Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/7A/1 - May 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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Ist Month Satiary 4 MON 86. 85 8 2 294 h.F.D.S. Man S. STUES R.S. Gen Paris C WED Epiphany. Freith Day N3 End freebilo T THUR 8 ERI C Th 13m r.M. (Greenwich) Cambridge Lent Term begins 9 SAT N JO SUN—I aft Epiph 1915 31 Days 1915 January O0 Deon Origwell 5- E May 6 srithi Pociter deries Der Se at ham 6- ne 163A 29C r 12 61 2nd 1 f CC 169 1525 8 MAPari P6 4 9 (Cf. Cesson 1
Satuarys Ist Month 1915 77 MON Hilary Law Sittings begin Austh N3 T2 TUES RUD 32 b To AHOlliant 13 WED delech. 9 13 S 92S8x9 nean Sittil Balir Krithi 14 THUR Oxford Lent Term begins p of 29200 169 banel 15 FR1 e 2h 42m r.M. (Greenwich) 886 1V. 7 8 16 SAT 17 SUN—2aft Epiph 3f Days 1915 January Sation t May 8. Operation at 100E. Tierisfering at 52/108. & kto or. Al 4 to 12 order to move up to support Left eovedt wcot Krithia Bo. aprivd 18 abt 100 in & plation column of Coys. V.C. 76 74 11 72 16 5tE 8 Somc 51/Pin ge 0
Tamuistry Ist Month 3. Eher 78 MON French 5 16P 19 TUES 5 of 1 S 20 WED 12 I t < Mr Water from (ep. 176 34 2I THUR 3 Stretchfrs Shipon N 22 FRI fren &t fire likin t 23 SAT D 5h 32m a.M. (Greenwich) i 24 SUN—3 aft Epiph for fire. 1915 1915 0 Hawley 31 Days January 176 cad Officers a pe Nichol sarfsede Saw 2p 20 The 2 S J.C p o 17 1N& orX ( pagks in 37 -w$50 poles in it. Hotes thro smiti S. Bp some + of
1915 1st Month Sanyer 25 MON Conversion of G. Pan Shexe. I too pash. Capt Hunters may gve quiet Cs. S well 26 TUGES mas 2nd 25 15546 2 Si 814 verbal I all time 27 WED 720 sent cot Dm Camped firft in a pretty valler wheatfield with & towers. Shreping ae they ought to or two dig in. To day with Achi Baba in view, in op There 29 FR were french ovs us on road. Dardwelle - 40& 30 SAT 37 SEPTUAGESIMA SUN 0th 1lm a.M. (Greenwich) N 1915 31 Days January ms Rev. Sypes boreirzo yer optation will be b the 1 6 are 30 9 Yr trence at senpt Pass /tero &c st Dile another 9 to capt Hagan. to take I gans to auothn . Segned by Capt & oartillery IGo the name 1 I couted 14 May to night $6 20 on sat. Pat 10. 30 Advanced J 88 abt 300yds in for No advance on & heldup 5.30 In afternoon when be Australions by they came up 300fyds.
FCOTA 2nd Month 1915 Col. Sohenton C. MON Partridge and Pheasant Shooting & Faar your ends he 1660 To with heare duedelang 2 TUES Parilcation of V. Mary Cutboy 282 516 went to Auzac 9609 Fell to 490. 3 WED Renforced by ult 4 30 to 625 at Down to 33. 4 THUR 1E 7000 A S FRI 5320 sev ced to D00 Rec + beaat parties 6 SAT anded here 750 9 w TSEXACESIMASUN Wounoi Csh lima. Mf (Greenwich) 70 rund inde t 60 1915 23 D235 FCUA 70 into Sr list Renf. by 40 on fett late on sat bi not cim C this morning 46 my Abt 65 stoaple tolal 34 4 re Rein tre 4 pe in straight yodng pleasidy du but began to str. 26 we m for
2nd Month 1915 February Vry B3dE Mer 8mor The ef comnrne ia Bde ran o were advance batte t O TUES messons bac donpions then it sen 1m6m ws depryon man cobe 6y men were one of them ws hit TITHUR The they contd to send fmessage, got it thro &f then came down, It white 12 FRI js prlane it math ison bad. 13 SAT beforehand no so Caices ws where ask 123 14 AUINEUACESINA SUH. e th 3lm a.M. (Greenwich a wher beuences. a bliphone dd) to Bdie th 23 February 28 Days 1915 (0l vary rape May 12h 10½ Fencwere firing on right wife. I turks knowwhit teyre doing they attac tooght - mamberti neved us.ou s 6 A staff Officer who Mu7 be Tufit attach Yes . the Pdies says well take blooning Sel. of course well take blooming hill Anyone wa think they were throwing a bleoning blancmange at nos. Ship quielat 13t-10 8th Bajonny but with them w to Eepotin n 34 ten extended 8th win to Then ltl li
2nd Month 1915 Tebruar 15 MON Cut afee I think we had some interference by bared&c cas g if therewere 16 SHROVE TUE. any doubt att a manes voice we aaked came over in Wovean 17 ASH WED with you. 24 sometimes when lives srmecak may have been pped 19 FRI 20 SAT 21 SUN—1 in Lent Ember Week 1818 6C Febriary 28 Days Atthat May 12. Troops caue and all i out. To is attenten to nusRoi on all night. Missll trek down vally came out on n by ad. Rest by gad Staf first put up t up gatle 2 at old cam hele wh by b. mover fut aton hill an C
2nd Month Februart 1915 to be lot. 22 MON D2h 5Sm A.N. Greenwich) where they were to be thm atldth 23 TUES a despised to " ec prt i lace 24 WED St. Matthias, Ap. Ember Day i The £0 w0 have to he 2S THUR a be without 6 26 FRI with a the only 1. 27 SA7 Ember Day depat 28 S- 2 on this X 6712 28 Days February 1915 60 wl pbonto tri quarters on open had int HPC pantly loo a Bolton is a good of but nota 4ry The fault of our troops is I stoffli bact Cathing trees. French powpers odan. when rifle geas of thouts from 9 caup. han 13. Endday i Reet fo. The Gotrath Ste cind ^ turks shalling our batt
2 1915 3rd Month March T MON St. David. OCh 33m P.M. (Green- wich) SK BT Mrs H.G. Bennelt 2 TUES lefter B I cound 15 Cot (t 3 WED 18 A THUR katter it S FRI or CSAT L7 Mcc l 1D 7 SUN—3 in Lent 306 at 716 into 1815 600 32DS March Abt 300 of s dis Came 12Cabt 400 Vorigial one officer oB coneind wounded lst da forn back from Alex. Kettl 47 3 343 81 104 t0 96L 1843 dly 4ae 13. 6 By gun steltin Gettin on beach killin n/e6 at head of vice. oathe 1 Omra wene at tim Sex beach afer alt auhou
1915 3rd Month March pns on tio S MON (Oh 28m p.M. (Greenwich) One of thempig O TUES too lale te eark. The ober is Cin Shorf busstin nile well of I0 WED Ty say a lot of damage has been done on the 50-Cbelled acc bor TT THUR foet comes with much leos of a whic 12th Explodes in acr with black smoke & an uy port sharp rattle att 13 SAT end - saw spatter amongst mules 14 SUN—4 in Lent Mal Match 1915 31 Days 60 pretty coot under sheapne will One male rolled dow with bad (supped) offol at bottom with load stifl of ab 20 ft at S. End Biy Sod CC worke as now When a steep puch clpmber yr Bg. arent 1 caul One shell from an nearbeach onhill like enpiie- Sh.S on beach Look out boys theyrs Wan relel when man tet. hin collect

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