Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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30. 93 thro field glass. L Peler War Lyou (massi ws in C. of Rqnet of Left flank of Coy. surraunded by overwhelinng numbers owing to withdrawal of ton on left he fought till all bowbs & ammn were expender Supports were this movea without mobstation tho plu sacrifice
94 Cg. Oneill The fernars were seen abb Byds away. The poses were taken up obt 10 pm. on night of 14Ap. & were duf i2ofthem (on it) behind ferman were. Further on WtOS a post not behiv arre jewis got in beter. This &others in the worne & rushed the Plu there at dusk. Jerman sexed thise men when captd as a screen. They treed be (morning
95 to get a runner back pom this post & he ws seen to fall o crawl back to it o had be seen t be concentration & posts were warned oy Oerto look out. Te Go. ase as flares in this part. Tbey ed just be seen an half light looking very big Athe daylight the Germs cd be seen digging cronching down behind creet of ridge abt 200 yds away with Snepers heas were shooting ab30 yas Batmen - & others were av crowhing of to the posi
3. 96 allday will ammin Shags (iloth bandoliers) heng over the There were abt Balloons up over ronville at day light. Wayons were goi into Pronville pooll arryin anna (att bam.) Heavies were fot on. S came on in thes part wthout an prehin. boubardment Poobl the fews did not know where the pasts alony Br Do Coys poutege
97 The sentry gronps wh 30yds were in port of were 0 men) rusher back to Pequets (one under Let Hall other under Sergs Cartwright) & sd. here are men move docon there in poubof us? The Picquets were just covering the new dug earth with grass etc. (before daylight this had to be dont). The Germs Jotalmoat to were when & riffes openied up on them – one iw each prequet Therewereas joms or stoppages
98 Opp. D Coy a good 300 gs. attd. Abt 60 bodies were left there. The Go. shelled its left with why bangs & 4.2 Lt Daniels 1t on left of Dloy & on rt of 1213n. Pope we ane Ex- Buitish wanay offr Navy mong. He w a warried man. He had settled in Perth. These were - one of them get right unto the trench we shot (4 Bn also speak of Lovery brave fermans
99 who g came out - (at 2 different times) - & bomber. one as reddled t bullets the other ggot clear tho' shot at all 1 way 12 Bo had a sergt who bombed a ferman my wh the gs were tryin to put ap on oneof roads, before it co be got into Action.) The Germans opposite. 1Bn were poob. 30d guard Dwn - were by men & equepped with everything new - quite
100 Rep says Dwn & Bdle were sathed readyto 101 foesh troops. A Coy. Barroge soude like a fero time (to right & behind into Lonverval). Coy H stood to Hrond rifhe fire at 415 Some of C. Coy passed &told Hemmpe ss. had broken thro. Then they saw them from A Coy H.C who came agst Popy Gerns came out of Mocuores pt Popes & dyons posts still holding when 100 of evemy had got uto D29a3.4 The jerms Lad a good poaite there. So
102 Henengway C. altd. kept German's heads down with L.G. from rt. of Coy HQ & gotwen out to attack on left. out. Gernsatonie Drove many sara got up H clea just after this ferm plane came over at att 200 - very bw. M. & liftes tries for him but Edalget him Jerns went back to abt C Coys old positn Lyons & Pope were both still going - rifle penades wills bombs cd be seen pig to postedal be seen.
askay for men I am ofhem 103 Obt 6.30 the ferms were deggy in at S0 cell. almost behin Pope. Pope got a messeger back down the creek I tris to get tese back to him - but direct Iswere too thick in rear A6t 6.70 - firmy wt had be going on suddenly Stopper & H. saw whole past jump up like one man ont the t surface & charge down on ferms. comcry out of head of moeuore rd. They cd be seen othei bayonels a a 1 ferms- the ferms

thro field glass.
L Peter [War?] Lyon (missing)
ws in C. of Right  of Left
flank of Coy. surrounded
by overwhelming numbers
owing to withdrawal of Coy
on left he fought till
all bowbs & ammn
were expended.
Supports were thus
moved without mobstation
tho plu sacrificed


