Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/76/1 - April 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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you adnot ont 1f 15. It just came from the scrub. He past had been shot out abb 30r G men came back only 1redg t oat top lay behind remgto CHler ednt the bashes attempt to dig it. They were under stragned fire Obt 10 am. the 1st Br. came up trough there Col. Dobbin we amongst them. Strachan of CBn was there in the afternoon, The larks appeared to have rx in pont & brought ns a in oe mmachen e
afternoon - The brks whom they saw were all day creeping about from bush to back queritla tactis almost. Men were benng Coshall Lt. Hayman of BC. was standen appesi Docigall abt 3 pm wants to know where n were when he was shotdead. Dougall had toll him to lie down. The fire seemed to get tremendonat heavin about Spn. That was when it seemn to be most intense. To ws rifle & m fire Tarks ed see our men when
ever they moved or 5to0d up. There never seemed any chance of the line back- Temen seemed to be confident cheerful - they were quite eathuseactic -& Docigall doubts if you could have palled them outof it easily They were doing their gob I kinn it. There were cannss bringing apanimn in boxes - there ws never any shortage- The picked up the awnng cod men also. dead or
D. had 2 hoversacks full, & was thrown chips to fwen here& there Dougal Spoke to Jeasprd - who was a little anxious as to Weter te men cd stand lilee regular Soldiers D told him they were Enthusiastic amatears MacL & Ross were like a rallyny point - their example did a greet deal to steady te wen especially as the n Comi & adjo behaved in Iopposite mann fact, were not there
16 As it wo darkin they began to dig in There w not te of the GBn then - the to had scattere + ad & killed alst. D all wo degring roughly on line where they were during 1 day. The tarks made rushes during I night, but were wotseen very close. Our rifh fire kept them H. Water came upon lind during I night staf people on 1 beach callected odds & ends sent them up. The
Monda whole then seemed to have be well thonght out t schenc well carried on By Mornn with atruch to tools the of &ec fair Thinps were quicter morrig on Mondary Abbmidday Capt Ross 9Bn to pulled out the reform in fully below BReHA Abb 4 pm. Gen. Madagen came along - gave the Bn an objectioe. & person aet them upin
They worked up thro8 the scrub outo (top of found the 15Bn ridge too crowded in trenches of 15 Bn Sowe came back as went forward - t been ordered had probl didst seem back, they ab all panic streckin This proble drew a certain and of our own peoples fereonts the 9Bn The 9Bn did not go beyond 15 Bn were 2 where on tep Rod It was ttle Thrapne as rifle n
The 15Bn. camin back were not con back in apanec stricken way. During the rush up hill Doogall had a rifte shot in his hand. some shack knocked it out of his ban & broke it He ton pieked in half somg ap a shooll. Some and kecet was shouting Retire - don't fire on those men - theyre the British & Gurkhas. D. gave him a bangoow Ihead shaght away with the shovel be went down like a store - I does not know if he was lc. or sotup agn 20 When they fineshed they were hobden the 16 Bn. Y with withdsan Docgall was 6 night deere 4 part another 2 00 They weere taken away tt left to remforce 13t Bde tancock pulled Maj PAnzac Stall out. They were them truches with 158 pube Bde- Maj. Irvene &Col. Gnaclaurin were settyr on an expesed socity when D wentap te to find out wathe we to do. They were
near Steeles past settiy on I hell in a most exposed posity casing the telephone Thatme. the message came ap: all the Bde ere relieved They went down cate Shrap Gally & Plant as reforming them Brand, cameslon sod. I aant 100 wd from each Bn of Bod Blle ander an office of capts rank want one who ha steep last night Cn D had had no steep but he cos tone one available Sle
p 22 reported wt man Maj. Fancack to Who as ap fire 3. Bde were The An nollow, & put anle put into JRML5 p and after ca wl one Rnd offr came ap wasked if De knew where ay offis wess was D. Sd a gooddeal- but amougst it was. a bit of a dugand Theres waterproof cheek a it otheres a over ruin in there Cittle The man came up in helmets, blankets, wp steets o t were done wI chuib

