Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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413. 73 steel belieet in the head in 2 places - penetraten into I skeell - He reposed to leave his wosk mentin lines until after I fight we over. The 48t Came back - Kunners w guns over shoulders Done Serft Stander & eoanding them up at a walk as if Com n fov a football watch They were shot to ribbous before attack - but not a
74 marmar nota man shifted - When d as go t were ap in an instant & forward. at a qeck step. In trench they day firesteges c w Ove a1 dajoned tce gey round the cornce in bombe downY mett a big feman comnng rou Itraverse. German seczed I bayovet wrenches rift away. Aushchan also a big man
75 went fo him a his fists Off coming behieve shot cern. w hit revolow - Germ. let go Mal rogds & ten dropped dead. Our hogis frrim from shell hores in font covenn consoledatio shot at parties of Geren in front - One pl wd coming down a sanken road packed knocked helaets of then in
3. 76 all directus Ths gunner ws L. Australu G brought out his gun. Leanes brother we K. Nephew wd &messay Capt Fairley, fater sua of Mrs Taylor of Kaloortis Leanes Sister - Eye knocked out Wo one k. Of leaves till this year. Ibew AWr. Leave of 28BM & Cpl. W.
177 Soas 9AE.) of 27 Bn &. heane on Nov. at Hers in attack GLeane in 32nd but latel Severely (Son of AE. E.T.LE son groffon in 2nd Dun Coiph is abright. haved 2 covsig, short in 57Bn & 1O Bn both k. this year - both Pivates
178 My Raferty is commntt. the His account of where oct wi does not quite tetly with ABo. pat of boy A. hp 8 6 te only to nene Coy 1 pt 20 D pore 30t el ity b se C Re p W C at 8 t 28 fert 36 I I c W do pot 3 79 11 Bn. (Lagnaco. Jyh Wight of 13/14 Ap. 1917 mnove forwd cent. D22 Cnt. to be esab. 72D2Scg 54/ 2p E9 2 3042.8 fr 10 2A.1.2 2 move AAAO-HSLN DeA 6 toy tentre from Dee Cent. t D 233 Coull
178 My Raferty is committ. the His account of whele in does not quill tatly with (Ba. wst an hpp pat of loy t. 86 te ory bo men 6oy 11 55 20 CCoy 230ts feer. see D 0C firty bs wo Ra W ot p fer OC It Cr t 5 fr not 3 79 11 Bn. (Lagnicl. Jy Wight of 13/14 Ap. 1917 11Bn ordered to mave forwd & take up D3ocent. p23C. 9.6. D22 Cnt. D21 A28 Pay posts to be esab O3o cent D2337.2/ DeScG D23 B2.0/D 4B5x/ & night posts at D30AE.S. 723.6 1.8/D22A.1.2 Sapport line to move forwd to conscept. ICoyhet from D21 A28 to D22 cent Cloy Cantre from De2 Cent. t D 233 Coull
33 14 INTER-OFFICE MINUTE. Jub Benolt ulte all 53 Bn 4 Lefut 2100 hen after of orders 20 1ote 76mp. 1st87 Di 2HTR 1 Bett litter Flw. Iwer How 2ye Prun FG
2 2143 Allack o/ 28, 9,17.05 intended to take the 3 theie We weare now being gated de ws dated Iwar last night Bn1 3 3 o0
here is some question arte there boutt occurred. Nothin ws heard to lef 4 81 Hcoyrt from D23D cent. to D30 Cent. Bcoy to remain Dr7BSg to D28A58 Tis as done on night of 13/14 on morning Apt4 the evening attd. abt 9 am. & cleared up psts of the cent company He bomborded small sutry posts seem to have been put in instead of picquet posts The germs. foman unobserved t abt 120 yds away befo bombarder one post with rifte grenades & blew out the L.G e worker

