Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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" 104 swarmed aer them Pope we k. apptt jost after they got out. Te rest were wopped up. Apatrol brought in t. dises of t besides Pope. There were so in the post. Exactly when Lyons was finisher cannot be told - has there at 6an. Poston it retern all exc. one sentry group an 30 a 4.0. under Serft arundel, wh hets on all day. Io came at him. I times tack time he let them come up - got 2 rounds into them & thy decided to leave him
405 A. Gunners who were covering the retreat. 106 alone At night there were stell g. behievd bem so be worked down to the CX. witl his 5 men & brought them alback. In the reght pecquet there were 20d men whom the g. looked after pretty well- sd they'd get a Dr at night. gs cleared at night & man walker The posts got back one by one working bit by bit The Support time WT as loy bo week held to night- patrols went out t brought i
m 40ps 23 H Bn A TE 107
108 ferms had tod. gove. The 30cent. post ws going out night before when the Gs. opposes, ad the offe - so it ws kept at 30c2.2. The further picquets were frther out than H wanted to put tim 20frs. & 89 men lost went in 141 strong 60 of these were missin prob- prisoner
Diary 114 109 On Jan 29 when I wa leaving England, the U.S.A. were considering ferman note Hodatening to sink all ships anywhere. On Apoil 2 (I think it was) when I got was e in England, getting my new typewniter the President of the OSA had just as kno congess for fullpower to make was on fermany. congress had not yet decide as Senator Ra Tollette manager to hold up all proceeding in I senate for a day
110 by a blockin motion The U.S.A. came in - it seemed to me the more readily bec. the Russian people had just revolled deposed the Esar + set up what turns out to be a clemocratie goot. For a timie since rrepoff was dismesse in Kussea we know a Russca was under a reactionen goot, al all our newspapers, Even the Times, alho not
111 sayeny very mach abt it, were clearly very disturbed as to what was happening. It seemed t someof us all wrong that K otobe oda we shd be fighter aget. arbitrary actociate high handed ness in Germany alongside of an autocrity reactioner regime in Russia. Then came Some days on wh there we s. little news from Russis - Noome particularly noticed his as we wer conculiated
112 on the war. until one day there came (by the Paris Duily Wail, I think a whole page of headtines the Czas deposed I goot sehap the at first - & for some days - one was not sure wheher this was a reactiona coup or a demoeriti revolution. Then, to Everyones gleat orhe it turne out to be clearly democratic. The soldi
3 143 had got en of some of their generals, & the saclors of their oftcers were to be admirets called Mr Captain, Mr Lienten -there was no mestaking it On tog our great past at twas startes -- Nember one I suppose 16000 pncovers & nearl to0 gous taken in 2 days. We were the Soutern Flank of it&. cn Ap. 10 we were suddent to cebin behind fermans left at the
114 fanction of the Diocourt Qucant Switth to scoop 15 batteries. The late arrival of tauk on Apb. (I ws there to morning at Dorcey & we heard these reat thangs puffer down at bollon Of Sanken Rd at 15 when they ought to have started at 4.30 from Jumps of place pat this off for a day On Apt1 it came of as white let me know it would - same time.

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