You cd not see the 
Ts. It just came from
the scrub. The post 
had been shot out -
abt 3 or 4 men came
back only.
On / top o / ridge the
reinfts (A Coy) lay behind
the bushes - cdnt
attempt to dig [[in?]].
They were under shrapnel
Abt 10 am. the 1st Bn
came up through there
Col. Dobbin ws amongst
them. Strachan of 6 Bn
was there in the afternoon.
The Turks appeared to have
[[?]] in front & brought
machine guns up in the


afternoon - The Turks
whom they saw were all
day creeping about
from bush to bush -
guerilla tactics almost.
Men were being lost all
/ time.
Lt Harjman of B Coy
was standing up beside
Dougall abt 3 pm. wanting
to know where Bn H Q. were
when he was shot dead.
Dougall had told him to
lie down. The fire
seemed to get tremendously
heavy about 3 p.m.
That was when it seemed
to be most intense.
it ws rifle & m.g. fire _
Turks cd see our men when


ever they moved or stood
up. There never seemed
any chance of the line
going back. The men
seemed to be confident
& cheerful - they were
quite enthusiastic - &
Dougall doubts if you
could have pulled
them out of it easily.
They were doing their job
& knew it.
There were carriers
bringing up ammn in 
boxes - there ws never
any shortage. They 
picked up the ammn of
dead or wd men also.


D. had 2 haversacks
full, & was throwing
clips to / men here &
Dougall spoke to
Glasfurd - who ws a
little anxious as to whether
the men cd stand like
regular soldiers. D.
told him "they were
enthusiastic amateurs".
MacL. & Ross were like
a rallying point - Their
example did a great
deal to steady the men
especially as the Bn Commdr
& Adjt behaved in exactly
/ opposite manner - in
fact, were not there.


As it ws darkening
they began to dig in.
There were not too many
of the 9 Bn then - the
Ts. had scattered & wd
&killed a lot. Dougall
ws digging roughly on /
line where they were
during / day. The
Turks made rushes
during / night but
were not seen very close.
Our rifle fire kept them
off. Water came up in
tins during / night -
staff people on / beach
collected odds & ends & 
sent them up. The


whole thing seemed to 
have bn well thought
out & / scheme well
carried out. By /
morning with entrenching
tools they had got quite a
fair [[trench?]].
Monday 26 Things were quieter
on Monday morning.
Abt midday Capt Ross
pulled out the 9 Bn to 
reform in / gully below
bde H.Q.
Abt 4 p.m. Gen. MacLagan
came along - gave the 
9 Bn an objective &
[[let?]] them up in person.


They worked up thro
the scrub onto / top o /
ridge & found the 15 Bn.
too crowded in / trenches.
Some ^of t15 Bn came back as 9
went forward - they 
had probly been ordered
back. They didnt seem
at all panic stricken.
This probly drew a
certain amt of our
own people's fire onto
the 9 Bn. The 9 Bn
did not go beyond /
[[trench?]] where 15 Bn were.
It was very hot on top
- rifle mg. & ^a little shrapnel



The 15 Bn. coming
back were not coming
back in a panic
stricken way.
During the rush up /
hill Dougall had a
rifle shot in his hand - 
shock knocked it out
of his hand & broke it
in half. Some of He then picked
up a shovel. Some
2nd Lieut was shouting
Retire - dont fire on those
men - theyre the British
& Gurkhas. D. gave him
a bang over / head straight 
away with the shovel &
he went down like a
stone - D doesnt know
if he was k. or got up agn.
[*The T.s cd be seen at this time on a ridge sloping up to
/ right post - Lone Pine way.*]

When they finished
they were holding /
[[trench?]] with the 15 Bn.
Dougall was withdrawn
during / night to 
another post with
100 men.
They were taken
away to / left to
reinforce 1st Bde -
Maj. Hancock of Anzac staff pulled
them out. They were
put in trenches with 1st
Bde. Maj. Irvine & Col.
Maclaurin were sitting
in an exposed position
when D. went up to them
to find out what he
ws to do. They were


near Steeles point -
sitting on / hill in a
most exposed position
using the telephone.
That mg. the message
came up: all the 9
bde are relieved.
They went down into
Shrapnel Gully & [[Plant?]]
ws reforming them.
Brand came along
& sd. "I want 100 men
from each Bn of 3rd Bde
under an officer of 
Capt's rank - I
want one who had
a sleep last night".
D. had had no
sleep but he was / only
one available. He


[*Ap. 27*]
reported w / men
to Maj. Hancock.
(who ws up [[near?]] / firing
line). The 3rd Bde were 
put into a hollow, & put into / line in bits almost at once as Hancock wanted.
came up [[?]] after.
One RMLI offr.
came up & asked if
D. knew where the
offrs mess was - 
D. sd a good deal - but
amongst it was:
There's a bit of a dugout
& a waterproof sheet
over it & theres a
little rum in there ...
The men came up
w helmets, blankets,
w.o. sheets - & were
done w / climb.


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