Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/77/1 - April - May 1917 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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The 5Bde - for some reason unknown& broke at the evenings were - Boase thinks it we ong officer of the 2okn. About 400 stragers came back to tae railway surbankt. Gellibrants two joumgsters. Reatoul & Gilchrisk tallied them spoke to tem atery them & led them strayld back as country. It wod have been better send them apby the Tely says) 29 Road, but they had no lime for thinking. The one inteation was to foon and keep faith wh British itinetable. he tinetable allowed for the swiny of the Cep of the 6t Bde giving the British a lead ffrom the Endobive. The two boys collected the lth Bole - OCok the 18th Pn on (murphy wd wit it). Gilcbrest, wilen reaching the OG.1 jirst to rbefrd to head of the 24 Bn Combiny party there. He ggot in only gmen were with him. The rest lay doct in the wire. They had in g5 on them then frome behe 6 flie case OBdo 400 13 21 22 14 10 12 23 5 24 13 300 MG 28 2 wight eut curg c attack gil when up embankt wit a rift 2d Bn came back There ws a fightfull beavy barrage on the Rly embantkment 5 offis 20 men were bet arain Sellers Bde AD. alone. The assistant cost wentupo wen he wsnt cooking spet 10 hours in a depont on top of the rlyrubautment 09.2- very pirce The Bolegod up il during Bay but were bombed out by mennees. 18
56 At 2.30 started to go out 246n Stanti patrols were in pont of wire at 10 pm. out fape Engineers pay under coour of patrols prob Silchrests fob 2.15 markes went out parade harp on planks 2.30 Bn weat ont. ceaden 4 waves. A kenRo file alo De i 29 at then left ateter upwit a netch. to possti Coad men took & tay down. Enemy had 4 from Factory At 10 before pat a barra pr +
6 back. Also my fire but lost very fe A Zero whole of waves beg to advance creeping behind They keptunder bair Thrst shells 15t Wave mino to Soon. took 1t ling. W farse there a few so. were down dujonts. At Gero &16 thi ts capld. First wave staged here rest cont over top keepi close behind barrage tt $33 when Eady 3odcave carried od tine. There were a few G iganvers this - (one mog at 33) mgo seemed to be from Factory & Reenca At 1.40 t 4th wave
68 of 24Bn Oaeman had 5 poisoners who were not easy to persuade to cross on the wayback. So be shot one & wt him ndet the wounder man. 69 took and obyie I had fone straight over E Here they had both planks in air here were fer to et & lep & at rear left rear flanks. The C came down sap in 2/3d The dusk, as not as heavy as in pzzeeres. They know itlef were not ap before the reached Of.1. They extended to flank at 1oyds on left in both y 8 abt 250 youon riht. They estab. a stop in the Tap pom 23 central a few yards ap. Abt midday the Gernan
Sumkrn of the right the On the 0 1 Road bomb part was bonber down dugont (when first went into it) and a couple stick bombs (or potets thers) came ap the stairs. They knew down another up came a further grenade. May ha ut up a boubstore. at anainna 24 very low droppert message Bravo Austratis fchis Bde H.G.) & prompty 7ot engine troable 2 5 Caud to there. mcide their first depnite strory c attack from Tap in 23d, & down road from kiencourt fom the sunen 2d. Tey came over from shellhole to steleole their Steday across the sealatiack Selly cll Dr stowachs standing on the top of the treaches waist high thes had kept their mf on te parapet but no bombt into t gotik The ferma 100r 12/4do At 5pm they c.allactin again - to this time af the sap, with Combs & were beaten off with boarks & Stoleas jun. 18
