Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/75/1 - March - April 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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51 a rf. WS firvy from Bullecout upon the raihoa levet bossoy cane aske ol L him to fire on this arso (300 6pdes tank dis this & it ceased fire tank went att Gooyds in cirect instructed then returned The German barrag v heavyat aae the
52 get appeared to a direct hit on the tank abt So yds from H.G. They left the tank ran over to the rl track. One man appeared to be stgll wod. The Sergt. (o ico on being asked by wh he had lef lank sd they had fot. a direct bit. Leave asked if it were possible to drive the tank awo 7 He d yes he thought
53 it was. But he declired to return & wenton to rear. abt 1/ hr later it caught on fire & is srob. there still There were a lot were there & the rank we a most cnconvenient neighbours That we the own direct dealoy a had with an X tank. The L.G. wh beat the attack we feri from a shell hole in
54 front. Att 9 a.m. L. sent up Lient, watson his intellegence off to find out the position. The ranners were Sev. of them lost) & give map reprences etc. He got thro & reported (his brother wo dead on (pout 2) tt enevly, apparent a votation stron ee a vancin from Hendecourt. asked for arty assistance from Bde asb li them to Leare Sunben Rds tede
Ple 55 up to position from Lienct & Hendect. The gars opened fire (Fare reported by losps on lep to have be effective In the trech there were constant Comben attacks & a Tapt. Thee coat be reached to bouch or LG. as wvisible. man raund Aam Bodward uped up arr No 1842 on parspet, went down on hands & knews & letthe G. fire over his back
56 The L. Ganner ws K. but carr escaped This we to get Ebevation to Eeach SunbenRd. They geot into the Germans & drove of the atak aga. This ws pust after Ga The 46Bn were being bombed from right Severald/ 40 went in & helser to drive & Cathed back ou tim tell retirement o46 Bn there were constut forts by Gerna
57 get into E but thay failed each time. ach man wentul this attack to 4 bombr Eachbomblr carrie a backet of bouils. The forwart dump ofat Bn H on rty, & supplies were send Garrying parties who has pass tho art barrage & smipers from Bullecourt. Tey to st prett heavih but the Carcel splie
58 of through Dr Smlay went by in/c of on carrying pt & Lieut. meazies took 2 to the were & sent the ont rebr The 48Bn wsall right for boubs All the very end when were sent hone forwd. [o carry pty had arrive from Bde at 11.30 of47Bn. but the were adt alld to go on BCol. L
3 59 The 46 Bn were adacked & came out at 11.15. A man of 47Bn aone coyof wh ws helpig 46Bn when retirement took place, saw I reternned had placed 48 in a bopl posssion Dunnell te Pte Henbert Lenks Dunnelt 46348 47Bn did this nhis own cnlitiation reportes to Capt Leave. Capt. heave organise bombe parties. 1 retook Estab blocks
reach the 48 60 again on the flanks. He then beld the 2 1st & End objic. 5 wit 48 Bn. If omessayt w Sent this it did not retirn. They teld the 22 tel abt 1200. The Supp of Combs ws my short ree is woer Dressay on both Flanks. I decided to fall back & hold the one to oal He we driven from the German E our own barrage by

ws a m.g.
firing from Bullecourt
upon the railway
level crossing.
Col Leane asked
him to fire on this
also - (3 or 4.6 pdrs)
Tank did this & it
ceased firing.
Tank went
abt 400 yds in
directn instructed
& then returned.
The German barrage
ws v. heavy at
this time & they


appeared to get
a direct hit on
the tank abt 30
yds from tt -Q-
They left the tank
& ran over to the rly
track. One man 
appeared to be slightly
wd. The Sergt. (or m.c.o)
on being asked by L.
why he had left the
tank sd they had got

a direct hit. Leane
asked if it were
possible to drive
the tank away. He
sd yes he thought



it was. But he
decided to return
& went on to rear.
Abt ½hr later it
caught on fire & is
prob. there still.
There were a lot
of men there & the
tank ws a most
inconvenient neighbour.
That ws the only
direct dealing tt
L. had with any
The L.G. wh beat
the attack ws firing
from a shell hole in


Abt 9 a.m. L. sent
up Lient. Watson his
intellegence offr. to find
out the position.
(The runners were sev.
of them lost) & give
map refernces etc.
He got thro' & reported
(his brother ws dead
in / front trench) tt /
enemy, apparently
a battalion strong,
were advancing from
Hendecourt. L.
asked for arty assistance
from Bde & asked 
them to search the
Sunken Rds leading



up to position from
Rienct & Hendect.
The guns opened
fire (& are reported
by Corps on left to
have bn effective).
In the trench there
were constant
bombing attacks &
a T.M.. This cdnt
be reached w bombs
or LG. as invisible.
A man named
Pte William Bosward Carr jumped up
on parapet, went
down on hands
& knees & let the
L.G. fire over his back.


The L. Ganner ws k.
but Carr escaped.
This ws to get elevation
to reach Sunken Rd.
They got into the Germans
& drove off the attack
agn. This ws
just after 9 a.m.
The 46 Bn were
being bombed from right
Several of  45 Bn
went in & helped
to drive Capt c. attack
From then till
retirement of 46 Bn
there were constant
efforts by Germans


get into trench but
thay failed each time.
Each man went into
this attack w 4 bombs
& each bomber carried
a bucket of bombs.
The forward dump
ws at Bn H.Q.
on  rly, & supplies
were sent by
carrying parties
-who had to
pass thro arty
barrage & snipers
from Bullecourt.
They lost pretty
heavily but these
supplies largely


got through.
Lt Imlay went
up in /c of one
carrying pty & Lieut
Menzies took 2
to the wire & sent them
on to / trench & returned.
The 45 Bn ws all
right for bombs till
the very end when
none were sent
forwd. [ a carrying 
pty had arrived
from Bde at 11.30
of 47 Bn. but they
were not alld to
come go on by Col. L].


The 46 Bn were
attacked & came
out at 11.15.
A amn of 47 Bn
ws (one coy of wh ws
helping 46 Bn)
when retirement took
place, saw / retirement
had placed 46 in a hopeless
(Pte Dunnett.
Pte Herbert Lenks
Dunnett 4634 of
47 Bn did this
on his own initiative.
reported to Capt Leane. Capt.
Leane organised
bombg parties,
retook / trench & estab blocks



 ? reach the

again on the flanks.
He then held the 2
trench, 1st & 2nd objve.
with 48 Bn. If
any message ws
sent thro it did not
retire. They held
the 2 trench till abt
12 o'c. The supply
of bombs ws
running short
Germs were
pressing on both
flanks, L. decided
to fall back & hold
the one trench only -
He ws driven
from the German trench
by our own barrage



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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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