Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/7A/1 - May 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Documents and letters
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June Cth Month 1915 7 MON Hants S TUES Esce 9 WED Rogat I0 THUR Dub 17 FR St. Barnabas, Ap. 12 SAT aCh SIm PN. (Greenmch) Vv24. 6 1465 13 SUN-2 aft Trin 1915 June 30 Days 60 toeblead & tenatee captouns beact -y tat & unter castly a snystes- in thre be holes (wall i2p the bill wabe hall iffe f6 ton b sboolin al L114 across i fe 4 weat lot we ecntes asuallies)


June 6th Month 1915
T. 1st B 5th Royal
River [ shorthand ] Dublin
Some at Eske
SWB less
2 Coys


60    52
1915 30 Days June
Dublins & Munsters
crept round beach - lying
flat & under castle full of
snipers - In thro' barge
holes - (wall 12 ft thick
shell made hole 10ft & 61')
Next morning into fishing
[ shorthand ] - shooting all snipers
& across [ shorthand ] from there
(Maj: wont let me know


June 6th Month 1915
12 gun
[ shorthand ]
when 3 [ shorthand ]
there were
6 limbering up
[Diagram - see original document]
400    T. Tent

60    54
1915 30 Days June
[Diagram - see original document]
One from 7am
Other abandoned
after knocking
sights off.
Some [ shorthand ]


June 6th Month 1915
[ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] (5th) & Turk dead.
We came over under
Shrap [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] 50 or 60 men
pretty well [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] 400 - only arrvd
Over 400 got it [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
up Shrap. Valley.
Reinforce [ shorthand ] line wk

60     56
1915 30 Days June
Rifle [ shorthand ] on 400
[Diagram - see original document]
We never saw line or [ shorthand ]
We got [ shorthand ] shelter over
We [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] waist [ shorthand ]
From [ shorthand ] of hill saw
tent - wounded man
told me (10th) we were


June & July 6th & 7th Months 1915
on their [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] I made 3
rushes [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] dugout
A Co. 5th
(Levy, Derham [ shorthand ]
& one of 7th [ shorthand ] got there)
Emplacement [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] pines & packed
w clay.  We had
to keep into [ shorthand ]

60    58
1915 30 & 31 Days June & July
[ shorthand ]
hopping [ shorthand ]
had [ shorthand ]
only 3 but [ shorthand ]
Cd hear voices [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
By [ shorthand ] 15 in
emplacements &
[ shorthand ]
Aft [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
round hill.


July 7th Month 1915
Abt 1.30 [ shorthand ]
(3rd [ shorthand ] had [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ])
They had a [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] w cover.
Man [ shorthand ] shot
one coming up.
Then another
came running
in running [ shorthand ]
We had [ shorthand ] quiet
[ shorthand ]

60    60
1915 31 Days July
[Diagram - see original document]
[ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] red & yellow
[ shorthand ]
cdnt open gun.
Hotchkiss w drop [ shorthand ]


July 7th Month 1915
We got [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] our own
[ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
11.30 [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]

60    62
1915 31 Days July
got all [ shorthand ]
Lt Hooper
[ shorthand ]
Stated [ shorthand ] 11 000 [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ]
20000 [ shorthand ]
[ shorthand ] Smyrna
Dead within 20
yds of us all bad


July 7th Month 1915
[Diagram - see original document]


60    64
1915 31 Days July
Capt Salter
[ shorthand ] getting
3 & picks
2nd [ shorthand ]
Hit by [ shorthand ] Sunday

[Diagram - see original document]
Trenches all [ shorthand ]
limping     400
2nd time hit & went
on.  3rd [ shorthand ] hit in
head or throat.
[[ ten? ]] be on [ shorthand ]
3 [ shorthand ]


July & Aug 7th & 8th Months 1915
Lt Derham was hit thro
leg, 2 places in arm
& [ shorthand ]
On Sunday [ shorthand ]
1 & 2 men.
Pte S Ricketson dug him
in.  He ws too [ shorthand ]
to dig himself in.
So Rick [ shorthand ].
Cont in trench [ shorthand ] Wed
night & nev. had
wounds touched.

60    66
1915 31 Days July & Aug
He ws a [ shorthand ] & someone
saw him [ shorthand ]
All staff ws hit in 5th Bn
& he lay there 3 days
when medical people
[ shorthand ] him to go to beach.
Bennett & Carter sneaked
back from ship.
5th May. Lemaistre hit
Cann hit
Feathers [ shorthand ]
Saker hit.
Flockhart hit in
jaw w shrapnel but


August 8th Month 1915
held [ shorthand ] Carter
ws smothered [ shorthand ]
2 sections of
5th sent [ shorthand ] 
by shrapnel like smashing down ducks.
Turks cant shoot
for nuts
The blanket [ shorthand ]
went back [Diagram - see original document]
Hooper ws hit thro'

60    68
1915 31 Days August
pince nez.
Lt. Newham was hit on
glasses & aftwds killed
Man had cigarette taken
from hand.
Ricketson had 
head scored,
(or rather
hair) Entrenching tool
knocked away - Then
hit thro' ear.
Took Punjabis to alex


August 8th Month 1915
[Diagram - see original document]
Green patch
Top All above
rough contour
green scrub
Reindeer GWR
21 Kd

60    70
1915 31 Days August
[Diagram - see original document]
Too high
All winter in N Sea.

Never saw a [ shorthand ] flag. 
sweeping paths for the [ shorthand ]



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