Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/77/1 - April - May 1917 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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42 Endpioneers did fine wosk on sap fom Rly Embant 29 Road to CS. atoy 19 at times were firmg like this during tnight man were both sides of at times of the Bn lost v. beaoitz The Rehind OP.1. Gervs thro' smpcy ad ast let them collect wod in post of O.9.2 tho white flag ws fre Lieut O'Reilly of 4 Div. Arty worked as F.0.0 & just had foue ip after dark shorts on see abt while 16 right (He had obseroin Bn at 24 with Observe Lom. Pine I 53 There seemet to be as field organiate amouptl So. If they had made as attack on bot flanks & pont at once they wydt have done better. We only had 200 man on a 600 yd. pout-holding 2 lines of E. Te mer were bg the nct in dejonts. Iwd be too rest to so few men there. stand to used to come from the wen themselves. I men had their vayonets blown off owere ranning cound woken for bayonets. They insister on hovin bayoners. Main G. shelling ws ore rlyline & road. He had manneas on the fank, also.
84 Therews a power buzzer +amplfian with 24 Be (from Bd H Ers wt 2 bays east of 33, where hloyd was. Ht moved up as soon as Ent Objic as taken shells & my fire -0 in old it. 85 very rave of They were relieved by 188 Bde at down ou 4t The wire as absolutily bowe down. soin dato were een carrin to other sioc o7 8C2
Bean Dea As car as as t Bdt t 41h t Ot present partly in Bde 54 Objecctie difented been battaly has 7th Bte kend who smith Sent. clear he up Rught then i flack hro fa will Autilly 44 barrng sen 24 pres A Sorr dy more noth i #1 against 16 Ball sone Bde BulicCow have Di which v missed
84 Therews a power buzzer +amplfian with 24 Bn (from Bd H Ars ws 2 bays east of 33, where hoyd was. HI moved up as soon as Ent Objic as taken shells & my fire in old it. 85 18 Flares at night were dropping over our font Y- apptl from go. in star crossroads. Siual bodies of men were seen movin bele. Keenc. ourt & Facron direction but I guus got outoo scatleres tim. The 24 Bn Eloy was into end objie on propaiig time, F Every wave ws on programube 24th Every wave oten its objie. They were relieved by 158 Bde at dawn ou 4t The wire as absolutily knowe down 5m dgts were een carries to other siow of 8C. &

2nd Pioneers did fine
wosk on sap fom Rly Embant
alog 29 Road to O.S.1
at times / [[Cys?]]
were firing like this,
during / night __ ,
men were ^lining xx both
sides of [trench] at times
The of the Bn lost v. heavily
thro' sniping behind O.S.1. Guards
wd not let them collect wd in [[post?]]
of O.G.2 tho white flag ws tried
Lieut O'Reilly of 4th Div. Arty
worked as F.0.0 & just
after dark had gone up
see abt some shouts on
right & ws k.while
observing. (He was (He had
observed with 24 Bn at 
Lone Pine).

18     83
There seemed to be no field organisation
amongst . So. If they had made
as attack on bot flanks & fr  ont
at once they wydt have done
better. We only had 200 man
on a 600 yd. pout-holding 2
lines of [[trench]]                                                                                                                                                                                                  
The men were lining
the [[trenches]] not in dugouts.
It wd be too risky
w so few men there.
"Stand to" used to
come from the men
themselves. 2 men had
their bayonets blown off
& were running round
looking for bayonets. They
insisted on having bayonets.
Main G. shelling ws on
rly line & road. He had
[[minni?]] on the flank, also.


There ws a power
buzzer & amplifier
with 24 Bn (from Bde)
H. Qrs ws 2 bays East
of 33, where Lloyd was.
H.Q moved up as soon
as 2nd Objve ws taken
shells & mg. fire
in old [[?]].

They were relieved by
1st Bde at down on 4th.
The wire ws absolutely
mowed down - some
mats were even carried to other
side of OG2. 


18   83
Dear Bean,
As far as can be ascertained
at present - 6th Bde Are  in 2nd
objective : 5th Bde partly in. 
7th Bde battalion has been detailed
to Genl. Smith who is sending
them up to clear up Right 
Artillery will probably 
remain on BLUE barrage for
Sorry nothing more definite
H.M. Lloyd
P.S. 1 Ball 7th Bde gone against 
BULLECOURT which 12 th Dvn have 
[*(Generally things are fairly right I think for 2nd Object)*]


 There ws a power
buzzer & amplifier
with 24 Bn (from Bde)
H.Qrs ws 2 bays East
of 33, where Lloyd was.
H.Q. moved up as soon
as 2nd Objve ws taken
- shells & mg fire
in old [[?]]
18   85
Flares at night were
dropping over our front
[[trench]] apptly from Gs. in
star crossroads. Small
bodies of men were
seen moving below. Rienc
-ourt & Factory direction
but L. guns got onto
& scattered them.
The 24 Bn [[FCoy?]] was
into 2nd objve on
programme time, & every
wave ws on programme.
24 Bn Every wave attained
its objve.
They were relieved by
1st Bde at dawn on 4th
The wire ws absolutely
mowed down - some
mats were even carried to other
side of OG2. 


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