72 1X 4 the te of 25 10 (Apttie olst. of th EBde wosl lett failes et a a 9/9 to left. a part of ab 18 back c s to have pte The rest is moath on the wire. This 22&21Bno. applies to Bde The British attacky or fit sans have wet rngs at St corner swerved right across Britich attact from Sw The 2802n had be sendly in the afternoon & had bomber up At 10 P.m. Thess. made then 3rd counter attack pom riht The attack on the left was Eeally the British attatking they were St o it tooked litee a callact fom bote flanks. 25 Ba went. The word came along front 2 to retire - but 24Bn s asked what of says reture Te offes od decided if the ss. goben behieed them catter way back overlon with Bh. 10
14 after dawn ter Abb. 1hr were 9 german places out very high up. They had the on. After they went off our loing tow plaves came down behe left fermans The copee & cegars. The coffe black ws unswellene a dogen water botth. coffie in one dryout, a cloge another, apad of stenkin buther bread. our man tey smoke were cygars. 18 75 tapt (maxfield an Deoy secut Cartinean Leent Harris, Rhyndhart ebpsomote)were Lin o the trainway to 5of 234 2452 Sowe of 239210ff of ba e but only 24h 2 t 178. Chynband Idead ShoA00 Harri dyn sidoe last marfield shot le back onw back 24 tried to him but it w emposs own to my fere the hadge i He ws alow acentral. That tht ti peliols found hee
09 56 German plane wa brought riftering durn down afternoon before fight He fell beliv Rly Embankt. The aviator gobento a & held his bands ap (an Aeatit) I was copld. The oker raw & was shot (he ws att woyd behiend the imbankt). With afew sees I dogen were oul ab the plane rippen & wing whole time therewere germans behen a bit of a white chalk partition. who were found ba bus zer operator after 24 Bnt hadnent ihadn there 12 hors over.I offe there wit MC. Eebban dead (piof. te efued they think Christa back e les wdon it. aa Before bar the set W. dowon in 2 Ae ord a de 6 this c back. E e As Your. 2 Bn the wh previously held the to ap function of Laben ed 23 2 Sta t 60 4 down fla b lett 6 22D to 4229 70 sof it Th Obt obyet of the
Harr Rhynt Maxfield Christien Ellwood, Eicket her ted (all acco hit wo A7H McCooey Work Pittberd hit poung to b H Ellis of Bloy OF.I. t. of Col. of 25 Ca H Fetters by a rift K. i O.f. 2 or mys vallet aft 3pm. He hed on bit thoo steel hervet befoe that the right of Of2. Hewe A Macondoe shot thwo neckabt Pomr. at time of C. attack on till day Lt Graham, L.N.G. Ofr. wt stell fire after renef, on rly imbankt. h scales - wd leading a bomb attack in OJ.2 at 9pm. make Bdl port. He hang on till reteel - notseriouss 79 let flank of 2 60 65 Bde Kontey abi 600 alt 40 of 22Pr had y Joh an plant with officers resistar Te et in thes boint attack cs ver Leavy S4 out with Vgun at 256 36 socvente Es. gill nto send R on the flank 2od Bn made a plank atory dunken Road through 629 Frew had bn won Mapt Parkes took Co under Capt Lloyd Seere were 5c attac to allogtng midday, 5 10 just before next dawn
80 Vickers mg were out 2 on tramway- crew & of you wery all hitter there ws H Desmond were Derm shelling this place. The other fun too got back &0.J.2 abt 11.30 or 12. This ws very good work. The MY. Coy 1C.Ms did sptendisl especiatly mortars wh helpet ihs to hampouts fands dun bounding attacks, sevly from positon in 29 roat. Ohe Jemman was seen bloar Plean 30 or 60Hl into airturnng over, duri C attack on our right at widday a 09 trech. 18 81 a small bo t attact betw 384a Ever man carrie his load ac 30/5 Every wa carried he load. & as man dropped it Each d 6 boubs o Feds. Combarie 24 & bombers B.t Cost wosb their bombers german morat we ecre high best 4 Lighters 24 Bu has struck. They woud lis 2 Te tice attacks 65 fiven Seevey heads of fi 6 cor down an att te 2 the stiong o allack y o

