Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/78/1 - May 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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X 48 12po our arte is very active now. At bit worried over the fact to the Bulletin has gone against me for writing the alleged vins of the troops on the necessity of Hughes co to the Imperial confie. May 15 About 3.30 tis worning very heavy fiving. Said to be a ferman allack what we ad hear cod be our artillery in rsl 10 a.m. No attack apperintly on our front - bat on Birtish on our lett, where
4J 148 Cerans aredd to he ept in to a postion of triel. went out alday with Sherley to thilloy? & Tomae battlefield, getting all the remaining record photos which were aeded. the old uadeground passage Hhellor Knotly Point, tell 2 (and some anstial making an Anstialian potbet ground on the battlefied of the Soming) Thilloy & LeBsarpe from Barley Y. Fritz'i Folly fom Barley Y & from N.end of rd near Gunpets sendicourt for comparison with Fozures) and Factor Corner.
50 on getting back the general toto me th the Jermand dit after all attack us last night Hun, of 5th Dion, gaveme the details. At t am they openes a very heave bombard ment, with artillery, T.H..& ig. the beaviest the 5th Dwn has known. It had bn heavy all the neght gas shells were poured in behind lines (& 40 mea were more or less cassed in sunken Roads where they were pensed be FE. bursting outside the road. Mew wd go t help I wounded put on then Jasmasks, & wd either not put on their own or
only I serious case 51 ad only pat the monthscec in thei wonths - wh is safe i you are accustonen to do it but you muster breake tio your nose). He formans stacted to bombard abt 8.10 p.m. & kepbel up till 9. Then they started again frm 10.30 tell midnight, this time got a direct hit a fas shelliab W the 14 Bde H.J. mess from wh Sheney the one of photoed yeaty the pellside wh ferman reached, It ws a very teresome night. Hu said, for men - & very heavy Esp- with gas shell- in Noreuit 4
under cover of their 52 bombe. They gob into onr treach for about 30yd West of the 29 Road, & for abt Boyds down it. By 11.30 we had them all out again. There were no prioners taken. The 56th attacked with TM. bombs, & bayonet, the heavies sut down a barra behind the Jermans in Hindendg hime to right, & behind it). 200 fermans Heen says, have be actuatly Counti dead in and around trenches we have found by papers to attack ws made
53 storm troops ofte 7 Eud Jo Reserve Dwn in rest ob now the Lehr infanti Brr /d. Din) supportug 5t Den Estinate 250 Reler News Abt Russians still very anxious. If the slders & workmons delegates give up o make peace, Koumania servie will have to do so too. Some here have by word whited be done i by us then - make an in concluseve peace, Dr Crespyny thinks. Our blocked td be fatile them. Af worst fermany esnt
X 54 in a posily to make war on us afain Surel Since Pattack it has bu 1 quietest doy the Den have had here we lost att 100men thro' I shelling last as night. It looks if the Hun might rall be going back but our I rant yet hear was on him a good deal colder. hast forlnight phenonenally hot rich is coustr reen.
X battlefuw 55 The Somie is cvered with weeds - + self Town wheat -&is favity green brus are sproatin Except in places wh DeWilly wood as waterdries agt number of up are brought to dead but alive light farmore fours, than of Germans. A very have great number lately burnd. bu May 16. No oulward Sign of Droconz Retermn yet. Only, acroplanes reported Hashes from yesty
batterics w 56 wh to have retirnd no shells fell wh the flasbes looks as if were dumniy flashed for the benefit of the planed. Returnent 10 of course tte several de Chancellon The ferman has promised the ferman people te best news of was in his next Splech most people are a bit anxious abit most people than is Russca But I believe the Workmens Toldeers Dilegatis are thinkin of reversi they decesion not to you a coaltion Joot. what reason For some
te nt hi t nepe boe te he te o ate a ane oe se e aed e Cies. on the oth for 12pnes indefinite w0 cer 57 t

