we'll take the blooming hill. Anyone would think they were throwing a blooming blanc mange at us. Things quiet at first - no fire. Sth Bn going out. Run with them with wire. Then to each other Bn. Then extended 8th wire to 4th then to 15th. Lines were cut by shrapnel and bared. 1 think we had some interference by Turks. I knew voices and if there were any doubt about a man’s voice we asked who came over in Novian with your etc. Sometimes when line weak may have been tapped.
(cont) May 12. Troops at last came out of trenches and all night coming Turks turned attention to N.2. and missed us. Raining all out. Miserable trek down valley. Part of 5th came out on night. by road, rest by Jolly. right Staff first put us to camp up gully gully. 2. At old camping place. On hill where drier. 4. Noved further along hill. Gen. Hunter Weston seeing tired troops coming out and waiting to be told where they were to be camped told them he despised them! If he had any troops he could put in their place to do the same thing this battle would be won. The trouble we have to do same advance as Germans without the suppor) the only time shrapnel and high explosive had effect you would explain was when it got into the dam depot. May 12: Night Churkas made their entry. ofychic Men got into quarters on open hillside A.G.C. Kindly took took me in. Bolton is a poor old chap, but not a Brigadier. good The fault of our troops is straggling and leaving their faths packs. Cutting trees. French trousers and caps. all over When rifle goes off shouts from their camp. May 13: 2nd day in rest camp. Goliath sunk by submarine during night (on Wyport). Turks shelling our left. epido lea 3 Batteries. commissioned 6th Bn. Maj. H.C. Bennett only original, comb: officer left with first lot: Bn. Killed (4 on 25th 361) 16 wounded. missing. sent away sick. recently promoted 4 Killed. 1.e. 7 Killed in this charge during day, ) orig. officer. 4 recently promoted. Q.M. Red.Officer. 3 Reinforcements. 306 all together. 716 into (6i). About 300 of 716 were reinforcements. Came down with 400, of original one officer A.B. Cox, Lieut. wounded first about day came back from Alex. - killed in this action. 341 816 1843 2800 1000 1100 Big May 13: 345 p.m. Aeroplanes over. By gun shelling getting some good work on beach killing mules at head of rise. fust Our men were out bathing and started returning at time. Cun left beach after about an hour. Clearly 2 guns on Asiatic side, one of them is setting the fuse too late and they re going into the earth. The other is bursting 6in. shrapnel very well about 7 mile beyond us. They say a lot of damage has been done on the beach. 50 mules killed according to one ofC.
C0 (cont) Big Cin. shrapnel comes with much less of a whizz- explodes in air with black smoke and an ugly short sharp rattle at the end - saw spatter amongst mules. Mule seems not to worry when it gets a bullet - stands pretty cool under shrapnel. One mule rolled down hill with load (slipped) and got up at bottom with load still on. on tellows By God:6 fools have worked for us now. When they get to 2 pinch and clamber up B.C. aren’'t they beauties. One shell from heavy gun near beach on hill was like engine - Sh...Sh...Sh... on beach, Look out boys they're worse than bullets. pet When man lets off his rifle get him collecting cigarette cards. May 14: Camp being shelled by 18-pounders. Two or three shell bursts. One man: I say this is over the limit, we only allow them a few shells a day. Aeroplane temporarily stopped them. May 15: 3 Batteries (4 gun) shelled camp. Dr. Black of 6th hit in knee. shill has so On beach moment there comes everyone parts dive for his dus-out - whether shaking or not At our beach all work. Went forward exactly as arranged. I hear that Kaba Tepe is going as usual. Gunior Capt. Weddell (3) Capt. with 7th, Maj. Bennett 6th, Wanliss Sth. Shell which hurt Capt. Black landed 10 inches from Major Edgar’s feet, 1 ft from Dr. Black and 1 ft 6 in from Maj. Bennett. It passed close over Edgar’s head and blew a hole 1 ft deep in (y) explosive shell - perhaps 4 in. ground. high Later I hear big gun blown out on 7 miles to-day. Aeroplane was out firing smoke balls. 5.30: Heard dozen rifle Shots in next paddock and two in ours. Went out. There was an deroplane - a biplane - very high up and it was said to be a German. 1 don't know if it was. Our Aeros is up above. even once Much more shelling these days - perhaps because no attack. Brig. Bolton wired Bridges that it would be a pity to send this brig. to front before it is reorganised and obtains officers and N.C.0s. in its shattered condition. came Our artillery Tyesday - May 4. Wed.— into action. 2.3, (6th MillsW). N.L. came in support of the French. Rabett in observation trench. Nay 15: Direct hit on one again. Sat. 4.30 to 7.30: Gunner shot dead. Krithia to British right. French N& (8) 2nd Regt. de Marche Louaves 3rd Bn. seortinga Our artillery started at 1000 yds now 2400. Manchester Terriers. Prendergast’s Brigade got 2500 yards last night, 150 this morning without firing a shot. We would not say the Australians once sai was Heroes. Last night Sat. May 15: The Turks rushed up to within 10 yards of French trench and dug in there. River Clyde with 2 holes in her - using ) as a 2 hole.



