Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/7A/1 - May 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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MOONS THANSIT. OUER THE MERIDIAN TEN HIOURS EAST OF GREENWICH. 1915. Fan Feb. March APrii May Fune N. m. N. m. N. I. N M. N. m. N. m. mornt. 12.0 morrt. m.0 17 111.0 11.2 " 10 10 26 4.0 a.0 a.0 8.0 ".C a.0 2 morn. 0 21 11 11 Morni. Morn mornt. Morn Iuly Dec. Sept. October Nov. Angust N. N. I. N. m. N. m. 111½ 111.6 m. 112. M1.4 111.3 a.0 a.0 A.C 110 a0 23 4 29 MOONS TRANSIT- conld. OVEK THEMERIDIAN THN HOURS EASTOFGRERNWICHrSiS. Fuly Aurusl Sept. October Nov. Dec. N. m. N. m. N.m. N. m. n. i N. m. a.10 10 A.½ a.6 54 2.8 9.9 2.10 morn. 11 11 morn. morn. morn. morn. morn. 322 S 55 220 228 42 Note—To obtain Standard Time of Transit at other places, see Time Standards. AUSTRALASLAN GOUERNMENT OFFICES IN LONDON. THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALLA—72, Victoria. street, S.W. The High Commissioner: The Right Hon. Sir George Houston Reid, G.C.M.C. Secretary Capt. R. Muirhead Collins, R.N., C.M.G. NEW SOUTH WALES—raz-rng, Cannon-street, E.C. Agent-General, Sir T. A. Coghlan, L.S.O. Secretary, Mr. T. G. White. EALIGRATION BRANCH: Melbourne Place, Strand, W.C. Assistant Superintendent, Mr. E. Rayment. VICTORIA—Melbourne Place, Strand, W.C. Agent- General, Hon. Peter McBride. Secretary, Mr. H. G. W. Neale. OUEENSLAND—aro, Strand, W.C. Agent-General, Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.C. Secretary, Mr. P. J. Dillon. SOUTH AUSTRALLA—Ss, Gracechurch-street, E.C. Agent-General, (Vacant). Secretary, Mr. ). B. Whiting. WESTERN AUSTRALLA—Savoy House, Strand, W.C. Agent-General, Hon. Sir N. J. Moore, K.C.M.C. Secretary, Mr. A. C. Kessell. TASMANIA—56, Victoria street, S. W. Agent-General Hon. Sir John McCall, M.D. Secretary, Mr. H.W. Ely. THE DOMINION OF NRW LEALAND—rz, Victoria- street, S.W. The High Commissioner, Hon. I. Mackenric. Secretary, Mr. C. Wray Palliser.
105 AUSTRALASLAN POSTAL RATES. INTERSTATE RATRS. ATEA COMMETCIN Post Papers. Letters. Pards Patterns Common (and Sample Toplaces alth 8 STAIES. within the within the British Common- Commonwealll Empirc. wealth. and Brit. Impiie 1d. ca.202. 1d. 0a. 1d. ea. 4 02. N.S. WILIS 1d. ea. 202. 1d. ea. 7d. ea.) oz. VicTOR 1d. ea. 202. 1d. ea. 1d. ca. 1 0z. S. AUSTRALLA 1d. ea. 202. 1d. ca. 1d. 6a. 4 0z. W.AUSTRALLA 1d. ca. 202. 1d. ea. 1d. ca. 4 02. OUEENSLAND 1d. ca.20L. 1d. ca. 1 0z. ] 1d. ca. TASMANA NEWSPAPERS. —ALL STATES. Newspapers posted for delivery within the Commonwealth (without condition as to the number contained in each addressed wrapper) by registered newspaper proprietors or by newsvendors, or returned by an agent or newsvendor to the publishing office, rd. per 20 oz. or fraction thereof on the aggregate weight. All other newspapers posted within the Common- wealth for delivery therein, or for delivery in New Lea- land—For each newspaper—Every ro oz. or fraction, ½d. PRINTED PAPERS, as prescribed, ½d. each 20l. BOOKS & MAGALINESprinted outside Australia, ½d. each 4 02. BOOKS & MAGALINES printed in Australia, ½d. each 8oL. All posted within the Commonwealth for delivery therein. N. LEALAND RATES.