Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/77/1 - April - May 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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39 at me as th 5 ied House, Mardach & pin 3hours tiie In attack with be at slawn tfoley moves. a is 5.30 &145 53 14.18) 416 X1641 7.65 Gnoar7 May 3. after some dill Norman in pending 3.32 imar barrage opp. our lines. He has spothes our men yestow 3.33. G. Hare opp. Ballicourt ing. 3.34. a little GShrapril a Worenet Rd Not a leavy barrage
3.68 50 40 to wens t g0. C 4C fair ant of shell fire ahear but not much Shrax. cittle my a 2 gan shots 3.42 several more. 3:44 more gun shots The Go hink thay have seen a patrol 48 every they perfectly quiet Baridge flare on left. Baltey offis voics 46 barred has starled away on lift theyre Red flare. Enomges not Reds off as Heres all alongline. Tigs of men iforrd tet agst oen flasher An Lear G. Barrage
18 47 Brilliant flashes abt Bullesoart. 357. Infy shd be in reme in C ms. 3.58. Greenflard by Hendeaourt. 4.1 sen t te in. a little mg. far favor flen, but dust 4.5 prevents you cen much. No red flares for Inns past. 4 E. Red flare from Bullesourt Can see a live of men moviy by clse on our right - prob-barns- 4 2 fleres still in Bulleconrd Red flarcalso. Red Fleres seem still toler 4.16 coming from behind Ballecont Ballery beehnd usseers 4.18 in it.
45 14.22. cantioe a lank s c over Ibarien. 4.25. still flores. some green behiend Bullect. Day breaking our art must be leften 42 fom barragh to barrage M. G. Krayht abeed 28 more ned fleres abend. to this a snt leve bein allachd A good many flaces from Rreacourt. continual my to rt pout 20 5 fermans still cn on 4 our left pout neer Bullicourt to Judge by red o white flares
R 8 44 45. Pretty well light. 4 dearweshant see murch. Ireen flane from derection Handecourt 455 2old clusters aggtl grom Hendecourt. Ere 00 fen Buths H 4 waves 19 in sack bn 20 18 Each tog line. Fond on in Momansla by ferman before wit
18 45 The right Startn 1915 Bn got on& failes appt its objucs right took 20Bo behind it away didnt geton - 13Bor da reorganiser & took them on himself 6t Bds got both abjves (by 6.30 I hears this) &5 Bde is in me objrs on lepbut not known abt the right gernan reteleatu, on Early staps Almostall shran 1a of 7 Bde s6 6.59. be sent agst Ballecourg kept from Di Ballecourt 6.50 tater
46 It looks as if 2nd objoe will beheld 7 3rd olve will not be attacks till after reoigonesation. Britished to be thro on left of Bullecourt. Ed gn apsto 4 8.5 one of our planes abt 1004 lh over Bullecurt. Stares still 8 from Butlecon
oa llo w on Sa dour aviator ofrs 4 to shelters momens: Belrr let this to hosp be weste in 1 carfirit to com bt him what geve whit Saw 18 48 8.30 Plane stillover at 1000 HA Barrage in port of Bullect. some a waves solto have intered X Bullicourt May 4.6 lese Sar 563 m ser Dobsic renforinn Dear 2r in part of Rienconot 2 heavy barrages
4 to becaue wery hot in the Sebek abt am &a 3 shells bust a a few minute arthin 5or byards or less of woude lyn tere -on atve Phspitals onict Millean son in te want conson a oorou Murt6 They say ou are this we wa mnenwerfers in Bullect. help to t somettly we can hear mgo achawdire all the time. to waesd. At 12. Badday a plane sdbe al still the Saken R Secouron second obje- lyvy very low. At $12.30 Gelly Idallows wer wereout of this &asked for a barrage seras it Isborne thought (asI did) to the 25 g0t in to of Ballecourt. Sinythe says no-none of our troops: are there ag n onit they say this attck has come of X 9o 18 51 we can ee men iin the ge trunches Bullecint. te Bod 20 Bn came pastosd 26 were in these there were n oter Side of Bullicourt 25 were (to be pad sto e at Bullicour from bont 9.15. an ammn part itowards Bullecau. pl a party of 2x Bor gony 9.30. back as they wont be able tdy stin post ferwh decaile till atteranot attack tonight ing say tomes & our men going to attack Bullect premitt & arty back on 833 barrage 10.20 1.6. we have our sit Olesve.
51 115 A In Novcent valle 101112 i 13.14.15 &105 & 106. How 12 army Bde (45. 86 1 101 How of S5t Bile was behind Norcwil ((llmes barrayed weant abonceogot To 100, round of 4.5 One pdr was palled outs fired direct 515 On Ballery comd for of in his dupont german Co breakfast of his mess stores Ap 52 15 4Bt. Beddell C.O ws in Laguicount when the ferms were seen firny flares behind them. He susd had time to get order on shore from Gen. Col Sephenson to Eevaciate &tel a Sobaltern to run back for his papers when he has to get away thro the fermans

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