Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/76/1 - April 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Secretsan 4 2 Tune 1915 36 propos to go Lunsey. we think we will try put white of it. Hove gives me. the folly acct of the 29 Tudl on the Penenala w n to attacked Pisells p hI turles attacked the 3orl men of 9LAwho in the sacret D a right in wedto of Fattasl got out of the say & some to got in it, most of en crossing it however. The felin 9L.H. retook the sage, cut it thro to There were only st rifle of C Squ. 8thL. A. holding the centre of positi& 38 men gobee in supt t were frin over dee heads - 75 Rifles in all.
lop 37 9tL.C except for te in the SecretSap, othe men of BSn. S64. on pring at lits of the right sttack bt hav 1 wills 19 comer in there were o other There as a m.g. on which Tarks Point gob some flasbn soties of to i only m ployed When Callack stty Hove had to go down to now they he sads 6 see were. There was a fairt vew tunnelled sap critle a bombery post. There as a man standing at entrance of tannel
Hove heard I leading ina say someting in a whsaw to someone. behind him possibly it as an effleadin Hcway have bad a revolver - this Turk or way have by beeting alongw his rifle in hoube of him I think I, but possible where A- an open Thead for fire truck goes into joins it) firg ito the teinnel. He said: Dout go there - it chock full of tarks Hore asket if all our were out Sancer Theyre all out - t an said - every one an Hore sd: well someon r must go down it cocked his revolvir started down the tunnel Presutl he heard a anmove- He had reached the far end of tannel & a man came alo abt 15 feet away. Here I man shal shot i ash back ond accappeared Hove went back a bit to make sure to there Turks in
behind him. of the had got in behie him there ae nothen a press of the fight for our men were firi co and ashard as the thnding to noting shie to prevent tem from getty cnt 1 trench & bayonetty the shooters Then Hore came down cto tonel again. This time, he heard someone scratch scratchay alo the tunnel. There was light cr in tha an opening in of tenvel & prevently by this faint bgnt Hore an somethen greaf mov ust beneath it. He waited tell I man was within a few yards & then He heard the man fin
47 draw a deep breath Ooh- ooh. & knew he had bet him. Then Hore went back again. Hove reported) this tnnel cleared. He was bolding it himself really, clear He was somy down it a last time - when a man sushed right on to him saying on a low void something in distinquish like Leae pass!a hore fired -& foundd was a man o ours. Atths a man camen out tannel had toto him a everyone we sone, there was a pair of in nes on ct all time, who had cam low in Tendor tannel (which we to have one undert The pass word was oerrince& man
22 do sd after t he used it, but it very doabtful Capt. Maclaurin the 2MC. of PFL.H. & Hoves sencor offr who was nota very day for himself (and who off who went as only no destance from parepet 7 before getten on An cts a hole centan tare) as oer & stayin down on Hore for this edi believe his story. But his Colone (white) beheadd it. the Turks were le firw. Te sha Pick f fat 6 the 11
fles shand sking not 43 Wat 56 t ig them ap Most of tacks d b Turk ws diat 242 cartro nele ofour thoth were In head
Marmela de Butler B. Olivers afe an la Idect Wilk 0 t Ec Lolo

29 June 1915


proposing to go himself.
We think [[we?]] will try
& put White off it.

Hore gives me the
follg acct of the 29 July
on the Peninsula when
Ts attacked Russells Rop.
When / Turks attacked
the 3 or 4 men of 9 LH who
were in the secret sap,
right in [[?]] of T. attack<
got out of the sap & some
Ts got into it, most of [[?]]
crossing it however. The
9 L.H. retook the sap, filing
into it thro [[?]].
There were only 38 rifles
of C sqn.8th L.H. holding
the centre o / positn &
38 men probly in / supports
& were firing over their
heads - 76 Rifles in all.


Except for the 9th L.H.
in the Secret Sap, & the
men of B Sqn 8th L.H. on
the right firing at bits o /
attack up / right hand
xxx corner of xxx Russells Top
there were no others.
There ws a m.g. on
Turks Point - which
got some flanking parties
of Ts. It ws / only m g
When / attack started
Hore had to go down to
his saps to see how they
were. There was a fairly
new tunnelled sap out to
a boundary post. There
ws a man standing at
/ entrance o / tunnel


Hore heard / leading man
say something in a whisper
to someone. behind him
- possibly it ws an offr leading.
he may have had
a revolver - this Turk - or
may have bn feeling
along w his rifle in
front of him.

(I think P, but possibly
where A - an open [[tread?]]
for fire trench goes into
joins it) firing into the 
tunnel. He said:
Dont go there - its
chock full of turks.
Hore asked if all our
own men were out -
They're all out - the
man said - every one.
Hore sd: well someone
must go down it - &
cocked his revolver & 
started down the tunnel.
Presently he heard a 
man move - He had
xx reached the far
end o / tunnel & a
man came along 
abt 15 ft away. hore
shot - & / man also shot
back ^at / flash and disappearedX &
Hore went back a bit
to make sure tt there
were no Turks in


behind him. If they
had xxx got in behind
him there ws nothing
(in / press of the fight,
for our men were firing
as hard as they cd and
attending to nothing else)
to prevent them from getting
into / trench & bayonetting
the shooters.
Then Hore came down
into / tunnel again.
This time he heard someone
scratch scratching along
the tunnel.
There was light coming
in thro' an opening in / top
o / tunnel, & presently
by this faint light Hore
saw something grey moving
just beneath it. he
waited till / man was
within a few yards & then
fired. He heard the man


draw a deep breath -
"Ooh 0 ooh." & knew he
had hit him. Then Hore
went back again.
Hore reported this
tunnel cleared.
(He was holding it
himself really, clearly.)
He was going down it a
last time - when a man
pushed right on to him
saying in a low voice
something indistinguishable
like "Leave pass!"
Hore fired - & found it
was a man of ours.
Altho a man coming out
of / tunnel had told him
tt eveyone ws done, there
was a pair of miners
in it all / time, who
had lain low in / end o /
tunnel (which ws to have
gone under / T. [[trench?]]
The pasword was

[[Merriwle?]] - & / man


sd afterwards tt he
used it, but it is
very doubtful.

Capt. Maclaurin,
the 2 in c. of 8th L.H. &
Hores senior offr. who
was not a very daring 
offr himself (and who
ws / only offr who went
no distance from / parapet
on Aug 7 before getting
unharmed into a hole
& staying there) ws very
down on Hore for this
& wdnt believe his
story. But his Colonel
(White) believed it.

The Turks were beaten by
sheer rifle fire. The shout
was "Pick off the fat beggar
with the baggy pants" -
"Get that skinny devil" =
& so on. Officers & others


taking hot rifles & handing
up cool ones - &
were loading rifles & handing them up. -
Most o / Turks had no
cartridges - but one
Turk ws found lying
dead & nearby 30 cartridges
- & 4 or 5 ot our men
were sniped thro the
head - probly by him.


B. olives
Cafe au lait
Ideal Milk
or, if not, sucre'.



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