—Letters, Inland rd. first 4 0r. or Faction, and 4d. each succeeding 2 0z. or fraction. To Australia, rd. ca. or. Post Cards, Inland, single, 4d.; reply, rd. All other places, single, 7d.; reply, 2d. Books and Printed Papers, to all places, ½d. ca. 2 0l. Commercial Papers, Town (for accounts, etc., only) ½d. not exc. 4 or., or 1d. first 4 oz., and 4d. ca. succeeding a or.; Inland, 2d. first 4 ol., 4d. ca. add. 2 oz.; to all other places, 2½d. first 10 or. and ½d. ca. add. 2 or. Newspapers, Town and Inland, ½d. each; United Kingdom, Australia, South Sea Islands, Canada, and many other British possessions, rd. each. All other places, rd. 4 0z., and 4d. ca. add. 2 0r. N.L. MONEY ORDER RATES, Inland, for each 65 or fraction of 6s, -/3; maximum amount for a single order, Lco. Australia, for sums not over 52, -16; 65. AUSTRALASLAN POSTAL RATES contd. 1; ₤7, 116; L10, 2/-; ₤12, 216; Lis.31-; L17, 316: 620, 4/-; ₤22,416, ₤25, 5/-; ₤27, 56; ₤30, 6/-; 632. 6/6; ₤35,7/-; ₤37,716; ₤40, 8/-. United Kingdom, &c. -13 for cach bt or fraction of 51. MONEY ORDER RATES IN THE COMMONWEALTH. 16 Inland, not Cxc. L5 -16 11 11- ₤10. 116 116 116 116 116 £15.. 2/-12/-/2/-/2/ 21- 21 £20 New Lealand and Fijl Orders, not exc. 42, 16; 65. 1; ₤7, 116; L10, 21.; ₤i2, 216; L1s. 31-; L17, 316: L20, 4/.. Papua (British New Guinea), od for each £5 or part of Ls. up to 620. Rates to the United Kingdom, 6d. for any amount up to £z, and 3d. for each add. fr or fraction. GENERAL RATES TO THE UNITED KINGDOM.—Let- ters, ea. ½ 0z., 2d. N. Lealand, rd. ea. or.; Post Cards, Commonwealth of Australia and N. Lealand, Singlerd. replyad.; Newspapers, rd. ea. up to 80z., exc. Soz., but not exc. 10 0z., 2½d., ea. add. 2 0z., ½d.; Books and printed papers, rd. forev. 2oz.; N. Zealand, ½d. forev. 20z.; Com- mercialpapers, not exc. 202., 3d., 40l., 3½d., 60l., 4d., 80z., 4½d., 10 0z., 5d., and 2d. for ev. add. 2 0z. (up to 516s.): N. Zealand, ro oz. or under, 2½d., and ½d. for ev. add. 2 0z.. Patterns and samples, 1d. for ev. 2 or.; N. Zealand, 4 02., 1d., and ev. add. 2 0s. ½d. Parcel Post, for r lb. or under, rs.; for ev. add. r lb. to T71S, 6d.; N. Zealand, not over 3 16s., is.; 716s., 2s.; and ir 1bs., 3s. Dimensions, 3 ft. 6 in. in length, or 6 ft. in length and girth combined. TELEGRAPHIC RATES. TOWN AND SURURBAN THLEGRAMS.—Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia:—Within r9 miles from sending station, not exceeding 16 words, including address and signature, -/6: each additional word, r. Inland:—26 words, o : each additional word, -/1. Inter-State, 16 words, &/-; each additional word. -1. New Zealand, Suburban and Inland, rs words or under (in- cluding address and signature). 6: each additional word.: urgent. xI. and -fr per word. To Australin and Tasmania, -41 ench word. From Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania to Great Britain, 3/- each word.