The 5th Bde - for some reason
unknown,-broke at the enemys
wire - Boase thinks it ws one 
officer of the 20 Bn. About 400
stragglers came back to the
railway embankment. Gellibrands
two youngsters, Rentoul & Gilchrist,
rallied them, spoke to them, gathered
them & led them straight back across
country. It wd have been better
(Gelly says) to send them up by the
29 Road, but they had no time
for thinking. The one intention was
to go on and keep faith w /
British in / timetable. [The
timetable allowed for the swing of the
left of the 6th Bde giving the British
a lead from from the 2nd objve.] The two
boys collected the [[5th?]] Bde - & took
the 18th Bn on (Murphy ws with it).
Gilchrist ws/seen reaching the O.G. /
first to rt of rd to head of the 24
Bn bombing party there. He got in
only 2 men were with him. The rest
lay down in the wire. They had
m gs on them then from behind
O.G. 2 - very fierce. The 5th Bde got up the [[trench?]]
during / day but were bombed out by minnies.

6 Bde Casualties
21.  13 & 400
22.  14 & 411
23.  12 & 351
24   13 & 300
M G. 3 & 20
T M   - & 21
Gelly during ^night c-attack went
up embankt with a rifle when
2d Bn came back.

There ws a frightfully heavy barrage
on the Rly embankment -
5 offrs & 20 men were hit around
Gellys Bde H.Q. alone. The
assistant cook went up &
when he wasnt cooking spent 10
hours in a dugout on top of the
rly embankment.


24 Bn. At 2.30 a.m. started to go out
Standing patrols were in
front of wire at 10 pm.
Engineers put out tape
under cover of patrols
- prob. Gilchrists job.
2.15 markers went out
to mark out parade &
coy flanks.
2.30 Bn went out.
4 waves. A Coy leading, -
in file along sunken Rd
in 29 [[?]] & then left wheeled
formed up without a hitch.
Men took [[?]] into position
& lay down.
Enemy had a searchlight
from Factory way, [[?]]
[[?]]. At 10 mins before
zero they had Guns put a barrage
of [[crumps?]] - but too far


back. Also mg. fire -
but ^we lost very few.
At zero whole of waves began
to advance creeping behind
barrage. They kept under /
shells bursts - & got into / [[Trenches?]] 2
mins too soon. 1st wave
took 1st line. V. few germans
there - a few Gs. were down
dugouts. At zero + 16 this
ws cptd.
First wave stayed there
next contd over top keeping
close behind barrage till
+ 33 when 2nd & 3rd waves
carried second line. There were
a few G. m.gunners in
this -(one m.g. at 33) -
M.Gs. seemed to be
from Factory & Riencourt.

At 1.40 the 4th wave



One man ^of 24 Bn had 5 prisoners
who were not easy to
persuade to cross on the
way back. So he shot one &
wd him & made the other 4
carry the wounded man.
took 2nd objve. They
had gone straight over [[trench?]].
Here they had both flanks
in air - There were germans
to rt & left. & rt rear &
left rear flanks. The Gs.
came down sap in 23 d.
The dust ws not as
heavy as in Pozieres.
They knew rt & left
were not up before they
reached O G. 1. They
extended the flank at
150 yds on left in 
both [[trenches?]] & abt 250
yds on right. They
estab. a stop in the
sap from 23 central,
a few yards up.
Abt midday the Germans


On the right of the Sunken
Road in O.G. 1 the
bombing party was bombing
down dugout (when first
they went into it) and a couple 
of stick bombs (or potato
mashers) came up the stairs.
They threw down another &
up came a further grenade.
They had put down up a
German bomb store.

An airman ^after flying
very low dropped the
message "Brave Australia"
behind Bde H.Q. & promptly
got engine trouble & had
to land there.

made their first definite
strong c.attack from sap in
23 d, & down road from
Riencourt from the sunken
rd. They came over
from shellhole to shellhole
sliding across on their
stomachs ^-the seal attack Gelly calls it - our men
standing on the top of
the trenches waist high.
The Gs had kept their on the parapet but
no bombs into [[trenches?]].
The Germans got within
10 or 12 yds.
At 5 pm they c.attacked
again - xx this time up
the sap, with bombs &
were beaten off. with
bombs & Stokes gun.



The 24th were
fighting the 124th.

James Morrow
[[?]] 621 Pte.
46 Bn
Paybook found
on German.