1st [[Shorthand]]
4 o'c Japanese mortar und Lt Fowler
going to fire into trench [[Shorthand]] marksmen to [[Shorthand]]

6 in Howitzer [[Shorthand]] of Rawson?
of Ind. [[Shorthand]] until marines

Bacchante C may have
Knocked K. Tepe out - 
on Maj. Hughes battery
who have gun pointed
on K. Kepe not far from

We [[Shorthand]] K.T. [[Shorthand]] 1st. bath towel
Mtd orderly [[Shorthand]] Then
3 mtd men. 1 a general.

we can hear an engine [[Shorthand]]
somewhere in [[Shorthand]]

1915    60  CASH MEMORANDA   June
Col. Wanliss apt [[Shorthand]]
2nd [[Shorthand]] vice Bolton [[Shorthand]]
Col. Smythe apted [[Shorthand]] 1st 13 Bde
vice Wanliss Owen

[[Shorthand]] 30 Tin
40 [[Shorthand]]
7 9.2 shells [[Shorthand]] up by Turks
up near First Bde H.Q.
from 238. V.

Bolton gone to Alex
Brand gets 8th [[Shorthand]] Lt Col.
vice Bolton
Owen [[Shorthand]] 3rd
Hancock B.M - 1st Bde
NZ [[Shorthand]]
Col. Parker is 29 Ind [[Shorthand]]
21st 26th [[Shorthand]]
Old guns -
Capt. Kenyon Adjt.
6-w gun sections
Rawson, Trenchard


May 21 ( 11.15) busy firing. 2 bombs.
Quiet 10 [[Shorthand]] after
Blamey & his officer.
Australns wounded [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] 500 [[Shorthand]] 300
Blamey [[Shorthand]]
a bit of [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] 300 km.
1 [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] We dont
1915   60   CASH MEMORANDA  August
6 [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] K Tepe.
Pte Simpson 3rd F.A w [[Shorthand]]
[[?]] up gully w XXX
Signallers 6 [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] hit

Murphy & Scottie
[[Shorthand]] Lusit C.


September CASH MEMORANDA  1915
[[Shorthand]] Warsaw. [[Shorthand]]
on K.T. [[Shorthand]]
Kail [[Shorthand]] by
Got off Gallipoli four
re Gen [[Shorthand]]
Mut [[Shorthand]] re Co.
[[Shorthand]] poppies - 
[[Shorthand]] 6
Stopped - from G. Tepe
[[Shorthand]] Italy in [[Shorthand]]
4 CSly in w
2 [[Shorthand]] No. [[Shorthand]]
Roumania [[Shorthand]]

1915 CASH MEMORANDA  October
B. or Greece [[Shorthand]]
11.50 gun or bomb [[Shorthand]]
Heaviest swell [[Shorthand]] on beach
3rd LHB & 4 LH [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] big gun at [[Shorthand]]
Normal Tepe - [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] 2 shots [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] 1st Bde & [[Shorthand]]
??. armystick as Tyke wd say,
for tomorrow [[Shorthand]]
Fleet w transports all left
after [Diagram]
a manouevre of this sort


November  CASH MEMORANDA  1915
Ammunition boxes
Clan McGillivray 850 [[Shorthand]]
2[[Shorthand]] only 15 died only
10 septic. Landed 200 of
Alex. sent [[Shorthand]] Malta

4 [[Shorthand]] Howitzers 2.
[[Shorthand]] warships 5 [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] target [[Shorthand]] Sorry I've
used my 5 shots.
Are these orders from

Even oo good targets &
battery getting in positn
this rule [[Shorthand]]


1915   60   CASH MEMORANDA  December
[[Shorthand]] Yestys armystick [[Shorthand]]
10 p.m. sudden outbreak of
fire - just after a bomb.
10.18. ) sudden bursts of fire & [[?]] gun
10.20 )
11 o'c. fierce [[Shorthand]]
12 o'c [[Shorthand]] v. sudden
Clowes of 1st Art [[Shorthand]] to observe
Casey [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] Thompson




[[Shorthand]] Gl. & Thompson - 33

60     120
[[Shorthand]] formally
[[Shorthand]] m.g.


