Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
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115 we dontyet know where all these 12 anks have got to. of them are in the German Anes opp. Reenconit - (1 in the wire + one on the End. Y). Ove disappe at a late stage into Ballecourt. There are sd to be 4 other destrozed in whatis properly Nomauslout, & one right away back near Jauln one is near the rle ul. The Germans claim to 9 tanks a destrozed by them inside their lines. This maste enclude, Nomansland. The ferms. destroyed serng by arty fire - & thy state also destroyed them to M. T five veiy steel bullets. I wonder if we have any cutodrd plan aget their tanks. If so, I dont think the crify know anything of it. 40 116 same place, same plan The tanks failed wthrl- so for as I know only 3 of 12 reached the were Iwatchedshol attack - (A) on an tarlen sage in pencil 8 cent from abt 7 It ws our exper &fail on Ap. 15 the ps. made their Experinent - a out atour funs, with Idwns (16 Bus. efnst noners 18) & then p
11 Ap. 21 today I went youn Hermies with Baldwin- & walket back late at night onegd see the stragiel barrage buisting faraway &o N a gost any area. At De 4Bn Hars S. of Doimis they told me to peveing has suddrnly starter shelling the Sunkin Rd Lork East of Boursies, where we had gos &werl to make a gas attack to night A guman plane came over very low down & woked up I place. They think 1 Germs. have sot some informate of it. A the Germant saw to they kaew of the Kinness of our line from a engt mag of MPen. The 11 say no Si we captd -but proby a sargt in /C. of one of thes sn was. 118 admit they also pailed. (ApEIEx Last night,t went for a ferman Dost in D14 centl. We found it we two posts, one held by obt 80 me & they fought ver well; but I believe wc got the place. p22 oon M. Shrenborg (a Russian pacifist) & Tohe Masefield arecom here to be taken voun by me oto see yer 161
19 Budwood. They want to show the pacipst to gern demorratic Anotialan can hate & fight 1 German on principle; Mosefield is writy a history for Brtish Goot, I believe Our officers are at presental anxious Abt Russea. Whenever they ask whit do I think of it. There seem to be 4 goots in Reisia,& the Labour Committees
121 arecertainly trying to make peace with ermany - The Labour & Soldiers atie is agt it.- The Provisional Goot is for fighting to lent. what I Peasants Clee thinks I dont know (if th is a separate boog). But I cant think tI Russian Democray will give up I fight for democracy & make friends with the Teman antocratic Mellary vegine leave alt demosrens of world inwill.
12 Vesite The 11th bn who only sent in their losses yest after I 177 missin had devied the ferman account & said there were only 190msee Ap 23. H. Heary firing the dg. The V11 Corps is attack Mosefeld arrived with Maj. Lytton - atso Ehrenbor & any old friend of the Grand Fleet trip Alexis Atadin. We went woand to see the Hindenk were near Noreuit the Germans patting over a fair amount of steeff-
122 A letter from Grffette to my brother Tack shows the sort of man Griffits is A letter typical of those which all constantly get from the parents especially the motters of boys lost or messin at the pont A letter from an anstialion youngster - te right sort of boy. our recinits edown to ooe a month 20 inst D 123 not far away- One 5.9 dropped abrost onto a little time of depont & cookers - the men just tumbled out, one ir 2 of them - & stord there looking on ar takking - it was a fine exampled the way they take shell fire Masefielt is a quiet most reterny man, not a bit the bluf ratter crude man expected - Thy to a degree. I shdsay. He is writing for the British soot a hestory of the Battle the Somme. He co slight with a sunburnt, goodbotin
124 face & light woustache a regalar cavalry officer type but much quieter. I can see on him, now that I look the very quiet werchant service officer We cd see the battle going on the Ceft. near trois ille - white that is, the deest & shells of it - 5 miles away. did our own Paus were th Hendenk cuttey were were seemed to have almost vanished. At Coops, on getter back, we heard to the
125 Thy made 2000 prisoners 126 On Corps & ther had wade a pod advance & lalev, to they had pintcentre on pashed back be a cattack, 3000 fcomen appearing & not being caughtby the guns. They are to attack ag tonight, &I guus are bucy. our troops are getting rest for wh Berdie asked + prayed - 2 or 3 wks at anyrate. The 1 Dion cs just going cn- after. months out of (fight sence leavin Selonica. The Brilish got roam
127 I. of Havrincourt los night, or yeaty - wh is good so long as they are not beavily cald The prod. Iave raied Dover & Calais - & lost at least 2 destroyers in conflict to our patrols April 24 Tade wess, to do Yen. Birdwood asked me, on fou his mess) m fea white ws taknng to Portal, a young officer of promote to co the 83rd Sgn of acroplames. He said that his Brigade
128 1l. the 3 Sadns of the 5th army) put down 17 an planes yest without losing one; & aloy whole port Birtish planes put down 38 only lost the Isecret is- that our new Sopwith "Pups ere released with the Spovg first fine day They were never allowed to go over (lines before. they sent over an old bust first, to dook an egg on the G.aerodong st one. When (fs. ooke up. & saw her then