Db Coy. Oneill.
The Germans were seen
abt 50yds away- The
posis were taken up obt
10 pm. on night of 14 Ap.
& were dug in, 2 of them
(on rt) behind German
line. Further on ntos
a post not behind wire
-Germans got in better. This
& others in the morning
& rushed the Plu there
at dusk. Germans
used these men when
captd as a screen.
They  for had tried in / morning


to get a runner back
from this post & he ws
seen to fall & crawl
back to it.
G had bn seen to
be concentrating / posts
were warned oy ONeil to
look out.
The G. used no flares
in this part. They cd just
be seen an half light,
looking very big.
After daylight the Germs
cd be seen digging crouching
down behind crest of
ridge abt 200 yds away with
Snipers near wire  shooting abt 30
yds away
Batmen - & others were 
crawling up to the post 


all day with ammun
Strips (cloth bandoliers)
heavy over them
There were abt 7
G. Balloons up over
Pronville at day light-
Wagons were going into
Pronville prolly carrying
ammun (att 6am.)
Heavies were got on.
Gs came on in
this part without any
prelim. bombardment
Probly the Germs did not
know where the posts
along B & D Coys frontage


The sentry groups wh
were ^ 30yds in from o / wire

( NCO & 3 men) rushed
back to Picquets (one under
Lient Hall,  other under
Sergt Cartwright) & sd.
"There are men moving
down there in front of
us?"  The Picquets were
just covering the new
dug earth with grass
etc. (before daylight this
had to be done). The
Germs got almost  to /
wire when & riffes
opened up on them – (one
w each picquet)
There were as jams or


Opp. D Coy a good 300 yds
attd. Abt 60 bodies
were left there. The Gs.
shelled its left with
whiz bangs & 4.2
Lt Daniels is on left
of DCoy & on rt of 12Bn.
Pope ws all Ex- British
Navy man ^ a warrant offcr- he was a
married man. He had
settled in Perth.


These men - one of them got
right into the trench &
ws shot (4 Bn also speak
of 2 very brave Germans


who g came out - (at
2 different times) - & bombed.
one ws riddled w bullets -
the other got clear tho' shot
at all / way.)
12 Bn had a sergt who
bombed a German [?]
wh the Gs were trying
to put up on one o /
roads, before it cd be
got into action.)
The Germans opposite.
11Bn were prob. 3rd
guard Dvn - were big
men & equipped with
everything new - quite



Rep says
Dvn & Bde
were saved
ready to go

fresh troops.
A Coy. Barrage sounded 
like a zero time (to right
& behind into Louverval).
Coy H .Q. stood to
Heard rifle fire att 4.15
Some of C. Coy passed
& told Hemmingway Gs. had
broken thro. Then they saw
them from A Coy H.Q
Germs ^ (who came agst Pope ) came out of
Popes & Lyons posts
still holding when 100
of enemy had put into
D29  a 3.4 The
Germs had a good
position there. So


Hemmingway C. altd.
kept German's heads
down with L.G. from rt
of Coy HQ & got men
out to attack on left.
Drove Germs out. Germs at once 

got up to clear - many surrendered 
just after this Germ
plane came over at alt
200 - very low. m.g.
& rifles tried for him but
cdnt get him
Germs went back to
abt C Coys old positn
Lyons & Pope were
both still going - rifle
grenades & mills bombs
cd be seen going tho
post cdnt be seen.


? ^ asking for more
of ammun.

Abt 6.30 the Germs
were digging in at 30
centl almost behind
Pope. Pope got a messenger
back down the creek - 
^ asking for more
of ammun.
H tried to get these
back to him - but
Gs were too thick in direct rear
of him . Abt 6.30 - firing wh
had be going on suddenly
Stopped & H. saw
whole past jump up
like one man onto the
but surface & charge
down on Germs. coming
out of head of Moeuvres 
 rd. They cd be seen
using thin bayonets on 

/ Germs- the Germs


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