Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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82 round another post & surrounded come of te groups - wh were captd. 2 posts of O Each were scuppered an his fight - One ws seen to fight it out. This font ao heavily shelled tib 2p Nght of 14/11. went out & Ce re-establishe its posts on 14th i tn daylih This consed a good dead of shelling. On this wg live was as dotted on map
33 Each cos shd have. posts with one plu. in close support. (Ti aonot I case in all coys.) At 11pn - 14t 2 Coy from 10Bn were allotten to 1D. One wo placed in Lauba Ed thro D28C coy as petaddposst 4 coy (et) & kat at B29.C. p.2 desposal of CCoy (antre at D2GAX4 to) at ob I am intense barrage pat by ps. on picquetling,
84 as far as Lonverval & beyond. Hle in Lomeral. Barragh Csted to mans, shells coming from flanks? front DCoy (left) reporte by telephon Evewy attackig, Aloy (it) than ene attack we suspected the barrage wt adst field gun with bead stuff in back area. Thes ws sortly after conferme by wire. A little time after ACo. reportes to eveny had broken tro C. Cy. an loged iold himself in commandin Coy.
35 final (support) positi & ever ws still advance how direction of D22D centl 0 at once sent forw another E Coy t ACoc from reserve in Sunkin rd. in 286. They wat up valler to A Coy (it ws light before bytw this fatters abfot - Hemmyn hat some men falleer back from C, the 10Bn 1/boy, & his H Coy support & they advanced straght into the termans + the jervans in 17 ran. Ileft in this H post
86 trench. The fermssan back to their own people on Leights in 23.C The right post of oight coy fell back to 29D50 under beavy nambers. Before this they had just seen the centro post (under It Pope) surrounded by1 evemy charge forwod wt bayonet into the germans. Pope's bod L Charles Pope) has since been found. There are 80 dead fermans post. This aroun
defence undoubted helped to give time to reorgonese. Te left post of A Lieut Lyon, was Coy, 1solatel after the left bad been wopped up (C. Co. This gave his boy comver time to organise be suppest tine. Lyon plu were lost in this some way have been cepld. This post bad 200 G. dead around asked for it. (The arty ws ir abt 5.20 a port of D boy The fermans cd be seen thickly b 23D. deging in just svered
88 The 11 Bn's pront time us abt $900 yds boy. live 3900 Ito final 9 by crest. The frontlives tod waver & then in rear were digging all time. A heavy barrage ws never obtained on these tho there ws arty on it possible the foulage ws too by fer 1 arty. O.C. C. Coywxat onattely Bn H.Q. reportin on posts when attack Hewskept wroke on C. Cos ofane recfts there $ y had fallen onto a line thoo D29DS.O to D2GAO0 The fapon 1 left of them wd covrred be Wickers gans & 1/½ loys of 10 Bn, (the 3rr cory
90 having and at I.3oam Bloy Ox 5 till in its original posite in 21D 28.A I boy on left held their posite the left at one time wch exposed tho D 12 B havin to withdsaw, were an pont of post they had place posts just behind of ferme wire) saved them. Jerms, drew-f to ridge 200 Eds away & dugen all thro' day Of flank posite wh shelled
91 The rt pln of D loy wh held was cut off by Jermans at abt D21B5.4. te geroans attacking at dusk on Ap. 15 Off &22 men - these ranoot ofammn. after putting up a good fight loy amixed up with A 2loys of 2 Bn were but to LO. 11Bn arriving during alore at dusk one coy Bu ws putinto the central gap.
4 92 H Charbs tope wo in comed of most forward peepleet of his coy. (ACoy abt 5am. amensage arrived from him I am bowling over Eneue like nevepins. Send the renfts & ammn It ws impossible todo this as his post ws then surrowded He held his post for (he after this lett Annuu cos apptly expended; then, with his plation - only 20 stroy, - he charged abt 3o of enemy & was K. His Capt. R. Henngwan himself watched this

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