TIME STANDARDS. The Time Standards adopted in this issue are :—For Eclipses, unless otherwise stated, Greenwich Time; for Sun risesandsets, Standard Time of State; for all other data, the Standard Time ro hours Fast on Greenwich.) The Standard Time used in the various States and the corrections to obtain Standard Time are: Moons Standard Moon's Phases Time in Eclipses. Place. Transit. and advancen) Seasons. Greenwich. hours Mins hours hourS add 21 add 8 Perih subt. 2 Adclaide 21 Melbourne 10 Hobart. subt. Sydney. 10 Brisbane 124 (add Wellinston 13 M THE ROVAL FAMILY. Date of Birth, and Age in 1015. King George V. June 3, 1865—50 Queen Mary 26, 1867—48 May (Married July 6, 1893.) Prince of Wales June 23, 1894—21 Prince Abbert December 14, 1805-20 Princess Victoria Alexandra April 25, 1897—18 (Princess Mary) Prince Henry March 31, 1900--15 Prince George December 20, 1002-13 Prince John July 12, 1905—10 Mother and Sisters of the King. Queen Alexandra December 1, 1844--77 Princess Royal February 20, 1867—48 Princess Victoria July 6, 1868—47 Princess Maud Charlotte (Queen of Norway) November 26, 1860-46 FOREIGN MONEYS, AND THEIR WGLISH EAUIUALENTS. TES. FULL EXCHANGE VAI d. America.—(United States) Eagle Dollar of 100 Cents.. Cent. 0 0) Argentine—Peso 3 11½ Austric—Silver Crown 0 10 to Krentzers or 20 Hellers Belginm.—Gold Ten-Franc Piece 7 11½ Silver Five-Franc 3 11½ Franc Chilian-Peso Denmark, Norway and Sweden.—Krone. 100 Ore - 7 Krone Esypt.—LE of roo Piastres One Piastre (about).. France.—Gold Twenty-Franc Piece. 015 10½ Silver Five-Franc Piece 3 11½ Franc Germany.—(NewCoinage), Gold2o- Mark Piece o Gold ro- Mark Piece Silvers 4 107 0 11½ 0 5 2 Thaler Pieces 5 101 Piece 2 11½ Greece.—Twenty-Drachmai Gold Piece One Drachma (silver) Holland.—To Florins (Gulden) Ffori (Gulden) India.—Rupee (varying in value) since 1sgo the Sovereign has beenlegaltender al ratio of rg rupees to the f sterling (- 24 the rupee), Staly.—Gold Twenty-Lire Piece 0 15 10 Gold s-Lire Piece 3 11½ 7 Lira (Silver) 0.91 Japan.—Gold 20 Ven Pieces 0 11½ Silver 50 Sen Pieces 10fs Value in exchange i Ven=roo -2104 Pern.—Sol, Silver Portugal.—Gold Milreis Silver Half Milreis 100 Reis Russia.—Half imperial Silver Rouble.. 02 T0 Kopecks
FOREIGN MONEYS, &c.-could. to s. Spain.—(Gold)—25 Pese 0 10 (Silver)—5 Pesclas Peseta The Peseta = t00 Centimos (Centimes), witzerland.—Gold Twenty-Franc Piece Franc Piece. ilver Franc Turkey.—Gold Medjidit ilver Medjidie Piastre. WWEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Apothecaries Weights and Measures. SoLID. FlUID. 20 Grains = 1 Scruple 60 Minims - r Drachm 3 Scruples - r Drachm 8 Drachms = r Ounce 8 Drachms - 1 Ounce 20 Ounces -1 Pint 12 Ounces Pound Sr Gallon 8 Pints 7 Minim -r Drop; 1 Drachm - Teaspoonful 2 Drachms 1 Dessert spoonful; , Drachms Table spoonful. Lignid Measure. -1 Pint 1 Cills 34:66 cubic inches 1 Quart 2 Pints 60°318 Quarts 1 Gallon 277:274 Wine Measure. Bear Measure. Hogshead E 52 Gals o Gallons & Firkin , Kilderkin Pipe (Port) - 11; Butt (Sherry) - 108 1 Barrel Hghd. (Claret)- 46 & Hogshead Aum (Rhenish)— 1 Punch Pipe (Madeira)— & Butt Grepuied Quart bottles - & Imperial Gallon. Avoirdufois Weight. 