Wire, you get if [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] manly
Old polished &[[Shorthand]]
The shell [[Shorthand]]
1st [[Shorthand]] (21) [[?smeared]]
9.10. Battleship got off
Warships all went off exc.
one & left our left flank
60   122
The Finch ws
Is [[Shorthand]]
Is Casey [[Shorthand]]
Is N.Z. [[Shorthand]]
What we strength of our divinin flag? story as to White
Visit Monash & Quinns
Losses NZ&
Hawley [[Shorthand]]
Gen 1st day [Diagram]
Gen 2nd [[Shorthand]] M'Coy. 
Indian with [[Shorthand]] shot
[[Shorthand]] bullet w yellow [[Shorthand]]
Bomb 1 man in 32
[[Shorthand]] 141 [[Shorthand]]332

Absolutely naked, if enemy likes
to get guns there he can get right
in our rear. There way be an
urgent reason for this. Otherwise it is

[* [[Shorthand]] holes
called Lawson
swear wds [[Shorthand]]


AWM38  3DRL 606 ITEM 606 7A [1]
Extract from Diary No. 7A. Dr. C.E.W. Bean.
1a field book, including notes made on May 5 -15th
a Helles
deciphered Aug 1958
May 9 - 10.
Night attack by Turks. N.Z. on Saturday started at 10.30.
Advanced through 88th Bde about 300 yards in morning. No advance
on their left and held up by Turks.
5.30 in afternoon when Australians advanced they came up
300 yards. Col. Johnston stated to me, "I saw your final advance,
it seemed to me they advanced in great style, with great dash."
Auckland lost heavily in centre by Turkish guns. Total
loss about 8 Ofrs. 900.
5th went to Anzac 960 strong. Fell to 490. Reinforced
by about 130 to 625. Sat. down to 337.
Lost 5 officers.
7th 1000 landing. Down to 320. Reinforced to 500 by
stragglers and beach parades. parties
Landed here 750 strong with wounded ect? return including
180 reinforcements 570 into firing line. Reinforced by 40 on
left late on Sat. night from reinforcements - not up push in the coys.
This morning 176 and 6 officers mustered about 65
stragglers. Total 347 with 100 reinforcements. Reinforcements
were put in straight (away) and managed splendidly during night
but began to straggle.
Rum was opened Wed. morning and many men got a bit too
much including ([[Shorthand]]). N.2 (2)
2nd Bde Apl. 25.
The 3rd Bde signallers were scattered. 2nd Bde ran
out communications whilst the Btns were advancing, sending back
messages was not so dangerous - but sending them on was dangerous
because men could be seen by enemy. 2 men were sending to a Bn
when one of them was hit. The other continued to send the message,
and got it through, and then came down through White. The other
was the first case that Mathison had.
Arrangements beforehand no good. Bdier was ashore first.
Found where DHQ was. Sent men there first and where Bdier was
took a telephone wire (Gould did) to Bdier with reel.
May 12: 10 p.m. Very rapid firing on right where French were.
If Turks know what they're doing they’d attack to-night.
Manchesters relieved us. Our guns banging.
A Staff Officer who ____
Must be a Turkish attack.
Yes - the Bdier says we'll take the blooming hill! Of
course we'll take the blooming hill. Anyone would think they
were throwing a blooming blanc mange at us.
Things quiet at first - no fire. 8th Bn going out. Run
with them with wire. Then to each other Bn. Then extended 8th
wire to 4th then to 15th. Lines were cut by shrapnel and bared.
1 think we had some interference by Turks. I knew voices and if
there were any doubt about a man’s voice we asked who came over
in Novian with you? etc. Sometimes when line weak may have been


(cont)    -2- 
May 12.
Troops at last came out of trenches and all night coming
Turks turned attention to N.2. and missed us. Raining all
night. Miserable trek down valley. Part of 5th came out on
right. by road, rest by Jolly. Staff first put us to camp up
2. At old camping place.
3. On hill where drier.
4. Moved further along hill.
Gen. Hunter Weston seeing tired troops coming out and
waiting to be told where they were to be camped told them he
despised them! If he had any troops he could put in their place
to do the same thing this battle would be won. The trouble is
we have to do same advance as Germans without the support. The
only time shrapnel and high explosive had effect you would explain
was when it got into the djam depot.
May 12:
Night Churkas made their entry. ? objective
Men got into quarters on open hillside A.G.C. kindly took
took me in. Bolton is a poor good old chap, but not a Brigadier.
The fault of our troops is straggling and leaving their
packs paths. Cutting trees. French trousers and caps.
When rifle goes off shouts from their all over camp.
May 13: 2nd day in rest camp. Goliath sunk by submarine
during night (on port torpedo boat). Turks shelling our left.
3 Batteries.