we dont yet know where
all these 12 tanks have got to.
2 of them are in the German lines
opp. Riencourt - (1 in the wire &
one on the 2nd. [shorthand]. One disappeared
at a late stage into Bullecourt.
There are sd to be 4 others
destroyed in what is properly
Nomansland, & one right
away back near Jauln
one is near the rly line.
The Germans claim to 9
tanks a destrozed by them
inside their lines. This maste
enclude, Nomansland. The ferms.
destroyed serng by arty fire - & thy
state also destroyed them to
M. T five veiy steel bullets. I
wonder if we have any cutodrd
plan aget their tanks. If so, I
dont think the crify know anything of

same place, same
The tanks failed
wthrl- so for as I
know only 3 of 12
reached the were
attack - (A)
on an tarlen
sage in pencil
8 cent
from abt
It ws our exper
on Ap. 15
the ps. made their
Experinent - a
out atour funs, with
Idwns (16 Bus. efnst
18) & then p


Ap. 21 today I went youn
Hermies with Baldwin-
& walket back late at night
onegd see the stragiel barrage
buisting faraway &o N a gost
any area.
At De 4Bn Hars S. of Doimis
they told me to peveing has
suddrnly starter shelling the
Sunkin Rd Lork East of
Boursies, where we had gos
&werl to make a gas attack
to night A guman plane came
over very low down & woked up
I place. They think 1 Germs. have
sot some informate
of it.

A the Germant saw to they kaew
of the Kinness of our line from a
engt mag of MPen. The 11 say no Si
we captd
-but proby a sargt in /C. of one
of thes

admit they also
Last night,t went
for a ferman Dost in
D14 centl. We found it
we two posts, one
held by obt 80 me
& they fought ver
well; but I believe
wc got the place.
p22 oon
M. Shrenborg (a Russian
pacifist) & Tohe
Masefield arecom
here to be taken voun
by me oto see yer


Budwood. They
want to show the
pacipst to gern
demorratic Anotialan
can hate & fight 1 German
on principle;
Mosefield is writy
a history for
Brtish Goot, I believe
Our officers are
at presental anxious
Abt Russea. Whenever
they ask whit
do I think of it.
There seem to be 4
goots in Reisia,&
the Labour Committees


arecertainly trying
to make peace with
ermany - The
Labour & Soldiers atie
is agt it.- The
Provisional Goot is
for fighting to lent.
what I Peasants Clee
thinks I dont know
(if th is a separate
boog). But I cant think
tI Russian Democray
will give up I fight
for democracy & make
friends with the
Teman antocratic
Mellary vegine
leave alt demosrens
of world inwill.


Vesite The 11th bn who only
sent in their losses yest
after I
177 missin
had devied the ferman
account & said there were
only 190msee
Ap 23. H. Heary firing the
dg. The V11 Corps is attack
Mosefeld arrived
with Maj. Lytton - atso
Ehrenbor & any old friend
of the Grand Fleet trip
Alexis Atadin. We went
woand to see the Hindenk
were near Noreuit
the Germans patting over
a fair amount of steeff-


A letter from Grffette
to my brother Tack
shows the sort of man
Griffits is
A letter typical of
those which all constantly
get from the parents
especially the motters
of boys lost or messin
at the pont
A letter from an anstialion
youngster - te right
sort of boy.
our recinits
edown to
ooe a month

not far away-
5.9 dropped abrost onto
a little time of depont &
cookers - the men
just tumbled out, one ir
2 of them - & stord there looking
on ar takking - it was
a fine exampled the
way they take shell fire
Masefielt is a quiet
most reterny man, not a bit the
bluf ratter crude man
expected - Thy to a degree.
I shdsay. He is writing
for the British soot a
hestory of the Battle
the Somme. He co slight
with a sunburnt, goodbotin


face & light woustache
a regalar cavalry
officer type but much
quieter. I can see on
him, now that I look
the very quiet werchant
service officer
We cd see the
battle going on the Ceft.
near trois ille - white
that is, the deest & shells
of it - 5 miles away.
did our own Paus were
th Hendenk
cuttey were
were seemed to have
almost vanished.
At Coops, on getter
back, we heard to the



Thy made 2000

On Corps & ther had
wade a pod advance
& lalev, to they had
on pashed back be
a cattack, 3000 fcomen
appearing & not being
caughtby the guns.
They are to attack ag
tonight, &I guus are
our troops are getting
rest for wh Berdie asked
+ prayed - 2 or 3 wks at
anyrate. The 1 Dion cs
just going cn- after.
months out of (fight sence
leavin Selonica.
The Brilish got roam


I. of Havrincourt los
night, or yeaty - wh is
good so long as they are
not beavily cald
The prod. Iave raied
Dover & Calais - & lost at
least 2 destroyers in
conflict to our patrols
April 24
Tade wess, to do
Yen. Birdwood asked me, on
fou his mess)
fea white ws taknng to
Portal, a young officer
promote to co
the 83rd Sgn of acroplames.
He said that his Brigade


1l. the 3 Sadns of the 5th
army) put down 17
an planes yest
without losing one; & aloy
whole port Birtish
planes put down 38
only lost
the Isecret is- that
our new Sopwith "Pups
ere released with the
first fine day
They were never allowed
to go over (lines before.
they sent over an old
bust first, to dook
an egg on the G.aerodong
st one. When (fs.
ooke up. & saw her then


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