8 Pounds Mcat - & Stone 7 Drachm 27h Grains 14 Lbs. ManWht.= 16 Drachms= r Ounce -rOi. 28 Pounds -437½ Grains -r Cwt. 4 Quarters 16 Ounces - 7 Pound - T Ton 20 Cwis. 7000 Grains Dry er Corn Measure. 8 Bushels or 1 Gallon 4 Quarts. 7Oir. 2 Coombs 2 Gallons - 1 Peck Tr Weyor -r Bushel 1 Pecks 5 Quarters 7 Load 1 Bushels - fr Sack or 5 7 Last 2 Loads 7 Coomb 20 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES-could. Miscellancous Measures of Weight, 8c. GKAIN. COAL. - 11216s. Bushel Wheat - 60 16s. & Sack 1 Dbl. Sack= 224 1bs. Barley - s01bs. - T Ton Oats - 901bs. 20 CWI. COKE. HAv, STRAW, &c. 3 Bushels - r Sack Truss Straw - 36 1bs. -r Chaldron Old Hay- 561bs. 12 Sacks New,, - 60 16s. A Cental - roolbs.; a Sack of Potatoes - 168 16s.; a Sack of Flour - 280 16s.; a Load of Earth - 27 cubic fect; a Load of Bricks = goo; a Ton Shipping 40 cubic fect. Troy Weight. 20 Dwts. - r Ounce 317 Grains = 1 Carat 12 Ounces - 1 Pound ,, =1 Dit. nr An Ounce - 480 grains; a Pound - 5,760 grains. Standard Gold consists of 22 parts Pure Gold, and 2 parts of alloy to impart hardness. Gold is known as 9. 12, 15, or 18 parts of pure gold out of the 24 parts. Long Measure. -& Chain -7 Foot 4 Poles 12 Inches t0 Chaing - r Furlong -r Vard 3 Feet 8 Furlongs- r Mile -7 Rod, Pole 54 Vards -1 " 1760 Vards or Perch Miscellancous Measures of Length. -1 Furlong 10 Poles 12 Lines -r inch -I League 3 Miles -r Cubit 18 Inches -1 Fathom 6 Fect -1 Degree 60 Nautical Miles -1 Degree 60½ Geographical Miles The English Mile is r,760 yards; Scotch, 1,984; Irish, 2,240. Square Measure. -r Chain 741 S9. ins. =r Sq. Foot 26 Poles - r Rood 0 Sq. Fect=r Sq. Vard 40 Poles 27 Acre 30/Sq. Vds.-: Rod, Pole of Roods Er Sq. Mile (or Perch) 640 Acres Cubic or Solid Measure. 7,728 Cubic Inches= r Cubic Foot 27 Cubic Fect - 1 Cubic Vard Angular Measure. -1 Minute 30 Degrees - r Sign 60 Seconds 60 Minutes - r Degree E r Quadrant 90 a Quadrants or 360 Degrees = r Circumference or Great Circlc. 27
SUN RISES AND SETS, 1915. Wellington. Melbourne. Sydney. Rises. Sets. Risls./ Sets. Rises, Sets. 1915 N. I1. N. 21. N. II. N. MI. N. I1. [N. 11. 420 728 7 10 744 Jan. 447 7 10 430 S 13 743 455 442 40 S 5 5 15 4 54 531 655 Feb 5 25 641 6 33 658 Mar 5 43 620 6 43 5 44 S 51 6 26 629 5 55 6 35 6 13 Apr 5 53 628 6 14 644 5 59 5 39 6 22 6 53 6 26 527 S 45 Ma 6 20 6 36 711 644 4 59 6 50 728 4 5 Juneic 453 7 12 6 51 716 4 53 718 July 7 11 Ane 651 6 31 6 38 6.19 62 22 Sept. 6 6 6 17 6 12 5 49 6 20 Oct. 5 25 620 S 15 5 12 6 10 5 31 6 18 625 Nov. 627 431 7.10 421 641 454 7 21 415 Dec. 6 55 4 53 7.30 4 10 7 12 433 4 S5 737 4 12 7 21 271443 50 742477 726 For Perth and Adelaide add ar min. to Sydney. 22 may n 100 Co Memoranda Manch. Bde arnivey Rosenthal I gun. got outs monday 15 I et 4- up on lep Monday in Octin 713 741 271. In Evg. othrgan came ashore without adir. Col. Holbs NY & on mondry te yous of 7R. man hanled all way. 12 men of H. A prepared 200yds of 19 n belet as 7 fla i manned I cdns ridy relieved by t i Burges ll. Tues man & when wa; Hugly. en aout (714) Mag. Bessell I got 2 guns in Acte on Sunday Evg. Way & In firing tine of 2nd i & scut he front. We have be doing our shooting at 1000y0s or less. Cet -21500 me