6th Bn. Maj. H.G. Bennett only original comb. commissioned officer left with
Bn. Of first lot:
7 Killed (4 on 25th 361)
16 wounded.
1 missing.
2 sent away sick.
8 recently promoted 4 Killed. i.e. 7 killed in this
charge during day, 1 orig. officer.
4 recently promoted. Q.M. Med. Officer.
3 Reinforcements. 306 all together sold. 716 into (? 6th).
About 300 of 716 were reinforcements. Came down with
about 400, of original one officer A.B. Cox, Lieut. wounded first
day - came back from Alex. - killed in this action.
7.   341
5.   816
6.  343
8.  816
     1843         2900

May 13: 3.45 p.m. Aeroplanes over. By Big gun shelling getting some
good work on beach killing mules at head of rise.
Our men were out bathing and started just returning at time.
Gun left beach after about an hour. Clearly 2 guns on Asiatic
side, one of them is setting the fuse too late and they re going
into the earth. The other is bursting 6in. shrapnel very well
about ¼ mile beyond us. They say a lot of damage has been done
on the beach. 50 mules killed according to one o/c.


(cont)    -3-
Big 6in. shrapnel comes with much less of a whizz -
explodes in air with black smoke and an ugly short sharp rattle
at the end - saw spatter amongst mules. Mule seems not to worry
when it gets a bullet - stands pretty cool under shrapnel. One
mule rolled down hill with load (slipped) and got up at bottom
with load still on.
on tellows
By God 6 fools those fellows have worked for us now. When they get to
aa pinch and clamber up B.G. aren’'t they beauties.
One shell from heavy gun near beach on hill was like
engine - Sh...Sh...Sh... on beach, "Look out boys they're worse
than bullets."
When man lets off his rifle get put him collecting cigarette
May 14: Camp being shelled by 18-pounders. Two or three shell
bursts. One man: "I say this is over the limit, we only allow
them a few shells a day." Aeroplane temporarily stopped them.
May 15: 3 Batteries (4 gun) shelled camp. Dr. Black of 6th hit
in knee.
On beach moment there shell comes everyone parts has to dive for his
dug-out - whether shaking or not. At our beach all work.
Went forward exactly as arranged. I hear that Kaba Tepe
is going as usual.
Capt. Weddell junior Capt. with 7th, Maj. Bennett 6th,
Wanliss 5th.
Shell which hurt Capt. Black landed 10 inches from Major
Edgar’s feet, 1 ft from Dr. Black and 1 ft 6 in from Maj. Bennett.
It passed close over Edgar’s head and blew a hole 1 ft deep in
ground. High explosive shell - perhaps 4 in.
Later I hear big gun blown out on 7 miles to-day.
Aeroplane was out firing smoke balls. 5.30: Heard dozen rifle
shots in next paddock and two in ours. Went out.
There was an
aeroplane - a biplane - very high up and it was said to be a
German. I don't know if it was. Our Aeros is went up above at once.
Much more shelling these days - perhaps because no attack.
Brig. Bolton wired Bridges that it would be a pity to send
this brig. to front before it is reorganised and obtains officers
and N.C.0s. in its shattered condition.
Our artillery Tuesday - May 4. Wed. came into action.
1, 2, 3, (6th Mills battery). 1 N.Z. came in support of the French.
Rabett in observation trench. May 15: Direct hit on one again.
Sat. 4.30 to 7.30: Gunner shot dead. Krithia to British right.
French landing today 2nd Regt. de Marche Zouaves 3rd Bn.
Our artillery started at 1000 yds now 2400. Manchester
Terriers. Prendergast’s Brigade got ?500 yards last night, 150
this morning without firing a shot. "We would not say once said the Australians
was Heroes.
Last night Sat. May 15: The Turks rushed up to within 10 yards of
French trench and dug in there.
River Clyde with 2 holes in her - using 1 as a ?


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