Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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604 he hopt on one le 23 61 decided toretu at 12.25. The Ofrs remained with a few Selected me to over I retreat Of revainder. apt and I (ant offs) ene Lient Walson shot getting back from Watson ws shot in the Spine crawled 800 yds ws picked up by the carrcers. He ws Paralyseoin both bps it will take 2 yrs for the nerves to grow beside spive. The mencame
62 back in perfect ader carryay L.G0 Voluateers were allw for awapt returned men - to brin on tod. They were suiped at all after. -all the time but tey pecket up a god man wd. I bearers were wounded for certain - bullet wounds. They picked up Watton The Bn went in as full Strength. The night before the be had been out & was barraged getting back. Had had no slee X
1 63 before. 2 nights night steepless before pracd. fight - then night of On night of fight 114 marched to Beefvilly acriving G. crn. left there Spm. to catch train suppd to leave Bap. at 4. I lefter They extraine at train effat 11 Preacded alert at 7 next mornung 12 They marched to Crucifix Camp at Incourt & marche into Camp singin posses, 15 offrs. 421 or (CK. 6m. & 5 to Hosp.).
364 The officers at last watched the blocks & the cnt useful commn 2 Tro 2304.0 The M.J. fire on the 48 trenches as from Rien court & Bullecourt hoases. Col. Leeve got a serep of shell wh cut i batout his shert. ege of wtil off & the harson off 2 batmen assisting at dismp were bit by same shell. HQrs. Ds behend a 4 foot bank - 0
413 65 dugont at all taat back of rly sulante ft high. LAs walking to telephone when hit Hecdwatch te Mow Sou where he was, as far as the were, the Bullecourt from wh the signalliy officer was 5 upw thro eye. at Same time as the shell burst Maj. Leave 2uc. ws kelled at BnHD on wornn ofAp10.
66 3 just before fight ws to begin at 94.30 t ashel direct. E others were k by same shelling barrage stelling on rl tive. The 48Bn ws seen lying out on worning of Ap. 10 barrege ws opened ch chased them all the vay back ten reterid in art foration with by intervals & by distance Obt 5-30
67 Thes us the Eyellow streamers it went 4 The 43 Bn never saw a tank after the advance they were sneped from Bubecourt all I way back. Th knew I way tro. the were by the At 11.15 Col. L. wored Bdr Bott 4th &12 BD are retunn. We hold this line (rly hin) but you
3168 He also wd natural not order them to come back bee be thought the were coming back. 69 masb assest well arty barrage. Our asuclties arev. heavy. (He wired what he saw; be dednot know H048Ba ws slill an 128 pX 123 Te 48 tn were forced to retirn at 12.25 exactty (ho & 10m after 46Bn on left & & Bde on it return we were forced to retire on ap of our own Leavy bombl, time & kine apn the Boche Calld after B reti math seem on
70 n barrage upon then the Per fought its way out of live bernyi & Go while beavy enev rift & arty fire were brought to bear on them. This wd sent at 12.30 L. had had the 12.15 message by then). He had shove to BDs + forward also right into fot time most of the time The signaller
177 To 2 w s I. Go. were sevred out My se Nowm wt le Co o Cpt attat Hetmnante An 173 vlew up his telephon wa Mills-boub when Germans came into the 2yt got in Safely Scotchyian Rafferty One egt on return saw 45 of. jast outside were. He loy by him al don &brought him in at oight he Masters 4oBacos te wod off. Rafferty is being yuu commission One boy Sapl William woods wss bit w shell fire thro 1

L. hopping 
on one leg

L. decided to retire

at 12.25. The
Offrs remained with
a few selected men
to cover / retreat

o / remainder.
Capt Leane &
Lieut Watson (lieut offr) were
shot getting back from
/ trench. Watson ws
shot on the spine -
crawled 800 yds,
ws picked up by the

carriers - he ws
paralysed in both legs
-it will take 2 yrs for

the nerves to grow
beside spine. 

The men came


back in perfect
order carrying  L.Go
- vol
Volunteers were called
for amongst returned
men - to bring in wd.
They were sniped at
all aftn. -all the time
- but they picked
up a good many wd.
3 bearers were wounded
for certain - bullet
wounds. They picked up
The Bn went in at full
[The night before the
bn had been out & was
barraged getting back.
Had had no sleep



night before. 2 nights
pract. sleepless before
fight - then night of
fight - the night of
11th marched to Biefvillers
arriving 4. am. Entra
Left there 3 p.m. to
catch train support to
leave Bap. at 4.
It left a The entrained
at 8. Train left at
11 & reached Albert
at 7 next morning 12th.
They marched to
Crucifix camp at

Fricourt & marched
into Camp singing !
Losses, 15 offrs. 421 or.
(4k. 6m. & 5 to Hosp!)



The officers at last
watched the blocks & the
only useful commn
trench thro 23c 4.0

The on the
48 trenches ws from
Riencourt & Bullecourt
Col. Leane got a
scrap of shell wh cut
his shirt - it took out
eye of intell. offr.
& the Liason offr &
2 batmen assisting at
dump were hit
by same shell.-
H Qrs. ws behind a
4 foot bank - no


dugout at all
-just back of rly embankt
4 ft high. L ws walking 
to telephone when hit.

He cd watch the show
from where he was, as
far as the wire, &
the Bullecourt trench
from wh the Sig
signalling officer was
sniped thro eye.
at same time as the
shell burst
Maj. Leane 2 in C.
ws killed at Bn H.Q.
on very morning of Ap 10.


just before fight
ws to begin at 9 4.30
He ws hit by a shell
direct. 4 others were

k by same shelling
-barrage shelling
on rly line.
The 48 Bn ws

seen lying out on
morning of Ap. 10
-barrage ws opened
wh chased them all,
the very back.
Men retired in arty
formation with big
intervals & big distance
abt 5.30



(This ws the 2 yellow
streamers tt went 
The 48 bn never

saw a tank after
the advance.
They were sniped
from Bullecourt all
/ way back. They
knew / way thro 
the wire by then,

AT 11.15 Col. L. wired Bde

: Both 4th & 12 Bde
are retiring. We hold
this line (rly line) but you



X He also wd naturally
not order them to come
back bec he thought they
were  coming back.


must assist with 

arty barrage. Our
casualties are v,
heavy (He wired what he saw ;
he did not know tt 48 Bn ws still
in / trench)x
12.30 The 48 Bn
were forced to retire
at 12.25 exactly
1 hr & 10 mins after

46 Bn on left &
4 Bde on rt retired.
We were forced to
retire on a/c of our
own heavy bombt.
Time & Time agn the
Boche c- attd after
46 Bn retired.
Finally seeing our



own barrage upon
them the Bn fought
its way out o /
line Giving way in
L Gs while heavy
enemy rifles &
arty fire were
brought to bear
on them . This
ws sent at 12.30
(L. had had the 12.15
message by then).

He had phone to Bde
& forward also
right into front line
most of the time.
The signallers



5 L.Gs .were 
carried out
many were

blown up.
in other cases
whole crews 

went &
In 2 cases a new gun
ws made out of
parts of 3 guns


Cpl Albert Fred k Franke blew up
his telephone w a
Mills bomb when / Germans
came into the trench & got in

One Scotchman Sergt Rafferty on retiring
saw 46 offr. just
outside wire. he
lay by wire all day
& brought him in
at night (Lt Masters
46 Bn ws the wd offr.)
Rafferty is being gn
a commission
One boy L/ cpl William
Woods ws shot hit
w shell fire thro ' his


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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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