Memoranda on r at 3.30 we put 36s of sheap, into 8or 9 acres on contour G00. They cleared out. Infantry see them massing on 400. S successive I shelled them out of that. only way e have law out 50 4-714 7 0 caunsck t white 2wa 2 pm. Oa Memoranda beachfort man Spoon one of their ambrs with red crescent came out of t went to beachseemed to apsenal lt our Trenches Deadman ndr yu Tupositin acsin. entrees Cav. Patrol seen by hot
Memoranda Bray Large G G B.L. fanels Dhps t Welson or 15.7 akEd. ring at Souther shore DIL in there was ar gryse shell t them to. whe by rain bous wasth Strrapne us bath on rit Bits 13 of Sitlil Baher wit Fruk dring J. ane on tely 2 yuns knockibout in suca Memoranda shots by the Ap. Cedt be both sered or by au onS. Tore &VW &Wea 24 Clyde on VBeach ide abocked with sn other shell holes Blue river of Dandnelles Field of poppies. Dans purple bpen, yellow flowers deropt up agstan exceedgle strong wind. Camped next W7 in a ally, beach under fire
Memoranda moor M Bris. 29. 6 294 Dron. Fench - Weak Din 5 batt of ys 1d 1.B. 2700 9 with. 200. NB. Bdl ordered 20.6. May 6. is 110c. May 7. 10 0'c. be were wareseds u ma E p left. N3. Comp. is. Marie E. Laneo. 184 60 Date. ir p 1 Memoranda of things lent, &c. Article. Returned. To whom lent. 4o/c3 144 guns t sharf sinack with to cik1 eho seep to be catele life a cat iatmn an val oe 3 a a110 fi 16 rsh Tark stelt -oube trives form Sky z is the
4 Memoranda of Reference, &c. As Addresses, Quotations and other matters of Interest. &5. Shell po 3 alsu? be kill to farr ill is te s7 Mo green perd Naval D Personal Reminders. No. OF EANK BOOK WATCH , , SICYCLE , , STORES TICKET SEASON TELEPHONE TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS 44 GLOVES SIZEINBOOTS HATS COLLARS HEICHE WEIGHT MSURANCE 2 ACCIDENT BURGLARY more FIRE 13 fe LIFE 113 SERVANTS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS tat white rive till a 1016D moo MY TRAINS FROM TOWN TOWN 4 be
Sanuary ist Month 1915 Cp. NBd ordered t ove. We are warned. May have & X Batteries ors 3. 10'C. p make an attack a 30 yds meet Concentzate Shrafinel I oc. our guus bombards corner of 2713 Turks betting Frerch ER Circumcision. OCh 2lm p.M. (Green- wich) lb at 7 clack & white fome 2 SAT P.SO. Ends Justover 6 3SUN-2 aft Christmas on his just picked ap amouser rivened 315 31 Days Sanarts 2 W shekin Tench met a at 4 & condg on. saw then lycy there whelar Naval sheks yre the bowels out of earth Pheysay I M Cook 326 British CL were geltin over hills on left. Few onespershey on. Offers shy or holding behind feg Ed see Lo in a t 31400 379 we were ue in vally. Krethan mik on fire. 23 my Dm