4    48
12p.m. our arty is
very active now.
At bit worried over
the fact tt the Bulletin
has gone against me
for writing the alleged
view of the troops on
the necessity of Hughes
coming to the Imperial
May 15th About 3.30
this morning very
heavy firing. Said to
be a german attack -
what we wd hear - cod
be our artillery in
10 a.m. No attack
apparently on our
front - but on British
on our left, where


4   49
The Germans are sd
to have got in to a
position of trench.
Went out all day
with Shirley to Thilloy?
& Somme battlefield, getting
all the remaining record
photos which were needed.
- the old underground passage,
Thilloy, Knotty Point,
Till [shorthand], (and some Australians
making an Australian
football ground on the
battlefield of the Somme).
Thilloy & LeBarque from
Barley [shorthand], Fritz; Folly
from Barley [shorthand] & from N.end
of rd near Gunpits
[[sendicourt?]] (for
comparison with Pozieres)
and Factory Corner.


4   50
on getting back the
general told me tt the
germans did after all
attack us last night.
Hun, of 5th Divn, gave me
the details. At 4 am
they opened a very heavy
bombardment, with
artillery, T.H..& ig.
the beaviest the 5th Dwn
has known. It had bn
heavy all the neght
gas shells were poured
in behind lines (& 40
mea were more or less
cassed in sunken Roads
where they were pensed be
FE. bursting outside the
road. Mew wd go t help
I wounded put on then
Jasmasks, & wd either
not put on their own or



I serious case

ad only pat the
monthscec in thei
wonths - wh is safe
i you are accustonen
to do it but you muster
breake tio your
nose). He formans stacted
to bombard abt 8.10 p.m.
& kepbel up till 9. Then
they started again frm
10.30 tell midnight,
this time got a direct hit
a fas shelliab
the 14 Bde H.J. mess
from wh Sheney
the one of photoed
yeaty the pellside wh
ferman reached,
It ws a very teresome
night. Hu said, for
men - & very heavy
Esp- with gas shell- in



under cover of their
bombe. They gob into onr
treach for about 30yd
West of the 29 Road, & for
abt Boyds down it.
By 11.30 we had
them all out again.
There were no prioners
taken. The 56th attacked
with TM. bombs, &
bayonet, the heavies
sut down a barra
behind the Jermans
in Hindendg hime to right, &
behind it). 200 fermans
Heen says,
have be
Counti dead
in and around trenches
we have found by papers
to attack ws made


storm troops ofte
Eud Jo Reserve Dwn
in rest ob
the Lehr infanti
Brr /d. Din) supportug
5t Den Estinate 250 Reler
News Abt Russians still
very anxious. If the
slders & workmons
delegates give up o make
peace, Koumania
servie will have to do so
too. Some here have by
whited be done
by us then - make an
in concluseve peace, Dr
Crespyny thinks. Our blocked
td be fatile them. Af
fermany esnt



in a posily
to make
war on us afain
Since Pattack it has
bu 1 quietest doy
Den have had here
we lost att 100men
thro' I shelling last
night. It looks
if the Hun might rall
be going back
I rant yet hear
was on him
a good deal
colder. hast forlnight
phenonenally hot




The Somie is cvered
with weeds - + self
Town wheat -&is
favity green
brus are sproatin
Except in places wh
DeWilly wood
as waterdries
agt number of
are brought to
but alive
farmore fours, than
of Germans. A very
great number
lately burnd.
May 16. No oulward
Sign of Droconz Retermn
yet. Only, acroplanes
reported Hashes from


to have retirnd
no shells
the flasbes
looks as if
were dumniy
for the benefit of the
planed. Returnent
of course
tte several
The ferman
has promised the ferman
people te best news of
was in his next Splech
most people are a
bit anxious abit
most people than
is Russca
But I believe
Workmens Toldeers Dilegatis
are thinkin of reversi
they decesion not to you
a coaltion Joot.
For some


te nt hi t nepe boe
te he te o ate
a ane oe
se e
aed e

on the oth
for 12pnes





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