The left of the 6 Bde mostly
failed - It met a m.g. & 
swerved to the left. A party of abt
15 is sd to have got in ^& back. The rest
is mostly in the wire. This
applies to 22 & 21 Bns..
The British ^Bde attacking on rt seems
to have met at S E corner
& swerved right across British
attack from SW

The 28 Bn had bn sent up
in the afternoon & had bombed
At 10 p.m. The Gs. made their
3rd counter attack from right.
The attack on the left was
really the British
attacking - they were
seen & it looked like a
c attack from both flanks.
28 Bn went. The word
came along front [[trenches?]]
to retire - but 24 Bn men
asked "What Offr says retire"
xxxx The offrs had
decided if the Gs. got in
behind them to cut their
way back overland with



Abt. 1 hr after dawn there
were 9 German planes
out very high up. They had the
+ on.
After they went off our
planes came along low

The Germans left behind
coffee, & cigars. The coffee
ws unsweetened black
coffee - a dozen water bottles
in one dugout, a dozen in 
another, a pat of stinking
butter, bread. Our men
were xxxxx smoking
[[?]] cigars.

D coy w Capt Maxfield M.C.
Lieut. Christian
lieut Harris, Rhyndhart
(newly promoted) were
out in the tramway
& some offrs of 23rd
& 21st. Some of 23 & 21 offrs
got back ok but only 17
men of 24th D Coy & 
no offrs.
Rhynhardt ws dead
Harris ws shot thro
kidneys & dying
Capt Maxfield shot in
leg & back on way 
back. They tried to
get him but it ws
imposs. owing to m g fire
He ws along the hedge in
23c central. That
night patrols found one



German plane ws brought 
down by rifle & m.g. during
afternoon before fight. He
fell behind Rly Embankment.
The aviator got into a [[trench?]]
& held his hands up.
(an Aviatik) & was captd.
The other ran & was
shot (he ws abt 100 yds
behind the Embankment). Within
a few secs. ½ dozen men
were [[?]] the plane
ripping xxx

During whole time there were
5 Germans behind a bit of a
white chalk partition - who were found by buzzer
operator after 24 Bn had handed
over. They had bn there 12 hours
The buzzer man went round / corner , & one touched
him on / arm & sd Kamerad - then a second did / 
same & he lit a match.

offr. there with M.C.
ribbon dead (prob Maxfield)
They think Christian got
back, he ws wd on 
way out.
Before the barrage
ws put down in 23a
No order had bn sent to
this Coy to come back.
Abt 9 8 pm. the 24th Bn
wh previously held
up to the junction of
O.G.2 & Sunken Road at 23c
0.4 started bombing
down to left flank
to 22D 70 & 22 D 7.3.
They got within about 50
yds of objve - the Commun.


Maxfield, Harris, Rhyndhart,
Ellwood, Picket, Christian.
(all accounted for here →

A coy Lt McCooey - ws hit
A coy Lt [[Pittard?]]
Lt Ellis of B Coy ws hit going into
O.G. 1.
Lt Fethers - (cousin of Col. of 23) k.
K. in O.G. 2 by a rifle
or m.g. bullet abt 3 p.m.
He had bn hit thro steel
helmet before that -
He ws on the right of OG 2.
Lt MacIndoe shot thro neck abt
8 p.m. at time of c. attack -
hung on till day.
Lt Graham, L.M.G. Offr wd by
shellfire after relief, on
rly embankment.
Lt Scales - wd. leading a bombing
attack in O.G. 2 At 9 p.m.
- to make Bde front. He hung
on till relief - not seriously.

[[trenches?]] 60 & 63. (left flank of 
Bde frontage abt 600-700 yds)
(Abt 40 of 22 Bn had 
got in on flank with 2 officers)
The resistance
in this bombing attack
ws very heavy
Strong post with V.gun
at 23 c. 36 prevented
Gs. getting into Sunken Rd.
On the rt flank 23rd Bn
made a flank along Sunken
Road through U29 -
Trew had bn wounded
& Capt Parkes took command.
under Capt Lloyd.
There were 5 c. attacks
altogether - midday, 5 10,
& just before next dawn -



2 Vickers m.g. were out
on tramway - crew & offr
of one were all killed there -
Lt Desmond ws k. there.
xxx Germans were
shelling this place.


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