  Jan. Feb. March April May June
  h. m. h.  m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.


morn. m. 0 23 morn. m. 0  17 m.0 50 m.2 50


0 8 1 23 0 2 1 10 1 55 3 48


1 1 2 10 0 50 2 7 3 1 4 41


1 52 2 57 1 38 3 8 4 5 5 28


2 41 3 44 2 28 4 12 5 4 6 12


3 27 4 34 3 22 5 15 5 58 6 54


4 13 5 27 4 18 6 15 6 47 7 35


4 59 6 23 5 18 7 11 7 32 8 17


5 46 7 23 6 20 8 2 8 14 9 0


6 37 8 26 7 21 8 49 8 55 9 45
11 7 31 9 28 8 20 9 32 9 36 10 32
12 8 30 10 26 9 14 10 14 10 18 11 22
13 9 34 11 20 10 4 10 56 11 2 a.0 13
14 10 38 a.0 10 10 51 11 37 11 47 1 4
15 11 40 0 56 11 35 a.0 19 a.0 35 1 55
16 a.0 39 1 39 a.0 16 1 4 1 26 2 44
17 1 32 2 21 0 58 1 51 2 17 3 31
18 2 20 3 3 1 40 2 39 3 8 4 16
19 3 5 3 45 2 23 3 30 3 58 5 0
20 3 47 4 29 3 8 4 22 4 47 5 44
21 4 28 5 15 3 56 5 13 5 33 6 31
22 5 9 6 3 4 45 6 3 6 18 7 20
23 5 51 6 54 5 37 6 52 7 4 8 13
24 6 35 7 47 6 29 7 39 7 50 9 12
25 7 22 8 40 7 21 8 26 8 39 10 16
26 8 13 9 33 8 12 9 13 9 32 11 23
27 9 5 10 24 9 1 10 2 10 29 morn.
28 9 59 11 14 9 50 10 54 11 32 0 29
29 10 52 .. 10 38 11 50 morn. 1 32
30 11 45 .. 11 26 morn. 0 39 2 28
31 morn. .. morn. .. 1 46 ..
  July August Sept. October Nov. Dec.
  h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.


m.3 19 m.4 9 m.5 3 m 5 26 m.6 33 m.6 39


4 6 4 52 5 53 6 17 7 18 7 24


4 50 5 36 6 44 7 7 8 2 8 11


5 32 6 22 7 36 7 55 8 48 9 3


6 14 7 11 8 26 8 41 9 36 10 1


6 57 8 1 9 16 9 27 10 26 11 4


7 41 8 53 10 4 10 13 11 22 a.0 11


8 28 9 45 10 51 11 0 a.0 23 1 18


9 17 10 35 11 37 11 49 1 27 2 22


10 8 11 24 a.0 22 a.0 42 2 33 3 21


11 0 a.0 11 1 9 1 39 3 37 4 14


11 51 0 57 1 59 2 40 4 37 5 3


a.0 41 1 42 2 51 3 43 5 31 5 48


1 29 2 27 3 48 4 46 6 21 6 32
15 2 15 3 14 4 48 5 46 7 7 7 15
16 3 0 4 3 5 50 6 43 7 50 7 58
17 3 44 4 56 6 52 7 35 8 33 8 43
18 4 29 5 53 7 51 8 23 9 16 9 30




  July August Sept. October Nov. Dec.
  h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.


a.5 16 a.6 54 a.8 47 a.9 8 a.10 0 a.10 19


6 6 7 57 9 38 9 51 10 45 11 9


7 1 8 59 10 26 10 34 11 33 morn.


8 0 9 59 11 11 11 18 morn. 0 0


9 4 10 54 11 55 morn. 0 23 0 50


10 10 11 45 morn. 0 3 1 13 1 39


11 13 morn. 0 38 0 49 2 4 2 25


morn. 0 33 1 23 1 38 2 54 3 10


0 12 1 18 2 8 2 28 3 42 3 53


1 6 2 1 2 55 3 19 4 28 4 35


1 56 2 45 3 45 4 10 5 12 5 18


2 42 3 30 4 35 4 59 5 55 6 3


3 26 4 16  .. 5 47 .. 6 51


Note—To obtain Standard Time of Transit at other places, 

see Time Standards.





Street, S.W. The High Commissioner:  The Right 

Hon. Sir George Houston Reid, G.C.M.G.  Secretary

Capt. R. Muirhead Collins, R. N., C.M.G.

NEW SOUTH WALES—123–125, Cannon-street, E.C.

Agent-General, Sir T. A. Coghlan, I.S.O.  Secretary,

Mr. T. G. White. EMIGRATION BRANCH: Melbourne

Place, Strand, W.C.  Assistant Superintendent, Mr. 

E. Rayment.

VICTORIA—Melbourne Place, Strand, W.C. Agent-

General, Hon. Peter McBride.  Secretary, Mr.

H. G. W. Neale.

QUEENSLAND—410, Strand, W.C.  Agent-General,

Major Sir T. B. Robinson, K.C.M.G.  Secretary,

Mr P. J. Dillon.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA—85, Gracechurch-street, E.C.

Agent-General, (Vacant).  Secretary, Mr. J. B. 


WESTERN AUSTRALIA—Savoy House, Strand, W.C.

Agent-General, Hon. Sir N. J. Moore, K.C.M.G.

Secretary, Mr. A. C. Kessell.

TASMANIA—56, Victoria-street, S.W. Agent-General,

Hon. Sir John McCall, M. D.  Secretary, Mr. H. W. Ely.


street, S. W.  The High Commissioner, Hon. T.

Mackenzie.  Secretary, Mr. C. Wray Palliser.





















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