Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/79/1 - May 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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on May 15t & Birdword ws told of it be wrote. The ceny issued from their trenches & this their own wire) was soon as I heard of attack & that they were comeng on in numbers I at once said "Apital. we ought to scupper whole tot of them before they can get back again ell confitent - be a even tho they were tt making a strong attack, it as anlikely to they ad attempt to Esterblish their themselves beyond Hendenberg Line, So I fell pretty Ture here wd not be tthe real heart it as is I case in of with men who know have definited gone they
forward w no question retirement Much I am glad to say proved to be correct. I had be competted to advance a considerable number of gous to what andoubled was daageous proxity to f but this ar ferman absolutel essential to enable I field guns todeal w 1 truches at an effective vange. I alway felt it as possible to1 Jermans wight make atacks on as from time to tene) & in y round outpost villages I always impres upon every commande it I shall never say a
+12 word if small posts are overwheli by superios numbers, as long as they have all arragements read for lounching a cattalk at once to regain postts heavy orflic posses on (every As a watter of fact this attack if our 17 or in 19 aad acted promptly Bn have cat off they wa captured ( whole of the enemy who atacked Norenit & probably more. But S t Bele did nothing of this sort. Little Plant, Bele major Bde went down
3 see these Bas. one after tother and asket arent you joing to do anything. & they sd No a - not till their Bele made up its wi & ordered tim to do whativer it decired Ifit had be gillebrand to act But 2od Dron never Even informed fellibran what ws happen
4A 1 4 of te my I 4
2 6 Sfiets p t tX 0 7 l 4 pocke 54 4 1C 9 w0 15
16 Lone Kng When Tellibran was having the bodies buried tabt 150 were dia geed out he adal induce the Captain Of the Company of Connaught Kangers oh as doing work to come into the Pive a him. I cant possible 10 take my subalter?He said. Jelly told him that he wrst come along to him When they got to B5 Sap the C.O was sick owhen they got to it he had disapece- Iell sumply left him - Ided Subatern to work. He told them where todig at Browns Dip & as be left them he
4 7 said. That is where to dig graves- and Id advine you to dis tm quick- You way want to get wito them before yours done. Tey found eark story - &so they cast abt for sopeart + day up I graves wh had bu fitted in 6day before. They then filled there in again & left Blue Harper & a pty of 20 Bor reinfts (sent to Hazoe by mestale) were set to work & felle found to Blue ws more ase than anyone - to the first coy of Connought Rayers were good

on May 15th & Birdwood 
ws told of it he wrote:
"The enemy issued from Their
trenches & thro' their own
wire, & as soon as I heard
o / attack & that they were
coming on in numbers
I at once said "Capital!
we ought to scupper /
whole lot of them before
they can get back again".
"I felt confident"_  he adds_
"tt even tho' they were
making a strong attack,
it ws unlikely tt they
wd attempt to Establish
themselves beyond their
Hindenberg Line, So I
felt pretty sure there wd
not be the real heart
in it, as is / case
of with men who know
they have definitely gone



forward w no question
of retirement - & such
I am glad to say proved
to be correct.
----I had bn compelled
to advance a considerable
number of guns to what
undoubtedly was
dangerous proximity to /
German Trenches, but this ws
absolutely essential
to enable / field guns
to deal w / trenches at
an effective range. I always
felt it ws possible tt / Germans
might make attacks on us
from time to time, & in
going round outpost
villages I always impress
upon every commandor
tt I shall never say a


word if small posts are
overwhelmed by superior
numbers, as long as they
have all arrangements ready
for launching a attack
at once to regain / postins
& inflict ^ heavy losses on / enemy.
- As a matter of fact
this attack if our 17 or
in this attack if our 17 or
19 Bn had acted promptly
they wd have cut off &
captured / whole of the Enemy
who attacked Noreuil &
probably more. But 5th
Bde did nothing of this
sort. Little Plant, Bele major
of 6 Bde went down to


see these Bns, one
after / other and asked
"aren't you going to do
anything?" & they sd
"No" - not till their
Bde made up its mind
& ordered them St to
do whatever it decided.
If it had bn Gellibrand
to act......
But 2nd Divn never
Even informed Gellibrand
of what ws happening.


May 15/7


4. [[Shorthand]]
[[Shorthand]] 2nd Guards Div. 7 3 [[shorthand]] 6
[[Shorthand]] [[Relin?]] [[Repl.?]]
Got in 60 yds of trench 29 30 yds left of Rd.
& 30 yds.
We c attd w bomb [[T?]], & bayonet
at 11.30. 5 colt says 25 O are there
They have counted 200 & [[?]]



The [[?]] 250
They put a gas [[S/]]
Started abt 8.10 - 9
10.30- midnight.
Gas I largely [[?]]
Noreuil - one of
wh on 14 Bde HQ
We got pocket book
& papers - [[?St..]] [[sh]]
quietest day in Sectn.


Lone Pine.
When Gellibrand was
having the bodies buried
(abt 150 were dragged out)
he cdnt induce the Captain
of the Company of Connaught
Rangers wh ws doing / work
to come into the Pine w
him."I cant possibly"-
"Take my subaltern.” He
said. Gelly told him that
he must come along w
him. When they got to B5
Sap the C.O was sick -
& when they got thro' it he
had dissapeared. Gelly
simply left him - & set
/ Subaltern to work.
He told them where
to dig at Browns Dip -
& as he left them he


said. "That is where to
dig / graves- and I'd advise
you to dig them quick-
You may want to get into
them before you're done."
They found / earth
stony - & so they cast
abt for soft earth & dug
up / graves wh had bn
filled in / day before.
They then filled these
in again & left
"Blue" Harper & a pty of
20 Bn reinfts (sent to
Anzac by mistake) were
set to work & Gelly
found tt Blue ws more
use than anyone - tho'
the first coy of Connaught
Rangers were good.


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