steel helmet in
the head in 2
places - penetrated
into / skull - He refused to leave
his work mending
/ lines until
after / fight ws over.
The 48th came
back - L.Gunners w
guns over shoulders
- one sergt standing
& rounding them up
- at a walk as if
coming from a football 
They were shot
to ribbons before /
attack - but not a


murmur - not a
man shifted - when
wd ws gn they
were up in an
instant & forward,
at a quick step.
In trench
they dug firesteps
& manned .
One o / bayonet
men going round the
corner in bombing
down [[shorthand]] met a big
German coming round
/ traverse. German
seized / bayonet & 
wrenched rifle 
away. Australian
also a big man


went for him
w his fists.
Offr coming [[?]]
shot Germ. w his
revolver - Germ.
let go - ran 
20 yds & then
dropped dead.

Our L.G.s firing
from shell holes in
front covering
consoligation shot
at parties of germs
in front - one pty
ws coming down a
sunken road packed
- L.G knocked
helmets off them in


all directions.
(This gunner ws
a S. Australian &
brought out his gun.
Leanes brother ws
k. Nephew wd
& missing.
Capt Fairley, foster
sun of Mrs Taylor
of Kalgoorlie -
Leanes sister - eye
knocked out)
No one k. of Leanes
till this year.
Then A.W. Leane
of 28 Bn; Cpl. W.


Leane ^(sons of A.E.) of 27 Bn k,
in Nov. at Flers in 
attack; G. Leane
in 32nd hit lately
severely (son of AE.)
E.T.L's son Geoffrey
in 2nd Divn Corpl. is 
2 Cousins ^named Short
in 57 Bn & 10 Bn both
k. this year - both





Maj. Rafferty is commandg. the
11 Bn. His account of where
happpen posts were does not quite tally with
that of Coy offrs.
B Coy had only 60 men.
D Coy 110.
C Coy 115 - 120.
A Coy 
[Rafferty had been a grand old fighter,
but is rather thick & slow}.
B Coys posts were 3 posts
as marked by its O.C.
on map, not as Maj.
Rafferty gives it -
This resulted in shelling 
coming in B Coys rear
sometimes. C Coy ws out
of touch with them & in 
front of them - & they
dont know what 
happened to it.

11 Bn ([[?]] [[?]])
Night of 13/14 Ap. 1917
11 Bn ordered to move forwd
& take up D 30 cent.
D 23 c.9.6. D 22 Cent
D 21 A 28.
Day posts to be estab.
D 30 cent. D 23 D 7.2 / D 23 c9.6
D 23 B 2.0/ D 11 B 5.4/ &
night posts at D 30 A 2.8,
D 23.c.1.8/ D 22 A.1.2/
Support line to move
forwd to concept.
.. D Coy Left from D 21 A 28
to D 22 cent.
C Coy Centre from D 22 Cent.
to D 223 D centt.


[[?]] Policeman
Benoit H.Q Bulte.
alt. 53 [[?]]
4 Lieuts
12 N C Os
50 men after [[?]]

1st & 7 Div got 76 mgs.
3 HTM  1 [[?]]
1 YEW  1 10 cm How
2 Grw
2 [[?]] 1 77mm A G
1 [[?]]


Attack of 25.9.17 ws
intended to take the
Wilhelm Line
We are now being
14 bde ws c/attd
last night in Zwarts
5 8 Bn | 3 B78



There is some question
as to whether bombt
occurred. Nothing ws
heard to left

A Coy from D 23 D
cent. to D 30 cent.
B Coy to remain
D27 B5.9 to D 28 A 58
This ws done on 
night of 13/14.
On morning of
Ap 14 the Enemy att d
abt 9 a.m. & cleaned up
2 posts of the Centre
Company. He bombarded
small sentry posts seem
to have been put in
instead of picquet posts.
The Germs. from an observed
[[trench?]] abt 120 yds away before
bombarded one post with
rifle grenades & blew out
the L.G They [[worked?]]


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